. LANGUAGES: NEW REQUIREMENT NEEDED See Editorial Page Y Sir ita tEoit COLD AND WINDY High-55 Low--40 Warmer an d sunny Monday with gentle breezes Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom 5 VOL. LXXIV, No. 154, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 1964 SEVEN CENTS SIX F Radio Broadcast Reports Coup by Arm in a News Follows Coalition Breakup BULLETIN, LONDON (-= - A radio broadcast picked up in Lon- don today said the national army of Laos has risen andt seized power in a coup d'etat. First word of the coup came in a broadcast by Vientiane Ra- dio of a communique from the national army coup d'etat com- mittee. The communique said: "As the national army has succeeded in rising up to seize power and to chase out the coalition government in order to prevent bloodshed among Lao- tians, all troop movements are prohibited throughout the Lao- tian kingdom until further no- tice from the national army coup d'etat committee." The broadcast gave no de- tails -nor did it name those in- volved. A later broadcast by Vientiane Radio carried a further com-' munique from the National Ar- my Coup d'Etat Committee. It notified all Laotian civil serv- ants to report to the defense ministry within 24 hours. PLAINE DES JARRES, Laos P) - A summit conference of the three leaders of Lao's coalition government collapsed yesterday and Prince Souvanna Phouma an- nounced he will ask King Savang Vathana to be relieved as premier. His departure could spark full civil war. ., The idea of the rightist, neu- tralist and leftist meeting was to turn the royal capital of Luang Prabang into the temporary ad- ministrative capital in an attempt to solve Laos' year-old crisis. Souvanna, a neutralist, emerged from a field tent in which the leaders had been meeting for two days and said no results had been Claims Bias In Outlook On South WASHINGTON (P)-Sen. James 0. 'Eastland (D-Miss) told the Senate yesterday it is difficult to understand why President Lyndon B. Johnson and other civil rights advocates consider "sit-ins, lie-ns and sleep-ins" violent in the North and peaceful in the South. "A trespass on private property is equally or more reprehensible than a stall-in on a public road or highay, and in both instances the community should take any steps necessary to remove the tres- passers and maintain law and order," the Democrat said. Eastland spoke in the wake of a series of warnings by Johnson, Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy and Senate Civil Rights leaders that unruly demonstrations, such as the planned tieup of World's Fair traffic in New York City, would slow progress toward bettering the Negro's lot and impair the chances for passage of civil rights legisla- tion. Slow Treatment The House-approved measure is receiving snail's pace treatment in the Senate. Yesterday was the 34th consecutive session and the third Saturday given over to de- bate. Eastland and another dedicated Southern segregationist, Sen. Allen J. Ellender (D-La) handled the speaking chores for the South, while Sen. William Proxmire (D- Wis) spoke in the measure's de- fense, describing it as moderate and conservative. Meanwhile, behind the scenes: - Senate Democratic leader Mike Mansfield (D-Mont) and GOP leader Everett Dirksen (R- Ill) registered their opposition to round-the-clock sessions, a move advocated by Democratic Whip Hubert H. Humphrey (D-Minn) as a means of putting pressure on the Southern speakers. Discuss Amendments -Humphrey, floor manager for the bill, and other civil rights champions conferred with Ken- nedy over amendments Dirksen has introduced to the equal em- ployment opportunities section. Later, Kennedy was reported hav- ing said "I am for this section as it stands." Two weeks ago Senate leaders were unable to muster a quorum and had to cancel a Saturday ses- sion. There was no such trouble yesterday. It took only 23 minutes to round up a majority and the Senate met for almost 5/2 hours. Eastland was ready to lead off the Southern oratory, but North- ern Democrats started the day's talking. Proxmire made his de- fense of the measure and Sen. Wayne Morse (D-Ore) registered -as he has daily-his opposition to United States involvement in. the war against Communist guer- rillas in South Viet Nam. reached. He had conferred with Gen. Phoumi Nosavana, the right- ist faction leader, and Prince Souphanouvong, leader of the pro- Communist Pathet Lao and half- brother of Souvanna. To Submit Resignation' Souvanna, who has been pre- mier for 22 months, told newsmen, "Upon my return to Vientiane (permanent administrative capi- tal) I will make a report to the king. "Because of my inability to solve thekLaotian problem I will ask the king to relieve me from functions of coalition premier." Asked if, the king would accept his resignation, Souvanna replied, .I don't know." Souvanna had asked the king to relieve him a year ago, but the king requested him to stay on the job. Visit Canceled Souvanna was scheduled to leave April 23 with the king on state visits to France and Britain. It was reported in Paris, however, that because of his prostate oper- ation, President Charles de Gaulle had informed the Laotians he could not receive the king and President To Review Draft Law WASHINGTON WP) - President Lyndon B. Johnson ordered yes- terday a sweeping study of mili- tary manpower policies to deter- mine whether the draft can be eliminated in the 1970's. Johnson made the announce- ment at his second news confer- ence in three days, this one a 35- minute session in his office, not announced in advance. The President said Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara will undertake the one-year study to "consider alternatives to the pres- ent draft selection system, includ- ing the possibility of meeting our requirements on an entirely vol- untary basis in the next decade." Military Cutback Asked if this foreshadows a cut- back in military strength, the chief executive said, "I wouldn't want to anticipate the results of that study. Of course, it is the hope of everyone that tensions in the world can ease, that hwe can bring about disarmament, that we can take part .of the resources that are now going into military pro- duction and protection and spend them on a better society and a greater society." Draft calls this year have run between 16.000 and 12,000 month- ly. During the Berlin crisis of 1961 the monthly quota climbed to a peak of 25,000 in September. In the fall of 1962 and again in early 1963 monthly quotas were at a low of 4000. Reading at a rapid clip, John- son began the conference with a series of statements and an- nouncements, one of them reciting encouraging economic statistics. Economic Progress The President reported March increases in farm prices, housing starts, new auto sales and indus- trial production and a drop in wholesale prices. He also reported a year-to-year drop of 900 in federal employ- ment, saying, "it is significant that it dropped at all because it has generally been increasing." He said government spending during the first three months of his administration averaged $1 million a day less than during the last three months of the admin- istration of President John F. Kennedy. Other opening announcements included that Eugene Patterson, editor of the Atlanta Constitu- tion, will be nominated to fill the only remaining vacancy on the Civil Rights Commission. He will replace M. Robert Storey, dean of the law school at Southern Meth- odist University. Reach Accord In California SAN FRANCISCO WP) - A hir- ing agreement for minority groups, ending massive civil rights dem- onstrations on San Francisco "au- to row," was announced yesterday to more than 2500 wildly cheer- ing pickets. The agreement came in response to demands that car dealers hire more Negroes as salesmen and mechanics. College Student Counci ,To Form National Unio '4> Sees Hope ; For Solution In Rail Talks WASHINGTON (P) - President Lyndon B. Johnson said recent ne- gotiations between railroad man- agement and operating unions have been very productive and he believes this collective bargaining will end a nationwide strike threat. Speaking at a news conference on the eighth day of intensive White House sessions, Johnson said he is "encouraged and hope- ful" that an 'agreement will set- tle the lingering dispute before a possible new strike deadline at 12:01 a.m. Saturday. Johnson staved off questions about details of talks between rep- resentativres of nearly 200 rail lines and five unions who are sitting in with federal mediators. No Deadline The President emphasized that, he has set no deadline for the ne- gotiators to announce settlement or a hopeless deadlock. But he said the intensive bargaining ses- sions will continue and 'he is looking forward to a progress re- port early this week, hopefully to- morrow. Johnson said the negotiators "are meeting late at night" and "negotiating in the traditional free enterprise manner. We are very proud of the conduct of both' sides. I think we have had a very productive few days." Commends PressI Then he added, "I now com- mend the press for helping us try to settle this in our free enter- prise system without burying col- lective bargaining. I believe it will be settled that way." He declined to give any indi- cation of what steps he will take if the negotiations fail to -avert a strike which he said Friday would be disastrous for the na- tion's economy. A 15-day truce, negotiated by Johnson a week ago Thursday night only 90 minutes before a scheduled walkout, expires at mid- night next Friday. Immediately after that, the carriers will be le- gally free to post new job-elim- inating work rules which the un- ions are pledged to meet with an immediate strike. Law Exhausted All delaying procedures provid- ed in the law have been exhaust- ed long since and, in the absence of further agreed postponement, congressional action apparently would be the only way to avert or cut short an almost complete par- alysis of the nation's rail system. The operating unions represent about 200,000 employes but an- other 500,000 would be idled by a strike of the men who run the trains. ANN ARBOR SPEECH Meader ,Attacks Parts Of Civil Rights Law Conventio Elects Hece By DICK WINGFIELD "Congress should pass a fair, workable and effective civil rights law; but not one which extends the long arm of the federal gov- ernment into every nook and cranny of our country," Rep. George Meader (R-Mich) of Ann Arbor said yesterday. In the Patriots' Day program the congressman said that his purpose was to offer new infor- mation in opposition to the pres- SOUVANNA PHOUMA DEAN RUSK Rusk ITours Viet Towns . SAiGON P--Sccretary of State Dean Rusk toured relatively peace- ful regions north of Saigon yes- terday and told Vietnamese vil- lagers, "We are with you every day, every week, until victory is achieved." United States and South Viet- namese security men kept watch in the belief Communist suicide squads might try to kill Rusk. Stringent precautions were in effect in Saigon, tq which the secretary returned at dusk. The massive air-ground net set up to shield him on his arrival Friday was tightened after a terrorist bomb exploded in a military bus here early yesterday, wounding two U.S. servicemen. Explosion Feared Police intelligence reports said the Communists planned a series of bomb explosions during Rusk's three-day visit, with electrical transformers, U.S. installations and American vehicles among the targets. Rusk made a flying field trip with the strongman Premier, Maj. Gen. Nguyen Khanh, in a U.S. Air Force helicopter. The secretary shook hands with scores of Vietnamese and told them "we in the United States are your comrades in arms in this fight" against Communist guer- rillas. Hanoi Regime He predicted that some day the Communist Hanoi regime will dis- appear "and your brothers in the North can join you in a free, unified Viet Nam." Khanh, however, gave Rusk a sobering assessment of the war Souvanna and that a later date would have to be set. Souphanouvong has been feud- ing with the neutralists and the rightists for more than a year. His forces control about 1000 miles of border with Red China and Communist North Viet Nam. Sou- vanna and Phoumi accuse the Pathet Lao of expanding their in- fluence steadily with the aid of the Chinese and North Vietna- mese. Neutralization Problems, But the issue that broke the summit conference' was the ques- tion of Luang Prabang as the ad- ministrative capital. Conference sources said Phoumi and Souph- anouvong could not agree on ways to neutralize the royal capital. The informants said Phoumi agreed in principle to neutraliza- tion of Luang Prabang-now un- der rightist control-but proposed a three-party commission to dis- cuss details. Souphanouvong in- sisted, however, that the details of neutralization be agreed upon by the summit conference, infor- mants said. Neutralization of Luang Pra- bang, under the protection of three-party police, would allow the three members of the coali- tion to meet until the crisis is solved. At the height of his dispute with Souvanna and Phoumi, Sou- phanouvong moved his headquar- ters out of Vientiane to the Plaine Des Jarres, refusing to re- turn. GEORGE S. MEADER DISTRICTING: Plan Gets LANSING (A-The first legis- lative test of Gov. George W. Romney's Congressional redistrict- ing plan has made it clear that compromise-not only with Demo- crats but also with his own Re- publican party-will be necessary. The Romney "one man, one vote" plan ran into a buzz-saw of criticism Friday when sub- jected to House debate for the first time. There was no vote directly on the scheme, but the failure of GOP leaders to accomplish a pro- cedural maneuver left doubts as to how much support exists for Romney's plan among Republi- cans. "Not much," was the answer from one GOP house member. "The party just went off in all directions and it seems clear there will have to be some kind of a caucus position." Among Republicans, the pri- mary objection to Romney's plan was that it would cut county lines. ent bill which has been obscured. "It is 'my position that ;Congress should carry out a national policy in civil rights so that all citizens are treated alike. But this power goes only so far. "This bill should not be one which strips 190 million Ameri- cans of their sacred rights and protections that are written into our constitution," he said. Too Many Rights The congressman drew upon his experience as prosecuting at- torney in Washtenaw County to support his position.,"When I was prosecuting I often thought that the defendant had too many places to hide. "However, under this bill, a lefendant (of a discrimination in- lictment) would have no benefit from the fifth amendment; he would have no jury trial; he could conceivably have to testify against himself. This is the kind of ty- ranny I oppose., "A thug, a narcotics peddler or an assassin is entitled to: 1) pre- sumption of innocence, 2) proof of guilt beyond allmreasonable. doubt, 3) the' freedom to 'refuse to testifying against himself, 4) a jury trial, 5) expiration of judg- ment when the penalty has been paid. Not in Rights "Not so the defendant in a civil rights case if this bill becomes law.' A civil rights defendant would be tried without a presumption of innocence, with much less string- ant rules of evidence, need be found guilty only by a prepond- erence of the evidence, could be compelled to testify against him- self, would have no right to a jury trial, and would be subject to the injunction for the rest of his life, Meader said. "It was to protect individual citizens from abusive tyranny by its government and to avoid the evils and oppression practiced by the British' monarchy, that our constitutional founders ;insisted upon the first 10 amendments as protections to all citizens." Meader has offered several amendments to the bill and two have been adopted. However, he sought to have pre-emption on the state and local level and fail- ed to secure this. "I offered the n o n pre - emption amendment which would allow the state and local governments to handle em- ployment problems-and frankly, I believe that is where it should be." Name Gosling Assistant Dean Of Med School Dr. John R. G. Gosling, asso- ciate professor of obstetrics and gynecology, has been appointed assistant dean of the medical school, announced the school's dean, Dr. William N. Hubbard. Prof. Wallace J. Bonk was ap- pointed chairman of the libiry science department. His appoint- ment will become effective July 1, 1964, following the retirement of Prof. R. H. Gielsness. For the past two and one half years Prof. Gosling has served as the director of the department of obstetrics and gynecology at Wayne County General Hospital. Dr. Gosling received the ap- pointment to replace Dr. Earl F. Wolfman Jr., present associate professor of surgery, as of April 1. After graduation from the Uni- versity Medical School in 1950, For Group Constitution Preve Political Activities ? By JOHN BRYANT special To The Daily ST. LOUIS - A new nat student organization, the Asso ed Student Governments of United States of America, formally established here ye day. Lawrence Blankenship of University of Oklahoma was e ed interim president of the g known until Iyesterday's me as the Associated Studet Go ments of' America. Kenneth den of Southern Illinois Univ was elected first vice-presider The new unit, direted to developing more effective sti governments through exchan ideas, was constituted as a political group, forbidden b constitution from voting on subject other than its admini tive function, 4-6 Vote The final vote. for approy the constitution was 48-6. Adoption proceeded a hecti day session. The 'climax of th occurred when the Unversi Illinois walked out of the ne protesting the defeat of a m that would have establishi civil rights committee. The walkout followed charg Grinell College that the co tion had voted along sect lines on the issue and that le ship '"railroaded" the conva into rejecting the civil rights tion. Sectionalism Charged The sectionalism charge ref to the large number of soul institutions present. The convention later app the creation of "student i and human relations comm. which would consider the; rights in an a-political vein, The meeting came clos breaking up twice during stormy afternoon session. A of parlimentary struggles clashes ove decisions of Chai John Moore of Southern Il University slowed discussio the proposed constitution near halt. 'Trying To Break Up Meeti At one point, William Fe ingill of Vanderbilt' Universit: chairman of the convention cused certain convention delE of "trying to get us tied u parliamentary procedure and break up the meeting." Although not mentioning United States National St Association directly, Featheri remarks coincided with r circulating that some s< were at the convention mern destroy the new organizatloi thus eliminate a possible rh USNSA. Student Government C member Sherry Miller, '5 former SOC member Mary Norton, '64, attended the me as observers but abstained voting. A former USNSA repres tive, Miss Norton said "I serious reservations about the ue of this organization. Mc the delegates entered the co: tion with definite pre-con notions of what they wante organization to become. It s like a reaction to NSA," she Interim Document' The constitution, an in document, is designed to ser til the first national AS( convention can be held. It tended as a trial measure - __ _ DEBATE POVERTY ISSUE:. Hayden: cOrganize Poor' ; Durant: Insure Initiative' 1Rv RC)NA MARKS 4