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April 21, 1964 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-04-21

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Laos Coup Attempt Fails;

Says Military Influen

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Ma Govern
Nation Again
Leaders Keep Silent
On Meeting with King
SAIGON (JP-Neutralist Prince
Souvanna Phouma and the lead-
ers of the right-wing military coup
in Laos against him flew to a
conference yesterday with King
Savang Vathana amid reports from
United States diplomatic sources
T here that the coup had collapsed.
Indications were that under
strong pressure from the U.S.,
Britain and France, and firm in-
sistence by Gen. Phoumi Nosovan,
the right-wing leader,. Souvanna
again would lead the coalition re-
gime that has ruled Laos uneasily
the past 22 months.
But most information from Vi-
entiane, the administrative capi-
tal, on political developments came
from sketchy diplomatic reports
and there was no direct confirma-
tion that Souvanna was about to
resume his job as premier.
Phoumi accompanied Souvanna
and the leaders of the coup on
the mission to Luang Prabang,
royal capital of the landlocked As-
ian kingdom.
Souvanna and the others re-
turned later to Vientiane but re-
fused comment on their meeting
with the king.
The Soviet government yester-
day declared its support for the
coalition government headed by
Diplomatic sources said that
even Communist China wanted
Souvanna back as premier.
British Comment
In London, British Secretary R.
A. Butler told the House of Com-
"I understand that the purpose
of the mission is to reconstitute the
government of national union un-
der the leadership of Souvanna
Phouma. This is an encouraging
development and holds out some
hope that the political crisis in
Laos may be resolved by the Lao-
tian leaders themselves."
U.S sources added that Sou-
vanna had been requested to rep
sume leadership, but that there
was no information on whether
he had accepted.
A conference of 14 nations at
Geneva, including all the major
powers, created the coalition re-
gime in 1962. Diplomatic sources
said that with all its imperfec-
tions the big powers want it con-

U.S. To Continue Overtf lights

WASHINGTON ()-The United
States served notice yesterday that
its planes will continue to fly over
Cuba. It warned Castro that use of
any newly acquired Soviet missiles
against these aircraft would create
"a highly dangerous situation."
U.S. policy has been not to
permit flights of Cuban planes
into U.S. territory except in spe-
cial instances. For example, there
have been occasions for flights
between Havana and Florida for
the purpose of returning Cuban
property to the United States by
The public warning was issued
by the State Department as high
officials expressed concern about
what may happen if and when

Prime Minister Fidel Castro gets
control of advanced anti-aircraft
rockets previously Russian-man-
The officials said they do not
know for certain what the Soviets
will do about the 24 SAM (surface-
to-air missile) installations now
that they are withdrawing the
last of their combat troops from
Cuba. The modern missiles were
installed during the 1962 Soviet
buildup and one actually shot
down a high-flying U.S. U2 re-
connaissance plane during the
missile crisis.
Cuban Control?
They added that there is a pos-
sibility that the Russians will turn

Syria Claims Iraq Supports'
Revolt, Merchant's Strike
DAMASCUS (R)-Syria accused neighboring Iraq yesterday of
fanning the flames of inter-Arab strife as this country's Baathist
socialist government sought to end a strike by merchants in the
capital and a smouldering revolt in the northern city of Hama.
Damascus Radio charged Iraq with complicity in the Hama
revolt and of treasonous action against Arab unity, Baghdad Radio

over control to Castro. The U.S.
is concerned over what the Cuban
dictator will do in that event.
They noted that Castro had de-
clared that Cuba would tolerate
no further flights by U.S. planes
over Cuba and implied he is ready
to use force.
Against this background, press
officer Richard I. Phillips noted:
"The outflow of Russian troops
continues, but I prefer not to be,
specific as to how many remain.
Those remaining appear to be en-
gaged primarily in training ac-
"Our present information shows
the Soviets still in control of the
SAM sites. Cubans are being train-
ed in the operation of the missiles
and associated equipment. It is
possible that in the near future
the operation and control of the
missile systems will be turned over
to the Cubans."
Flights Continue
Declaring that the surveillance
flights will continue, Phillips re-
minded newsmen that they were
authorized by a resolution by the
Organization of American States
at the time of the 1962 crisis. The
flights are intended to make sure
that the Soviets do not sneak
long-range offensive weapons back
into Cuba.
The State Department spokes-
man then -emphasized Secretary
Dean Rusk's comment of a year
ago that "if there were any in-
terruption with our surveillance
..it could create a highly dan-
gerous situation." The U.S. posi-
tion on this is the same today, hej

End Seen to
Rails Crisis
WASHINGTON (R) - President
Lyndon B. Johnson was described
by a high source yesterday as op-
timistic for settlement of the rail-
road crisis following reported ten-
tative agreement on about a dozen
The report from a highly reli-
able source who could not be
quoted by name came after an
earlier White House announcement
that "some definite gains" had
been made in efforts to avert a
nationwide strike Saturday.
The White House statement by
Press Secretary George Reedy
cautioned "there are some very
difficult issues that still remain"
in the long dispute over wages,
jobs and working conditions.
The talks are in the 11th day
since Johnson won a 15-day strike
postponement April 9.
It was learned from another
source that one key issue on which
tentative agreement has been
reached involves union acceptance
of a mileage change in wage
This source, emphasizing that
the tentative agreement "still de-
pends on final and complete
settlement" of all issues, said the
mileage issue has ceased to be a
problem at this point in the talks.
The mileage issue involves the
railroads' dissatisfaction with the
present wage structure under
which they say some workers can
receive a full basic day's pay for
as little as a 100-mile train run.
"Obviously the only thing that
would be satisfactory is a settle-
ment," Reedy said when asked
whether Johnson is satisfied with
the progress of the 10 days of
emergency negotiations.

Hyman G. Rickover believes the
influence of military men in
American life is on the wane and
the trend will continue.
He traces the decline to the
Cuban missile crisis of October
1962, when "history turned a cor-
"Never since has the Cold War
been the same," Rickover con-
tinues, "and the American people
have, in an informal but precep-
tive way, sensed the difference."
Nuclear Deterrence
The admiral feels the crisis
made it clear that the concept of
nuclear deterrence is so complex
that the military man must take
a back seat while the civilian lead-
ers and their "think" people make
the vital defense decisions.
"Because they are considered to
be more intelligent than the nuli-
tary, and because they use more
esoteric language," Rickover says,
"they are listened to more than
the military man."
The views of Rickover, who
heads the Navy's nuclear propul-
sion program came in a long,
philosophical discourse before the
House subcommittee on defense
appropriations in secret session
last month.
The testimony was made public
some days ago but Rickover's phi-
losophy was largely lostin the
fireworks generated by differences
between Secretary of Defense Rob-
ert S. McNamara and Air Force
Chief of Staff Gen. Curtis E. Le-
may over missiles, bombers, and
100-megaton bombs.
Rickover began by saying that
"the military art has changd
vastly since World War I7, but
without a corresponding, enthance-
ment in the proficiency cf our
military personnel."
He said "little military genius
or experience has gone into the
design" of intercontinental bal-
listic missiles. As a matter of fact,
he continued, there is no logical
need for military men to operate
a giant missile.
"It could just as well be main-
tained by civilian crews and
operated by some other govern-
ment agency or even by the com-
panies that designed and built
them," Rickover added.
Saying historically the influ-

ence of the military man in the
United States "has waxed and
waned with war and peace," Rick-
over commented:
"The Shermans, the Deweys,
and the Pershings loomed large in
1865, 1898, and 1918, but within a
year or two after the end of their
respective wars, their participation
in national affairs had essentially
Doubt Security
But, he said, the situation was
different after World War II be-
cause of the Cold. War and the
Korean War.
"The entire period from 1939 to
1962 can be lumped together as
one continual period in which the
American people felt ill at ease
over their national security," he
The American people therefore
put their faith in the military and
gave them funds to buy what they
'Poor Boy'
"The military became like the
poor boy allowed to roam freely
in a large toy shop before Christ-
mas,' Rickover said. "The won-
ders are overwhelming, and there
isn't anything he wouldn't like to

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-reported that demonstrators had
By The Associated Press

tee WanesI
As a result, he went on, the
military men, who did not have
the proper expertise, became the
victims of salesmanship by in-
dustrial organizations.
"Unfortunately," Rickover said,
"many of these projects were ac-
tually 'sold' to the military. Then,
when a project got into trouble,
instead of trying to solve the basic
problems, new projects were 'sold'
which were even more difficult to
Rickover said the present civil-
ian leadership of the "defense es-
tablishment is the first . . . ser-
iously to question the expertise
and judgment of the military
men. .
"It is my considered opinion, as
well as of some other high-rank-
ing officers, that the time for such
corrective action was long over-
due and should have been taken
by the military themselves," Rick-
over said.
"Perhaps, in light of today's
situation, the position of the mil-
itary man should be like that of
the pilot of a commercial air-
plane," the admiral said. "He is
expert in flying the plane and
simply carries out scheduled
flights as directed:

marched in the Iraqi capital to
>support "the struggle of the
Syrian people against their Baath-
ist rulers." Iraq threw out a
Baathist regime last November.
Arab nations agreed at a sum-'
mit conference in Cairo last Jan-
uary to end propaganda cam-
paigns against each other. Now,
Damascus Radio said, Iraq is
"fanning the flames of inter-
Arab strife."

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