' ~Sentj-7fhird cear EDmTED AN MANA NT UT STUDENTS OF THE UNI'VEsiT OF MIcHiGAN - - INDE A UTHORITY OF OARD uC CONTROL OF STUDENT PULIcATIONS Where opinions A" * STUDENT PUEScLATnONS BLDG., ANN A IO, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241 T!ruth will Prevst-- Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in al, reprints. TURDAY, APRIL.18, 1964 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL SATTINGER Proposed Metamorphosis For More -Dynam1ic Council THE GLARING fault of Student Govern- ment Council is the complete lack of connection between its structure and function. The structure of a governmental body should cater to the demands of func- tion. If the two are not interrelated, the organization is rendered totally useless as is, quite obviously the case in SGC, with few exceptions. The function as stated in its constitu- tion is "to provide meaningful student participation in the formulation of, im- provement and promotion of the educa- tional goals of the University." The present structure, on the other hand, provides no way of meaningful stu- dent participation in anything. As it now stands, Council is a small and isolated group of 18 people trying to fulfill a very broad and far-reaching goal. They are simply not adequate to the task of acting for 16,000 undergraduate students. They are too small and do not have well-estab- lished lines of communication with the top of the University administration. Working under such a structure, impetus cannot help but evaporate and the Coun-; cii is left picking around the edge of the problem, unable to see the woods for the trees. DFPENPING ON the interpretation of function two possible alternatives to the present structure are feasible.; "Meaningful student participation" could 'be interpreted as merely providing the students with a means.of communication' with the administration. Then the struc- ture of the Council should be changed solely to facilitate direct communication of such a kind. Many radical changes would be necessary. There would be basically two phases of operation: reviewing student proposals solely to clarify them and determine the part of the University t o which they should be directed. It would have no pow- er to veto. Methods of keeping tabs on each proposal would be necessary: regu - larly-published and distributed bulletin in addition to individual communication with the students. FAR MORE ambitious way of restruc- turing, however, would result from a literal interpretation of "participation." Again, radical structural changes would be essential. The body would have to number between 75 and 100 people, and be divided between meetings into com- mittees. The Council itself would be only a voting body.. The expansion would serve a number of ends. First it would enable the students to do more thorough work on proposals before they were passed on to the ad- ministration for perusal. Equally import- ant, it would give the strength of num- bers to each proposal which went to the higher bodies of the University.. Thus, the scope of the group would be greatly increased. There is no reason why students of the University, being the group most vitally affected by its policies, should have no voice in their formula- tion. Thevigor of youth is not a bad coun-, terpart to the wisdom of age. Such action could be taken with the support of a large body such as the one proposed. N0 PLAN, HOWEVER, can be effected without a radical change of attitude on the part of the students. The Council is young; young governments always have- faults which can be eliminated only by vigorous work on the part of their mem- bers. Studeits on 'the Council relaxed their vigil too soon and allowed SGC to fall into' an apathetic morass. Pitiful as it seems now, the Council is the students' link to the organization and operation of the University. If they let it atrophy, they will lose a rare chance to help formulate the , educational sys- tem under which they are beinig prepared for life. Rather than sitting smugly in their seats adding amendment to amend- ment and squabbling over the use of com- mas, they should work to find a structure that will sustain itself from year to year, that will protect student interests and aid in the constant search for improve- ment within the University. -KAREN KENAH LETTERS: Verdict on Tragedy in Cleveland To the Editor: IT IS a great pleasure to see Mike Harrah back at his old stand again, and one of his recent efforts (an editorial entitled "The Tragedy in Cleveland") -deserves comment., My compassion, too, "is with the young minister and his cause," but unlike Mr. Harrah, I cannot see any justice in the idea that "the organizers of the demonstra- tion should be prosecuted as will- ing accessories to murder or man- slaughter." Take that word, "mur- der." Is Mr. Harrah saying that one of the demonstrators pushed the minister under the treads of the tractor? Was it in any sense' a "willed" event, i.e. deliberately caused with malice aforethought? But later on in the editorial: "I can only feel that he got, tragical- ly andunintentionally, just what he asked for." Now assuming that Mr. Harrah does not mean that the minister threw himself under the tractor to make himself a martyr, this can only mean that the dead man had been taking a chance on accidents such as this. But murder or man- slaughter? Don't you cross the street every day with the chance that you might get accidentally run over? SO NO ONE is really to blame except perhaps the minister, who, to paraphrase Mr. Harrah, brought it onto.himself. Ah, but now the prize statement. "I can only agree with Sen. John Stennis of Mississippi who seeks a halt to the Senate's civil rights debate until the street violence subsides." I enclose an editorial from the Washington Postwhich answers this better than I can: In suggesting that President Johnson and Congress call off any further consideration of the civil rights bill until demon- strations and violence cease, Sen. John Stennis seems to have forgotten the other side of the question. It might be wholly reasonable to suggest t h a t marching in the streets be suspended if this were an or- dinary debate in the Senate moving to a certain resolution of the issue on its merits. But the fact is that Sen. Stennis and his colleagues are putting on a demonstration on' their own. When Senator Russell com- plained recently about support- ers of the bill in some cities sitting down in the streets, we remaided him that his senatorial contingent is sitting down in the legislative highway. Foes of the civil rights bill cannot have it both ways. If they insist on ob- struction and minority coercion in the Senate they can scarcely expect the forces supporting the bill to be content with patient waiting. If the filibustering Senators wish to talk turkey, they should offer a quid pro quo. They might reasonably say that if demon- strations in support of the bill _ are abandoned they will end their own demonstration and allow the bill to come to a vote on a specified date. That would doubtless be a quick and effec- tive remedy for what Sen. Sten- nis was talking about. Surely the Senate of the United States ought to be in the lead in ad- vocating and practicing orderly procedure. As soon as assurance is given that the will of the majority will prevail, we surmise that termination of demonstra- tions on the outside would be no problem at all. WHILE MR. HARRAH is busy at The Daily expressing his com- passion and sorrow, there are some people who will go out and risk- more than dirty fingers from a typewriter ribbon gotten while scribbling editorials, for the cause of civil rights. --Steven Hendel, '63 Letters to the Editor should be typewritten and doublespaced. Only signed letters will be printed, but names may be withheld upon re- quest. The Daily reserves the right to edit or withhold any letter. By WALTER LIPPMANN S HEWORLD does move, and - there 'is no better proof of it than this war on poverty which President Kennedy designed 'and President Johnson has begun to wage. A generation ago it would have been taken for granted that a war on poverty meant taking money from the "haves" and turning it. over to the "havenots." For until recently it was always assumed that there was only so much pie, and the social question was how to divide it. But in this generation, one might say in the past 30 years, a revolutionary idea has taken hold in the advanced countries of the world. The size pf the pie to be divided can be increased by in- vention, organization, capital in- vestment and fiscal policy, and thenawhole society, not just one part of it, will grow richer. THIS revolutionary idea, which has been discovered, tested and demonstrated in this century, is at work in every industrial society regardless of its basic doctrine and ideology. It is transforming not only capitalism as it was known a generation ago, but it is trans- forming also socialism and com- munism as well. The socialist parties of Western Europe,. for example, have aban- doned the Marxist conception of the class struggle, and there is every reason to thin} that in the Soviet Union the Marxist-Lenin- ism is. giving way to the modern idea of an affluent welfare state. And although the less developed countries are as yet unable to apply the idea, it is recognized by the leaders of all the more en- lightened ones. ThenKennedy-Johnson campaign against poverty operates in this historical context. The basic as- sumption is that the American economy can readily produce the means to reduce poverty-which was estimated as the lot of one- third of the nation when Franklin R6osevelt took office and is now down to one-fifth. The real prob- lem is' to analyze correctly the causes of the poverty that remains and to learn by experimenting how to reduce those causes. THE FIRST QUESTION of course, is to define what is meant by poverty. The answer is bound to be some kind of rough statis- tical standard. But as nobody is proposing to use these figures to hand out money to individuals, an estimate of average need for an average family will do for an un- derstanding of the size of the problem. The official measure which has been adopted is to regard as poor a family of four whose total in- come from all sources is less than $3000 a year., This is not enough money to maintain a decent standard of living for the family: If the family spends 70 cents a day per person, it will spend a little over $1000 a year on food. That leaves $2000. It is estimated that $800 will be needed for housing-rent or mortgage payments, utilities and heat. This leaves $1200. That 'is less than $25 a week for the whole family for everything else-for clothing, transportation, recrea- tion, medical care, insurance. Though $3000 a, year would be affluence in a village in India, it is harsh poverty in the United' States. THERE ARE 47 million families in the United States, and at least 9 million of these families-nearly one-fifth of them, consisting of 30 million persons-are poor. The figures make the real situa- tion look better than it is. There are contained in the 9 million families over 5 million, consisting of more than 17 million persons, who have a total income per f am- ily of less than $2000. There are also the lonely in- dividuals-more than 5 million of them-with incomes of less than $1500 a year. THE NEXT STEP is to investi- gate the reasons why these 9 mil- lion families are poor. The modern studies of poverty 'have demon- strated-I think beyond dispute- that the greatest of all causes of poverty is a lack of education. The next greatest cause is dis- crimination, which makes a non- white family two-and-one-half times as likely to be poor as a white family. Another great cause of poverty is poor health. Another is the ab- sence of a full-time wage-earner, due to the age of the parents or to - the fact that 'the family is broken. * * * THESE BEING the main causes of poverty, it is evident that it is possible to reduce them-granting that they cannot all be eliminated -by improving the schools and the public health facilities, by combatting racial discrimination and, where necessary, by public. relief. It can be said' that all of the poor are not deserving poor, which can also be said of at least as many of the non-poor. But it can- not be argued that all the chil- dren who are condemned to go to our worst schools are receiving all the education they are capable of absorbing. The truth is that we ought to spend more on the schools in neighborhoods where the families are very -poor, because the schools must play a major role in -over- coming the handicaps of living in a congested slum. There is no reason to doubt that, if we take the measures to counteract the causes of poverty, we shall in some degree reduce it. The effort will pay off well, not only for the poor, but for all of us. For there is nothing so good for a nation as to become interest- ed in doing good works.' Copyright, 1964, Los Angeles Times TODAY AND TOMORROW: The. War on Poverty in a Moving World EUROPEAN COMMENTARY: New Station Threatens BBC Radio Mouopoly' By ERIC KELLER GREAT BRITAIN has been the last major European market to be unexplored by commercial radio broadcasting. The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has had a firm grip of the nation's radio broadcasting picture since the early twenties. Three non- commercial programs have been serving the country's cultural, re- gional and recreational needs. Pro- grams are very varied and often provocative, and have been in- creasingly so in recent times. BBC is not afraid of attacking govern- ment policies or political parties in home programs, and in general there has been a fine balance be- tween entertainment and instruc- tive programs.' However, commercial interests in the radio field have been com- pletely excluded by BBC's mono- poly. Only Radio Luxemburg with its powerful transmitters has been able to invade the- English privacy every night from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. with a commercially-sponsored and English-announced pop music program. Such commercial influx has been FELLINI'S '8V2': Virtuoso 's Cinematic Sonata, Different When We Do it SUPPOSE FOR A MOMENT in a purely hypothetical situation that the Cuban government needed cranes and the Amer- ican industry supplying the cranes need- ed the business. Now suppose that the American econo- my needed the trade to supply some prod- uct consumed in the United States, such as sugar. Finally suppose that the Cubans agree to pay in this commodity, which the Americans need. Thus the Americans gain the needed good, and the Cubans gain the cranes. IF IT SOUNDS FAMILIAR, it should. It can either' be applied as is to the Brit- ish government, or, with a minor change in words, it can apply to the wheat deal the United States made with the Rus- sians. The British last week contracted with the Cubans to sell heavy cranes that the Cubans need. Previously the British con- tracted to sell 50 buses to the Cubans. Each time the United tSates raised pro- tests, trying hard to stop the trade. Yet while this nation issued the state- ments condemning the British action, it went out and sold millions of bushels of grain to Russia for "other reasons." SOMEHOW when the subject included home, the perspective apparently changed drastically. --J. WEILER At the Campus Theatre IT IS NOT my job to explain a film. If I have a specific brief, it is to suggest (no more) why a film might be good or bad, boring or enjoyable; occasionally I can be more categorical, but I have always to bear in mind that the pleasure derived from a film, like any "interpretation" of what one has seei, may frequently-and widely-vary from one individual to the next. THE CRITERIA of value in film are-more than in most arts -still inexact. Thus a work as controversial as Fellini's "8V1" de- fies the categoric judgement. It is the work of a virtuoso, certainly, but there is profound critical dis- agreement as to whether the tunes he plays amount to a second Liszt sonata, or merely a cascade of scintillating nonsense. The story line suggests sub- stance, It works on three levels: one, the present reality in which Guido, a film director, is grappling with a creative block, a swarm of hangers-on, colleagues, etc., and an impasse 'in his personal life; two,, the unreal substance of Gdido's dreams and fantasies; and three -: quite distinct - his memories of childhood. The action switches unexpectedly, but always clearly, between them. Guido has retired (with entourage) to a pop- ular watering place, where wife and mistress collide, and he feints at every shadow in a fruitless attempt to produce the script for an- overdue film. Wherever in reality things go wrong, he sub- stitutes an optimistic fancy, until all strings are pulled together in a finale which solves personal and professional problems alike. * * * THERE'S NOT much point in delineating Fe'llini's astonishing command of film. The strength of his images reminds one by turns of Resnais or Eisenstein (in the early spa sequences, full of Marienbad figure composition and lighting, as well as striking Rus- sian close-ups), of Truffaut in the harem fantasy, or Beirgman in the final dance. Even the bedroom quarrel of husband and wife has the uncommunicating coldness of Antonioni, the same baited ten- sion. But the firmest references are to Fellini's own earlier films, with beach sequences reminiscent of "I Vitelloni" or a circus motif drawn (in' particular) from "La Strada." Many modern directors, tired of narrative as their conventional cohesive thread, turn to thought association, Truffaut and Resnais in particular. Fellini, though, seems to be yearning after a more- purely cinematic device: associa- tion by images. An allusion to Suetonius and Caesar ushers in the bath sequence, full "of togaed towels and dignified movement, and a cardinal. who speaks Latin all the time. Or, most obvious of all, Guido's roving eye at one point chances on a woman climb- ing down a grassy bank, and he is immediately reminded of an- other woman, seen at an identical angle . . . the gypsy Saraghina. There are also purely verbal as- sociations; and even "The Ride of the Valkyries" turns up at, different points in the film to underline a similarity of image. *A * *4 "8%" is presented almost en- tirely as satirical comedy. It has, as Fellini admits, "no philosophic premise whatsoever," and none of the characters, with the exception of Guido, is allowed to develop beyond a stylized cameo, cast per- fectly to type. This fortifies the episodic structure of the film, and releases Fellini for his pursuit of image and technical legerdemain. It's therefore possible to charac- terize Fellini's technical virtuosity as the self-sufficient triumphant purpose of the film-very much as one applauds a Bellini aria or a baroque organ. But . . . a non- abstract movie is too closely con- cerned with the people whose images are so manifest on the screen for this dehumanized ap- proach normally to succeed. The audience is associated in their mo- tions and emotions, and if the film fails to develop them, it is frustrated. The audience, moreover, has a tendency to layer a gratuitous significance over any episode that is left in the air, even though it may have been offered by Fellini as an image, purely for its own sake. "8%" does not avoid this; and the opening dream sequence is an example of something which adventitiously evokes expectations of symbolism, surrealism and so on. Or, for example, we may question the androgynous priests of Guido's childhood. Are they just a satirical gesture, or should we look for a heavier meaning? In "Marienbad" a similar vir- tuoso approach largely succeeded because the invention was less fertile, and the chief protagonists too pallid to draw our sympathy. In "81/" the characters are vi- brant and brilliantly observed, their predicaments are poignant and real; but they are left in their moment of creation-pure art, if you like, but very frustrating. It is as if Fellini's invention knows no bounds, he has crammed every- thing in. If he had settled for a narrower goal, I think his film would have been the more satis- fying. -Robin Duval limited, until recently at least, when all of a sudden "Radio Caroline" appeared on the radio dial. "Radio Caroline" broadcasts pop music all day long, some of its announcers speak American Eng- lish, some sloppy British English, and its signal is strong all over England. Even the surrounding North Sea countries are able to pick up Radio Caroline's signal. BUT BRITISH and European broadcasting authorities are qute distressed by the new station. It is a troublesome addition to the already overcrowded and nearly uncoordinated broadcast band. The trouble with the nw station is that it cannot be legally cen- sored by any nation, as it is locat- ed on a boat which is anchored outside the British territorial waters. Lying at least three miles off the coast, it 'is subject to,no country and can operate as freely as it wants to. The only boycott English authorities can and do impose.is a ban on radio telephone communications with the English mainland-except in case of emer- gency. Radio Caroline is neither first nor will be last in such radio pirating (as it is officitlly dub- bed). It follows the track of the dollar sign established by the radio boat.-"Veronica" off the Dutch coast which destroyed Ra- dio Nederlands' broadcast mono- poly over most of Holland. Third in a row will be "Radio Atlanta" which is due to be in operation soon. Broadcasting on all of these stations follows the general pat- tern of most United States broad- cast band stations with predom- inant emphasis on pop entertain- ment and background music. A general advertising War is ex- pected to be rising between Radio Caroline, Radio Atlanta and Radio Luxemburg. Such competition, all too familiar to U.S. listeners, is something nearly 'unprecedented on the European scene, and espec- ially unknown on the British Isles. MOST national ' broadcasters are unimpressed by such a trend.' One long-time broadcaster of Radio Nederlands remarked to me: "When Radio Luxemberg went commercial with its, Dutch programs every- body thought that was it. When Radio Veronica came on the air, the same happened again,-and now Radio Caroline claims to be the 'nec puls ultra.' But that's just a fad. You'll discover, what remains of all is Radio Nederlands." But it is apparent that govern-. ment grip of European broadcast- ing is now quickly diminishing. It. may be poignant that this is hap- pening at a time when many U.S. broadcasters fear stricter FCC control following former FCC chairman, Minow's famed speech over the "vast wasteland." But on the other hand, such radio pirating could in the future be an unfortunate development on the Western scene as well. Imagine highpowered Russian or Chinese propaganda boat stations outside American coasts, disturbing the relaxing U.S. listener with Com- munist propaganda on the broad- cast band. A somewhat similar, highpowered shortwave transmit- ter is already in use for the Voice of America ... n x =. = : t '. ,.°_:, ld 1i. _.. k x$k '. rt, _'{' riJ " "'9 _. I ; t'; , { '. . ,, wIr' t p .f,. j t, ,'. ..; ;,;, r .;.!~ 'i.,;.: . f ; ya , r, , X H ypothesizing the Trimester THE ADMINISTRATION must be prais- ed for its infinite wisdom and all- transcendent foresight in preparing to initiate the trimester system. Mudrakiing YESTERDAY A GROUP of red-hot campfire boys mutilated, as they do every year, a plot of grass and discolored a tree between Haven Hall and the Gen- eral Library. Yet the University never takes action against this group. In fact there is no effort at all to repair the an- nual damage. As a result of these shenanigans, what aesthetic beauty there is in a prime area on campus is destroyed. The mud remains and no grass grows when the mud is finally absorbed. Left behind is always the reminder of their-"initiation." If Michigama wants to continue to command an audience on their central The students must be congratulated on their about-to-be-born status as Super- students. Superstudent (alias 555 735 6) is the omnipotent, mind-of-steel brainchild who thrives on spinach, books, more books and -praise the Board! - the superterrific three day long spring weekend in the three and a half month semester. QUESTION: WHY? Where do we go from here? Aren't 27,000 enough? No, not quite, replies the faceless bureaucracy to the faceless student; there are millions outside waiting to be educated. Be practical; we retort, think of the in- dividual for a change. The greatest good for the greatest num- ber, they quote from somewhere. WE CAN'T DISAGREE. In fact, we want to extend this concept one step fur- ther. First of all we abolish weekends. Why stop here? Everybody wastes time every day . . . how about night classes, £V&RYffOPU1NAB$ A CHOICE. IfOQ WOUUU4JT HAVC TO' FOR I qa f C 1Ij T WANT TO0BE ITS A FRE COUTJR f. 'q0 NAVE TO eOe WANT1- 66~. n 1 LAPOF' oPPo~ruR)IT. HAV T Q1P0JT WANT -to BC. Veq F3U CAP\ 5E PR5- AFLt IT TAKES 1,I U'TATI VE MNP'O~qHAB A CNOICE- f (W5LPY HAVE TO E3