. Johnson Recommends $1 Billion Aid Project For Appalachian Area Program Seeks To Help Negro Students ATTACKS DIVISION PLANS Keyserling Sees Link In Economic Problems By DEAN GOTTEHRER Collegiate Press Service WASHINGTON-The problems of unemployment, economic growth, poverty and economic redistribution of wealth are all the same thing, according to Leon Keyserling, former chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors. Addressing participants in Poverty at George Washington. Leaving 'U' PrOF. JOHN REED of the Law School, currently on leave, has accepted the deanship of the University of Colorado Law School. Prof. Reed, among other activities at the University, headed up a committee whose report led to major changes. in the Office of Student Affairs. YEST: Knife Fight Rocks Fete By LEONARD PRATT A knife fight reportedly inter- rupted Michigras festivities a few minutes after 11 p.m. last night. One student was reported to have been knifed in the side dur- Ing the minor riot. The fight, rel rted to have be- gun between a Negro youth and a white youth, erupted at about 11:10. The first call for police aid went out at about 11:15. Police immediately sealed en- trances and refused to allow any- one to enter or reenter bYoust Field House. The crowd inside rap- idly dispersed. There was virtual- ly no one left inside an hour later. One police officer was hospi- talized with a broken foot, ac- cording to Michigras officials. Approximately 20 police officers were eventually at the scene. Some 30 Negro and eight white youths were reported involved in the fighting. Police immediately arrested four unidentified persons. As of 1:15 a.m. this morning, the four were still under interrogation. The po- lice had released no statement as of then. Rumors that Congress of Racial Equality demonstrators had origi- nated the disturbances appeared unfounded. The mob scene did def- initely have racial overtones, how- ever, according to observers on the scene. Zeta Beta Tau and Kappa Alpha' Theta took first place in the show' booth competition with their film3 of "The World That Wa.s" They' were followed by Sigma Alpha Mu and Alpha Epsilon Phi in the show booth competition. the 'Intercollegiate Conference on University, Keyserling attacked th - current effort to divide the prob lem of improving the functioning of the economy into separate part and trying to solve each part with the "band-aid" approach. "I regard the initiation of Pres- ident Lyndon B. Johnson's Pro- gram on Poverty as one of the greatest acts of political courage,' he said. "I am critical of the failure to delineate between high ideals and practical programs," Keyserling continued. "Good intentions are not enough ... behind them there must be programs that are prac- tical." Wrong Emphasis One of the. discouraging aspects of the Poverty Program, he said, is its failurento place enough em- phasis on an expanding economy and the problem of unemployment. "The assumption is that if we place enough emphasis on improv- ing the individual, the whole prob- lem will be solved," Keyserling said. The problem of poverty is not a pocket problem nor a limited prob- lem; it is not due to the personal characteristics of certain indi- viduals, he said. Most Ameri- cans, he continued, can be train- ed to fill almost any job-if the jobs are there. "Poverty is clearly a function of the economy," he said. "We have learned in the past that when a high rate of growth existed the rate of unemployment has fallen, but similarly when the growth rate slows, the reduction of poverty slows." Keyserling believes that "For the first time in history, the economic problem in the United Stat-s has become a moral and ethical prob- lem which cannot be separated in- to parts." Referring to the war on poverty, Keyserling said that "A beginning is not enough. A beginning just says that it is too late to do any- thing for the old, so let's do some- thing for the young." He believes that the size of the problem is such that we have to begin every- where. The beginning, the tax cut, is not effective according to Keyser- ling because "All or most of the increased spending will not go where new jobs will be created, but where automation is creating more unemployment." The prob- lem is that the program must counter or advance ahead of tech- nilogical developments. Rebuild Cities Keyserling's solution to the un- employment problem is to under- take a program for rebuilding the cores of our cities. This would cut unemployment by at least half within ten years, he said. "Our greatest need is for un- skilled, semi-skilled and partial- ly-skilled jobs for untrained work- ers," he added. "Instruction will provide these jobs." Keyserling attacked attempts to create programs which are "poli- tically feasible." He felt the lead- ership should create its own con- census for the programs it de- velops. He cited as examples the Social Security program of Roose- velt and the Marshall Plan of the Truman, administration as pro- grams for which the administra- tion created its own consensus and which did not win widespread ap- proval until they were long in ef- fect and successful. To Submit Bills To Aid Poor Region Also Announces U.S., Soviet Discussions To Promote Peace By The Associated Press e WASHINGTON-President Lyn- don B. Johnson said yesterday h will ask Congress to approve a ' billion-dollar aid program for nin Appalachian states. The President also told a news conference that the United States and the Soviet Union are discuss- ing several possible agreement which he said "might lessen ten- sions and promote peace." Johnson said "we are hopeful' Sabout the outcome of American- Soviet discussions. And without getting specific he reported that he has exchanged "a good many communications with Soviet Pre- mier Nikita S. Khrushchev. Johson announced that he will submit to Congress tomorrow leg- islative proposals to aid the Ap- palachian states-Maryland, Vir- ginia, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama. Georgia and North Carolina. Over $1 Billion The President, who visited three of these states Friday to dramatize his "war on poverty," gave figures which indicated the aid program eventually would cost $1 billion or more, including $840 million for 2,150 miles of highways. He said the cost during the first year-the 12 months that begin July 1-would come to about $220 million. He said such outlays won't affect the budget because they will be taken from a contingency fund already provided. Following a conference with sev- en Appalachian governors Friday night at Huntington, W. Va., John- son said he "worked through the night" to help shape up specific recommendations for Congress. Other Issues On other major topics, the Pres- ident said: -"There is still a serious risk of efforts to upset the Geneva accords" providing for a neutral- ist-headed government in Laos. "We are still disturt 2d about the situation," he said. --Gen. Paul Harkins, command- er of U.S. forces in South Viet Nam, will retire Aug. 1 and be re- placed by his deputy, Lt. Gen. William C. Westmoreland. -Aircraftmanufacturersdhave failed in efforts to develop design proposals for an economic super- sonic jet transport, so the program will be reviewed. "I remain con- vinced that it will be possible to develop an American supersonic transport which will be economical to pperate," Johnson said. Questioned about claims by some that the poverty program is inadequate, Johnson said, "I think this poverty program is adequate under the circumstances. You have to take these things with gradual realism." Greek Cypriots Hit Turk Posts SAINT ELIAS, Cyprus () - Greek Cypriot fighters launched a surprise pre-dawn attack yester- day on Turkish Cypriot positions in the rugged Kyrenia mountains and advanced five miles toward the strategic pass. At least three Turks and one Greek were killed and three Greeks and one Turk wounded in a five- hour running battle which started at 3 a.m., the United Nations re- ported. By JUDITH BARNETT You are a Negro high ,school student. 1' Last June you graduated from one of Detroit's predominatly Negro high schools. You'd like to attend the University. But for academic, social. and financial reasons, the odds have been slim that you'd ever take a course here. To counteract some of the ob- stacles faced by Negro students interested in coming to Ann Arbor, the University has developed an "opportunity program" to pave the road to their admission. So far 'under this program, 40 stu- dents have been accepted for en- rollment at the University. Twenty more applications are pending, and more students are applying every day. This program really had its beginnings with the appointment of Leonard Sain as special assis- tant to the director of admissions. For the past eight months, Sain has been workng on a large-scale program to help bring disadvan- taged students onto the campus with great emphasis on giving Negroes a chance to strengthen their number of 130 in the under- graduate school. Under this program, Sain has been . carrying on research, pro- gramming and communication to inform parents, high schools and other colleges of the University's desire to help. Schools Vary Sain's reviews of research con- ducted in high schools indicated that levels of student achievement and performance in different high schools vary markedly, and that these variations are closely related to the type of student in each school. Due to these great differences between the quality of various high schools, a student's rank within his high-school class will have little predictive value in de- termining his probable success in college. Intense academic competition in a high school tends to prepare a student well for academic com- petitign at the University-and vice versa for students for non- competitive high schools. Aid Program Working from these and other findings, Sain began formulating a program to help the students coming from schools of low com- petition and comparatively in- ferior academic training. As these factors are likely to be lower in areas of low economic status, Sam began "working with the Univer- sity's existing facilities" to pro- vide financial academic assistance to these students. Sain's program was publicized and more than 100 inquiries were received from students all over- Michigan. Applications were sent to these students and 60 replies were received to date. Of these, 40 have already been accepted for admissions with twenty still pend- ing. These students are accepted or rejected on the same basis as any other student applying to the Uni- versity, Sain noted. strengthening sessions In reading be implemented. Financial need is determined next. Reports are.now under lire-. paration to be sent to various foundations for support of the new program. The University hopes to arrange "package plans" to pro- vide financial support for these students. Package Explained For example, such a package would consist of one-third from loans, one-third coming from work programs, and the remainder from the student himself. Besides additional financial as- sistance, two final forms of help would be provided for the student entering this program: a summer school session and a counseling project. Due to the uncertainty of the necessary funds, only temporary plans have been laid by Sain for the summer school session. Four Weeks Ideal He says a four-week, on-campus program would be the ideal. Morn- ing "classes" would consist of strengthening sessions in reading \:YI e 3k1 43UU6 ~E~aitb Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIV, No. 160 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, APRIL 26, 1964 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES Border State Senator Opposes Civil Rights Bill WASHINGTON (MP)-The fate of the civil rights bill may rest with border state Senators, and yesterday one of them took the Senate floor to label the measure "seriously defective and potentially dangerous." What caused Sen. Albert Gore (D-Tennessee) to lash the admin- istration-sponsored and House-passed bill more than three hours s a section that would permit the President and other officials to cut off federal aid funds if a state NA VAL COOPERATION: Expect de Gaulle To Pull Out or local agency engages in racial discrimination. In the hands of some future President, Gore contended, this could be a wedge for political re- prisal. And so broad is the pro- vision, he said, a state's entire. school lunch or welfare funds' could be cut off if a single district is found in violation. Old Friend Gore voted for the civil rights bills of 1957 and 1960, but said he cannot support the current legis- lation-in its present form. Nineteen Southern senators are dead set against civil rights legis- lation and are dedicating their' oratorical energies to trying to talk the bil lto death. If they can per- suade 15 colleagues that the bill should not be passed, attempts to choke off debate-now in its 40th day-would be impossible. To invoke cloture, 67 have to be in favor if all 100 senators show up and vote. It only took 19 minutes this morning to round up a quorum of 51 senators for the fourth con- secutive Saturday session on civil rights. Leaders hope to drive a wedge into the talkfest Tuesday or Wed- nesday by calling for a vote on their amendment to provide jury trials in discrimination cases. Unlikely However, the Dixie field mar- shall, Sen. Richard B. Russell (D- Ga), old a reporter it is "highly unlikely" tPere will be any vote on the amendment next week. The amendment was introduced yesterday by Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield of Montana and Republican Leader Everett M. Dirksen. It would limit to a $300 fine and 30 days in jail contempt sentences without a jury trial un- der all injunctive provisions of the 1964 bill. And it would bring the 1957 measure into line by re- ducing the jail ceiling in xoter rights cases from 45 days to 30 days. If the Southerners mount an oratorical barrage against it, the amendment cannot be brought to a vote. TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN Rahman Win Endorses 'Tough Line' KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (RP) -Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman's Alliance party rolled to a landslide victory yesterday, win- ning a resoundinghmandatehfor continuing its tough approach to Indonesian threats to smash Ma- laysia. Rahman jubilantly declared the victory "has given us very much courage to face our enemies with absolute confidence." "To hell with (Indonesian Pres- ident) Sukarno!" he added. With counting still incomplete, R a h m a n 's multiracial Alliance party had captured 70 of Malaya's 104 parliamentary seats, picking up eight opposition seats. Singa- pore, Sarawak and Sabah, the other states in the Malaysian fed- eration, appoint their parliamen- tarians. The victory was a crushing de- feat for Malaysia's far left and its extreme rightwing religious zea- lots. They have demanded an ac- cord in the smouldering dispute with Indonesia which has led to serious guerrilla fighting in Ma- laysia's Boreno states. The Socialist front and Right- ist Pan Malayan Islamic party captured five and one seats re- spectively although their total was expected to grow as more returns come in. Rahman, a Moslem prince, cam- paigned almost entirely on Ma- laysia's dispute with Indonesia. claiming any vote against the government would be for Indone- sian President Sukarno. The In- donesian president has vowed to smash Malaysia as a neo-colon- ialist state set up againststhe wishes of the people to serve British interests. Th rm. m in ctar . m,+hi LONDON (P)-Allied diplomats said last night they understand French President Charles de Gaulle is planning to end active French naval cooperation with the North Atlantic Alliance. except in time of war. These r e p o r t s came after F r a n c e 's representative, Adm. George Cabaniere, stayed away from a meeting of the committee of NATO's channel command held Thursday in the Hague. Vice-Adm. Jean Witrand, naval attache at the French embassy in London, said he had no informa- tion when asked by a newsman if there was any explanation for Cabainere's absence. The informants,. who declined to be identified, said they now do not expect the French to partici- pate in future naval exercises be- ing arranged for European mem- bers of NATO who make up chan- nel command. The command in- cludesdBritain, France, Belgium, Holland and is led by Adm. Sir Wilfrid J. W. Woods of Britain. Confirmation In Germany, meanwhile, the in- dependent Hamburg newspaper Die Welt said it also had learned of a possible French navy with- drawal. A front page dispatch by its Paris correspondent said "there is reason to assume that France's NATO partners have already been informed of this intended step." De Gaulle's reported decision, so far as can be established in Lon- don, has not yet been conveyed officially to NATO's permanent council. But more than one allied government has been advised that the French are planning to do so imminently. If it comes, the move will be more a symbol of the French pres- ident's dissatisfaction with the NATO set-up than a blow to inter- allied defense itself. The French already have withdrawn their Mediterranean and Atlantic fleets from NATO command-with the proviso they would become avail-' able again in time of war. Last Areas Channel command represented one of the last remaining areas in which the British navy was work- ing with the French navy. As understood in London by allied authorities both the French navy and foreign ministry favored a continuation of some forms of French naval cooperation within NATO. Secretary of State Dean Rusk of the United States and British Foreign Secretary R. A. Butler will be meeting in Washington next week and are due to take a hard look at the affairs of the Alliance. and communications skills. The' afternoon would be centered around discussions to familiarize the incoming student with the de- partments of the University. Days would end with programs centered on enriching the student's culture and aquaintng him with the num.- erous cultural activities available on campus. Now, hopefully, the student is financially strong and academical- ly oriented. But the time has come for him to attend school. To assist him down the long roads of social and academic dif- ficulties incurred during his four years, Sain hopes to intensify counseling for the student. "Not wanting to leave it to chance," the University will build into the program a planned program of personal academic counseling. The entire program-summer session, financial aid and counsel- ing-awaits adequate financial support. Sain. says he feels sup- port will be secured so that the summer pre-college program can be implemented. The French position undoubtedly will be closely examined in the light of the decision attributed to de Gaulle. But de Gaulle personally is be- lieved to have been opposed. One possible. reason is that he dislikes the idea of French warships re- maining under foreign command. It was not immediately clear if de Gaulle means means withdraw- ing all French naval officers from Negotiation Meetings Settle' Local Discrimination Case By BRUCE BIGELOW City Human Relations Commission. Director. David Cowley met with members of the Congress of Racial Equality and representatives of Thompson's Restaurant this past week and succeeded in negotiat- ing a solution to the problem of alleged discrimination at the Thomp- son's Restaurant. Representatives of the restaurant consented to hire a Negro waitress, Tamar Eutsey, for a ten-hour work week to begin with. They promised that her hours would be gradually increased un- til she will finally be working full time. The agreement followed several months of intense picketing by CORE. Picketers had regularly gathered in front of the estab- lishment on weekends, between the hours of midnight and 3 a.m. ever since the first of the year. The first observations of appar- ent discrimination were made by CORE last October. At this time CORE set up a testacase involv- ing both a Negro and a white applicant. CORE said the Negro was refused a job despite her con- siderable experience in such work, while the white girl was hired im- mediately although she had less than three months experience. Between October and January, CORE met often with members of the restaurant in an attempt to arrive at some conclusion. Little, however, was accomplished until picketing began this year. CORE viewed this action as fur- ther evidence of purposeful dis- crimination. The State Civil Rights Commission was called in and in- vestigated the case, finally lead- ing to the sessions of negotia- tions with HRC. Local CORE Chairman Walter Blackwell said last night the out- come of the case has appeared to have other immediate conse- quences. "In negotiations, shortly after the Thompson's settlement, another d o w n t o w n restaurant agreed to hire Negro help." African States Ratify Plan For Unification DAR ES-SALAAM (AP) - The Revolutionary Council of Zanzi- bar and the Tanganyika National Assembly ratified the agreement for the Union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar yesterday. The New Republic of Tangan- yika and Zanzibar officially came into being at the stroke of mid- night. The announcement of Zanzi- bar's ratification was made by a Tanganyika government official as the national assembly went into the last stages of the ratification procedure. The official said the next step would be for Tanganyikan Presi- dent Julius Nyerere, who will be the head of the new nation, to appoint ministers. Sunday was designated Union Day. Nyerere announced Thursday he had signed an agreement with President Abeid Karume of Zanzi- bar to merge the two former Brit- ish colonies into one sovereign nation. The signing was reported to have taken place Wednesday on Zanzibar, an island lying off Tan- ganyika's coast. the various NATO command struc- tures in which they now serve. At a time of some stress over the future of the Atlantic alliance the ending of all French naval co- operation undoubtedly will create new problems for Western states- men. Local observers would not say whether or not this change was in line with de Gaulle's current NATO "plans. BACK TO NEBRASKA: Daily Compositor Starts Headin' West ' By ANDREW ORLIN The tall, handsome and suave man who has put up with sophmoric, unthinking and argumentative hothead students for the past nine years no longer will be manning his usual post in The Daily shop. Daily compositor Wayne Walkenhorst has locked his last page for The Daily with today's edition. With humor-and occasional severity-he has prodded night editors to get the paper locked and ready for the presses by the 2 a.m. deadline-or thereabouts. Near Concussions They'll miss the way he speedily assembled a page. throwing the a l i f A f t X I f S t S 1 C 'ARTISTIC' ENDEAVOR: 'Ensian To Debut Tomorrow By JOHN KENNY *m. Acting Assistant Managing Editor Displaying a deep blue cover with a silver-embossed seal of the University, the Michiganensian-volume 68-comes out tomorrow. The 224-page book features a 16-page color section and a special 114-page paperback supplement with group pictures of campus living units-dorms, quads, co-ops, sororities and fraternities. The supple- ment is included in the $5 pre-publication price of the Ensian, and cannot be purchased separately. :::::ii:i:::::iL: ..... _.. s.......940 .'.. ...... _.. v:. r........... .. _ : ::::: ti :::d'. Y. }': ,,,,