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April 18, 1964 - Image 1

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Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom,


thundershowers today

I .

VOL. L! XXIV, No. 153



Students Propose
Apolitical Body
Seek Communication, Cooperation
Among Nation's University Bodies
Special To The Daily
ST. LOUIS - A constitution for an apolitical national student
organization, tentatively called the Associated Student Government
of America, was presented to more than 200 delegates from more than
40 colleges and universities meeting here yesterday.
The proposal, diawn up' by the formulators of the ASGA idea,
cites ASGA's main purpose as "opening channels of communication


Plan 'Readied
For House
LANSING P)-House Republi-
cans were still seeking Democratic
support as they prepared yester-
day to bring Gov. George Rom-
ney's congressional redistricting
plan to its first test in the House.
They decided Thursday to move
the proposal to the head of the
House GOP Floor Leader Robert
Waldron (R-Grosse' Pointe) said
the House was to finish prelimi-
nary debate on the proposal yes-
terday and bring it to a final vote
Other Bills
The plan would have been up
for preliminary debate Thursday
had the House not bogged down in
debate on other bills.
While Republicans girded for a
push on Romney's plan, Demo-
crats prepared to offer an altern-
ative in the hope of reaching a
compromise that might salvage
them at least one more seat in
House Minority Leader Joseph
Kowalski (D-Detroit) was to offer
a substitute to the Romney plan
that could conceivably set up a
10-9 edge for Democrats.
Republican Edge
Republicans at present hold an
11-8 edge, and Romney's proposal
--on the basis of past voting rec-
ords-would preserve at least a
10-9 Republican edge.dx
Kowalski's plan could give the
Democrats a 10-9 advantage in
congressional seats.
This plan, drafted by Demo-
craticState Central headquarters,
generally follows the Romney pro-
The effect of the Kowalski plan,
Republican leaders said, would be
to give Democrats-one or possibly
two-more districts.j
One of these would be the dis-
trict including the Upper Penin-
sula, the other the Oakland-
Wayne district.
A point in favor of Kowalski's
bill, according to that Democratic
leader, was that its maximum dis-
parity in population between dis-
tricts is 3,240, compared to 3,575
for Romney's plan.

dand cooperation among the stu-
dent governments of American
colleges and universities."
According to Lawrence Blank-
enship of the University of Okla-
homa, chairman of the group
which drew up the proposed con-
stitution, the document is only an
interim vehicle, with the perma-
nent constitution, to be drawn up
at the first national convention
of the organization.
Blankenship's group outlined
the following additional goals for
the organization:
-Aiming at the individual stu-
dent "in the hope of making his
student government more satis-
factory, more beneficial and more
responsive to his needs during
his years at college.'"
-Facilitating the sharing of
ideas which relate to programs
and projects within the scope of.
student government jurisdiction.
'No Affiliation
-Maintaining autonomy, not
formal affiliation with any other
organization or group.
-Having no political intent or
William Featheringill of Van-
derbilt University, co-chairman of
the meeting and one of the prime
movers behind ASGC, told the
delegates that a student organi-
zation can do two things: repre-
sent the feelings of the students
or work to benefit its member col-i
leges or universities.
"However, no organization can
do both," he asserted. "The at-
mosphere created by discussion.
of political issues and the type of
people attracted to this type of
discussion are not conducive to
discussing how the member or-
ganizations can be benefitted. It
is toward this second goal that
our group's energies should be.
Reaction to the proposed con-t
stitution was restrained among
the delegates, most of whom were
seeing the document for the first
However, one delegate asserted,
"If they keep article eight un-
changed (the article divorcing the
organization from political af-
fairs), we'll join."
Recommend t
$46.8 Billion I
For Defense r
Appropriations Committee showed
firm approval for Secretary oft
Defense Robert S. McNamara'se
military policies yesterday by rec-a
ommending $46.8 billion in new
defense funds for the next fiscala
The committee showed its sup-
port for McNamara as it. cut the_
Johnson administratin's budget
request for the Defense Depart-
ment by only $712 million-a com-
paratively small amount.1
The committee did not-as Con-
gress has done five times in the
past ten years-increase the size
of the defense budget. A boost in
the budget would have been a
sure sign that the committee did
not agree with McNamara's poli-
cies and believed he should startt
some new projects that he had

To Resume
In Belgium
By The Associated Press
BRUSSELS-Belgium's doctors'
strike ended early yesterday after
18 days of wrangling by the gov-
ernment and the strikers over pro-
visions of a controversial socializ-
ed medical law.
Justice Minister Pierre Vermey-
len read newsmen a communique
saying the doctors had agreed to
call off the strike.
He added that no understanding
was reached, however, on the con-
flicting points of view concerning
the new medical legislation.
The decision came after long
bargaining, with the rectors of
four Belgian universities acting
as go-betweens.
Talks to compromise differences
on the law itself will begin when
the doctors and dentists return to
their normal duties and the gov-
ernment withdraws its emergency
With the ending of the walkout,
doctors will again call on patients
and treat them in their offices.
To Open Negotiations
The strikers said they had re-
ceived guarantees indicating that
a good chance exists of settling
the medical profession's argument
with the left-leaning government
of Premier Theo LeFevre.
During the strike, doctors claim-
ed the law destroyed their confi-
dential relationship with their
patients, opened their records to
irksome inspections and reduced
physicians to the status of bureau-
crats. The claims were denied by
the government.
It was not immediately clear
how far LeFevre had committed
himself to changing the law to
satisfy the doctors.
The communique said the doc-
tors' leaders ordered their col-
leagues throughout the country to
stop the strike immediately.
Furthermore, these leaders urg-
ed the government to keep the
present skeleton emergency hospi-
tal service going "until the situ-
ation is back to normal."
DAC Picketing
Trial Delayed
Without Bonds
'Seven members of the Direct
Action Committee were. remanded
to the county jail yesterday for
failure to post bonds with the
circuit court.
The charge arose in connection
with violence which took place
Feb. 28 on a civil :rights picket
line at City Hall. The group was
scheduled to be arraigned in cir-
cuit court Thursday.
The adjounrment was ordered
because the 'group's attorney Mil-
ton Henry of Pontiac, failed for
the second week in a row to ap-
pear in court. The defendants also
failed to appear last week, but
the prosecutor's office said they
might not have received notice of
the hearing.
All were ordered held until in-
dividual bonds of $100 cash or
$500 property are posted or until
the date of the araignment. An
eighth; defendant did not appear,
and the judge ordered a bench
warrant for her arrest. Officers
attempting to serve the notice
were told she had moved to Ha-



Court Kills
Appeals To
Stop Funds
Appeals for a temporary re-
straining order to stop the Dear-'
born Board of Education from al-
locating funds to a religious cen-
ter and to disqualify Judge Ed-
ward S. Piggins as presiding judge
were both denied yesterday.
Both appeals grew out of a re-
cent law suit over $8,600 appro-
priated by the board for a religious
center used jointly by the Henry
Ford Community College and the
University's Dearborn Center.
Prof. Donald A. Caulkins of the
Community College sued the board
on the grounds that the money
was being used to support a pri-
vate religious organization:
I School Prayer Issue
The second appeal was based
specifically on a speech, criticising
theJ United States Supreme Court
for its decision on school prayers,
made by Piggins in Lansing last
Prof. Caulkins contended that
the speech indicated that Piggins
was prejudiced.
According to.John J. Fish, law-
yer for the board, the suit has no
legal grounds as now filed.
Prof. Caulkins contends that
the funds allocated to the religious
center were needed more in other
parts of the college, Mr. DeWitt
Baldwin of the Office of Religious
Affairs claimed yesterday.



Regents Approve Propos

THE UNIVERSITY'S Flint Center is soon to become a four-year institution with yesterday's Re-
gental approval of expansion there. At the lower left is the Mott Memorial Building. Directly above
it are the swimming pool building and the field house. At the upper right is the Flint Junior College
Regents Pass Thuma Position



Set Up P9
Targ et Da
'U,' Flint To Co
Efforts 'in Plann
See 3000 Stude

Fish pointed out that as far as
the Board of Education was con-
cerned, it has the discretion to
allocate funds in areas that it
feels are necessary. It is not up to
the faculty to tell the board how
it must spend its money, Fish said.
As for the charge to disqualify
the judge, he continued, "A judge
may criticize the Supreme Court
if he wishes, but he is still bound
under law to follow the law."
Prof. Caulkins, however, asked
the right to amend his complaint
and indicated that he would do so.
Basic Question
"If he amends, he may decide
to raise the question of the right
of a university to employ a relig-
ious coordinator or councilor in
the first place," Fish commented.
"This is a question that has
never been brought before the
Supreme Court. All the cases on
religious controversy handed down
by the court have dealt with re-
ligion on the secondary or elemen-
tary school level," Fish said.
"I don't feel the Supreme Court
would ever hold that having a
coordinator of religion in a uni-
versity or college is any more
illegal than having open court
sessions with prayers, opening
sessions of Congress with prayer,
or having 'in God we trust' minted
on coins."

The Regents yesterday received
a report on Operation Michigan
and appointed Associate Dean
Burton D. Thuma of, the literary
college as a director of the resi-
dential college and Prof. James
T. Wilson of the geology depart-
ment as director of the Institute
of Science and Technology.
Michael Radock, director of Uni-
versity Relations, reported that
Operation Michigan, an effort to
inform the public of the Univer-
sity's role, is a grass roots opera-
tion to inform alumni and com-
munity opinion leaders of the
present needs, goals and programs
of the University.
"Some aspects of the program
were initiated two years ago, but
the program's full scale imple-
mentation began in January,"
Radock told the Regents.
Well Qualified
The Regents appointed Dean
Thuma to direct and plan the
operation of the residential col-
lege. Vice-President for Academic
Affairs Roger W. Heyns noted
that Thuma's interest in the resi-
dential college and his present
administrative position in the lit-
erary college qualify him well for
the new post.
Administrative a n d Regental
philosophy on the residential col-
lege envisions a working associa-
tion between the literary college
and the residential college.
Prof. Wilson, currently acting
director of the Institute of Science
and Technology, was named its
permanent director. Both appoint-
ments were anticipated earlier this
Sociology, Engineering;
Prof. Albert J. Reiss of the so-
ciology department was named to
succeed Prof. G. E. Swanson as
chairman of the department, ef-
fective July 1. Prof. James W.
Daily of the Massachusetts In-
stitute of Technology was ap-
pointed professor and chairman
of the department of engineering
mechanics, effective with the aca-
demic year 1964-65. "
Enlarging on the Operation
Michigan program, Radock indi-
cated that there are three major
aspects to the project:

-In February, three "Presi-
dent's Conferences" were held in
Bay City, Grand Rapids and Dear-
born. President Harlan Hatcher
and other top administrators met
with a small group of community
leaders for an off-the-record dis-
cussion of the University and its
needs and achievements.
-In 49 smaller cities, Univer-
sity officials and University Re-
lations - Alumni Association staff
members presented a program en-
titled "U-M Briefings and Reports

from Ann Arbor" to service clubs,
alumni groups and schools.
-Each of the four "U-M '64"
conferences held January through
April brought 30-35 alumni, busi-
ness and community leaders to
Ann Arbor for a day and a half.
The guests attended classes, talk-
ed to administrators and faculty
members and listened to student
opinions on the University. This
program offered an opportunity
for the guests to make suggestions
to improve the University.

The Regents unanimousl
yesterday that the expan
Flint College into a four-y
stitution be made as "expe
ly as possible."
They set 1965 as a targ
for adding freshman and
more levels to the Universi
per-division college.
Approving a statement
ted by University Presider
lan Hatcher, the Regents it
ed the administration tc
with the Flint Board of Ed
in drawing up specific ph
the expansion. Tentative
call: for a gradual rise in
ment from the current
dent level to 3000 students,
Home Rule
The Regents action ye
was an affirmative reply
invitation issued by the
Board last week. The Boa
unanimously presented a p
which would set up a fo
liberal arts and business c
lum under Regental cont
managed by an administi
This would be similar
present' situation in Flint
Dean David M. French ru
to-day operations.
The expansion proposal
of a report on the future of
education in Flint which w
ten by a six-man team c
and University officials.
Cover All Controvers
In issuing their reply, t
gents took special care t
all controversial featuies
expansion effort. The Ur
was forced to abandon pl
year to expand at Delta
because of statewide oppos
Responding to the onl:
criticism of the Flint ex
thus far-the Flint junior
faculty - t h e ;statement
comed the participation c
munity officials in futur
The statement also ex
the University's intention

Suits Predicts $40 Billion
Increase In GNP for, 1964,
The annual econometric forecast by Prof. Daniel Suits of the
economics department sets this year's Gross National Product at,
$625 billion, $40 billion more than last year.
In general, his predictions support statements by President Lyn-
don B. Johnson and Prof. Gardner Ackley of Johnson's Council of
Economic Advisers. Prof. Suits announced:his forecasts yesterday at
"the Short Tern Economic Outlook

Group Claims
Soviets Hinder
Jnewish Life
ican Jewish Congress said yester-
day that 'Soviet authorities were
increasing restrictions against the
practice of Judaism.
"The bonds of Soviet Jewery
with their tradition are being de-
stroyed by increasing restrictions
against fundamental and sacred
Jewish practices," the congress
said. It added, "Synagogues are
closed down, production and dis-
tribution of essential religious
articles banned."
James H. Scheuer of New York,
chairman of the convention In-
ternational Affairs Committee,
who introduced the resolution,
said, "With the lessening of re-
pression and persecution so widely
acclaimed following the death of
Stalin, it was hoped that Soviet
Jews would profit.

Session of the Sixth Annual Fore-
casting Conference, being held in
New York.
Lowered Unemployment
He predicts that the increased
GNP, which would be almost seven
per cent more than the 1963 total
of $585 billion, will increase the
number of jobs and reduce the
seasonally adjusted level of un-
employment to less than five per
cent of the labor force for the
first time since 1957.
In a recent speech at the Uni-
versity, Prof. Ackley, former
chairman of the economics de-
partment, foresaw- the same level
of unemployment - and added
that the rate may drop to four
per cent in 1965.

Future Students'To

Pay, A utomationQuality
Keys to Bright1rs Ftr
WASHINGTON (P)--A panel of publishers said yesterday the
future of their industry is bright-if the newspapers speed automa-
tion, increase salaries and turn out a better product.
"In spite of all the acquisitions and mergers that have been tak~
ing place, metropolitan newspapers are not in trouble or in any
edanger passing from the scene in
the future," Otis Chandler, pub-
lisher of the Los Angeles Times,
He addressed 500 members of
ee'the American Society of Newspap-
er Editors in a panel discussion
on the outlook for the press.
Chandler said newspapers must
the students will be organized into invest in improvements, both me-
groups to tour residence halls, sor- chanical and editorial, before they
orities, fraternity houses or open are actually forced to do so by
houses at various schools. competing media. The newspapers,
The engineering school's Techi- he said, must intensify their com-
rama exhibit will highlight the jition in the open market for
open house tours. The Law, med- talent.
ical, and Archtiecture and Design "We have got to pay substan-
chnnls will alsn nnon their dors. V -3ha Ts

Mic higamna Redskins

Thursday, Johnson had given
figures on the United States eco-
nomy showing that in the first
quarter of 1964 the GNP rose to
an annual rate of $608.5 billion.
Prof. Suits bases his forecasts
on an econometric model given by
a system of mathematical equa-
tions which were put together at
the University. Eleven previous
forecasts have shown a remark-
able accuracy in detail and have
never failed to indicate the direc-
tion of movement of the economy
as a whole.
Business Expenditure '
According to Prof. Suits, the
expansion in the economy is cen-
tered in business expenditure for
new plant and equipment and in
consumer purchase of new auto-
mobiles and other durable goods.
Current plans indicate business
expenditures f o r replacement,
modernization and new capacity
will be 10 per cent higher than
the $52 billion level of last year,
he said. The car market will reach
a new record as consumers spend
more than $24 billion for 8 mil-

view its decisions with
George Romney's Citizen's
mittee on Higher Education
Need to Expand
Regent Eugene B. Power o
Arbor said he wanted to "V
score" the reasoning behin
expansion in Flint. He expl
that the University is faced
the need to expand "and
we to do it on the Ann
campus, there would be no
Regent Alan Sorenson of
land emphasized that the Ur.
sity is in effect "expanding
own existing campus." This f
he asserted, was the basic c
ence between the Flint and
proposals, since the Universit
no formal connections with
when it tried to work ou
expansion plan there.
The University has no legs
ligation to consult with other

See Related Story, Page 3

High school seniors and juniors
from all over Michigan will par-
.ticipate today in the twenty-
second annual University Day,
designed to introduce potential
college students to University aca-
demic, residential and social life.
The program is sponsored by a



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