Seventy-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Wher e pir *ons AreFe STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Trutb Wini Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in at reprints. THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1964 NIGHT EDITOR: KENNETH WINTER LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: This 'Liberal Establishment' EUROPEAN COMMENTARY: The Real Issue in the Belgium Doctors' Strike Paying a Fitting Tribute To Rachel Carson To the Editor: IT HAS long been obvious to me, as it must to any objective reader, that The Daily has an of- fical policy of supporting the Lib- eral Establishment in this coun- try. However the current series of articles on Brazil, by Stephen Berkowitz goes outrageously far in this. direction. I am aware of the standard Daily rejoiner to a charge of this nature; namely that Daily editor- ials express the view of the in- dividual writer and do not con- stitute an official policy. However, the consistent, in fact unbroken, chain of editorials and feature articles written by liberals not on the staff of The Daily, does in fact establish such a policy. The aforementioned articles by Mr. Berkowitz are a prime example of this. Steve Berkowitz is not a member of The Daily staff; he is a mem- ber of Voice Political Party. Why was he asked to act as a "guest writer" for The Daily? More im- tem of government the President of the United States is the Presi- dent of all the people in this country. If De Berry's candidacy is to be meaningful he must do more than represent solely the in- terests of Negroes and workers. In this light, to borrow Mr. Sig- norelli's phrase, "the choice could hardly be any clearer." -Peter L. Wolff, '59 Washington, D.C. Alpha Phi Alpha To the Editor: ALPHA PHI ALPHA Fraternity, because it obtained its six pledges through open rush this semester and does not yet possess a chapter house, was one of six campus fraternities which you described on March 10 as "facing future difficulties." Certainly, since that time, our chapter has real justification for viewing its future with consider- ably more optimism than your re- porter's analysis indicated. Over ITH THE UNTIMELY demise of Rach- el Carson, the cause of conservation has lost one of its best friends and. staunchest supporters. Her death from cancer is as unfortunate as it was unex- pected; for she left behind a legacy of service to mankind which relatively few of her sex have achieved. At the same time, the goal she so avidly sought-an end to destruction of . our natural resources through indiscriminate use of chemicals -has reached a point in its development where every supporting hand is needed to guide it to a successful realization. In terms of such a realization of goals, there is an obvious similarity between her death and the assassination of the late President John' F. Kennedy. It has become increasingly evident that ever since Kennedy was cut down in the midst of his struggle for civil rights, the battle for passage of the civil rights bill has become in part a battle for legislation which would serve as a tribute to the fallen leader-a memorial to the cause for which he. labored, so that "he shall not have died in vain." It is fervently to be. hoped that Miss Carson's death will likewise act as a.catalyst to accelerate the passage of new and badly-needed laws to control the flow of pesticides. An Opportunity FOR TWO ORGANIZATIONS whose thinking is so analogous on a struc- tural level, Student Government Council and the University Senate are still many 'neurons apart when it comes to contem- plating joint policy formation. But recent developments in both orga- nizations pose a new opportunity. The Senate's decision to consider es tablishing a representative assembly comes in the wake of SGC's current dis- cussions aimed at creating a constituent assembly of its own. THE PARALLEL nature and purpose- increasing each unit's power--of both structures calls to mind past, if unsuc- cessful, attempts at paralleling the Sen- ate and SGC. These came last year, when Council set up nine subcommittees to parallel exist- ing subcommittees of the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs. The purpose was to provide for greater communication between faculty and stu- dents in an effort to boost eventually the esteem of both groups in the eyes of the Regents. LACKING FORMAL connections, the so- called student-faculty government has failed to match up to its epithet. But more well-defined links between the two proposed constituent assemblies could be both permanent and effective. -LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM THE ANALOGY MAY BE taken still fur- ther, since there is no evidence that would conclusively prove that chemical poisons in the atmosphere and the soil do not cause some form of cancer-perhaps even the form which brought about Miss Carson's death. Her book, "Silent Spring," cited much evidence that such poisons do have some part in numerous other diseases. As long, as there is any doubt of the safety of the chemicals which are sprayed on the food we eat and into the air we breathe- and there are numerous accounts of fa- talities to indicate that such doubt is- very real-serious consideration should be given to ways of reducing the threat to mankind. FORTUNATELY, the threat has not gone unnoticed. The late President Kenne- dy's Science Advisory Committee issued a report last May advocating prompt ac- tion to strengthen present federal laws dealing with pesticides. Although Con- gress is now investigating ways of achieving such a goal, no definite action has been taken as yet. Such definite action should be taken immediately. There is no excuse in con- tinuing vast programs of spraying when controlled spot-spraying procedures would do the job, just as there is no excuse for ignoring the untapped possibilities of such non-lethal techniques as biological con- trols. MISS CARSON'S CRUSADE deserves serious consideration by the legislators, to say nothing of the general public. To say that it is a life-and-death matter is putting it mildly. Hopefully, Congress will not vacillate longer before passing mean- ingful legislation in this area or revising that which now stands. If it can be said that no posthumous medal or memorial to the late President Kennedy would be more fitting than the swift passage of the civil rights bill for which he fought so hard, surely the same may be said of Miss Carson and her battle for freedom from the fear that the food we eat may be as deadly as it is appetizing. SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR Stew- art Udall said of Rachel Carson that her eye was "trained to the destiny of generations she would never see . .. She devoted the last years of her life to sav- ing mankind from the subtle dangers of man 's misuse of his own environment." The legislation for which this courageous woman gave her "last full measure of devotion" deserves to be passed-not be- cause just it is "the least we can do," but because our future health-in fact, our very, existence--may well depend on it. This would truly be a fitting memorial to Rachel Carson. -STEVEN HALLER "Monopolist!" f K t p r' t fLIT ° a6 in , Highgate, but to credit this posthumous movement to N. V. Ulyanov (Lenin) is not quite real- istic. Under Lenin, the New Eco- nomic Plan was instituted during the '20's, and capitalists such as Henry Ford (no parlor pinko by anyone's standards) built plants in the USSR, and made profits there too. The peasants had their own land, and there was even a measure of a free market in the buying and selling of produce. Now Khrushchev,' just as Lenin, does not believe that this sort of "co-existence" is a permanent fac- tor in global relations. Where Lenin would have meant a state- ment like "We will bury you" quite literally, Khrushchev, I ,would say, sees that both sides would be any large-scale. armed conflict today, and so de- pends'upon measures short of war to advance his aims. He believes he has history on his side, that the "Socialist" camp is in ascendance, and that his goals of the triumph of Marxism throughout the world can be very well achieved by such measures as trade with the West to secure needed goods and com- modities. -Steven Hendel, '63 Arlington, Virginia Political Panel To the Editor: UNFORTUNATELY, The Daily article covering the recent presentation of the panel on Ne- gro political action for 1964 did not mention those statements made by Mr. De Berry of the Socialist Workers Party and Mr. Barnard of the Direct Action Committee which dealt with the long-range strategy of the Free- dom Now Party. As Mr. Grondin of the Young Democrats pointed out, his party is made up of groups of people from various social strata. It'in- cludes some large capitalists; a few managers and professionals; some farmers, small businessmen and white collar workers and a large number of industrial workers and Negroes. It is because of the Dem- ocrats' ability to win that one finds such opposing forces as the .nion-busting Southern racists and the industrial workers and Negroes "allied" in the same party. But if Negroes continue to build an alternative to the two parties of war, racism and poverty, such as the Freedom Now Party, then their geographic location will en- able them to take political power in many areas on the basis of self- reliance alone. This is the short- range strategy-to win representa- tion for Negroes in the United States. But the long-range strat- egy involves a plan for qualitative social change, that is, the de- struction of those relations that perpetuate oppression and exploi- tation. IN THIS SENSE, the FNP can, or may act as a catalyst and in- deed as the vanguard of revolu- tionary struggle. When Negroes leave the Democratic Party, labor will wake up to the fact that it can no longer "win" as long as it remains in an unworkable alliance withthe very enemies of labor. Labor's choice will be clear and simple. It will have to take the struggle of the working class to a new level and form its own party. If it then can ally with thebblack revolution, the stage will be set for real social change. This is the long-range strategy that people like Mr. De Berry of the Socialist Workers Party and Mr. Barnard of the Direct Action Committee have of independent political action by Negroes. In the coming period, this is the strategy that revolutionary socialists and disenfranchised radicals should support. -Peter Signorelli, '64 By ERIC KELLER Daily correspondent SOCIALIZED MEDICINE was not realyy the issue in the recent Belgian doctors' strike. Rather, the doctors went on strike because the new health law en- abled the government to curtain medical freedom. The new law against which they protested became effective Jan- uary 1 of this year. It ordered all Belgians to affiliate with one of the existing health insurance com- panies. Furthermore, the govern- ment set up a unifie dscale of fees for each treatment amin- istered by a doctor. Scales were also set up for allowable drugs, and the number of visits for each medical case was laid down in the law. Under the plan, the patient pays the doctor his whole fee and afterwards recollects three quarters of it from the health insurance company. * * * THE SYSTEM as such was not unpractical for the general wel- fare. But the government plan al- lowed such low scales that doctors could not,. have made a decent living under it. Under the previous system, doc- tors had to count on making a salary way above the usual during their 25 years of top actvity. Be- tween the ages of 35 and 60 they must make enough money to pay for regular living, ;to pay off debts from their long years of study and to provide for old age. The heavy, socialist tax scales of Belgium have make this a tough task in the past. The new plan would have dras- tically cut the individual freedom. of a doctor to understate his in- come. The doctor also protests free treatment of very poor and old persons. QUITE understandably, the strike was less than popular witr the public. The skeleton emergency system which was still in opera- tion could not possibly give ade- quate service, sometimes not even in emergency cases. At least two deaths are blamed on the strike. It was reasoned that doctors could have made their claims heard without jeopardizing nation- al health. But it became apparent that the doctors did not even have a chance to rightly protest the new law. it had been part of a governmental deal between the two parties which make up the present coalition in power. The law was passed with only a minimum of discussion for the record. No con- sultation with the medical asso- ciation had taken place. Both the government and the doctors were anxious to come to a conclusion of the strike. But it proved impossible to make the two ends meet. To further ag- gravate the situation and to put even more pressure on the govern- ment, the doctors threatened to give up even the skeleton emer- gency service. * * * THAT WAS too much for the Belgian government., Over the last weekend a royal decree (Belgium is a constitutional monarchy) went out calling all doctors into the military services. There, they will have to give treatment to needy patients as directed by the armed forces. The strike was broken, but it will take some time until all oc- tors will have returned to Belgium. A great part of them had gone abroad to evade a possible court order which could have sent them back on their jobs. The immediate danger of more deaths because of the strike was averted. But the question re- mained whether the government would ultimatelyrgoeback a few steps toward a more reasonable solution of the problem. In the doctors' eyes, real democracy had gone off the record in this case. >1 _r t I } SIXTEENTH ANNIVERSARY: Israel: The Essence of Hope and Achievement The University, and Fair Housing portant, why has no conservative been given equal space to discuss 'the same, or an equivalent issue? I know for a fact that the Young Republicans would be glad to furnish someone for this purpose. WHY DOES The Daily carry syndicated columns by Lippmann, cartoons by Herblock and Feiffer? Why does not The Daily carry any columns by Buckley, Moley, Law- rence, or other conservatives? With baited breath I await The Daily's standard rejoiner. -Gary Barber, '67 The Daily does not "have an of- ficial policy of supporting the Lib- eral Establishment in this coun- try." The Daily has been running the columns of Walter Lippmann and Robert Hutchins and the car- toons of Herblock, Mauldin and Feiffer because its editorial directors have felt that they were the best available. Research in the past has turned up no one of equal caliber on the more conservative side of the political spectrum. Again this year these columnists and cartoonists will be reconsidered, and anyone with specific recommen- dations is invited to bring them to me at The Daily. With regard to Daily guest writers and Stephen Berkowitz in particu- lar, as a rule-and he wasaot an exception-such writing is not soli- cited by The Daily. Instead, it is generally offered by people who come;nto the building requesting to write for the editorial page on some particular matter. Permission is granted when it is felt that the writer is well qualified to comment on his chosen subject, when that subject is considered to be of suffi- cient interest, and when the final copy for publication meets The Daily's standard of writing excel- lence and logical thought. No "con- servatives" have recently requested to do such writing, though an in- vitation to make such a request has been, and still is open. E. H. The Presidency To the Editor: I FEEL COMPELLED to comment in connection with Peter Sig- norelli's letter which appeared in The Daily. It is, apparently, Mr. Signorelli's opinion that the can- didacy of Clifton De Berry of the Socialist Workers Party is superior to that of Lyndon B. Johnson. The argument in favor of De Berry is impassioned but, I think, weak in its climax. In fact, Mr. Signorelli defeats himself at the conclusion of his remarks when he attempts tohdemonstrate why the choice between Johnson and De Berry is so clear. President Johnson is briefly portrayed as an ogre, while De Berry is claimed to be a savior. The only flaw, how- ever, is that De Berry is apparent- ly a savior for only a portion of spring vacation, Epsilon Chapter here at the University was judged by the national fraternity's 14- state Midwestern Region as this area's "most outstanding chapter" in terms of program improvement for school year 1963-64. With this kind of regional rec- ognition, our chapter is already finding increased support from officials of the national fraternity, especially in regard to acquiring chapter housing. The future of Alpha Phi Alpha on campus is undoubtedly brighter than ever. --James E. Marshall, Outgoing President Alpha Phi Alpha Lenin and Pragmatism To the Editor: WAS DISAPPOINTED to see in the April 7 Daily what can only be described as a dialectical deviation. In his article on East- West trade, Comrade Keller states: "And when Khrushchev announc- ed his new agricultural program, nobody could overlook the new in- centives given to the individual by its new bonus system. Lenin would have turned over in his grave." Now I grant you, Marx might be rolling about a bit in his crypt By LLOYD GRAFF ON THIS, the sixteenth anniver- sary of the independent na- tion of Israel, we have an appro- priate occasion to take notice of this aspiring young nation which embodies the essense of messianic hope and pragmatic achievement. We take notice not just because Israel is a staunch ally of the United States ,or because it has a nuclear reactor, or because it has a strategic position in a vital and volitile area of the world. Nor do we focus'on it only be- cause a limited war is destined to start when the Israelis begin to exercise their rightful privilege to divert , water from the Jordan River to make the parched Negev Desert bloom. WE SHALL take notice primar- ily because of the uniqueness of this tiny nation of two million souls. Its uniqueness 'is manifestedin many ways. Israel has tripled in population since its inception in 1948. It is a potpourri of almost every nationality in the world. It is a symbol of world Jewry as well as a nation in itself. Lucy Dawidowicz summarized part of Israel's singular nature when she wrote, "Israel is not like other nations. It stands for con- science. Its creation was an ex- pression of the world community's moral obligation, an international gesture of contrition. It stands as' the symbol and surviving reality of persecution throughout the ages, and as the bearer of a re- ligion with a great ethical tradi- tion." THE RAISON DETRE of Israel is to be an open refuge for every Jew in need of refuge. Refugees continue to pour in from North Africa. It -is possible that large- scale immigration could come from the Eastern European countries under Soviet hegemony. We applaud this sixteenth an- niversary also, because it shines a ray of optimism into the dark realm of foreign affairs. Israel is one of' the few nations in the world to show that a "have-not" nation can be transformed to a "have" nation in a matter of ten years with intensive effort, suf- ficient money and enlightened direction. NOW THAT the hopes and dreams have been partially realiz- ed in a minute scrap of dry land in the Middle East, every Jew in the world may identify with some- thing. Israel is a partial fulfill- ment of an age-old messianic im- pulse. It is a wonderful achieve- ment, and a magnificent oppor- tunity. It is land of experiment- ing, in everything from desaliniza- tion to communal living. Ephraim Kishon perhaps states it best when he calls Israel, '"a country where nobody expects miracles, but everybody takes them for granted." IF THE ANN ARBOR City Council won't strengthen the city's Fair Housing Or- dinance, the University should take what action it can in the area of fair housing. Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis has asked the city's Hu- man Relations Commission to recomnend to the council an amendment which would strengthen the housing ordinance, on the grounds that "a large number of students who live in off-campus rooming units are American Negroes and foreign students. Therefore, an ordinance which covers rooming units is particularly im- portant." ON THE SAME BASIS, he should ask for enactment of University rules which would cover further the area of off-campus housing. Acting Editorial Staff HI. NEIL BERKSON ...... ,.. ..........Editor KENNETH WINTER..............Managing Editor EDWARD IERSTEIN.............Editorial Director ANN GWIR~TZMAN ............... Personnel Director MICHAEL SATTINGER .... Associate Managing Editor JOHN KENNY ...........,'assistant Managing Editor DEBORAH BEATTIE ...... Associate Editorial Director A recent motion passed by Student Gov- ernment Council listed relevant areas in which action could be taken and the ac- tion to be taken in them. It said that the University should further define "ap- proved housing" to include housing where: the owner or agent signs a non- discriminatory contract; the housing unit, by contract, meets the health and safety. certification requirements of the city, the Office of Student Affairs and SGC; the owner uses a University-approved con- tract; the owner or agent meets any other requirements stated by the OSA or SGC. A DEFINITION such as this one would include all rooming houses, not just those of "five or more units" which would be covered if the amendment backed by Lewis were to pass the City Council, thus providing greater coverage for University students. The SGC motion also stated that the OSA should not "list" any off-campus housing which does not qualify as approv- ed. The OSA could lend even more au- thority to its approval or disapproval of housing if it went a step further than this and created a "blacklist" for housing which did not meet the criteria set for ...................C.............. C E R T. . . . . . . . .....................E........IE.......:,:"W CONCERT PREVIEW Music Appropriate to Spring By DAVID SUTHERLAND THIS EVENING the University Symphony Or- chestra under the direction of Josef Blatt will present a concert of music appropriate to the spring season-truly appropriate now that the weather has caught up with the calendar. "Vltava (Moldau)" by Bedrich Smetana, which opens the program, sounds like music for out-of-~ doors. Smetana's orchestral picture of river scenes and of the river itself form the second of a set of six symphonic poems which together the composer called "Ma Vlast (My Country)." In one striking detail "Moldau" resembles another great musical representation of a similar subject, the prelude to "Das Rheingold" by Richard Wagner. In both, the river is suggested by a grand extension of a single chord in running figuration. (Wagner imagined the Rhine as flowing in E-flat major, while Sme- tana heard the Moldau in E-major). What is most remarkable, however, is the difference of effect achieved with nearly identical means. * * * THE "Divertimento for String Orchestra" by ,.ly ,.. . , _ n i +i-l -.en++n - ,,,, i The middle movement is an example of the night-music for which Bartok is famous. This nocturn suggests a moonless, :starless and rather frightening night.'In the last movement the soloist: as leader and the orchestra as chorus play ar energetic dance with two interludes and a wild finish. Bartok liked to extend the development of themes by inverting them. Thus in the interior of the movement we hear a fugue subject with its exposition, followed by the inversion of the subject with a development which leads into the first interlude. Then the first part 'of the movement is brought back,. turned upside down, so that the new beginning of the dance quite naturally sounds hesitant, if not a bit addled. Very shortly, however, the music regains it bearings, and it ends in a breathless flourish. * * x SCHUMANN'S SYMPHONY No. 1' in B-flat major is especially enviable for being a first effort. There are traces throughout the work of the com- poser's admiration for Beethoven. This is perhaps most evident in the first moyement, where a motive ofo.n" rh-_rfmir rhart.r n.raC ht Pntr .....Loh? Js... _..... _ . rs.-. sx. . .,.::... +..: ' .