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April 15, 1964 - Image 1

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Partly cloudy;
warmer tomorrow

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom

VOL. LXXIV, No 150





urk Troops, Ships
Move Near Iyrenia
UN Peace Force Tries To Settle
Dispute over Key Mountain Pass
By The Associated Press
NICOSIA-UN officers sought feverishly last night to settle a
Greek-Turkish dispute over a strategic hill in northern Cyprus while
Turkish'regulars on Cyprus came under fire for the first time and a
Turkish battle fleet sailed from Iskendrun on a maneuver like those
that raised invasion alarms last winter.
The explosive situation in northern Cyprus built up after Turkish

Cypriots moved onto a 300-foot
League Gets
p p
Of Activities
Looking toward the Union
League merger, the League Coun
oil and the Women's Athletic As
sociation both passed resolution
yesterday transferring sponsor
ship of. Michigras and Sprin,
Weekend 'lrom the WAA to th
Women's League.
At their regular weekly meet
ing, the League Council also pass
ed a resolution to set one wee]
aside in February of 1965 to cele
brate the 75th anniversary of th
Women's League.
"The exhibits and speeches pro
posed-for the week will be directe
toward implementing the merger,
Executive Vice-President of th.
League Marjorie Randon, '65, said
The activities planned for th
week will center on changes th
campus has undergone since
1890, when the League was found
ed. "The Union-League merge
will be better understood if it i
presented as one of the, maw
changes in student activities ove
the year," Miss Randon said.
The transfer of Michigras ani
Spring Weekend is a major ste]
in coordinating activities betwee
the. Union and the League. "Thes
were the last big weekend activi
ties that were not under Leagu
and Union jurisdiction," she em
A joint concert sponsored b
the League and the five under
graduate women's honoraries .ih
being planned for -next Septembe:
to provide financial support fo:
the women's honoraries.
Leaders View
Necessary developments to en
rich the future of student organi
zations on campus were discusse
yesterday in a meeting of ex-of
ficio members of Student Govern.
ment Council.
The organization leaders saic
that not enough students appl
their. classro6m experience . t<
extra-curricular activities.
"Activities are isolated becaus
of the lack of communication be.
tween the classroom ,and the out.
side and between the faculty an
the activities," Ann Wickins, '65
Panhellenic president, said.
The committee said that th
isolation is not proper, since ac
tivities, too, are educational.
"Incoming freshmen are taugh
that academics are their primary
concern and are falsely lead t
believe that outside activities wil
harm their 'academics," notec
Isaac Adelemo, Grad, Internation
al Students' Association president
Freshman orientation leader
and academic counselors ofter
have a dampening effect on ne
students by advising them to wail
at least a year to join an activity
"A philosophy of the purpose
and meaning of student organi.
zations is needed," said H. Nei
Berkson, Daily editor.

hill overlooking the twin village of
-4upper and lower Dhikomo. An
estimated battalion of Greek Cyp-
riot National Guardsmen awaited
orders in a town a mile away on
whether to attack the position..
UN officers, tried to talk the
Turks into turning the hill over.
to UN peacekeeping forces. But
the Turks, saying the hill is vital
for the defense of the Kyrema
Pass and the Kyrenia road a
couple of miles to the west, re-
fused to budge.
Turkish Premier Ismet Inonu
warned last week that any attack
s on the 650-man Turkish contin-
- gent, here by treaty like a 950-
g tman battalion from Greece, would
e be, interpreted as aggression
against Turkey.
Turkish naval authorities at Is-
. kendrun, 100 miles northeast of
k Cyprus, said 21 warships headed
- by four destroyers sailed at dawn
e for a "routine gunnery exercise"
with live ammunition to continue
- until Friday.
d They said the maneuver area
" was 30 miles off the north coast
e of Cyprus, near the area where
. Greek Cypriots have launched a
e drive to root Turkish Cypriots
e from strong points in the Kyrenia
e Mountains.
. A Greek officer said the hill
r around which the shooting cen-
s tered had no strategic importance
y to the Greeks.
d StateOkays
n ,
e 50,00

IC Sees
Rush Plan
Committee Considers
Liberalized Program
The executive committee of In-
terfraternity Council decided to
recommend that the Fraternity
Presidents' Assembly adopt a fall
rush plan which places substan-
tially fewer restrictions on rush-
ing than the 'present system en-
The recommendations will be
accepted or rejected at an FPA
meeting next Tuesday.
Under the proposed plan, fra-
ternities would begin holding open
houses on the second Sunday after
the first Tuesday of classes. There
would be open houses that after-
noon, evening and the two fol-
lowing evenings during specified
time periods. For the remainder
of the first week, fraternities
would be free to conduct rush ac-
tivities as they chose between the
hours of 8 a.m. and 10. p.m., with
thie exception that women could
not asist in their rush program.
The rest of the semester would
be a completely open rush period.
First Week
Fraternities could offer bids be-
ginning on Wednesday of'the first
week of rush.
The system used this spring was
much more restrictive. It set up
a specific schedule, which es-
tablished times for smokers,
lunches and diners, for the first
12 days of rush and did not per-
mit bidding until the first Thurs-
day of the rush period.
"The more permissive schedul-
ing is in line with a policy toward
liberalizing r u s h regulations,"
commented Lawrence Lossing, '65,
IFC president.
Defeat Elimination
The executive committee, how-
ever, tuined down other proposals
that would have even further lib-
eralized rush procedure. A plan
to eliminate rush registration, was
"Many fraternities depend on
information provided by rush
sign-up for guidance in contact-
ing prospective pledges to invite
them to rush programs," Lossing
"Moreover, rush registration
serves a vital function in provid-
ing us with statistics that reveal
a greathdeal about the success of
our rush program."
Reject Women
A proposal to permit women to
assist in rush after the initial
three day period was also re-
In addition, the committee de-
cided to continue its sponsorship,
both in name and with financial
support, of open houses at several
State Street fraternities on -the'
weekend before classes begin in
the fall.
France Stands
Alone on Asia'
MANILA (N)') - France stood
alone yesterday in advocating
neutralization of South Viet Namj
after its seven partners in the
Southeast Asia Treaty Organiza-j
tion voiced strong objections. .
As the tenth anniversary minis-E
terial meeting of the anti-Com-
munist alliance prepared to wind

up, informants said France made
no effort to defend the plan when
four other SEATO members lev-I
eled their criticism yesterday. <
After the United States, repre-4
sented by Secretary of State DeanI
Iusk, opened the criticism of
President Charles de Gaulle's plan
Monday, the other members quick-]
ly lined up alongside.


To Address ' U' G raduatio

Goldwvater Winning-~
In Iiois Primiry
By The Associated Press
CHICAGO-Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz) won the, Illinois
presidential preference test last night, but Sen. Margaret Chase
Smith (R-Me) scooped up a sizable share of the votes.
Charles H. Percy, business executive, making his first bid for
public office, took the Republican nomination for governor by de-




Student Aids
The State Senate Monday night
approved 29-0 a $500,000 student
scholarship program which could
aid up to 1000 Michigan students
this fall.
The bill provides for scholar-
ships to be awarded on a compe-
titive basis and administered by
the Michigan Higher Education
Assistance Authority. The scholar-
ships would be awarded to Mich-
igan students and would be us-
able at any private or public
Michigan college or university.
.The bill, a modification of a
$1.2 million proposed program
which was introduced into the
Senate last week, will now go to
the House for committee consider-
It has solid support in the
House, members say. "I will sup-
port the Senate-passed bill," noted
Rep. ~Gilbert R-. Bursley (R-Ann
Arbor), 'who had intorduced a
similar bill in the House last week.
His bill,. which proposed $300,000
in scholarships, is now in a House
committee' and will stay there as
support forms for its Senate
The scholarships would be re-
newable by the students through
their entire college careers as.long
as they maintain acceptable scho-
lastic standards. Thus, the total
program could grow to over $2
million after four years of opera-
tion, noted Bursley.
"The basic -object of the legis-
lation," Bursley said last night,
"is to help private colleges share
in educating the college students
of the' next decade."

i .
To Diiscuss
Unit, Study
Student Government Council
will consider motions concerning a
constituent assembly and a stu-
dent government study committee
at tonight's meeting, to be held at
East Quadrangle.
The motions both originated in
the recent SGC election campaign,
where they were part of the Stu-
dent Government Reform Union's
Direct Link
The constituent assembly, pro-
posed by Carl J. Cohen, '66, as
chairman of the SGC Constituent
Assembly Committee, would serve'
as a direct link between students
and the Council. According to
Cohen, students will be able to
submit ideas -to SGC by means of
the assembly.
This will represent a significant
improvement in communications
between Cuncil and its constitu-
ency, he said. At present, these
communications are "woefully in-
adequate," Cohen added.
The study committee motion,
jointly submitted by Cohen and
Barry Bluestone, '66, is to provide
for a broad, unrestricted investiga-
tion of the process of student gov-
ernment on this campus.
'Exercise in Civics'
The proposed committee would
be composed of three faculty
members, three students to be
appointed by the Graduate Stu-
dent Council and three students to
be named by SGC.
Cohen said that the study was
necessary because Council should
be more than just the "exercise
in civics which it is at present."

Qfeating State Treasurer William
J. Scott.
Write-in votes also came in for
Henry Cabot Lodge, the New
Hampshire victor last month, for
Richard 'M. Nixon and others.
Returns at 1 a.m. from 5600 of
the 10,256 precincts gave Gold-
water 201,411, Smith 85,622, Lodge.
7,865, Nixon 3,888, New York Gov.
Nelson A. Rockefeller 208, Gov.
George Romney 36 and Pennsyl-
vania Gov. William Scranton 139.
Charles Percy led Scott 242430
to 137,000.
Only the names of Goldwater
and Mrs. Smith were printed on
the Republican ballot. Write-in
tallies came in from others from
areas scattered across the state,
including Cook County.
Through the evening Gold-
water's share of the Republican
preference vote hovered around 67
per cent and Mrs. Smith's around
29 per cent.
Returns from 562 of the pre-
cincts gave President Lyndon B.
Johnson 6152 and Atty. Gen. Rob-
ert F. Kennedy 99 for Vice Presi-
dent. Gov. George C. Wallace of
Alabama received 32.
Goldwater, who received the re-
turns at his Washington head-
quarters, stated that "Illinois has
provided the momentum that will
be decisive in forging a great
Republican victory in 1964."
He predicted party members will
continue to work for the election
of Republican candidates in No-
vember "from the state house to
the White House."
House Raises
Member Pay
The House approved a 43 per
cent pay raise for- the 144 mem-
bers of the State Legislature in
a surprise move last night, the
Detroit Free Press reported.
At the same time, it doubled
their expense allowances.,
The proposal was a last-minute
amendment to a general approp-
riations bill. It would raise salaries
from $7000 to $10,000 a year.
Expense allowances would go
up from $1250 to $2500, but the
two-times-a-month allowance for
travel home--10 ents a mile-
would go unchanged.
Romney Map]
Awaits Dem-o
By The Asso
LANSING-Gov. George Ron
plan was headed yesterday for tl
awaited an indication of Demdcrati
Rep. Henry Hogan (R-Birmi
Apportionment Committee, which
would be reported out today and pc



"'The fact is, our superiority has
been increasing, and we intend
that it shall continue to increase,"
the statement said.
It came a few hours after pub-
lication of Congressional testimony
in which Gen. Curtis E. LeMay,-
Air Force Chief of Staff, said he
thinks the Soviet Union has nar-
rowed the gap of U.S. superiority.
While it clearly was prompted by
LeMay's comments, a Pentagon
spokesman said the statement was
in reply to a number of charges
about U.S.- defense policies, in-
cluding statements by Sen. Barry
Goldwater (R-Ariz).
The Arizona senator said he has
voiced concern because no new
weapons systems are being de-
veloped now, and he fears the
United States could lose its mili-
tary margin in the next decade.
The Pentagon statement includ-
ed these figures:
-The United States has 540
strategic bombers on constant
alert, in contrast to 270 Soviet
heavy and medium bombers.'
-The Air Force has about 750
intercontinental ballistic missiles
on launchers, while the Russians
have fewer than one fourth that
-"We have 192 Polaris missiles
deployed. The, Soviets have sub-
stantially fewer submarine-
launched ballistic missiles in oper-
ping Plan
cratie Support
ciated Press
mney's Congressional redistricting
she House floor while Republicans
c support.
ngham) chairman of the House
approved the ,plan, said the bill
ssibly come to a; vote by Thursday.

Sam Explams,
Disadvantag e
Of Poor Youths
The man who directs the Uni-
versity's program to bring a col-
lege education to underprivileged
youth recently explained some of
the problems which are unique to.
Leonard F. Sain, special assist-
ant to the director of admissions,
spoke in Chicago at a North Cen-
tral Association meeting about the
educational disadvantages faced by
youth raised in a poor socio-eco-
nomic environment.
"I feel that 'disadvantaged; stu-
dents do -give us some special
concerns in our schools and col-
leges and that the effectiveness of
the programming that results from

U.S. Missiles Superior,
Pentagon Paper Says
WASHINGTON (p)-Pentagon policies and presidential politics
boiled up a storm of debate over United States military might yester-
day as the defense department said the U.S. holds an increasing
margin of missile superiority over the Soviet Union..
"Questions have been raised . . . regarding the magnitude ot our.
superiority and whether it is continuing to grow," the Pentagon said
in an unusual statement that made public hitherto classified figures
on U.S. and Soviet bombers and

To Be First
At Exercise
'U' To Award Him
Law Doctorate, Hold
Fete After Ceremony
The nation's ;36th chief execu
tive will be the first President t
deliver a commencement addres
at the University.
President Lyndon B. Johnso:
will be the speaker at the 120
Commencement and will receive a
honorary doctor of laws degree s
the rescheduled graduation cere
mony, May 22, University Presl
dent Harlan Hatcher announce
yesterday. The exercises, orignall
set for May 23, were advanced or
day to accommodate Johnson
The commencement will b
at 10 a.m. in the Michigan Sta
dium and feature an afternoo
lunch honoring Johnson and t
other recipients of honorary de
Whether Johnson will give.
"major policy" speech is n
known, White House sources sa
last night.
Other events -of commencemer
week displaced by the new da
will be re-arranged and their ne
scheduling announced later, Se
retary of the University Orc
Walter said yesterday.
President Hatcher said the Uni
versity was "deeply honored" t
have Johnson keynote the grad
ation festivities and promised
gala occasion" in his honor.
- . 'Delighted'
"We at the University are d
lighted that Johnson will honor t
with his presence," he said. "i
student friends ,have assured nA
that they understand and will a
just to the inconvenience of t1
new date."
President Hatcher's announce
ment of Johnson'sacceptance fo
lowed a final conversation wit
the White House-one of a seri
of letters and phone calls whic
University and Presidential offi
cials exchanged in an effort t
assure Johnson's. attendance i
the ceremony.
Walter reported that Johrit
was unable to accept the origi
invitation for May 23 because c
his pledge to uphold a commi
ment for that date made by tb
late John F. Kennedy. -
'Most Regretful'
However, in turning downtl
invitation, Johnson was "most re
gretful" and instructed his aide
to try to work out another speam
inj arrangement with the Unve
sity, the White House source di
Presidential aide Kenneth 0
Donnell set the final plans writ
Walter and President Hatcher. Bi
the specific details of the day am
yet to be arranged by the' Whil
House and the Unvesity, Walti
Security precautions for Johi
son's visit will be arranged t
Washington and Detroit official
When Johnson will arrive - I
Ann Arbor has yet to be dete
mined, but White House aIdt
said that the President will prol
ably stay in Detroit the night prig
to the speech.
The President is also slated
make speaking stps 'in -etro
twice'in September, ohcein-
Labor Day rally and once befoi
the. Detroit Economics dub.
First Visit'"
Although his appearance in Ati
Arbor will mark the first visit i
a President to the campus, d1g

nitaries such as the late Williaz
Howard Taft came here while onl
a Senator, Walter's office said.
The University has hosted
number of top cabinet officia
within the past few years, includ
ing Secretary of Defense Robei


Ohlin Discusses.Research in Solving De

Still to be determined was the
extent of Democratic support-if
any-forRomney's "one man, one
vote" scheme.
"If Democratic support is not
n u en cforthcoming, we will report out
n q I~5IUA.,V Plan B'," said Hogan, referring to
a GOP plan that would probably
be rougher on Democrats than the
gical techniques created confusion Romney proposal.
e." At the same time, atttacking
nmates were those of testing by Romney's congressional redistrict-
it was important to the juveniles ing plan as designed to give Re-
L. publicans a disproportionate adge
-offishness'" by the boys towards in Congress, Democratic Lt. Gov.
T. John Lesinski submitted a re-
ro , mw nh vised version of his own plan.

our concerns is closely inter-relat-
ed with the number of students,
especially those who, are 'disad-
vantaged,' who will be fortunate
enough to finish our schools and
enter colleges,"' Sainsaid.
Sain feels that "ego deficien-
cies" caused by inferior caste and"
poverty, parental absence or neg-
lect and unpredictable times of
eating and sleeping damage the
self concept of the individual,
which affects "the way he per-
ceives his characteristics and abil-
ities, the way he relates to oth-
ers, 'the values he holds and the
goals and ideals he sees as im-
"When the school population is

In order to solve the problem of delinquency, several present
research needs must be met, Prof. Lloyd Ohlin of Columbia University
said in his first Cook lecture yesterday..
He cited specifically a clarification of knowledge for the formu-
lation of concrete principles.
In the study of delinquency, Prof. Ohlin explained, recent re-

upon entrance. The use of psycholo
and "an indeterminacy about releas
-Systems for inducting new i
other inmates, especially physical;:
to define those who could be trusted
-There was a "relative 'stand-
their officials.

MEM M lll.-T 11."-., ;5;,.- '

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