221964:' THE MICHIGAN DAILY Laos Revolution Heads Ignore Western Urges To Restore Neutrality U.S. Fearful iolence Aft er Revolt Diplomats Request Generals To ftesign VIENTIANE P) - Two rightist coup leaders refused yesterday to restore Premier Prince Souvanna Phouma's coalition regime to pow- er despite urging by Western dip- lomats, informed sources reported. Fearing a violent reaction to Sunday's'coup from the pro-Com- munist Pathet Lao, the diplomats, headed by President Lyndon B. Johnson's .diplomatie trouble- shooter William Bundy, tried to persuade the two generals to step aside.. It was a day of feverish activ- ity for Bundy, assistant secretary for Far Eastern affairs, United States Ambassador Leonard Ung- er and Australian, British and Frencli diplomats. Give Support They first met with the neu- tralist Souvapna, penned up in his villa by rightist soldiers - presumably assuring him their governments strongly backed his coalition., Subsequently t h e diplomats talked with :Gen. Kouprasith Ab- hay, the coup leader, and, his dep- uty, Gen Siho Lamphoutacoul. There appeared to be no change in the situation, one diplomat in- dicated following the meeting. Next the diplomats met with Gen.PhoumiNosavan, deputy pre- mier representing . the right-wing faction, who appeared embarass- ed by the generals' seizure of pow- er Sunday. Uncertainty Phoumi told' reporters h had assured the diplomats he would try to get the situation back to normal But he seemed almost as much as a bystander for the mo- ment as Prince Souphanouvong, deputy premier and titular head of the Pathet Lao. Souphanou- vong is at his headquarters in the highlands about 100 miles north- east of Vientiane. After the round of meetings, Bundy left for Bangkok en route, to Washington to report to John- son on the crisis. House To Hearl Prayer Plea WASHINGTON ( P)-Petitions of about 15,000 persons dealing witho the right to pray in school will be presented to Rep. Louis C. Wy-I man (R-NH) today on the Capi-t tol's House steps.1 The presentation will be by G.1 W. Schafer, chairman of the Corn- mittee to Protect the Right of Prayer, from Cincinnati, support-I ing Wyman's proposal to amendI the Constitution to preserve andt protect references to reliance upon God in governmental matters. The proposed amendment would also pin down the legality of vol- untary prayers in schools. ThoseI wishing to abstain or withdraw during prayer sessions would be permitted to do so. The petitions coincide with the1 start of hearings by the House Ju- diciary Committee on 147 differ- ent prayer resolutions.{ The Supreme Court has out-I lawed officially prescribed prayers] and regulations requiring the say-, ing of prayers or Bible reading in public schools. The Schafer petitions have been< placed on a roll 67 yards long. Proposes Change of Right Bill WASHINGTONa)E - Senate Republican Leader Everett M. Dirksen of Illinois introduced his key amendment to the job section of the civil rights bill yesterday and said he believed it will help to pass the measure. His amendment would take away some power of the federal Equal Employment Commission provided in the House-passed measure. It also would give state agencies 90 days to handle job discrimination complaints before the United States agency could enter the case. Dirksen would not predict the fate of the provision but insisted anew his efforts are aimed at de- vising "a workable, practical bill" and getting it through the Sen- ate. Notes Support He said his major amendment, the 11th he has offered to the em- ployment title, has the support of "some rather substantial people" but would give newsmen no names. Dirksen meanwhile decided to delay until tomorrow calling up for a Senate vote the first of 10 amendments he introduced last week to the employment section. The GOP leader said he decided against doing so today, as he plan- ned, because several senators will be absent then to attend the open- ing of the New York World's Fair. The first 10 amendments to the section are minor, but Dirksen said he is anxious to get voting started. He commented once the Senate starts taking votes, it may be pos- sible to get some idea of how the long debate will extend. First Priority One of the two important fea- tures of Dirksen's amendment would allow states which have fair practices commissions-as 30 now do-to have exclusive jurisdiction of a job dicrimination case for 90 days. This would substitute for gen- eral language in the House bill? which would allow the federal commission to let a state agen- cy handle a case if the U.S. body feels the agency is proceeding ef- fectively. Dirksen said his proposal un- doubtedly would create a strong incentive for the 20 states which do not have anti-job discrimina- tion laws, including the Southern states, to enact them. Dirksen said one of his main efforts is to keep cases ' in 'the hands of local or state agencies if possible because the issues are understood best there. -Associated Press RIGHTI T GEN. KOUPRASITH ABHAY of the Laotian army walks down a Vietiane street after helping stage a coup last week against reutralist Premier Prince Souvanna Phouma. BASIC PLEA: t Thant, Fulbright Agree OnForeign Policy Goal UNITED NATIONS (P)-Secretary-General U Thant said yester- day he agreed with Sen. J. William Fulbright's appeal for some new thinking of "unthinkable thoughts" about foreign policy. He said that "basic plea" from the Arkansas Democrat "should be the guiding principle for all of us-not only Americans, but also Asians, Africans, Latin Americans, Russians and Chinese." He added WASHINGTON (P)--The United States and Soviet decisions an- nounced Monday for parallel cut- backs in production of nuclear weapons material represent the culmination of a series of private exchanges between President Lyn- don B. Johnson and 'Premier Ni- kita S. Khrushchev. Johnson has carried on a cor- respondence with the Soviet pre- mier since shortly after he suc- ceeded to the presidency following the assassination of President John F. Kennedy last November. When it became apparent upon a review of American nuclear weapons need five or six weeks ago that the U.S. would be pro- ducing more nuclear explosives than were considered essential to its security requirements, Johnson decided to make what he called yesterday a "substantial reduction" in the output of enriched uran- ium. Notifies K He then, notified Khrushchev of* his intention in the belief that the. Soviet chief would possibly find it desirable to take a similar step. As he announced Monday he also consulted with British Prinie Minister Sir Alec Douglas Home. According to qualified inform- ants, Johnson received no response from Khrushchev for five weeks. Last Friday, he called Soviet Am- bassador Anatoly F. Dobrynin to the White House and in the course of an hour-long discussion of U.S.- Soviet relations, informed the en- voy that he was going ahead with his decision and would announce it Monday. He then got fast word back from Moscow that the Soviet govern- ment also would act. Johnson com- mented in a speech at 2 p.m. Monday: "I am happy to say that Chair- man Khrushchev has now indi- cated to me that he intends to make a move in this same direc- tion." Double Cutback At the same hour an announce- ment came from Khrushchev that he likewise was making a cut- back in future nuclear weapons material production. The exchanges between John- son and Khrushchev through pri- vate correspondence and diplomat- ic channels go back to the earliest days of the Johnson administra- tion. When Anastas I. Mikoyan, first deputy Soviet premier, came here for the Kennedy funeral he brought a note of condolence from Khrushchev to Johnson on Ken-. nedy's death. Sends File About the sar..e time the Soviet g o v e r n in e n t, reportedly on Khrushchev's personal decision, decided to send to the U.S. gov- ernment its file on the activities of Lee Harvey Oswald, the ac- cused assassin of Kennedy. Oswald had been in and out of the Soviet Union, and. the Soviet government apparently wished to let the U.S. know officially that it considered him an unstable per- son and that there was no basis, in its view, for rumors and specu- lation then current that he had some kind of Soviet Communist as- sociation. Johnson was afterward reported to have expressed appreciation to his associates for Khrushchev's action in sending the Oswald file. Johnson suggested that he write Khrushchev a nqte. Diplomatic advisors told him the matter could be handled through diplomatic channels, but Johnson decided to send a personal note of thanks. Foundation Laid Those exchanges going out of the Kennedy tragedy laid a basis for further correspondence which became in effect a continuation of the private exchanges which Ken- nedy himself had carried on with Khrushchev. The letters have covered a num- ber of subjects largely concerned with ways of reducing Cold War tensions and making progress in the field of disarmament. One recent exchange is reported to have dealt with the shooting down by Soviet fighter planes in East Germany of a U.S. recon- naissance bomber with three men aboard. ExchangesLead to Atom Cut LETTERS: Johnson is understood to have told Khrushchev in his letter on this subject that while the plane had gone where it should not have gone the Soviet attack on it was entirely uncalled for. The President informed the So- viets that he had given orders that all precautions be taken to prevent future violations. UN VTries for AfricanCalm A United Nations panel advo- cated a national convention of all South African racial 'groups Monday, according to ' the New York Times. Terming it the only way to avoid a vast racial conflict, the experts said that such "a conven- tion should be a first step toward establishing a "non-racial'" democ- racy for that country's 16 mil- lion people of whom 11 million are Negroes, 1.5 million are of mixed blood and one-half million are Asians. The report indicates that the United Nations should agree to aid in planning the convention. If no convention is called by a fixed time, however, economic sanctions by the Security Council are rec- ommended. An early meeting of the council is expected to be requested by Asian and African members. t World News Roundup By The Associated Press SEOUL, Korea-The government yesterday requested arrest war- rants for 96 persons following clashes between rock-hurling stu- dent demonstrators and riot po- lice. The disorders marked the fifth consecutive day of student dem- onstrations in the capital. Ignoring a fresh government warning a g a i n s t unauthoriz- ed denonstrations, the students hit the streets protesting what they described as the humiliating diplomacy of President Chung Hee Park in the government's negotia- tions with Japan for normaliza- tion of relations. NICOSIA--President Archbishop Makarios yesterday told Gen. P. S. Gyani of India, commander of the United Nations' peace- keeping force, he is prepared to order the dismantling of all for- tifications and checkpoints' throughout Cyprus if the Turkish Cypriots agree to do the same. Makarios made the offer at a meeting with Gyani to discuss ways of easing tension between the warring Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities. * * * WASHINGTON-President Lyn- don B. Johnson said yesterday that railroad bargaining talks are mak- ing some progress and he hopes for a settlement within a few hours or days. With time rapidly running out before a scheduled nationwide strike, Johnson said he is still working on the presumption that a voluntary agreement is possible before Saturday's 12:01 a.m. dead- line. BOSTON-The John Birch So- ciety has called on its members to conduct an advertising campaign against passage of the rights bill. that a thorough reappraisal of our attitudes toward war and peace is imperative." Thant made his comment ,at a news conference when asked about the speech delivered in the Senate, March 25 by Fulbright, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Fulbright had said that in for- eign policy, the United States was "clinging to old myths in the face of new realities." He said it should "start thinking some 'unthink- able thoughts'" about the Cold War, Qommunist China and Viet Nam. MICHIFRUGUE! michigras Frugue Contest THURSDAY, APRIL 23 4:00 P.M. LEAGUE MALL (Between Hill Aud, and League) MUSIC BY THE AVANTIS Prizes for all who enter (contributed by Phillip Morris) Co-sponsored by MICH [GRAS and the Phillip Morris Tobacco Co. y% 1 ;t A B - 'S ' f.. . --. I a #i 't° °c( z - /q ir 4 *. J.:, : ' :>:: 4M a 4 :4 s 3 3 , fs s s x £ fi 3 . .3 3 5 1 3 f ! t ', oi r S.2;' t f ,. , * .. I (T7~