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April 28, 1964 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1964-04-28

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Regents Approve New Appointments

The following appointments
re made by the Regents at their
ril meeting:
Jerald G. Bachman was ap-
inted assistant professor of
;her education, effective March
Bernard A. Berofsky was ap-
inted assistant professor of
Ilosophy effective August, 1964.
Wallace J. Bonk was appoint-
chairman of the library sci-
ce department' effective July
1964, sulcceeding!,R. H. iGels-
ss, who will begin his retire-
nt furlough at that time. -
Donald R. Brown was appoint-
professor of psychology and
earch psychologist, Center for
search on Learning and Teach-
r, effective July 1, 1964.
Andrew D. Carr was appointed
iting associate professor of
emical engineering for the Uni-
rsity year 1964-65.
William T. Carter, Jr. was ap-
inted assistant professor of art,
ective with the academic year
Dr. Peter Chodoff was appoint-
assistant professor of anethesi-
gy, effective April 13, 1964.
Rane L. Curl was appointed as-
ciate 'professor of chemical en-
veering, effective with the aca-
mic year 1964-65."
James W. Daily was appointed
ofessor and chairman of the de-
rtment of engineering mechan-
, effective with the academic
ar 1964-65. He is currently pro-
ssor of civil engineering at the
assachusetts Institute of Tech-
'logy and he has been on the
culty there since 1946.

Arthur S. Dunning was appoint-
ed professor of education and of
English, effective August, 1964.
Hans J. Fabian was appointed
assistant professor of German, ef-
fective August, 1964 He is now an
assistant professor and librarian
of the Foreign Languages Library
at Ohio State.
Dr. John R. G. Gosling, asso-
ciate professor of obstetrics and
gynecology was also appointed as-
sistant dean of the Medical School,'
effective April 1, 1964. '
Raymond Grew was appointed
associate professor of history, ef-
fective August, 1964. Since 1961
he has held the Rollins bicenten-
nial preceptorship at Princeton
University. He has been on the
faculty there since 1958.
Yoshio Iwamoto was appointed
assistant professor of Japanese, ef-
fective August, 1964. He spent two
years in Japan as a Ford Founda-
tion Area Fellow.
Victor Nobuo Kobayashi was ap-
pointed assistant professor of edt-.
cation, effective August, 1964. H
is a teaching fellow at the Uni-
versity now.
David H. Krantz was appoint-
ed assistant professor of psychol-
ogy, effective August, 1964. He is
now an instructor at the Univer-
sity of Pennsylvania.
Alan D. Krisch was appointed
assistant professor of physics, ef-
fective August, 1964. He is an in-
structor at Cornell University.
Robert B. MacLeod was appoint-
ed visiting honors professor, ef-
fective August, 1964. He has serv-
ed as professor and chairman of

the department of psychology at
Cornell University since 1948. He
was a visiting professor at Michi-
gan during the fall semester of
Richard D. Mann was appointed
associate professor of psychology,
effective August, 1964. He is an
assistant professor at Harvard.
Melvin G. Marcus was appoint-
ed assistant professor of geogra-
phy. He is now an assistant pro-
fessor of geography at Rutgers,
the State University.
Miles K. McElrath was appoint-
ed visiting assistant professor of
Japanese, effective August, 1964.
tie has been an assistant profes-
sor of Japanese at the Univer-
sity of Hawaii since 1959\
Henry N. Pollack was appointed
assistant professor of geology and
associate research geophysicist, ef-
fective August, 1964. He is now a
research fellow at Harvard Uni-
Dennis F. Reinmuth was ap-
pointed assistant professor of in-
surance, effective with the aca-
demic year 1964-65. He was an as-
sistant professor of insurance at
the University of North Dakota
from 1960 to 1962.
Dr. Jurriaan ten Doesschate was
appointed Netherlands visiting
professor. of opthalmology, effec-
tive with the academic year 1964-
65. He has been professor of op-
thalmology at Utrecht and medical
director of the Royal Dutch Eye
Jack L. Walker, Jr. was appoint-
ed assistant professor of political
science, effective August, 1964. He

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