.'AGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY THIS WEEK'S EVENTS TODAY 2 p.m. and 4:15 p.m.--A trumpet aid brass ensemble will perform, in Lane Hall Aud. 8.30 p.m.-Nancy Pressley, '64M, will give a piano recital in Lane Hall Aud. E 8:30 p.m.-James Mathis, guest tion Dynamics, Production andl pianist, will give a program of Regulation of a Natural Popula- piano music in Aud. A. Featured tion of Hyalella azteca" in Rm. on the program will be works by 1400 of the Chemistry Bldg. Haydn, Beethoven, Ginastera, Sch- 4 p.m.-Irving N. Einhorn of umann and Liszt. the Institute of Science and Tech- nology will talk on "Rigid Cellular TUESDAY, APRIL 28 Plastics Technology" in the Archi- 2:30 p.m.-The romance lan- MONDAY, APRIL 27 guages department will present the 4 p.m.-Gabriel Kron, consultant Spanish play, "La Otra Orilla" in to an electric company, will lec- Trueblood Aud. ture on "Linear and Nonlinear 4 p.m.-Prof. Ray E. Brown of Diakoptics (The Piecewise Solu- Duke University will discuss "The tion of Large-Scale Systems)" in Nature of Administration" in Rm. Aud. A. 141 of the business administration 4 p.m.-W. N. Wonham of the -chool. Research Institute for Advanced 4:15 p.m.-Reid Nibley, who is Studies located in Baltimore will currently participating in the Uni- speak on "Stochastic Differential versity's Doctor of Music Arts Equations and Nonlinear Filter- Program, will give a lecture-recital ing" in Rm. 1504 of the East En- on "Eight Preludes" by Frank Mar- gineering Bldg. tin in Aud. A. 5:30 p.m.-Prof. W. Stuart Hun-: 7:30 p.m.-The Human Rela- ter of the dentistry school will tions Board and Cultural Commit- speak on "Inter-Cooperative Coun- tee of the League and the Union cil in the Last Three Years" at the will sponsor the movie "Picture in First Methodist Church on State Your Mind" in Rms. KLMN of St. the Michigan Union. tecture Aud. They will present "Sleepers, Wake" by Bach and "Gloria" by Poulene. Also on the program will be the Choral Union with soloists Lois Marshall, soprano; John McCol- lum, tenor, and Ralph Herbert, baritone.y SATURDAY, MAY 2 2:30 p.m.-The Philadelphia Or- chestra, conducted by William Smith, will present a program fea- turing Philippe Entremont in "Pi- ano Concerto No. 2" by Saint- Saens.I The orchestra also will play "The Good Humored Ladies" by Scar- latti-Tommasini, "Trois Gymnop- edies" by Satie, "Nocturne: Nu- aaes and Fetes" by Debussy and DAILY OFFICIAL I BULLETIN ' The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN fcim to Room' 36l4 Administration Building before 2 p.m. of the day preceding publica- tion, and by 2 p.m. Friday for Satur- day and Sunday, SUNDAY, APRIL 26 DayCalendar School of Music Recital-Trumpet and Brass Ensemble: Lane Hall Aud., 2 p.m. and 4:15 p.m. Cinema Guild-"Hamlet" with Lau- rence Olivier, Jean Simmons: Architec- ture Aud., 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. School of Music Recital-Nancy Press- ley, pianist: Lane Hall Aud., 8:30 p.m. General Notices Flow," 124 W. Engrg. Bldfig., at 3:30 p.m. Chairman, A. G. Hansen. Doctoral Examination for Esther Marianne Goudsmit, Zoology; thesis: "The Metabolism of Galactogen and Glycogen by the Pulmonate Snails Bull- mnaea megasoma and Helix pomatia," 2111 Natural Sclenze Bldg., at 11 a.m. Chairman, Henry VanderSchalie. Doctoral Examination for Raymond Newton Smith, Geology; thesis: "Mus- culature and Muscle Scars of Chlamy- dotheca arcuata (Sars) and Cypridopsis vidua (O. F. Miller) (Ostracoda-Cy- prididae)," 2045 Nat. Sci. Bldg., at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, R. V. Kedling. Doctoral Examination for Frederick Walter Leysieffer, Mathematics; thesis: 'Functions of Finite Markov Chains." 435 Mason Hall, at 3 p.m. Chairman, A. B. Clarke. Placeme t SUMMER PLACEMENT:; 212 SAB- Ann Arbor Co-op Society, Inc., Ann Arbor-Position for man with WSI to supervise swimming at their camp in Chelsea. H. J. Heinz Co., Saginaw & Holland, Mich.-Mr. Hildebrand & Mr. Borsenik will interview men for factory positions. Interviews will be held April 28, Tues., from 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in 212 SAB. National Music Camp, Interlochen, Mich.-Seeking man with electrical en- SUNDAY, APRIL 26, 1964 study, esp. ec on. Positions: Insurance grg. & a musical bkgd. who can teach Sales. Location' Ann Arbor (a.m. only). accoustics of music. Call NO 2-9696 for THURS., APRIL 30-- Mrs. Lillya. U.S. Public Health Service, Detroit, Ann Arbor Golf & Outing Club, Ann Mich.-Men, Dec., May & Aug. grads. Arbor-Seeking waitress with some ex- (am-onlv Se e gree majors in p e r . .a cm . ,o l ) S e i n g ,d e g r e L am o .,r G e i n National Music Camp, Interlochen, Eon., Poll. S t. Engl, For. Lang., Geog., Mich.- Want hotel desk clerk from June Psyc, lust, ,Jouriiizn, Philo,. Gen 24c.-onept.8.Salrydpls rmf& oarJdn. Liberal Arts. U.S. citizenship Positions: 24 t oSept. 8. Salary plus rm. & board. Public Health Program Rep., Venereal Call Mrs. Lmllya at NO 2-9696. Disease Branch. Location: Most large * * ~cities in the U.S. For further information, please come citisi 7heU- to Summer Placement. APRIL 27-30- U.S. Marine Corps-Capt. Patterson PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS, Bureau will be in the "Fishbowl" of Angell/ of Appointments-Seniors & grad stu- Mason Hails & would like to speak with dents, please call Ext. 3544 for appoint- men interested in their Officer Candi- ments with the following: date Sch. He will have info. on all MON., APRIL 27- avail. prrgs. No appt. is necessary & National Security Agency, Washing- all are urged to stop by & talk with ton, D.C.-Special notice to all Sopho- Capt. Patterson at their convenience. 9 mores-Language majors 2) Math ma- tol4pvy Lt. jors. The NSA is planning a Summer U.S. Navy--Lt. Perrin will be in. the Institute beginning in June, 1965. This Lower Lobby of the Mich. Union from prog. will be limited to the above ma- 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily. He will have fors who will have completed 3 yrs. info, about the Officer Candidate Sch, toward their degree by June '65. A as well as other avail.Navy progs., in- thorough bkgd. investigation, to which c in ewd- p all NSA employes are subj, requires that with seniors & terminal students & you initial contact be made late in soph. are urged to stop by at your conven- yr. Mr. DeCarlo will conduct group fence. lectures to availl. candidates at 10 and MAY 7 & 8- 11 a.m. and at 2 and 3 p.m. Interested U..S. Coast Guard Washington, D.C.- students should call or stop in at the, Men, U.S. citizens only. Men who are Bureau to sign up for one of the group interested in Officer Candidate 'Sch. lectures.A Degree in -any major. field of study. TUES., APRIL 28- Students may apply during sr. year. Fidelity Union Life Insurance Co., Will train for general duty officers. You Dallas, Texas-Men-May grads & alum- are invited to call. for an appt. should ni. Seeking degrees in any . field of you be interested. '41 : "Polivitzian Dances" from "Prince The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi Initiation and Reception: Wed., April Igor" by Borodin. 29, 8 p.m., Rackham Bldg., amphithea- 8:30 p.m.-The Philadelphia Or- tre. Dean William Haber will speak on 8:30p~m-ThePhiadelhiaOr~"Adjusting to Change." Informal re- chestra conducted by.Eugene Or- ception. mandy will present an all-Rich- 7 ard Strauss program. Featured will Events Jfondl(ft ' be Anshel Brusilow, violinist in - "Ein Heldenleben" and Mason Student Librarian Assistants Associa- Jones in "Concerto No. 1 for tion Conference-Registration, Rackham Horn and Orchestra." The orches- Bldg., 9 a.m tra will also play "Till Eulenspie- Institute of Science and Tech. Lecture gel's Merry Pranks" and "Suite for -Gabriel Kron, consultant, General Der Rosenkavalier." Electric Co., "Linear and Nonlinear Dia- koptics (The Piecewise Solution of SUNDAY, M4AY 2 Large-Scale Systems)": Aud. A, An- gell Hall, 4 p.m. 8 p.m.-Leonard Woodcock, vice- 8 p.m.-Prof. Stephen B. Sween- president of the United Auto ey of the University of Pennsyl- Workers, will speak on "The Fu- vania will speak on "Education ture of Organized Labor; Accent for Public Administration" in the on Youth" in the Union Ballroom. West Conference Rm. of Rackham. This is the third speech in the, 2:30 p~m.-The romance lan- "Profile on Labor" series. guages department will present the Spanish play, "La Otra Orilla" in 5TH WEEK! Trueblood Aud. / ENDING TUESDAY 3 p.m.-Lyle Nelson, director of Dial 2-6264 university relations at Stanford I University will speak on "The t f . 10:30 a.m. "FINDING A POINT OF REFERENCE" CALVIN MALEFYT, speaking 7:00 p.m. "FACING OUR CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS" Professor PAUL KAUPER, U-M Law School Professor KENNETH PIKE, U-H School of Linguistics UNIVERSITY REFORMED CHURCH 1001 East Huron (by Rackham Auditorium) Visit the community's most contemporary Church * . 7: I WINNER OF 4 ACADEMY AWARDS! including BEST PICTURE and BEST DIRECTOR "BEST COMEDY EVER MADE! " -Newsweek the whole world lov~es EASTMANCOLOR Shows at 1:30, 4:30 6:30 and 9:00 Feature is 15 minutes later Weekday matinees .....$1.00 Evenings and Sunday . . . 1.25 Unfulfilled Promice of Education- al Television" in Aud. B. 4 p.m.-Gabriel Kron will dis- cuss "Linear and Nonlinear Dia- koptics (The Piecewise Solution of Large-Scale Systems)" in Aud. A. 4 p.m.-William E. Cooper, re- search associate in the zoology de- partment, will speak on "Popula- i i 11 "1 A PU S T I CPAUSTI N CORPORATION JOAN SUTHERLAND 8 p.m.-The Ann Arbor Renais- sance Choir and Instrumental Con- sort will perform a program of secular music of the late Renais- sance in Aud. A. 8 p.m.-Hollis B. Chenery of the Stanford economics department will speak on "Foreign Assistance and Economic Development" in the Fourth Floor Ballroom of the Rackham Bldg. Chenery is presently with the Agency for International Develop- ment. 9:30 p.m.-"The Roles of the College Faculty Member" will be, the theme of the Michigan Schol- ars in College Teaching Conference at Rackham Aud. Among the speakers at the con- Terence will be Prof. John S. Bru- bacher of the education school, Vice-President for Academic Af- fairs Roger W. Heyns and Prof. Huston Smith of the Massachu- settc Institute of Technology. 2:15 p.m.-Prof. John R. Platt of the University of Chicago will talk on "How We See Straight Lines" in the Main Conference Rm. of the Mental Health Research In- 2:30 p.m.-The Philadelphia Or- I chestra, with guest conductors' Igor Stravinsky and Robert Craft, will give a performance of "Perse- phone." The work, which is a melodra- ma to words by Andre Gide, will be narrated by Vera Zorina. The Choral Union and soloist John McCollum, tenor, will also be featured in the performance. Also on the program are "Sym- phony in C" by Stravinsky and "Five Pieces for Orchestra" by Schoenberg. 8:30 p.m.-The Philadelphia Or- chestra under the direction of Eugene Ormany will feature Van Cliburn, pianist, in all Rachman- inoff program. ORGANIZATION NOTICES Alpha Omega Fellowship, Weekly meeting: All University students wel- come. Weekly lecture and discussion: intellectual examination of Biblical ciaims and their relevance to the cam- pus sit~uation, April 26. 10 a~m., Grace Bible Church, 110 N. State St. Baptist Student Union, Continuing the inexhaustible study of the Doc- trine of the Holy Spirit, led by Rev. Jesse Northweather, Mon., April 27, 7:30 p.m., Room 3X, Michigan Union. 'Instrumentation Engrg. Seinar-W, M. Wonham, Research Institute for Ad- vanced Studies, Baltimore, "Stochastic Differential Equations and Nonlinear Filtering": Room 1504, East Engrg. Bldg., 4 p.m. School of Music DMA Piano Series-- James Mathis, guest pianist: Aud. A, Angell Hall, 8:30 p.m. School of Music Degree Recital-War- ren Jaworski, baritone: Lane Hall Aud., a8:30 p.m. Michigan Union and Dept. of Econom- ics Lecture-Leonard Woodcock, vice- president. UAW, Board of Governors, Wayne State Univ., chief of contract negotiations with GM this summer, "Youth and the Labor Market": Un- ion ballroom at 8 p.m. This is part of the Profile on Labor. Doctoral Examination for Ruth Mar- garet Brend, Linguistics; thesis: "A Tagmemic Analysis of Mexican Spanish Clauses," 2601 Haven Hall, at 10 a.m. Chairman, K. L. Pike. Doctoral Examination for William Tawadros Ebeid, Education; thesis: "An Experimental Study of the Scheduled Classroom tUe of Stundent Self-Selected Materials in Teaching Junior High School Mathematics," 3223 Angell Hall, at 3 p.m. Co-Chairmen, P. S. Jones and J. N. Payne. Doctoral Examination for Alan Fred Fontana, Psychology; thesis: t"The Ef- fects of Acceptance and Rejection by Desired Membership Groups on Self- Evaluation," 2417 Mason Hall, at 1 p.m. Chairman, D. R. Miller. Doctoral Examination for Neil Vincent Williams, Anthropology & Near East- ern Studies; thesis: "Factory Employ- ment and Family Relationships in an Egyptian Village," 2444 Mason Hall, at 3 p.m. Chairman, W. D. Schorger. Doctoral Examination for Josephine Carroll Moore, Anatomy; thesis: "The Utilization of Active Resistive Stretch to Obtain an Improved Response in the Forearm Flexors of Normal Adults, 4558 E. Med. Bldg., at 10:30 a.m. Chairman, T. M. Oelrich. Doctoral Examination for Mahlon Cooper Smith, Aeronautical & Astronau- tical Engrg.; thesis: "The Effect of Free Stream Turbulence on the Laminar Boundary Layer Heat Transfer of Flat Plates and Circular Cylinders," 1300 E. Engrg. Bldg., at 2 p.m. Chairman, A. M. Kuethe. Doctoral Examination for Milton George Wille, Mechanical Engineering; thesis: "An Experimental Study in Three-Dimensional Turbulent Boundary Layers on a Flat Plate with Parallel 1 1I APRIL 28 7:30 UNION RM. 3KLM&N MOVIE . Yti.} n , t ;E : .r; . < :v 4.:itg+t'y'vt ?its' ,....., , JU I DIE"PDICt urin u r MIn d"our SPEEAK ER:INE RBUCHA UNANfree stitute. .. * 8:30 p.m. - Joan Sutherland, Graduate Outing Club, Hike, April 26, noted Australian coloratura so-' 2p i., Huron St, entrance to Rackham I0 Bldg. prano, and the Philadelphia Or- I.* * chestra will open the 71st Annual Homecoming Central committee, MyFestival.Meeting, Sun., April 26, 7 p.m., Room May Fsi3K, Michigan Union. Miss Sutherland will sing "Ah, * * * Fors ,e Lui" and "Sempre Libera" Human Relations Board, Movie "Pic- .Tarture in Your Mind," Singer-Speaker from "La Traviata" by Verdi and Buchanan, April 28, 7:30, 3 KLM & N. "Mad Scene" from "Lucia di Lam- ** mermoor" by Donizetti. Inter-Cooperative Council, Announce- free admission L f 1209 S. University 663-7151 ""..""". Cont Todc 10, inuuus m inuous y From 'clock MAURICE JUDI DIAL 8-6416 THB EVANS ANDERSON FRIDAY, MAY 1 3 p.m.-Cleve Mathews, assist- ant to the foreign news editor on! the New York Times, will speak on "The Peace Correspondent:. New Job in Journalism" n Rack- ham Aud. 4 p.m.-Orren C. Mohler, chair- man of the astronomy department, will speak on "The Kitt Peak National Observatory Solar Tele- scope" in Rm. 807 of the Physics-, Astronomy Bldg. 4 p.m.--Gabriel Kron will speak on "Linear and Non-Linear Dia- koptics (The Piecewise Solution of Large-Scale Systems)" in Aud. A. 4 p.m.-Wendell L. Stanley, head of the virology laboratory at the University of California, will give the first Donald E. Johnson Lec- ture on "Recent Trends in Virus Cancer Research" in the Third Level Amphitheatre of the Medi- cal Science Bldg. ment of openings for summer. Apply Room 2546 SAB. They are now being accepted. * * * La Sociedad Hispanica, TeAvila, April 27, 3-5 p.m., 3050 FB. Unitarian Student Group, Talk and discussion, "why I Am a Trinitarian and not a Unitarian." Speaker, Prof. Albert K. Stevens, April 26, 7:30 p.m., Unitarian Church, 1917 Washtenaw. UNIVERSITY LECTURES IN JOURNALISM LYLE NELSON Director, University Relations, Stanford University, Fortmer Vice-President for University Relations, U-M will speak on: "THE UNFULFILLED PROMISE OF EDUCATIONAL TELEVISION Wednesday, April 29 Auditorium B at 3 p.m. Angell Hall ANN ARBOR. DRAMA SEASO,.N. presents OPENS WEDNESDAY ! :fi:;:..'i:,;:ii;<:{:'::i:+::+:(S:'is3.-....'"i:" i; ""+fis,:: ?;t':;i.i : TY HARDINI person SUNDAY IN NEW YORK riotous sophisticated comedy April 29-May 2 Trueblood Auditorium I I I I f! Coming "THE SERVANT" Thursday 8 p.m.-Baynard Rustin, a civ- il rights leader and a chief or- ganizer of last summer's March on Washington, will keynote a CORE- sponsored conference on civil rights. His speech will be on "The Future of the Nonviolent Civil Rights Movement." Following his speech will be an address on "Establishing Com- munity Roots" by Blydon Jackson of the East River CORE organiza- tion in New York City. 8:30 p.m.-The Philadelphia Or- chestra, with Thor Johnson con- ducting, will present a program with violinist Charles Treger play- ing "Scottish Fantasy for Violin and Orchestra" by Bruch. SPECIAL OFFER to introduce students to Drama Season Buy a $,25 or $3.50 ticket-- bring dote or friend FREE! It First Show at 12:30 Shows at 12:30-2:36-4:50 6:55-9:15 1W , GREGRYAOR TONY PECK ~CURTIS I BOX OFFICE OPEN in Frieze Bldg.--10 a.m. to 9 p.m. NO 3-6470 or Univ. Ext. 2235 ip--: I& r 'a 4 jVe UNIVERSITY PLAYERS (Dept. of Speech) presents. the Opera Dept. of the School of Music in Tchaikovskyrs tragic opera; TIDE QUEEN OF SPADES\(} . I - r , .. r ml-- _1 EVENINGS WEDNESDAY thru SATURDAY-$:30 P.M. MATINEES THURSDAY and SATURDAY--2:30 P.M. Students: Any Show, $1.25 in balcony x . Eves. Orch. $4.25, 3.50, 2.54 R.L- Cl CA 7 sn 1 _SO -- - _ eT l' 1 C 1 E I I I 0