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April 25, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-04-25

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See Editorial Page




Sunny, somewhat

Seventy-T hree Years of Editorial Freedom


Cuts Operations
Of Military Bases
Me~amaa Ann10unces Redution1s;
WASHINGTON (AP)-Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamnara
announced yesterday 63 closing, reductions and consolidations of miu-
* tary installations and activities at an estimated ultimate saving of
$68 million annually.
* Most of the individual actions involved relatively minor opera-
tions--including some unused Florida seaplane bases-and they will

Brlokaw Cites
City overt
"The public school teacher
must accept the challenge today,.
and seek to insert herself as a
valid counselor and intimate cor-
respondent of culturally deprived
children," Mrs. Josephine Brokaw,
principal of Ann Arbor's Mack
School, stated last night in a ban-
quet address at the League. .
The banquet was sponsored by
Pi Lambda Theta and Phi Delta
Kappa, the University honorary
societies in education,,. and the
theme centered upon "Ann Ar-
bor's Challenge: Poverty."
Present Reality
Mrs. Brokaw pointed to the fact
that poverty is a very, present
reality In the Ann Arbor commun-
ity. From her experiences in local
elementary teaching, she particu-
l'arly emphasized the academic
problems of the city's culturally
deprived children. "The responsi-
bility for providing such children
with adequate and intensified
training," she said, "lies largely
In the teacher." '
She said the teacher is often
the person who entertains the
most intimate relationships with
Sthe child, and that she must at-
tempt to truly understand him
and his relationships to his en-
vironment. "The teacher must
assume t h e responsibility of
gently guiding the student in the
development of his behavioral
Mrs. Brokaw continued to stress
that lower income groups in Ann
Arbor are guided by very differ-
ent social norms than those of the
middle class population. She em-
phasized that these norm patterns
must be considered as valid value
systems for the type of poverty
areas in which they are now liv-
Realize Norm Patterns
The main task for teachers and
other middle class members, she
continued, is to realize the norm
patterns engrained within such
poverty-stricken p e r s o n s, and
then wor to 0bring out nly posi-
unique abilities.,
Mrs. Brokaw pointed to several
wokignsuc ce as delin
quency. She further stressed that
many local youngsters are in the
need of help but are unable to re-
brain damage are almost totally
Inaddition, she stateld tthe
program of experimentation of
various teaching methods in such
3cimstances.S S
To Study Brain

~be carried out over ia 3%-year per-
iod to reduce the econiomic impact
on localities and personnel.
But some of them were impor-
tant enough to bring prompt pro-
test from members of Congress.
None of the 11 government-op-
erated naval shipyards and no
major army, air force or naval
bases were involved in yesterday's
announcement--but the turn of
some of them may come in six
to nine months. .
Mostly Civilian Jobs
When completed, the Pentagon
announcement s a i d, yesterday's
actions will eliminate 10,056 civ-
ilian jobs and military assign-
ments-about 6400 in the United
States and 3600 overseas. Those
affected do mesticall will rea
largely military personnel.
The Defense Departmen t esti-
mated that this latest step will
comibne with earlier ones in a
three-year program of reduction
and realignment of facilities and
operations to bring an ultimate
over-all annual saving of $551
million a year in operating costs
and the elimination of 81,600
civilian jobs and military assign-
An added over-all result, the
Pentagon said, will be the release
of 696,000 acres of land for sale
or non-defense use by the gov-
ernmntand n61 industrial plants
sale. N I i
No Impairment
All this, McNamara told news-
men is abeing carried out without
tion's military might. And he add-
ed that efforts are being made to
offer all displaced workers other
government employment.
Fifty-five of yesterday's an-
nounced actions affect facilities
and operations in the United
States-at ultimate annual sav-
ings of $21 million.
Eight others will involve un-
specified overseas bases and op-
erating in four countries-at an
estimated $21-million-a-year sav-
ing. -
The major single installation
listed for virtual elimination is
the Watertown Arsenal near Bos-
ton. Nearly all of it is to be turned
over to the General Services Ad-
ministration by September 1967
at an annual saving of $5.3 million
and a personnel cut of 1,849.
Sen Levrtt Saltonstall (D-
Mass) sai vehe is extremely dis-
tressed by this decision and added
in a staement:
"I trust that the Johnson ad-
ministration will live up to its
promise that these fine citizens
will be given other positions com-
parable with the skills they have
The major consolidation will af-
fect contract supervision offices
maintained in 29 cities by the
Army, Navy, Air Force and De-
fense Supply Agency. This will be
carried out over a two-year per-
iod and is expected to eliminate
1800 jobs and save $18.8 million

Set Back
The circut court arraignment
Committeespickets carged with
obstructing an officer has been
set back until Monday morning.
David Barnard, Phyliss Erfurt,
Mar'tha Mason and Judy Weiss-
man appeared before Judge Wil-
liamn F. Ager Jr. without counsel
yesterday afternoon. Ager ex-
plained that the four could not
enter a plea without their lawyer
When called before the court to
enter his plea, Barnard explained
that the group's lawyer, Milton
Henry of Pontiac, was not present
and asked for an "indefinite post-
ponement" of the trial.
File an Appearance
Ager responded that the group's
arraignment had already been
postponed several times. He ex-
plained that it was the court's
duty to guarantee the pickets a
"speedy trial.' He then demanded
that Henry either be present for
Monday's session or "file an ap-
pearance before the court." Fil-
ing an appearance consists of the
attorney's confirmation that he
is representing the group in court.
Miss Erfurt asked the court if
her group of pickets could be ar-
raigned at the same time as the
other three pickets facing the
same charge. The other three
went through a similar session
with Circuit Court Judge James
R. Breakey on Thursday. Miss
Erfurt's request would have set
Ager's arraignment plans back
three days.
Ager explained that this would
not be possible for the same rea-
sons that an indefinite postpone-
ment was not possible. He ex-
plained that if the four could not
afford to present counsel he could
easily appoint a lawyer to repre-
sent them.
Unable To Appeal
Miss Erfurt explained that the
group had definitely retained
Henry but that he had been un-
able to get away from a trial in
Miss Weissman replied to Ager's
questions by telling him that
Henry had tried to contact his
secretary several times to ask for
a dely of thhe arraignment.ods
of such contacts, Ager ended the
proceedings by noting that the
four should make certain they
were represented Monday morn-
CHESTER, Pa. QP-A battle
broke out last night between civ-
il rights demonstrators and city
and state police.
A source near the scene said
about 100 Negro demonstrators
were standing. at an intersection
singing freedomn songs, when police
arrived and warned them to clear
the intersection or be arrested.
A battle then broke out and
several Negro bystanders joined
the melee.
Several demonstrators were ar-
rested and put on buses to be
taken to the police station.
State police at Belmont report-
ed .earlier that they had sent
troops into Chester.
Some 100 police in all were
called to the scene.


A unique "inter-session"~ will of-
fer two zoology courses between
May 18 and June 19-before the
regularly-scheduled summer ses-
sion begins.
This is the first time that a
University department has of fer-
ed a course for credit during this
time period. Various conferences
and institutes have been held at
this time in the past, but never a
regular ocruse. .
Alleviate Backlog -
Zoology 101-general zoology-
and 252-vertebrate anatomy and
development-will be offered for
four credits each, essentially "be-
cause- zoology courses are often
quite crowed during the regular
semester, and we wanted to take
advantage of this time to alleviate
some of the backlog," Prof. Dugald
E. Brown, chairman of the de-
partment, said.
"We also want to get some ex-.
perience with the problems in-
volved in giving courses at this
an eventualr fullthird semeste i
the"h de summer," he added
According to Associate Dean
Burton D. Thuma of the literary
college, the fairly long period this
year before the summer session
furnishes an excellent opportunity
for the department, since its lab-
oratory space limits the number
of students it can handle during
the school year.
The offering was suggested to
the zoology department by the lit-
erary college.
Sign Up
Students are asked to indicate
their desire for the courses by
signing up on the bulletin board
outside of the departmental office.
So far 20 have signed up for each
course-enough for one section in
Registration for the courses will
be the first day of classes, May 18.
Prof. Lawrence Stuart will teach
101 and W. J. Graham 252.
The courses will meet six hours
a day on four days a week, with
one hour of lecture and five of
laboratory. .
Housing for women will be in
Couzens Hall. No dormitory hous-
ing will be afforded for men.
Tuition for freshmen and soph-
omore state residents will be $60
and $190 for out of state lower-
classmen. For in state juniors and
seniors the tuition will be $70 and
for out of state upperclassmen
the tuition will run $200.
Usual approval of counselor is
necessary for registration. This is
standard procedure for special
courses taken during special ses-
sions. For example, this is the
same procedure followed for sum-
mer school.

House GO


THESE THREE MEN, Rep. Joseph Gillis (left), Governor George Romney (center)
Alison Greene, were all deeply involve din the House action yesterday that resulted in th
Romney's redistricting program and the passage of the House's own "Plan C." Gillis w
mental in bringing Romney's plan to a vote that crushed it 15-45. Greene called Ph
means for House Republicans to maintain control of the situation in the Legslature. Ro
gratulated the House on its action, describing the accepted plan as fai rand equitable.
Roa Complains of U.S. IncurTsi


contends that things are moving
toward a new Caribbean crisis
and wants UN Secretary-General
U Thant to try to stop United
States reconnaissance flights over
Cuban territory.
Collegiate Press Service
WASHINGTON-Students from
35 universities gathered last night
to begin a three day Inter Colleg-
iate Conference on Poverty spon-
sored by the student council of
George Washington University.
The 200 delegates met briefly
to hear addresses by Prof. Oscar
Ornati of the economics depart-
ment at the New School for Social
Research in New York, and Hy-
man Bookbinder, executive direc-
tor of the task force of the war of
Prof. Ornati told the group that
the huge number of poverty strick-
en families in the United States is
the "greatest responsibility we now
face." If consistent relative stand-
ards are used, there has been no
actual decrease in the number of
poor in this country since the end
of World War II.
"The highest goal of charity,"
he added, "should be to see that
charity is unnecessary."
Bookbinder conveyed the John-
son administration view that pov-
erty will not be solved by simply
trying to erase unemployment.
"There are nine million fam-
ilies in this country with an av-
erage income of only $35 per
week," he said.

Cuban Foreign Minister Raul
Roa suggested this in a letter
made public at UN headquarters
yesterday after it had been pub-
lished in newspapers in Havana.
The Cuban delegation gave Thant
the letter Thursday-.
Roa wrote that Cuba was sure
Thant would "make the demarches
(steps) that your wisdom and ex-
perience advise you to make"
about the facts set forth in his
Numerous Complaints
He was not specific. But the
letter complained about U2 flights
over Cuba, concentration of U.S.
jet planes around Cuba and what
it charged was trespassing on
Cuban soil by U.S. Marines from
the Guantanamo Naval Base.
Roa said the situation had the
elements of the one that produced
the crisis of October 1962 when
the U.S and the Soviet Union had
a grave and perilous confrontation
over Soviet missiles in Cuba.
Soviet Warning
The Soviet government news-
paper Izvestia warned yesterday
morning that if "a treacherous
attack" on Cuba resulted from a
dispute over the U2 flights, the
Soviet Union would take Cuba's

Cuban Prime Ml
Castro said In a spee
day that Cuba no I
put up with U.S. pla
its air space.
Then Cuba demand
to the U.S. through ti
bassy in Havana, t
flights stop.
But President Lynd
son told callers Tuesd
had to go on so th
could see that no new
siles were imported i
Seriously Affect
In his letter to
warned of "a situ
could seriously ae
and which, given the
its configurating ch
would lead unfailing
of vast and profound
"This situation ste
mnonth of October 19
"from the arbitrary,
illegal and irrespons
of the government of
"In reality, the pr
is an integral part (
that brought mankin
of a thermonuclear
that so deeply conce
and you in particula

Party Lines
Democrats Charg
Republicanis with
LANSING (AP)-Rejecting a plan
offered by Gov. George W. Rom-
ney and in defiance of a bipar-
tisan Senate coalition, House Re-
publicans mustered their votes
yesterday to pass their own plan
for congressional redistricting.
and Rep. "Pan C," a compromisedrfe
e defeat of GOP committee was adopted on
vas instru- a 57-48 vote-except for one rebel
an C as a on each side-that fololwed strict
mney con- party lines.
But in a vote that caught bothi
th1e partie by surprise, the Re-
publican plan to abolish the
straight party ticket and replaceu
it with the "Massachusetts ballot"
nS lost o na 55-50 vote, one vote shy
ORS of the necessary majority of the
110 vote chamber.
Stunned by Results
nister Fidel GOP leaders, who viewed 'the
ch last Sun- ballot proposal as a key element
.onger would to help them bargain with the
nes violating Senate on the redistricting, .were
stunned by the results.
ed, In a note Debate and action on redistrict-
he Swiss Em- ing and the ballot bill, consummed
hat the US all afternoon in the House. Every
vote, procedural and final, ad-
Ion B. John- hered closely to party lines.
ay the flights Republicans were charged by
at the U.S. Democrats wth seeking a gerry-
vSoviet mis- mander congressional districts
nto Cuba. with their plan, and accused of
Peace trying to disenfranchise voters
with the bill to abolish a straight
Thant, Roa party ticket.
ation which Democratic Support
ritpeace anda Democrats also challenged the
~ibban reaGOP to demonstrate support for
elements of Romney by backing the governor's
iaracteristics, congressional plan instead of its
Ly to a crisis on
international "If you vote for it, you're against
Romney," declared House minority
ms, as in the leader Joseph Kowalski (D-De-
'62," he said, troit) after noting that the gov-
provocative, ernor had been, snubbed by ten
~ible conduct members of his own party who
the U.S. teamed with ten Democrats to
esent episode pass the Democratic congressional
)f that crisis plan in the Senate.
d to the brink Romney, however, issued a
conflict and statement saying the congressalonaM
mned the UN plan approved in the Housed is
r." fairer and more equitable and Is
closer to the principle of equal
population than the proposal
Q (~fl passed by the' Senate coalition.
'I congratulate the House Re-
publican members for their ac-
tion," Romney said.
The vote, which sent the plan
~ak to the Senate demonstrated what
House Speaker Allison Green
IWednesday earlier had referred to as the in-
to hear fea- tention of House Republicans "to
lay 22 com- get and keep control of the situa-
Reject Romney Plan
n Yost Field It came after Romney's own
;ated. Closed plan was rejected on a 15-45 vote
)uld also be in wvhich five Republicans and
d., Rackham ten Democrats voted for it, 15
Amphitheatre Republcans and 30 Democrats
voted against it, and 3'7 Republi-

cotiud; Th omneyplan was brought
ttedsita dim to a vote through the manuever-
lay in he ig of Rep. -Joseph Gillis (D-Det.)
~tatonBlg.wh offrdi to th bod asa
caseof aincause it cut county lines in several
caseof ain places-a problem which plan C
members will was designed to solve.
tit cou n- 118 edge i Conges or g
on wil con Democrats at least one moe lat
should furnish a Republican edge
*also be re- with perhaps two swing 'listricts
s dalumni in doubt.Oet
wilbea-Of Deadline

Erich A. Walter, University executive secretary, said
that a crowd of about 85,000 is expected to be on hand
tured speaker President Lyndon B. Johnson at the :r
mencement exercises in Michigan Stadium.

In case of hea
House, the annou


T1ubey' Opens Michigras Parade, Festivities
With ag theat "Hi to the
& ties.
As crowds of onlookers strained
to see, "Tubey," the mascot rep-
x senting the Mii vison theme
television them -represented
7weeks of effort on the part of
*sg various residence halls, fraterni-
loe to hoe "Th Outer Liis
by ilia ad ngel ouesde

ivy rain, the exercises will be held i
nicement of commencement plans si
circuit television wo
provided to Hill Au
Lecture Hall and ~
and Trueblood Aud.
tickets for their fami
*- Ytrio touein l
lobby fteAdmnst
seted on the payr
ti t ille alsr be al
Fault ad stf
fortheimsees and t
ser. Tiet istribut

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