_.'' U :PAGE IVE~ -a -.",.- , I - 'H PERSONAL JEAN NATE' COTY MAX FACTOR DANA' CORDAY You will find these and many more at: THE VILLAGE APOTHECARY 1112 S. University Ave. F16 THANKS TO: Sara, Bob, Carol, Steve, Carol, Scotty, Susan, John, Jack, Pat, Fred, Jim, Bob, Wendy, Danny, Shelly, Avis Sue, Bruce, Bob Richard, Alice Dave, Joyce, John, Roslyn, and Jack for a job very well done-Tubey. (The preceeding message executed ac- cording to his will. F15 TRANSPORTATION NEEDED - Two rides to New York City. One for May 23-24; one for May 29-30-31. Will share driving and expenses. Call 5-0217 after 5:30 (p.m.) and ask for either G.P.L. or Margie Brahms. Notice, Susan Craw, that this personal is now on a yellow slip ALSO!! . Fl GROUP FLIGHT to Europe, July 14. 30-day stay. $403. 3-5718. F7 ANYONE wishing to sell a twin cylinder B.M.W. in good shape contact Mark L. Lippincott. 1912 Geddes, NO 3-3393. TWO DEMURE, proper young ladies desire to make the acquaintance of one young (or old) gentleman with car going to New York City after 6:00 p.m. May 16. Object: ride. Call 3-7541, ext. 761. F13 TWO GIRLS wish to forget all about the trials and tribulations of final exams. They need a ride to New York so they can forget at the World's Fair! Won't you help them? Call 3-7541, ext. 761 and dispense a little hope. They cannot leave until after 6:00 p.m. May 16. F14 DIAMONDS-Highest quality at com- petitive prices. Call G. K. Reaver Co. of Ann Arbor. 309 S. Thayer. NO 2- 1132. F18 ROMMATE WANTED to share luxur- lous efficiency apartment this fall in the Maynard House. Great loca- tion. $65 per nonth. No summer sub- t let worries. Contact Lloyd Graff; 665-4111, ext. 482. F12 BE AN entrepreneur the easy way! Sell subscriptions to The Michigan Daily next. fall. Sign up now by calling 2-3241. F39 AUSTIN DIAMOND CORPORATION - "Where marginal prices buy quality diamonds!" 1209 S. University. 663- 7151. P73 JOIN the Affluent Society l Make 25c on each subscription you sell of The Michigan Daily next fall. Call 2- 3241 and sign up now! F38 BE CHIVALROUS! Go out of your way to help two young ladies desperately in need of a knight ±n a shining car to escort them to New York after 6:00 p.m. May 16. Be the man you've always wanted to be. The two maidens breathlessly await your call at 3-7541, ext.- 761. P15 Meet the Right People The purpose of our organization, using established techniques of personality appraisal and an IBM system, is to introduce unmarried persons to others whose bacKground and ideals are congenial with their own. Interviews by appointment. Phone after 9 a.m. NO 2-4867. MICHIGAN SCIENTIFIC INTRODUCTION SERVICE AVACADO seed soup- Where are you? We need some of those avacado seeds to nail to the roof, if you know what I mean, Russell. F8 1000 OAKLAND APARTMENTS-Superb 2-bedroom apt. with balncony. Avail- able May 20. Call 665-7915. CC22 bUMMER SUBLET-2-3 people, close to campus; large, comfirtable; kitchen, one bedroom, huge living room; we pay $50 per man but will negotiate. 905 Oakland. 5-0839. 028 CHEAP-4-man apartment for summer, $125 per month. Call 3-7387. CC20 SUMMER SUBLET-Year-old apt. Air cond., near State & Packard for 2-4. Call 665-2679 betw. 4:30-5:00. SUMMER SUBLETS AT REDUCED RATES Nicely furnished. 1 and 2 bedrm. apts. Church & S. U. Hill & E. U. State & Packard. NO 3-2800 CC28 SUMMER SUBLET East University and Hill. NO 5-9510. REFURNISHED, $165/mo. apt. for 2-3 people. Will sublet for $100/mo. Next to Bus. Ad. Bldg. Call 665-2716. CC8 FURNISHED; 3-room apartment near I-M Bldg. Newly carpeted, clean, first floor. Phone 663-7963. CC15 FURNISHED campus apartment, 1 and 2 bedrooms. Furnished rooms for women only. NO 8-8601, CC17 SUMMER SUBLET available June 1. 2-man apt., close to campus, fully equipped. Call 3-8132. 030 Air conditioned, modern 2-bedroom apt. for 2, 3, or 4. Cheap. NO 5-3876 after 5. 0C41 MODERN, 2 bdrm. apt. with balcony for 3-4, near campus. Reasonable. Call 8-6580. 0025 SUMMER SUBLET-3-, 4-man, fully air conditioned apt. 2-level, 1-year old, near campus. Call 663-7287. CC26 FRAT. OR ROOMING HOUSE on Oak- land Ave. available for group of 35 in June or Aug. Apts. Limited, 3- 0511. 027 CLOSE TO CAMPUS-2 rm. furnd. apt. Efficiency furnd. apt. 4 rm. furnd. apt. Available May 15. Call 663-4325. FOR I or, 2-$120/mo. but will arrange. Close to campus. 625 Forest, 665-7413 anytime. CC37 ROOMY, BREEZY, quiet, furn. apt. for 3 or more. Cheap. 532 First St., No. 2. NO 5-5547. C026 # MODERN 2-MAN APT., air conditioned. $100/mo. Call 3-8156. CC24 MODERN APT-4-man summer sublet, large rooms, modern, kitchen. Com- pletely furnishd. Close to campus & St. Joseph's Hospt. Great for nurses. $45/man. Call 5-5050. CC31 FURNISHED APT, for rent on Hill. Summer-fall all utilties paid. Air con- ditioned. One 6-rm. apt, for 4 persons. For appointment call NO 8-9538; after 8 p.m. call NO 2-3512. BARGAIN SUMMER SUBLETS! New, luxurious, fully furnished 1, 2, 3 bedrm. apts. Balconies, big and beau- tiful. Come and see them! Call 8- 8723 or 5-8330. 05 MADISON AVENUE Summer sublet for four-Air condi- tioned two bedrooms, electric kitchen, modern. NO UPSTAIRS NEIGHBORS. 320 East Madison, 663-1714. CC38 CHARTER HOUSE SUBLET-Air con- ditioned, . modern, completely fur- nished. Apt. A, NO 5-9400. CC13 SUBLET - 3-bedrm., 3-4 people. $300 total. Near Markley. Huge, airy. NO 5-2803. CC28 CHEAP SUMMER SUBLET-Modern, 2- bedroom apt. Close to campus. Call 3-8492. CC16 TRULY GRACIOUS summer living at the Stratford Apartments Every mod- ern convenience avail, in this roony, 2-bdrm. shoplace. Only 1 block from campus. Featuring air-cond., disposal, and romantic top-floor baloncy. Rent from May-August. Call 2-7706. CC48 AIR-CONDITIONED. MODERN 4-MAN apt., fully carpeted, garbage 'dis- posal, sun deck. Reasonable rates! Call NO 3-3246. CC43 GOING BLIND reading thru ads for a summer pad? STOP now. For you. we have this great address. Modern, air- conditioned 2 bedroom apartment. CHEAP. Call 2-9751. CC45, SUMMER SUBLET-At reduced rate. Wanted, one roommate for a double. $120 for occupancy beginning any- time thru Aug. in brand-new, lux- urious apt., balcony and air-cond. 665-4635 eves. CCI SUMMER-MODERN; TWO BEDROOM AIR CONDITIONED FURNISHED $100/MONTH "665-4524 CC37 TWO FEMALES needed to share an apt. for the summer months. Modern, air- conditioned, $50/mo. Call NO 3-4585 after 5 o'clock. CC23 , MEDICAL STUDENT needs roommate to share apt. for summer. Extremely reasonable. NO 2-9668 after 7. CC46 i 3 SUMMER SUBLET 3-ROOM 3-MAN, new, air conditioned, TV, covered pkg. close to campus. $100 mo. NO 5-5315. C16 FURNISHED HOUSE 3 bdrms., 7 ris., next to campus. Beautiful Forest Ct. NO 2-8123. CC4 FREE PLAYBOY subscription with mod. apt, for 3-4. Perfect summer location. NO 5-2243. C15 SUMMER SUBLET - Near campus. Large. 3 bdrm., furnished apt. Price right for 3 who want privacy yet have a limited budget. Call NO 3- 2823. CC27 SUMMER SUBLET - Air conditioned, split level, dishwasher, completely fur- nished. CHEAP. Call 3-7166, 726 S. State, Apt. A. CC14 MOD, 2-BDRM. APT., unfurn., dis- posal, parking, ample closet and basement storage space 5 min. from campus. $165/mo. but will sublet to highest id. Call 663-1024. CCO AVAILABLE SUMMER or fall. Next to Bus Ad. Bldg. 3-ma apt. $100/mo. BASEMENT APT.-One block from cam- pus. Three bedrooms, laundry facili- ties. Call 3-7454 between 5:30 and 6:30. CC13 SUMMER SUBLET - Large 2-bedroom apt., 341 E. IAberty. 5-2426. 0C12 -BEST OFFER- Brand new air-cond. 4-man apt. 815 S. State, No. 10. 3-9822. CC39' SUBLET-Call 662-8611 after 5 p.m.- available May 19. $95 CC38 2-BDRM. APT., nicely furnshd., $100/ mo. during summer. Also 2 bdrm, apts. avail, for fall, $140, $160. Call NO 3-4435. CC37 SUMMER, 4-rms., furnshd, garage, TV, 1 bk. from campus. $100/mo. Call 5-6251.. CC36 FOR SALE FOR SALE: Pair main floor May Festival tickets. Sat, matinee, Sat, eve., Sun. matinee. Call 453-7875. B MAY FESTIVAL TICKETS-$1.50, Sat. night, May 2. Call 2-5514, 6-7 P.M., Stu or John. B45 SACRIFICE-Concertone 505A tape re- corder, Reverse-O-Matic, professional, Goes to highest bidder at end of week. Call Mark Lippincott, NO 3-3393, 1912 Geddes. B49 COAT AND DRESSES, sizes 8-10 3-5362. STEREO Tape Deck and preamplifiers: Viking 85ESQ, must sacrifice, $150. Call Tom Goergen, 663-9340 B36 FOR SALE CHEAP-1 used A&D build- ing after Open House on April 10-11. To be auctioned Fri. at 1:30. B33 FOR SALE - Complete Scuba diving outfit including wet suit. 663-7287. FOR SALE-A 1957 Lambretta, recently overhauled and in EXCELLENT CON- DITION. Call Markley 5119. B29 CLASSICAL GUITAR, Gison model C- 0. Like new. Call Univ. Ext. 2238, 7- 9 p.m. B FOR SALE-Microsnope "Zeis" mono- cular-binocular, eellent cond. Pb 542-6431. Detroit. B HI-FI STEREO tape recorder Concert tone, professional 510 series-3 motors. 4 heads, every deluxe feature Includ- ing reverse-a-matic, self contained stereo speakers. 6 months old-ike new, Cost $600. Sacrifice $500, Vay be seen at Hi-FI and TV Center, 1301 S. University. B3 WANTED TO RENT 2 GIRLS SEEKING 3rd for fal apt. Call 3-1561, ext. 1425, 1430. L17 2 FEMALE grad students want room- mate(s) for fall iept. Call Judi, 8- 6580. L16 DOUBLE FOR FALL - Looking for double close to campus, with cook- ing, for under $50. Call 5-0839 or 2- 4128 at dinnertime. L10 WANTED TO RENT-Four- or five-bed- room house near campus for next academic year. Male, undergraduate students. Call 5-7976-ask for Carl or Dick. L12 FURN'D. APT. within walking distance of campus wanted for 2 female grad students for '64-'65 school year. De- sire special financial arrangement, as one graduates in Dec. and prefers not to sign a full year lease. Call 3-1561, ext. 871. L1 USED CARS '62 VW-White, sun roof, $1300. Call 5- 9864. N21 WHITE SUNBEAM '60 convertible. Re- cently overhauled. A bargain at $1250. Call NO 8-8235. N20 1960 AUSTIN HEALY 3000. Wire wheels, disc brakes, radio and heater. Call Halat 3-8517. N19 FORD --'58 Convert., interceptor V8. Cruiso, power equipment, 48,800 mi. $475. Original owner. 665-3535. B46 FOR SALE-'58 Ford, 2-door, V8. Tan and white. $200. Call NO 8-6598 be- tween 6 and 8 eves. N14 FALCON-1963, White 2-dr Std., 9300 miles, 14 mo. guarantee. Excellent cond. $1425. NO 3-3031. N18 1963 VOLKSWAGEN Sunroom. Radio, accessories, etc. $1650. Call 5-2750. N9 0511. Furnished or Unfurnished STUDIOS 2 STUDENTS-$115 to $145 Furnished or Unfurnished One Bedroom APARTMENTS 2 or 3 STUDENTS-$140 to $185 Furnished or Unfurnished Two Bedroom APARTMENTS 3 or 4 STUDENTS-$175 to $235 Furnished or Unfurnished Three Bedroom APARTMENTS 4 or 5 STUDENTS-$230 to $305 Phone 663-0800-9 to 6 p.m. j JUNE OR SEPTEMBER? All types of furnished campus apts. NO 5-0234 CAMPUS APARTMENTS TWO COMPLETE LEVELS PROVIDE MORE PRIVACY AND BETTER STUDY CONDITIONS FOR GROUPS OF 31 Beautifully furnished-with extra hide-a-bed, air-conditioned, modern apartments. Also accommodations for 2, 4. and 5. Summer or fall. Call NO 3-8866. C11 FOR RENT SPACIOUS, 4-BDRM. house on Whit- more Lake. Large lot, good beach, excellent location for those wishing the advantages of lakefront living with easy access to the University. $120/mo. Call 663-2825. C25 NEW AND REMODELED 2, 3, and 4 bdrm. apts. for 3-8 people. Call 3- 8866. C16 NOW ACCEPTING appointments for fall rental. Several new buildings avail- able. Apts. Ltd. Call 3-0511. C12 520 E. ANN-2-rm. furnished apts. for men Garage or parking space avail- able. C10 LUXURIOUS SUMMER APTS. - Com- plete listing of 1 and 2 bedroom apartments available for summer school. Several air conditioned units. still available. Apts. Limited., NO 3- CI RADIO REPAIRS, MUSICAL MDSE. LIKE NEW-GUILD GUITAR - Six string base with case. Cost $135. Will sacrifice for $96. Call 5-6607. X5 HI, FI, RADIO and Phono service. TV rentals, speaker reconing. Free pick-up and delivery service. Campus Radio and TV, NO 5-6644, 325 E Hoover. X2 A-1 New and Used Instruments BANJOS, GUITARS, AND BONGOS Rental Purchase Plan PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR 119 W. Washington BUSINESS SERVICES ATTENTION-BUSINESS, LAW & MED GRADUATES. 1000 Embossed Business Cards ONLY $3.99, postage paid. FREE details-Write Box 261. J50 TYPING IT yourself? Grad. students in- quire about penny master and our off set process. Professional Service quire about penny master and our offsset process. Professional Service Associates, 665-8184. J ONE COOK and food manager, for- merly eight years with Sigma Chi fra- teriity is available May 15 for work, either fraternity or sorority. Call 3- 0175. J49 TYPING-Quick and efficient. 429-9216. J47 ANY MOTH HOLES, tears, or burns in your clothes? We'll reweave them like new. WEAVE-BAC SHOP, 224 Arcade, 482-0191 Typing of manuscripts. theses, disser- tations and term papers. Duplicating done by mimeographing or offset printing. GRETZINGER BUSINESS SERVICES 320 S. Huron 665-8184 MANUSCRIPT typing, transcription, medical, legal, technical confer- ences, mimeographing .offset. Quick, Accurate, Experienced. ANN ARBOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICE ASSOCIATES 334 Catherine BIKES AND SCOOTERS 1957 BSA-250cc-C12. Call 5-2295 after 7 p.m. Z22 '63 BSA, 250 CC, excel. cond. $150. Lambrecht, 6235 Markley. Z19 1961. ALL-STATE in good cond. $150. Call 5-2609 after 5. Z16 1961 LAMBRETTA 150. Good cond. $180. Call 5-9829 at meal time. Z21 You meet the nicest people on a HONDA! Join the fun at HONDA of Ann Arbor, 1906 Packard Road. 665- 9281. Z 250CC HONDA Road Racer. Many spares. $650. Call 2-6769 after 6 p.m. Z17 NICHOLSON MOTORCYCLE SALES Triumph, Yamaha, BMW 224 S. First St. 662-7409 1963 SILVER EAGLE Motor Scooter - Fully equipped, 4 months old. Cost $616. Will take $400. 2740 Tim, Wood- land Lake, Brighton, anytime after 5pm. Z9 HELP WANTED TEACHERS WANTED-$5,000 up. West, Southwest and Alaska. FREE regis- tra-tion. Southwest Teachers' Agency, 1303 Central Ave. N.E., Albuquerque, N. Mex. H18 WANTED- Experienced computer pro- grammer for an unusually interesting job. Call Professor Uttal, 3-1531, Ext. 7558. H15 DIRECTOR classified project will dis- cuss spare time work with post grad. or advanced engineering draftsman student. NO 2-1687 after 6. H17 DENTAL HYGENIST for 1 or 2 days a week in Plymouth. Write Box 7, Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard. H14 COLLEGE STUDENTS, male, full time summer work, part-time during school year if desired. Earn enough during summer to pay for entire year of schooling. Over 15-$1000 scholar- ships were awarded to qualified stu- dents. On the job training for prac- tical use of your education during the summer months. An earn while you learn program desired by this multi-million dollar corp. that 100s of students have taken advantage of, many of whom are still with our company in key executive positions. For arrangements of personal inter- view, time, schedule, and city you wish to work, call Grand Rapids GL 9-5079, Lansing 485-3146, South Bend CE 4-9179, Kalamazoo, call Grand Rapids number. H16 LOST AND FOUND FOUND: 1 white sweater and 1 blouse. Found on corner of Monroe & Pack- ard. Recently laundered. 665-8990. A21 LOST in front of graduate library: Black and Gold Mortar Board Pin. If found, please return to Barbara Lazarus, 5- 3516. A20 LOST-West Physics Building, Ladies' glasses, blue frame, in red case. Group Optical Plan written on case. Call 5-7711, ext. 1329. A19 FOUND NEAR UGLI-Ladies' glasses in tan case, Ballards dispensing opti- cians, Atlanta written on case. NO 3-5425. A15 SUMMER SUBLET for 2-Only 2 years old, 5 min. from campus. Disposal and off-street parking. $100. Call 5-2569, before 9:30 P.M. CC50 HOVEL FOR SUMMER SU3LET-New apt. until this year). All the best conveniences. Can adapt to personality of owner. Call Finkel, 2-1572. 0012 SUMMER, 4 rms., furn., garage., T.V., 1 block from campus. $100/mo. Call 5-2651. 0049 CATHERINE, GLEN, 4 occupants, 4 rms. Completely furnished including washer and dryer. Call NO 5-0210 or NO 3-7541, ext. 156. C33 SUMMER SUBLET-Furnished with all the necessities for an. active social life (beds, dressers, and chairs). 2 bedroom, duplex apt. Cheap in both price and appearance. Call Ron or Don, 5-2255 or 5-0723. CC29 SUMMER-Need one man to share ul- tra modern apt. NO 5-0777. 0018 SUMMER ROOMMATE WANTED-GIRL. Have nice apt. Reduced rate. Call 3- 6313. 0011 WE WILL NOT RENT OUR APT. FOR _THE SUMMER unless someone an- swers this ad. Two rooms,, two beds. Two blocks from campus. 668-8470. CC10 SUMMER SUBLET- 3- 4-man modern apt. Furnished, dishes and pans. Two blocks from campus. Willing to bar- gain. 2-1461. CC8 APT. FOR 2-Nwely furnd., 1 block behind Bus. Ad., comfortable, very reasonable. 825 Tappan, No. 1, 5- 9323. C035 MODERN, 2-bdrm. apt. avail, for sum- mer in exclusive on-campus building. Also includes large living room, kitchen, and bath. Call 3-7105 CC8 SUMMER SUBLET-2-man apt., 1 blk. from campus. $90/mo. Incl. utilities. A real deal! 602 Monroe, No. 8, NO 5-9359. 0042 1 MALE APT. mate wanted to live in modern 4-man apt. for summer. Air- cond. and dishwasher. Low rate. Forum Apts. Contact Al, 2-5475. C41 NEW 3-MAN APT. Air-cond., balcony, on campus. 5-4539. CC31 3-, 4-MAN SUMMER SUBLET-Spacious modern, air conditioned apartment. Completely furnished and large bal- cony. Will settle. Call 3-4453. CC22 4-MAN APT., excellent location, 617 S. Forest. Call Tom, 3-9616. Neatly furn- ished, good study atmosphere. CC7 FACULTY HOME-Burns Park. Large, attractive but very liveable. Avail- able May 17-August 30 or any part in between. Porch, tlevision, cool- summer price negotiable, lower with care of dog. NO 5-3437. Preference family but grads and U-grads okay. C030 ARBOR FOREST APTS--3 spacious rms., modern, furnished, 2 blocks from cam- pus. Parking, elevator, best offer. NO 5-2705. 0021 SUMMER SUBLET - 1 bedrm. air- cond. apt. in 1 yr. old bldg. Near campus and shopping. Call 663-8667. 0034 SUMMER SUBLET-Enormous 4-man (or woman) apt. Very inexpensive. Call Paul, 665-5701. CC38 MODERN APT. at Hill and Packard. Available for summer months at reasonable price, Call NO 2-0286 around 5 p.m. CC29 2-MAN, modern furnished apt. $250 en- tire summer. All.utilities included. 1 block behind S.Q. 511 Hill, Apt. 1, NO 5-2285. 019 4-MAN APT. 2 bdrms., air-cond., next to-Law Club. Reasonable.-Cal i3-7888 or 3-7082. CC2 SUMMER SUBLET for 2, good location, cheap. NO 2-4993. CC20 Two bedroom furnished APARTMENT 3 men, $130/mo. Phone 665-4542 Eve. FOR A NEW LEASE ON LIFE READ THE SUMMER ISSUE OF GENERATION The University Arts Magazine Available MAY 5th ceAlAc cITODP GEDDES Nearly new, two-bedroom, Danish modern furnishings, disposals, cer- amic tile baths, formica countertops, completely modern. APPLY NOW FOR FALL AND SUMMER SUBLETS Also 1 and 2 bedroom furnished and unfurnished apartments in other locations near campus. CAMPUS MANAGEMENT y .J ry J3 - f 4r r fr G h 'i. Xy '*1 w! r Y a 4 = ti ANNOUNCING WHIT'S TRUCK RENTAL Ann Arbor 202 W. Washington St. Call NO 5-6875 Pick-ups Panels Small Vans FOR "GUYS AND DOLLS" Black, brown, loden, "white" cactus, light blue SAM'S STORE 122 E. Washington 662-7787 days 665-7803 eves. 913 VAUGHN Furnd. 2 bdrm. apt. for 3 or 4 girls. June 15-May 15. Garage. $150/mo. NO 2-1952. 0040 I ARE YOU a have-not? Rectify this situation by selling Michigan Dailies next fall. Become a have. Sign up now 'b'y calling Judy at 2-3241. F36 1960 CUSHMAN-New paint job, ex- cellent cond. Call 5-6078. F2 TRANSPORTATION Roses are red.; Bananas are yellow;, I'd like to find a car That comes with a fellowj To take my friend and meI All the way. to N.Y.C. We're going to the World's Fair, Won't you help get us there? Can leave after 6:00 p.m. May 16. Call 3-7541, ext. 761 or 782. Gil RIDE WANTED to Chicago the week- end after Michigras. Call 3-7541, ext. 758. G7 GOING to Colorado, May 16, returning June 14. Need 2 riders to help drive 1963 Ford and share gas expense, NO 5-0547. G14 RIDERS WANTED to Ann Arbor or Detroit any weekend 'starting May 23 from Chicago area. Call 2-9862. G8 Furnished new and remodeled apartments on campus NO 5-9405 SUMMER RATES FURNISHED Rooms NEED ern, $90. ONE to share 4-man apt., mod- air-cond. Whole summer. Only 2-9885. 0032 MALE ROOMMATE wanted for 3-man apt. 1 block from campus. All utili- ties paid. Very reasonable. Call 2- 9673 after 5 p.m. 007 3-BEDROOM HOUSE available for sum- mer or fall. Two blocks from Union; parking, front6porch, fully furnished with extras. 663-7942. 009 FURNISHD APARTMENTS, 4 rooms, 1 block to campus for June 1st occu- pancy. Rate for summer. Call 3-5106. 0047 FOR MEN STUDENTS TV, refrigerator, lounge Phone 668-9593 evenings 7-9. MODERN 4-MAN furnished apt. near grocery, pool, hospital, campus, laun- dry. Call 665-2297. 024 PACKARD NEAR CAMPUS A furnd. rms. with private kitchen, bathrms., for group or single student. Available May 25. NO 8-8192 after 5:30, or weekends all day. 0027 4-BEDROOM HOUSE - Room for 4-6 students. $120/mo. on an 8%-month lease. Call 3-2825. C19 ..........-.. ;;;3 1:f fy: :':: f f; ;:;{; 'y4 f 0 .1.. :4ry: ±1 ;%'., :": '{ : : 'r,':;{ .i",'"; ?f r+$ i4r "'a:; :'+. :' =} :? i;; v : >y:. {r V sil . X51: off. i{,ii .R 'tii': i f: J : f. . lj:; i :1!. ti i{ y'i +yf :4 } llff:} r Y.} y AIR-COND., spacious, 4-man apt. Great location. NO. 5-0332 or 712 Oakland, Apt. 5. CC3 SUMMER APT.-Four room, 2-3 man apartment, only three blocks from campus. Call NO 2-8308, ask for Andy or Tom. 0030 1956 CHEVROLET WAGON, 4-door. 6- cylinder, straight stick. Excellent con- dition. $350. Call HU 5-5973 after 6 p.m. '61 MONZA, 2 door, 4 speed, clean. Must sell. NO 2-8445. N10 MERCEDE BENZ 190 SL Roadster. Ex- cellent cond. $1550. 8-6884. 1005 Corn- well, Apt. 1. N41 WANTED TO BUY WANTED-A Used Vespa motorscooter. Will wait until after exams. Write Mr. Grandon 1041 Westfield Dr., FURNISHED campus apartment, 1 and 2 bedrooms. Furnished rooms for men. NO 8-8601. 0017 2-5920. CC16