WHICH WAY IQC? See Editorial Page :Y Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom :43 a t 1 PARTLY CLOUDY High-6 Low-38 Little temperature change VOL. LXXIV, 4o.158 RESIDENTIAL CO To Choo By'JEFFREY GOODMAN A student advisory committee will be named sometime next week to work with Associate Dean .Bur- ton D. Thuma of the literary col- lege on plans for: the new resi- dential college. "I'd like student advice on just about all the problems which the residential college proposal will face," Dean Thuma said. The committee will have 10 to 12 members, chosen to represent the campus' as well as. possible., While selection will not necessar- ily be according to student organ- izations, Dean Thuma noted that he would like students from all years, from men's and women's residence halls, from the literary college steering committee and perhaps from Student Govern- ment Council, as well as from other sources. Planning Running Dean Thuma was named last week by Vice-President for Aca- demic Affairs Roger W. Heyns to direct the planning and running of the residential college. The Re- gents approved the appointment last Friday. The student committee will be ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1964 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT ..., LLEGE: se Student Advisors BURTON D. THUMA concerned with the whole range of questions involving the residen- tial college: housing and living conditions, curriculum, student organizations, classroom facilities, size of the student body and fac- Law School 'Satisfactory' By MARGARET LOWE Virtually total satisfaction with the Law School was expressed by The Committee of Vtsitors, a group of prominent men in the law profession who recently evaluated the school, Associate Dean of the Law School Charles W. Joiner said yesterday. The committee, composed of 33 almuni, lawyers and judges- from 10 states, reported only mastery of the English language as wanting >among lawyers. Members of the committee were, however, pleased to note that the Law School is experimenting in several different ways to overcome this problem, Prof. Joiner said. Set up by action of the Law School, the group convened for its second annual meeting last October to examine the Univer- sity's legal education. Students, Faeulty Visiting classes and talking to faculty and students, the commit- tee's attention was directed to- ward discussion of the quality of the student body, faculty contri- butions to scholarship, financial aid to students, curriculum re- vision, shortcomings of graduated students and "The Michigan Law Review," a Law School publica- tion. The committee reported that the quality of the student body is high. More than one-half of the students place in the top 13 per cent in national rankings ,as re- corded by standard tests given to those persons applying to law, schools. The committee felt such a high ranking was due to a re- sponsible admissions policy, Prof. Joiner noted. The committee was informed that members of the faculty had publised 26rbooks and more than ulty, libraries, location and selec- tion standards for students and faculty. It will normally not meet to- gether with the 10-man faculty committee to be set up to work with Dean Thuma. Cross-Discussion "However, I might bring the two committees together occas- sionally if they want to argue out differences of opinion," Dean Thuma noted. About the only matter the stu- dent group will probably not dis- cuss will be the administrative or- ganization of the new self-con- tained living and learning unit. Dean Thuma hopes that the student committee will begin work this year and during the summer, though the latter period will probably be taken up mostly with the gathering of facts concerning the new college. Reviewers The literary college faculty and executive committee and Vice- President Heyns will be kept in- formed of the progress of the two committees. "I anticipate that we will have a fairly free hand, even though we will not be able to stray too far from the guidelines which the faculty and Regents have set up for the college," Dean Thuma said. The literary college faculty has set down the following principles for the residential college: Intergrated Living -It would be a small, self- contained educational unit, geared to a liberal arts curriculum and integrating eating, living and classroom facilities. -The students in it could take advantage of the total resources of the campus. -Professors for the 1000-2000 voluntarily-chosen students in the residential college would be full- fledged literary college personnel. Adminitration To Open Files To Cadid ates WASHINGTON (W) - President Lyndon B. Johnson opened the ad- ministration's intelligence files yesterday to Republicans who might be nominated to challenge him for the White House. . He said he wants to talk with them personally to help chart "the wise course" in foreign affairs. "I want all the men in the- opposi- tion party to know all the facts that dictate the decisions that in-1 volve national interests," the Pres- ident told a news conference. A spokesman for Sen. Margaret Chase Smith (R-Maine) said she would accept the offer, but Sen., Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz) wast- ed no time in labeling the offer "basically unwise." In a letter to Secretary of State Dean Rusk, he said the proposal looks to him like "an off-handE political gesture." He accused the Pentagon of "throwing around" top secret in- formation for political purposes and the State Department of sup- pressing data about the war in Viet Nam. He added that briefings on na- tional security could bind candi- dates to silence and thus stifle campaign debate on the nation's foreign policy. At Johnson's behest, Rusk sent invitations to six Republicans and a dissident Democrat to hear in-e telligence briefings from him, Sec-1 retary of Defense Robert S. McNa- mara and Director John A. Mc-I Cone of the Central Intelligence Agency.t By LAUREN BAHR The general chairmen of Soph Show are searching for a theatre in which to hold next year's per- formance, "Fiorello," since the Association of Producing Artists has booked Lydia Mendelssohn ROBERT SIDEMAN CHARLES W. JOINER I for most of the fall dates. The APA had been given first priority for the use of Lydia Men- delssohn by the University, with which it first contracted. The APA booked the theatre through Nov. 16, leaving only the weekend of Nov. 21 for the use of Soph Show, Musket and Gilbert and Sullivan Society. Musket has decided to move its performance to the spring, but this is an impossibil- ity for both Soph Show and G&S. ' Since G&S gives both a fall and spring performance, the show cannot possibly hold two per- formances in the spring, Very Difficult Robert Sideman, '67, general chairman of. Soph Show, feels that his group has been put into a very difficult and unfair posi- tion. "We have been given the op- tion of putting our performance on at Trueblood Auditorium, mov- ing it up to the spring, or taking the weekend of Dec. 3 in Lydia Mendelssohn. All three are quite unfeasible for a number of rea- sons: --"Since Soph Show is a musi- cal, Trueblood Auditorium cannot easily be utilized, because the stage does not lend itself to this type of production. Depends on Spirit -"Soph Show depends on the spirit of the sophomore class in Senate For C Passes ingress, Remapin Legi s laturc the beginning of the year, and we cannot hope to retain this spirit until next spring, since work has already begun on the performance. -"The weekend of Dec. 3 is very poor, since it is right before, final examinations and we will have difficulty getting students to attend. "We are under the impression that G&S has been given the weekend of Nov. 21 for Lydia Men- delssohn, so we must now decide among one of these inferior al- ternatives," Sideman continued. Not Informed Deanne Yek; '67, the other gen- eral chairman of Soph Show, said that what upset Soph Show was the fact that it was not informed previously of the APA's priority. "If we had been informed be- forehand, we might have been able to choose a play more adapt- able to Trueblood," Miss Yek added. "We also do not understand," she continued, "why the APA can- not do ,some of its performances in Trueblood, which it did last year, in order to accommodate the three student activities." Initiative Both Miss Yek and Sideman are disturbed about the fact that the administrators have taken the in- itiative in giving priority to the APA above student activities. Paul Malboeuf, '65, general chairman of Musket, is not as, up- set about the situation. "The Of- fice of Student Affairs agreed to contract the APA on certain terms, namely that it would have priority for scheduling, and I think there is enough demand for the APA to warrant some incon- veniencing of other student organ- izations," he said. "Also, I feel that it is ridiculous to have two student dramatic pro- ductions in the fall, and the pres- ent situation has forced us to alter tradition along these lines," .he concluded. Equal Consideration Nancy Freitag, '65, president of League Council, which sponsors. Soph Show, is opposed to Mal- boeuf's viewpoint. "The APA should be given equal considera- tion for Lydia Mendelssohn with Soph Show, Musket and Gilbert and Sullivan, and not hold the special position it now retains. Its schedule should be more flexible in order to give'student groups consideration," she said. According to Vice-President for{ Student Affairs James A. Lewis, chairman of the calendaring com- mittee, the APA cannot move some of its performances to the SOPH SHOW: Anybody Have a Theater. spring, as it did last year, because it is under contract to play in an- other community at that time for next year. Lewis said the calendaring com- mittee feels that "since last year APA shifted to the spring, al- though it didn't want to, in order to give these three groups. their performances in the fall, this year these three groups should give the APA the same consideration." The final decision on calendar- ing will not be made until Mon- day, when the calendaring com- mittee will give official approval to next year's calendar. KENT LUNDGREN EQC: Wolfe Wins Presideneyr Charles Wolfe, '66E, was elect- ed president of East Quad Coun- cil last night, with John Koski, '65, voted in for EQC vice-presi- dent and Roger Browdy, '67E, elected as East Quad representa- tive to Interquadrangle Council. Wolfe and Koski ran unopposed for their offices, though there was some write-in vote. Wolfe, as president, automat- ically will become a member of IQC. He replaces George Steinitz, '65; Browdy succeeds John Koza, '64, East Quad residents also voted in favor of -a referendum -advo- cating regular weekend hours for women in the quadrangles. The referendum passed by an over- whelming majority, with 83 per cent of the voters expressing ap- proval of the proposed liberaliza- tion. ~I ) . F r r HUMAN RELATIONS COUNCIL: Cowley Sees Support Fora HousingChang'es By LEONARD PRATT Ann Arbor's Human Relations Commission is presently con- sidering strengthening amendments to the existing Fair Housing Ordinance. The amendments would extend the ordinance's authority to cover the sale and rental of "commercial space" and would redefine the types of rooming houses which the ordinance controls. Both 75 articles in the past year. It felt this indicative of the quantity of scholarship a good law school should produce. r.Active Among Peers Prof. Joiner said the commit- tee was also pleased to find that, in addition to instructing stu- dents, writing articles and par- ticipating in research projects, the Law School faculty is active among its professional peers-in Bar Association activities and in state and national organizations. From a report on the cost of attending Law School, the com- mittee was impressed with the heavy expense involved. In gen- eral, it supported .efforts of the Law School to provide financial assistance to needy students, Prof. Joiner noted. MICHIVISION, TUBEY: Michi *gras--Campus Trans for Manufacturers' Association Criticizes Poverty Program WASHINGTON (A)-The National Association of Manufacturers expressed opposition yesterday to President Lyndon B. Johnson's anti- poverty bill and offered instead what it called a "genuine anti- poverty program." Heading the business group's list of proposals was a further tax cut to stimulate business. The association said these cuts should come out of any increased revenue to the government resulting from economic growth. The NAM also advocated : -"Economy in government spending, -Maintenance of the value of the dollar, -"Reduction of the special powers and exemptions granted to { f labor unions by, the government and --"Public assistance, where -; -:necessary, based on need and fi- f nanced and administered by the states and localities." The alternative anti-poverty steps were detailed in a state- ment submitted to the House Edu- cation and Labor Committee, r which is considering the program. The President's program, which Peace Corps head Sargent Shriver amendments have been referred to HRC by the City Commission. "The sentiment of the Human Relations Commission seems to support both proposals, Commis- sion Director David Cowley said yesterday. :qual Consideration The first proposal, which would provide for equal consideration for Negroes who wish to sell or rent space for "manufacturing, sale or display," was initiated by a local Ann Arbor discrimination case. The case was settled by HRC and never taken to court. Mrs., Eunice Burns, Democratic repre- sentative from the First Ward, is sponsoring the amendment, "which it does not now control. It would, redefine "boarding house" so the ordinance would control houses which rent only two or three rooms. Under present law, the ordinance controls. only large buildings whose sole purpose is to rent apartments.- Problems arose over the defini- tion of the term "boarding house." Originally, the definition of the City Building Code was proposed -a building in which rooms are rented to four or more persons. 'Just as Responsible' Commission member, Miss Row- ena Reynolds, felt that the defini- tion should include even more buildings than the building code's. "We are just as responsible for one unit as we are for four or more," she said. Cowley said that the definition was being studied by City Attorney Jacob Farhner, and University law professors. They presented an un- disclosed recommendation to him -yesterday. University Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis originally prompted action on the second amendment in a request to Ann Arbor's City Council earlier this year.. He expressed concern, that University 'students might be discriminated against when search- ing for apartments. Replacement Cowley disclosed that HRC is holding a special meeting Sunday to discuss a replacement for re- tiring Miss Reynolds. He said that the proposed amendments will be discussed at that time, although no decision will necessarily be reached. DAC Picketingy Trial Changed The circuit court arraignment of three Direct Action Committee pickets charged with obstructing U.S. Views Sale to Reds WASHINGTON (?-)-The United States is seriously considering sale of a synthetic rubber plant to Communist Romania, authorita- tive sources reported yesterday. Should the sale be made, it will represent a major change of course in U.S. \ relations with Commnist-bloc nations, going out- side usual trade patterns. Secretary of State Dean Rusk said in a speech last February that Romania recently has "as- serted a more independent atti- tude and has expanded its trade and other contacts with the West. We are responding accordingly." No decision has been made on whether to grant the Romanian request and license the export of the plant, officials stressed. They acknowledge there is a difference in opinion within th administra- tion regarding the sale, but the State Department is understood to favor it. Romania is considered a lead- ing example of' a Communist na- tion trying to loosen'its ties with Moscow. In the economic field the Romanians have made it clear they want to expand their in- dustry, disregarding the blueprints of COMECON, the Communist bloc's Council of Mutual Economic Assistance. Junta Offers To Gii'e Reins To Souvanna VIENTIANE (M--A rightist jun- ta- yesterday offered to return full control in Laos to neutralist Pre- mier Prince Souvanna Phouma if he enlarges the government with additional rightist leaders. There was no immediate reac- tion from Souvanna to the plan,' designed to end the five-day old crisis that has shaken this Asian kingdom. The offer was disclosed in a communique issued by Q*en. Kou- prasith Abhay, leader of the Sun- day coup against Souvanna, The general said the junta still regards Souvanna as premier, but if he accepts the junta's condi- tions "his position will be strength- ened and he will not be tied as he was before." This appeared to go beyond the Governor's Men Protest Swift Acion',, Lesinski, Jundgren Speed Post-Midnight, Enactment of Bill By The Associated Press LANSING-Ten Democrats and ten Republicans yesterday rammed Congressional and legislative r apportionment plans through the state Senate over protests from Gov. George W. Romney's floor leaders. Democratic Lt. Gov T. Joh i Lesinski presided as a Congres- sional plan distributed by his of- fice and a legislative plan spon- sored by Sen. Kent Lundgre (R- Menominee) sped through to pas- sage, 20-12. The unique post-midnight ses- sion lasted little more than an hour. Await Court Rulings The legislative bill will go int effect 'only, however, if all court battles over the districting of the House and Senate are not resolved in time for candidates to file their petitions this summer, Lundgren commnted. The move came when 10 Demo- crats agreed to support a Repub- lican legislative reapportonmtnt plan in exchange for Repubican votes for a Democratic Congres- sional reapportionment panho Gov. Romney, against , whose wishes the plans were rammed through the Senate, said the 10 Republicans who took part ni the move "made a bad deal." 'Strange, Shortsighted' In a statement, the governor termed the coalition of Republi- cans and Democrats "a strange and short-sighted alliance" and said the GOP members "sold cut unnecessarily." Romney told newsmen he re- garded the "midnight deal" they made as having been unnecessary because the legislative redistrit- ing plan they adopted would have been acceptable to him anyway. "No opposition to that plan has been expressed by this office." Romney said in a reerence to Lungren's so-called "Plan 500." Expects Reconsidertion Romney said he expects somne of the Republican senators in the coalition will reconsider their ac- tion. The Democrats released a joint statement that they. were re- luctantly supporting Lundgren's "Plan 500" only 'to assure "orderly? preparations for a representative election." The Lundgren plan follows the 1963 State Cponsttuton's legisla- tive districting formula which gives population 80 per cent of the emphasis and area 20 per cent. 'Violation' The statement called this ,"a violation of the one-man, one- vote principle, and we sincrcly hope that the State Supreme court will declare this portion of our State Constitution to be in viola' tion of the U.S. Constitution. The Congressional plan as in- troduced by Lane, would jeopar- dize superiority in Congressional seats based on past voting records. Its largest district is composed of eight counties-five Thumb counties plus Bay and Midland Counties. Its smallest is composed of Kent and Ionia Counties. 10,925 Disparity The population disparity be- tween extreme districts in the plan is 10,925. A panel of federal judges in Detroit has ' ruled Michigan's 1963 Congressional districts, un- der which no election has yet been held, invalid, saying the state's 19 Congressmen must be elected at large unless new dis- tricts are drawn in time for next year's election. The court said that population alone must be the controlling fac- tor in redistristing. In most dis- State Street traffic will have to make way at 3:30 today for the 20 floats in the parade leading off Michigras festivities. But the traditional parade - which originates on Main St. and proceeds to State, S. University and Washington-is but a pre- view to the main event of the weekend: the transformation of Yost Fieldhouse and Ferry Field into carnival grounds. From 7 p.m.-1 a.ii. tonight and tomorrow, 50,000 people are ex- nected to visit the "carnival l : :. I