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Sit ian
Turning colder,
chance of snow
Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
Hatcher Sets
Puts Year-Round Plan T
Below Salary Boost R
Original Appropriation Bid Placed 1
Third Semester in Lower Rank
Year-round operation for the University came a step closer to reali- lion t
zation yesterday as President Harlan Hatcher reviewed budgetary admi
priorities at the Regents meeting. passa
He put the University's plan for a full-year calendar on the Th
trimester system second to faculty salaries on the priority list of finisi
areas most in need of state funds. It was seventh in the University's Hous
budget request submitted to.Gov. George Romney in September. ident
Vice President for Academic Affairs Roger W. Heyns said that ing o
a priority list does not imply that money will not be spent on the busir
items placed lower on the list but that increased funds will be dis- Ad
Qtributed so as to cover all priori- the t.
Trimester as High Budget Priority
ax Plan
o Floor
rce Committee gave final ap-
al yesterday to an $11.5-bil-
tax cut measure, keeping alive
nistration hopes for Senate
age by Feb. 11.
e committee in a 12-5 vote
hed its reshaping of the
e-passed measure which Pres-
Lyndon B. Johnson is count-
n to forestall any threat of a
ness downturn in this election
ministration officials look to
legislation to pump an addi-
1 $30 billion into the 1964
national product-the sum
l goods and services produced
he nation.
e bill came out of the Finance
mmittee in roughly the form
d first by President John F.
nedy and then by Johnson.
President's supporters in a
-minute rally won a reversal
series of surprise votes to lift
ctors AIlo
V Women
'US. Plan
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Aide Views
UN Council
"We in the United Nations Se-
curity Council believe in realism
and intend to carry out our be-
lief as long as this is not at the ex-
pense of high ideals," M. A. Vel-
lodi, director of the department
of political and security council
affairs of the UN, said last night.
Speaking before the banquet of
the Second International Arms
Control and Disarmament Sympo-
sium, Vellodi highlighted his views
on several issues now facing the
United Nations.
The main problems he dealt
with were the proposal for a per-
manent UN police force financed
by member nations, the plan for]
a separate international organiza-]
tion to be set up in order to deal
exclusively with the internation-
al police actions now undertaken
by the UN.
Also the argument over wheth-
er the United tSates and the
USSR are purposely bypassing the
UN in certain bilateral negotia-
An example of a realistic view,
he said, is that the question of a
permanent UN police force is best
dealt with in facing the fact that
such a force is not at present
practical. He cited the views of
UN Secretary-General U Thant
as a basis for his opinion.
Thant, he said, noted in a re-
cent address that a permanent
force is an institution for the fu-
ture, not for today. First, finan-
cial arrangements, that is, mone-
tary backing of such a force, are
not at present feasible because of
the financial crisis through which
the UN has been going in the last
three years. Only with more
See VELLODI, Page 2
Vote by Dakota.
Bans Poll Tax
On U.S. Ballot
WASHINGTON (A)-An amend-
ment was written into the United
States Constitution yesterday ban-
ning the poll tax as a condition
for voting in elections for federal
The South Dakota Senate rati-
fled the 24th amendment by a vote
of 34-0. The House had approved
it last week.
South Dakota thus became the
ties with a limited amount of
To Allocate Increases
He said administrators will be-
gin work on deciding how to allo-
cate any increases in appropria-
tion, using Romney's recommen-
dation to the Legislature of - $44.0
million as a base.
This sum-which would be $5.8
million over this year's legislative
appropriation-fell only $3.6 mil-
lion short of the University's re-
quest and, with the full-year cal-
endar now second in priority, pre-
sumably would be sufficient to
finance the start of year-round
In his statement to the Regents,
President Hatcher noted Gov.
George Romney's $5.7 million cap-
ital outlay recommendation as a
significant step forward. He linked
the proposed increase with last
year's economic boom.
To Complete Payments
President Hatcher explained
that the funds outlayed for Uni-
versity buildings include $385,000
to complete payments on the Mu-
sic School Bldg., $1.87 million for
completion of the Fluids Engi-
neering Bldg. and $500,000 for the
continuance of hospital renova-
In addition funds have been a-
located for the planning and con-
struction of a dental building and
of Medical Science Unit II. An
allocation of $300,000 is to go to-
ward the remodeling of the East
Medical Bldg. for the future use
of the liteiary college after scien-
tific units move out.
. Speaking of Romney's advisory
"blue ribbon" education commit-
tee, President Hatcher termed its
report a "major breakthrough" in
thinking about the budget for
higher education.
Political 'Courage'
He said the governor displayed
political "courage" in increasing
the appropriation $21 million
when early recommendations of
his own staff had been for only
about a $12 million increase.
Although Romney's offer is less
than the $25 million boost seen as
a minimum by the "blue ribbon",
committee, President Hatcher did
note that, in contrast to the last
few years, a new and higher level
of support had been reached which
he hoped would continue.
Unversity President Harlan
Hatcher proposed at yesterday's
Regents meeting that a com-
memorative plaque be placed
on the steps of the Union,
where President John F. Ken-
nedy made his first public
statement regarding creation of
the Peace Corps.
Kennedy visited Ann Arbor
during a campaign talk in Oc-
tober, 1960. Regent Alan Soren-
son of Midland moved that the
proposal be accepted. He sug-
gested that any excess funds
from contributions be placed in
a memorial scholarship fund.
many excise taxes-at an estimat-.
ed revenue loss of $455 million,
compared with 1963.
Thecommittee had voted yes-
terday morning to repeal or ease
excise levies on luggage, jewelry,
furs and cosmetics. But just before
yesterday afternoon's final vote,
it reversed this action in a single,
9-8 ballot. It was .understood that
Johnson took a personal hand in
convincing nine Democrats that
the heavy prospective loss can not
be accepted.
The Finance Committee staff is
expected to take about a week in
preparing the Senate version of
the bill, which varies in many de-
tails from that voted by the House.
Senate debate will start late
next week or on Feb. 3 and ad-
ministration leaders will shoot for
Senate passage by or before the
start of the Lincoln's birthday re-
cess on Feb. 11.
The next objective will be a
reconciliation of differences be-
tween the Senate and House ver-
sions in time for final passage by
or before March 1 so a reduction
in withholding payments by wage
and salary earners can start by
that date.
of al
by th
of ae
Hits Snag
In Geneva
GENEVA ") - President Lyn-
don B. Johnson's proposals for
halting the nuclear arms race ran
into firm Soviet objections at the
disarmament conference yesterday
and seemed headed for a dead-
With an angry sweep of his
hand, Soviet delegate Semyon K.
Tsarapkin told reporters the Unit-
ed States plan for an Atlantic
alliance multi - national nuclear
force "has to be cleared away" be-
fore there can be any agreement
to stop the spread of nuclear
Western officials of the 17-na-
tion conference were more hope-
ful of finding common ground
with the Russians on other parts
of the President's arms control
plan, including the establishment
of observation posts to prevent
surprise attack and accidental
Submits Plan
Johnson's five-point plan was
submitted to the conference Tues-
day by United States disarma-
ment negotiator William C. Fos-
Tsarapkin is expected to deliver
the first formal Russian comment
on the plan next week.
But his comments to reporters
and conference speeches by other
Soviet Bloc delegates gave a clear
indication of the Moscow stand.
This is that the United States
first must abandon its plans for a
seaborne nuclear striking force
controlled jointly by members of
the North Atlantic Alliance in-
cluding West Germany.
Only Two
Only the United States and
West Germany have shown much
enthusiasm for the seaborne force.
The Soviet position thus fore-
shadowed a probable deadlock on
three of Johnson's five points: the
non - dissemination of nuclear
weapons, a verified freeze of stra-
tegic nuclear delivery systems and
a controlled halt in the produc-
tion of fissionable materials for
weapons use.
Conference sources said discus-
sion of the establishment of ob-
servation posts seemed to have the
best chances of leading to nego-
Links Post System
Tsarapkin Tuesday linked an
observation post system with the
simultaneous demilitarization of
East and West Germany. This is
unacceptable to the Western pow-
There was also what one dele-
gate called restrained optimism
concerning a possible agreement
on the reunification of force,
threats and subversion in the set-
tlement of territorial disputes.
The negotiation of such an
agreement, the subject of a recent
correspondence between Johnson
and Russian Premier Nikita S.
Khrushchev, was the first of
Johnson's five points.
Affairs Roger W
the Regents yeste
recently complete
Far East left him'
whelmed" at thei
University gradua
native countries.
Heyns just ret
Universty Sunday
week working j
took him to Jap
Hong Kong, the
Thailand, India,
and the Netherla
panied by former
ald M. D. Thurbl
he reviewed a nu
versity projects, m
viewed University
Peace Corps pr
various countries
were a special tars
praise. "Everywhe
response to the C
positive, most ent
Meets Cori
Among the Pea
the vice-president
units workingi
trained at theI
Heyns came ba
pressed with wha
convinced that
<States' foreign
,s Recounts Far East, Tri
for Academic
. Heyns told
rday that his
d trip to the
"almost over-
importance of
,tes in their
urned to the
from a three-
unket which
an, Formosa,
Egypt, Italy
ands. Accom-
Regent Don-
er of Detroit,
mber of Uni-
net and inter-
ograms in the
s he visited
get for Heyns'
re I went the
orps was most
husiastic," he
ace Corpsmen
saw were two
in Thailand,
University in
ack both im-
t he saw and
the United
programs, particularly univer-
sity projects sponsored by the
Agency for International De-
velopment, can be improved. He
hopes to .go to Washington to
discuss his ideas with, AID.
-There is much to be gained
when many areas of a complex
University, such as this one, are
involved in a program in one
country. Currently, a number
of foreign aid programs use a
"consortium" approach involv-
ing many universities, each
specializing in a particular area.
-The teaching of English is
being carried out "much toof
slowly" on inadequate funds.
"A massive effort is needed. We
have an enormous issue at
stake in making English" the
predominant international lan-
guage. -"
-Higher education of foreign
students in the United States
should be reexamined. Heynss
said he f o u n d disturbing
pockets of "educated unem-
ployed" in various countries
college graduates unable tor
utilize their training.
Establish Programs
-Stronger education pro-
grams should be established in
the developing countries as an
alternative to bringing students
to the United States. Heyns
suggested that in some cases
returning graduates find them-
selves disaffiliated from the s
society they left.
The vice-president stressed
that "there must be a continu-
ing commitment by the univer-
sities and the government to°
achieve their objectives." Toot
often, he said, short term pro-
grams are altered or dropped
without regard to the long-
range consequences.
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RoIney BudgetGets Mixed Reactions
Gov. George Romney's proposed
$622.4 million budget was greeted
with mixed feelings by members
of both political parties in Lansing
Democrats in the Senate and
House gave somewhat limited
praise to the governor's program,
expressing some reservations as
to its chances for success. Reac-
tions were much stronger, how-
ever, among the Republicans.
Speaker of the House Allison
Green (R-Kingston) gave Rom-
ney's plan a strong boost, and
said that he could see "no prob-
lems getting at least $600 mil-
lion. However, above this figure,
personal interests may enter the
picture, thus jeopardizing total
success for the budget."
Thayer Agrees
Senate Majority Leader Stan-
ley G. Thayer (R-Ann Arbor)
agreed that there will probably
be "substantial approval of the
spending program, without dras-
tic reduction or increase."
Sen. Raymond Dzendzel (D-
Detroit) said that he is whole-
heartedly in favor of the high ap-
propriation for higher education
the governor proposes in his bud-
get. He noted, though, that the
spending program may have some
problem passing because of the
"old-line Republicans. This is
quite a jump for them to take."
Last year's budget request was
for $547 million, although the final
authorization was for $550 mil-
lion, a figure still well below this
year's request.
House Democratic Leader Jo-
seph Kowalski (Detroit) agreed
with Dzendzel that the governor's
State Schools
Send Letters
Telling, Needs
The University and the nine
other state-supported universities
have taken their case for a larger
legislative appropriation to the
Each institution dispersed thou-
sands of letters in December sign-
ed by its president, to acquaint
statewide alumni and friends with
the plight of the tax-supported
The letters do not encourage
any specific action,but Universi-
ty officials have given the letters
partial credit for prodding Gov.
George Romney into boosting the
higher education appropriation by
$21.5 million over last year. The
appropriation was announced in
the governor's budget message
Chain Reaction
Regents Accept ISA Seat,
Clarification for SGC Plan
The Regents yesterday accepted two changes in the Student
Government Council Plan, one of which expands Council to include
the president of the International Students Association, Isaac Ada-
lemo, Grad, as an ex-officio member.
The other change amends Council's bylaws by clarifying the
composition of its committees. Recently there has been controversy
over whether faculty members'
may sit on "student committees"
such as the Membership Tribunal.
The amendment states that "an 1 a d ie
SGC board or committee shall be
any committee responsible to SGC.
Unless otherwise stated its mem- N ">
bers do not represent any par-
ticular onstituency."
Both amendments were ap- .
proved by SGC Nov. 30, but could
not be implemented immediately;
because any alteration of the
Plan - Council's constitution - is
subject to Regental sanction.
Endorsing the addition of the
ISA ex-officio, Lewis commented
keeping with our desire to mold
budget will probably get Demo-
cratic support, and will have its
toughest time in the Republican
caucuses. Kowalski said that the
major question in his mind is
"whether Romney will fight for
this budget."
Lesinski Doubts
Lt. Gov. T. John Lesinski said
that he doubted that the state
Legislature would approve Rom-.
ney's program because "the Legis-
lature is not likely to take two
steps this session on the things
it refused to take even one step
on before."
Rep. Carroll C. Newton (R-Del-
ton), a senior member of the
House Ways and Means Commit-
tee, expressed sharp criticism of
the governor's plan. He said that
he thinks it goes too far, noting
that "Romney is asking too much
for education. I'm not opposed to
some one-shot increases in this
area, but I'm afraid I would be op-
posed to those that would put the
state back in the hole."
Thayer said that there might be
some pressures to cut back the
proposed $21 million higher edu-
cation appropriation, and raise
college tuitions. He noted, how-
ever, that "any increase of this
type should be coupled with schol-
arship increases."
According to Romney, however,
the proposed fiscal plan would
leave a surplus in the treasury,
even though the budget shows the
state spending more than it takes
in. This is due to the surplus of
approximately' $30 million which
by the end of this fiscal year the
governor anticipates will more
than cover the deficit in his pro-
posed budget.
Green said that budgeting a
surplus is a wise move on the gov-
ernor's part because it will guar-
antee a surplus next year, thus
keeping the state in good financial
Seeking Plan
For Merger
Board Cites Delay
Which Necessitates
Co-educational Start
The Michigan Union Board of
Directors last night voted unani-
mously to include women in all
levels of its student activities
The board said that setbacks in
plans for a merger between the
Union and the Women's League
had pushed the date of a merger
back far enough so that "it is not
in the best interests of the Uni-
versity to delay the beginning of
a coeducational activities program
any longer."
In its statement, the board did
not rule out the possibility of a
merger with' the League in the
future. It stated that "the addi-
tion of women in student activi-
ties will provide the necessary
first step to any future merger of
the Union and the -League andl
the Union wishes to continue dis-
cussion with the League."
'Surprised' at Move
However, Women's League Pres-
ident Gretchen Groth, '64, said she
was "surprised" at the move and
added, "I hope they are sincere in
planning to continue work on the
"The League was thinking in
terms of a merger of both organi-
zations, rather than having one
organization become coeducational
by simply admitting members of
the opposite sex."
Miss Groth did not think that
the League Board of Governors
would be any more receptive to
an early merger because of the
Union's action.
Represents Application
Union President Raymond Rus-
nak, '64, said that the Union'
Board's action represented an ap-
plication of the philosophy of co-
educational student activities ex-
pressed ,in the Robertson Report
of last year. The report, which
outlined a plan for merging the
two organizations, has been under
cbnsideration since May despite
Regental criticism.
He noted that under the Union's
present constitution no woman
could be elected to senior posts.
"We do not anticipate having
to make any revisions at this time
since it is unlikely that a woman
would petition for a senior office
now. However, should the situation
arise, the board would take ap-
propriate action."
Norman Peslar, '64E, Union ad-
ministrative vice-president, said
he felt the Union's personnel situ-
ation would be aided by the inclu-
sion of women. Miss Groth, how-
ever, did not think the League's
situation would be hurt in this
Asks Revision
To Streamline
Unit's Set-up
The Michigan Union Board O
Directors approved principles for
revision of its own structure but
delayed final passage pending a
final wording of the structure by
the Union's senior officers.
The plan basically approved is
intended to "streamline" the
board and make it more able to
devote itself to financial and ma-
jor policy matters.
The number of board members
would be reduced from 19 to 11,
with the new board consisting of
the three senior officers, three
s Protest Lecture
Officials are now hopeful that
the letters may also have set a
reaction in motion which will
have favorable reverberations on
the Legislature.
Highlighting these letters is a
verbatim reproduction of Rom-
ney's "blue ribbon" committee re-
port which set a $25 million ap-
propriation hike as a minimum.
The University's letter, dis-
patched by University President
Harlan Hatcher to over 90,000
state alumni, invites the recipients
to peruse the recommendations in
the report.
Emphasizes Conclusion
Particular emphasis is given by
President Hatcher to the report's
FPA Accepts
JIFC Abolition
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