&s1i 5144an t9I Seventy-Third Yew EorrE AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNWIELSrrY OF MXHWAN UNDER AUTHORrTY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLlCATiONS Opinions Ar~ Pf STUDENT PUMLCATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MCH., PHONE w 2-3241 tb Will Prevail"' orials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in aa reprints.. "I Was Just Telling Kbrushchev, 'Our Differences Are Only Temporary'" LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Refuting 'Irrefutable Argument' on Protests APRIL 26, 1964 NIGHT EDITOR: KENNETH WINTER A'Liberal Education: Auld the University Keep Trying? . . . IBERAL EDUCATION will never be the same. The dizzying trends which are o rapidly changing higher education in eneral seems to be focusing on this tra- itionally placid and serene facet of col- ,giate life. At the moment its very survival is at iestion. Liberal education, by which is leant all education-curricular and ex- 'a-curricular-not aimed primarily at ocational objectives, appears to be los- ig the battle to: -The multiplication of knowledge. It is major achievement today to become an apert in one corner of one field of one scipline, yet the comfortable and desir- ble vocations require a certain level of pertise. So professional training be- omes more demanding, starts earlier and ushes out the "frills" which don't con- ibute to competence in that discipline. -Increased competition. There is, first V all, the phenomenon of automation ushing more young people to look toward bs which require a college education. le "baby boom" adds to the squeeze. The sult is the "rat race": the grim compe- tion to get into and stay in college and aduate school. The pieces with which ie rat-riace game is played are the num- ors and decimal points of the grade- oint system. But alas, since the presence, r absence of a liberal education doesn't iow up reliably on the grade-point score-, )ard, students devote themselves more ad more to activities which do. -The academic assembly line. With xe first two factors comes pressure on lleges to get things moving, so that the ordes of students can be crammed with e staggering backlog of knowledge more ficently. Thus we have trimesters and aarters, shorter vacations and two-and- -half year baccalaureates. All of which e easy to take if you simply cut extran- aus activities from your life. 'HE RESULT IS THAT-wth the possi- ble exception of courses in his con- antration field-a student has to be eetty happy-go-lucky to permit himself i take more than a handful of courses st because they interest him. Member- ip rin extracurricular activities, his unselor tells him, Is even more fool- ardy-for whatever their contribution to orsonal. growth, they don't add .001 to mr grade-point. ARGUMENT can be made that lib- eral education no longer is necessary. e its functions become more and more iecallzed, society makes it easier and 4sier to gt through life comfortably be- ig nothing more than a slot-filler, con- tng people outside one's slot only on Ie lowest-common-denominator provid- i by the mass media and trivial conver- tion. But while broad education may no long- c be necessary to obtain the means of aying alive, It promises to become all- iportant in providing . a 'means to en- y life. For the very technological forces hich are making us slot-fillers are re- asing us into newfound leisure time. ore and more, the key to personal con- ntment-which, rather than mere eco- mic survival, should be our ultimate aim -lies in how we make use of this time. HEN LI ERAL EDUCATION works, it provides this key. Its important effect opening up the immense vistas of life hich can be so satisfying to explore -and imparting the desire, to explore em. Liberal education cannot survive as it is w. As long as distribution requirements ree people into introductory courses med mainly at preparing concentrates r their respective disciplines, students ill quite reasonably look for the snap urse rather than the intellectual ex- rience. Liberal arts courses-which per- aps should be divorcedV completely from eprofessional ones-should be broadly nceptual rather than technical and rer-f actual, aimed at motivating the stu- ent toward, further independent pursuit the field rather than cramming' him All of a subject he'll never see again. 'HESE CHANGES are worth making, hPoq.qPlipm.1 mnatin 's-ort sa-- No... A COLLEGE EDUCATION is not what it used to be. The change began with mass industrialization and the Increasing availability of secondary education. Col- lege was no more the breeding ground of the philosopher-king, the scholar who would spend the remainder of his life in leisure or in independent pursuit of what- ever fancied him. Many more had the necessary educational background and industry needed college-educated men. It was no longer a privilege but an economic necessity to have a degree. At the same time, the notion of spe- cialization was taking hold as man's knowledge increased and the demands of industry' became more rigid. Few want- ed to be philosopher-kings any -more; they just wanted the degree and the background necessary to find a job. THE RESULT-at the University at least -is absurd. There is a language re- quirement which nobody can adequately justify any more. There is a humanities requirement for the future mathematician or chemist. But there is neither. for the future engineer. Does he need them less, or, better, does either need them at all? Times have changed, but concepts haven't. Despite the fact that few come here any more to get a broad, well-round- ed education, what is supposed to be one is crammed down everyone's throats. And of course the attempt almost completely fails. THE LIST OF REASONS why the Uni- versity is failing and will probably con- tinue to fail is a long one: -Most people are not now and will never be interested in a great many areas of knowledge with which they would need to be familiar to be liberally educated. -Distribution requirements often alien- ate people more than interest them ina subject, and they try to get away with the easiest courses rather than the most val- uable and stimulating. -Courses are not taught in a manner geared to liberal education. Rather than trying for broad perspective, introductory courses serve to push as much of one spe- cific field upon the student as possible, and advanced courses are only more nar- row. As a result, people are supposed to get their liberal education by learning about Milton, Hegel, Einstein and Keyns in a completely unrelated way for a few hours apiece, each day, each semester. -The narrowness of courses and the penchant for traditional departmental approaches prevents there even being classes which would help to liberally edu- cate a person. THE UNIVERSITY Ishould face it: the traditional idea of a liberal education is out of date. Industry doesn't want peo- ple with It, people often don't want it, it's almost impossible to teach within the context of faculty attitudes. This alone is reason enough to give up trying, at least in the present way. But the University shouldn't even try at all. In the past, people went to college to get a liberal education because it was what they -wanted to get. If they come now to. learn for jobs, then that's what they should be taught. There are those who still want to get a liberal education; those who are going to be the leaders in society should have one. The route should be open to them. A true liberal education does not come from the classroom. It comes from bull sessions, participation in student orga- nizations, picket lines and sports, indi- vidual reading and just sitting back and thinking. IT'S GETTING DARN HARD to get a liberal education this way any more; the academic pressure won't permit it. But the solution is there. If the concept of force-feeding everyone a liberal education is disregarded, distribution requirements could also be dropped. The number of credit hours needed to graduate could be reduced to say, 60, all of which could be in the area in which a student wanted to get his degree. Those that wanted to be "two year wonders" could be-they prac- tically are now if they have advanced credit, take 20 hours a semester and take JAZZ FESTIVAL: Commercialism on the Make To the Editor: AN "IRREFUTABLE agrument" for voenein .civil rights demonstrations? Are you being facetious, Mr. Klein? Assuming you are serious, here is some food for thought: What is the real problem facing the Negro? It is not merely a mat- ter of getting laws passed and en- forced. You cannot legislate away the real problems - ignorance, hatred ands prejudice. And what does violence do for the solution of these problems? You will find that the majority of people, when asked for an opinion on the pro- posed actions of New York's chap- ter of CORE at the World's Fair, express anger towards such ac- tions. The local equivalent, the DAC, has done much to retard un derstanding between the Negro. and the rest of the community. Demonstrators m u s t show a healthy respect for the laws and personal property to avoid creat- ing more hatred and prejudice, and gain sympathy for their movement. An irresponsible dem- onstration that destroys or dam- ages life and property could set a precedent and start similar dem- onstrations all over the country. Perhaps some civil rights legis- lation would result--but. certainly bitterness and hatred would also. You can't legislate people's feel- ings. * * * THE LAST decade has seen notable steps taken towards the improvement of the Negro's posi- tion in America. The situation is not "like that of the Warsaw ghetto 20 years ago," to quote Mr. Klein, and the only solution is not "to rise up with pebbles, glass, slingshots, shotguns or bombs." I don't know how Mr. Klein defines a "minimal amount of freedom," but I'm sure freedom won't be attained in the next hundred years by violence. violence can only alienate the country against the Negro equality movement. The goal is acceptance of Negro equal- ity in the minds of men, not just legal equality. The former with- out the latter can only retard the real alms of such groups as the NAACP and CORE. The present methods may be slow to "bring results, but they do bring results. The movement con- tinues toward its real goal. Vio- lence, even if it does show some legislative results, can slow or re- verse that movement to the real objective-equality not just under the law but in reality. -William C. Buhl, '64 Girl Cheerleaders? To the Editor: READ with interest Mr. Row- land's column of April 21 con- cerning the future prospect of having girl cheerleaders at Michi- gan. Mr. Rowland seems to think that such would never be the case because of "tradition." I don't understand why this is necessarily so. The value of girl cheerleaders to a team's morale cannot be under- estimated. Having been a witness to the NCAA basketball finals in ' Kansas City during March, I ,can definitely assert the 'positive ef- fect that the arrival of the UCLA girl cheerleadersgin the second half of the first game had on tho team. Comparing this with the effect of our own cheeleaders (with no offense intended to the individuals involved) is a,laugh. IDON'T 'SEE why a mobilized student opinion-of which' I am sure Mr. Rowland is in favor- could not achieve such a goal. It is certainly not a radical sugges- tion-we are without a, doubt one of a minority of universities that do not have some lovely feminine forms gracing the sidelines of their sports events. -Norman Oslik, '66 Comments On Sex To the Editor: AFTER READING the series of articles on sex I determined to submit the following comments. The existence of a , desire does not justify its satisfaction. The desire for food does not justify stealing in order to obtain the desired substance. Self control and persistence are required in -order to work and ultimatelypurchase the- desired substance. Sexalunx-, ion is justified only when it ex- presses true love. True love can best be defined as that emotional, volitional response to kan Intel-. lectual evaluation of another per- son's character which usually re.- sults in marriage. True loveseeks the happiness of one's partner, not of one's self. One who seeks sexual union outside of a true lqve rela- tionship is saying I want someone to satisfy my desire right now, I can't wait. ALEXANDER DUMAS has said "If you have a sexual experience with a girl worthy of you, you do damage to her. If you have it with a girl unworthy of you, you do damage to yourself." There is a proverb that says: "In a heart where there is room for several, there is no room for one alone' Young men and wom- en who use the expression of married-love, created by 'God, be- fore marriage, are preparing themselves for an unhappy mar- riage. Aren't men strange?. They are anxious to marry a virgin and yet they want to experiment first. -Ronald L. Keller, '61 Tampa, Florida 'HAMLET': Refreshing LAURENCE OLIVER'S peerless "Hamlet," sponsored jointly by the speech department and Cine ma Guild, commemorates at/ Ar- chitecture Aud. the 400th birth- day of Shakespeare. All aspects of thefilmturn upon Oliver's conception of the character of Hamlet,. Metonymic clamps make even the setting a reflection of the character of, Hamlet. At the beginning and at the end, the camera pauses at his mother's bed. The camera probes restlessly through the labyrinthine passages' which impart the work- ings of Hamlet's mind. Hyperbolization of the setting, in fact, occasionally threatens to stifle the action. The camgra lin- gers on the thick columns, Ro- manesque arches and massive walls, through whose chinks light infrequently pierces. For 'a few brief scenes, the camera .moves through these chinks to show the sea, as well as the death and burial 'of Opelia. On two occasions, Oliver move-s even farther from the confines of Elsinore to illustrate the death of Hamlet's father' and to° depict Hamlet's voyage to England. For the most part,' though,. Oliver retains in his film the spay tial 'limitations imposed by the stage. The tortuous, murky in- teriors of Elsinore become the stage. Within these locked spaces, he creates a poisonous atmosphere which complements the ambiguols relationship among the main characters. Thisexclusive rocus on- the character of Hamlet, apart from its controversial Freudian aspects, withers the interplay hetween character and plot. Threading all Hamlet throws the film out of balance. Suppression of the fiame of the play-the role of Fortinbras -distinctly dimiishes the stature of the tragedy and ,tends to "re- duce it to a case study of Hamlet. It also excises background in- formation needed to explain the dark deeds of Hamlet's father, which set the cycle of calamities in motion. All., in all,, however, the film is a magnificent accomplishment. Imaginative visualization never overwhelms the words and, in fact, refreshes the speeches too familiar to be treated conventionally. EDITOR'S NOTE: Stuart Aptekar was a participant in the Notre {Dame Jazz Festival held last week- end, He is a junior and plays in a local rock and roil band. By STUAR'"APTEKAR Daily Guest Writer A YEAR AGO, fifteen college students from the University boarded a chratered Greyhound bus, carrying musical instruments and wearing the excitement of a Saturday morning departure. The, bus arrived in South Bend, Ind., at' 11:30 a.m. As we anxiously scrambled out to look for the registrationdarea, wide-open dor- mitory windows .welcomed us to, the Notre Dame Collegiate Jazz Festival with loud "rock and roll artists" on various radio stations simultaneously vying for attention. We ran toward the La Fortune Student Center and, from the time we pinned on our orange partici- pant badges, submerged ourselves fully in 'the festivities. Our big band played well and lbst. How- ever, in true competitive spirit, we remained to hear the colleges selected to 'perform in the finals compete for top honors and prizes. We were all very proud in our front row seats when the Bob Po- zar trio representing the Univer- sity won, once again bringing fame to the institution that has done so little to encourage jazz. It seemed fitting that the prize tro- phy the group received was placed on display at the Falcon. Bar where the non-students (with the exception of Michael Lang on pi- ano) were playing four nights a. week. We left Notre Dame at mid- night, secure in our identification with the winners. * * ?~ THIS YEAR the big band went down to Notre Dame again. The other groups representing the Uni- versity were a quintet (the drum- mer and bassist of which were from Michigan State University) and a vocalist backed by a quar- tet (the drummer and saxophon- ist of which were from two men's' clothing stores on campus). There was no early morning Greyhound bus this year. There were no justifiably proud winners from Michigan this year. There was no "true competitive spirit" this year. There was not even\ one University competitor in the AU- DIENCE for the finals this year. The 25 Michigan participants were not all bad losers. Their disap- pointment with the weekend was not merely post facto sour grapes. * THERE WERE certainly many memorable and happy incidents: The young jive trumpeter who said, "Jazz is'clothes, man. Ya dig these bouts!"; the jazz trom- bonist turned celUst, Dave Baker (former sideman with George Rus- sell) who explained, "I wasted a year feeling sorry for myself be- fore I finally hit on the cello" (he was involved in an. automobile ac- cident which permanently dam- High School band under the di- rection of Reverend George Wis- kirchen (the precision with which, the boys responded '3 the robust direction of the happy, hefty Father was high praise for the enthusiasm of both Father Wis- kirchen and his boys). * * * THE COMMERCIALISM and es- thetic inadequacy of the Collegiate Jazz Festival, however, was very apparent and unpleasant. The large ,field house was well equip- ped with loud speaker. so that the judges who were seated at the rear of the building could hear the amplified sound. The public address system supplied by the ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT con- pletely distorted the sounds from the stage and introduced hums. squeals, and booms to these dis- tortions. The piano, when heard over the PA system, had a brit- tle, metallic-almost celeste-like "quality" that made rhythmic comping sound silly and absurd. The solo mikes for the horns were turned up too high and not ad- justed during the performance. This was particularly apparent in the vocal number "Something Cool!" The spotlight focused on the female dramatically clutching the microphone though the speak- ers carried only the obligato fig- ures of the tenor saxophonist. The engineer had forgotten to turn on the microphone channel for the vocalist so 'that for the first 30 bars of her solo, the judges heard only the background. On the bas- is of a fragment of this tune, the judges awarded her a two week en- gagement at the Chicago Playboy :Club. All the sounds heard in the back of the field house by the judges were jumbled due to a phase lag between the amplified and actual sounds. The double amplification of the cello in the septet from In- diana University fused the suit:le cross polyphony into an audio boom. THE FORMAT of the festival was Ed Sullivan-a small group followed by a big band-with the small group functioning as a filler between the main attractions, the big bands. It is questionable whether a person is capable of evaluating a small group follow- ing a "flag waver" from a big band. Every big band played their fastest, loudest, most technical number as their final selection. Among the soloists, there were very few individual voices. The winning /trumpeter had adopted the most obvious and uninventive of Lee Morgan's phrases. The win- ning group from Crane Junior Col- lege blatantly exploited their eth- nic advantage of being Negro by playing "soul music," the sloppi- ness and tastelessness of which was particularly pungent in the "Gravy. Waltz" interludes. The one feature that could have salvaged the festival for the per- fn~mac w~ca -, nrnnaiiian-I es mittee evidently decided instead to save all of the $15 entrance fee (paid by each group for the privi- lege of playing for a paying, clap- ping crowd). * * * THE COMMERCIALISM of the "festival" was everywhere. "A buck and a half buys you a CJF pro- gram with score sheet, pictures of your favorite jazz stars and a chance to win a WEBCOR PORT- ABLE STEREO RECORD PLAY- ER DONATED BY RODIN'S REC- ORD SHOP in the Saturday night raffle." Instrument companies ex- hibited and advertised the prizes throughout the festivities. There was a table where "$6 postage paid" was camouflaged amdist stacks of records from the previous year. Downbeat, Magazine -had a table of free past issues with free cards to help expand its mailing' list.. The most basic deficiency of the festival was an over frenzied en- thusiasm without regard for es- thetic demands. Competition and the will to win are not necessary concomitants to meaningfu- mu- sic. A field house full of fans and loudspeakers is not an optimum environment for the intimr te com- munication of rn integrated jazz group. The spectacle sound and festival fury simply does not swing. * * * THE COLLEGIATE Jazz Festi-' val was a commercial carnival that exploited a reticent musical Phil- osophy to prove that jazz is - marketable commodity, not some- thing esoteric, but something fob the Playboy Club, something for Negroes, something for white Catholics, something to put on the cover of Time Magazine, some- thing to amplify, record and sell to a "college crowd." Ini short, the CJF tried to show that jazz "is something for the neighborhood pizzeria. If jazz is this something, then nothing is something, and nowhere is not only somewhere, but everywhere. MICHIGANENSIAN: A Certain Kind of Reflection THIS YEAR again I am privileg- ed to review the Michiganen- sian which will go on sale to- morrow for $6. The book comes with a matching paperback sup- plement (not available separtely at any price as the man on the radio used to say) that contains housing group pictures which you can use to find out if your blind date is going to be a pig. Even though the supplement has a glossy blue cover that shows more fingerprints than the FBI it alone will be worth the $6 to more than a few customers. tional yearbook style, which I must confess, is a branch of aesthetics that I have never been able to grasp. ** * THE TONE of the book is def- initely didactic; For instance, as early as page 25 we are able to learn that "Creativity begins in the mind of the creator,"and,' on page 29 it is shown that to the natural resources student "the Arb is more than a place to make out, it is an ecosystem." The book is covered with infinites (pages 103, 161), but more with money (page 102 tells us that the "entertain- menit field" costs money, and page 125 shows tot sports are expen- sive too). hands are pietty invisible them- selves, as well as gifted. WHAT I LIKED BEST, I think, was the credo on page 41: "Except for quads and dorms, however most of us remain satisfied with our way of life and worry mainly about how and where to spend our time and money." The last eight pages offer an interesting insult .to any reader who has put up with the book that far. According to the pithy analysis there, the student body is constituted of six major cafe-' gories, none of which is acceptable. Presumably though, 'they don't worry enoughabout how and where to spend their money. t