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April 12, 1964 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1964-04-12

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T, APRIL 12, 1994



Brazilian Government!

Elects Miltay1eae
Romney Details Plan Give Branco
e Wide Powers
f , :{..?.:::}z{.1. } ..11 O ver N ation ,
gr }.::.} U.S. Aid To Depend
On 'Belt-Tightening
Y>~% :: s : {:::<{, ;:;,''' <";.By The Associated Press
f a > t? ''~*'*' ..". ...* ,. . :RIO DE JANEIRO-A joint ses-
sion of the Brazilian Congress
gave 63-year-old General Humber-
, F,:;.. to C. Branco massive executive
* « : :fpowers as it voted him interim
president yesterday.
In the 20 months that he will
{k"?: serve as president, Branco will
have to tangle with inflation, the
r..need for social and administrative
:"" r .,.,.' .. reforms and a huge national debt.
the presidential election schedul-
.ed for October, 1965, and hand
:t. ..:} ."over the government to an elect-
*saePs ed successor on Jan. 31, 1966.
oAssociated Pressi
GOV. GEORGE Romney's plan for re-arranging Michigan's con- The combined congress-cham-
gressional districts. The Upper Penninsula will be included in be and senate gapresBnco 361
the eleventh district. United States officials see the
real test of the anti-Goulart forc-
es as just beginning in Brazil.
ADTThey noted the new president
DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN has been armed with the most
Bieeping powers ever granted a
.Brazilianchief executive-and his
(Continued from Page 2) WED., APRIL 22- term runningthrough January
Battle Creek, Mich.-Elem. K-6, In- t r tr.
str.; J.H.-Engl./Soc. St., Gen. Sd.; Sec. 1966 will be sufficiently long that
Detroit Public Schools-Various En- --Math, Engl., Span., Fr., Bus Ed, he cannot afford just to mark
gineering openings including: Assoc. Home Ec, Girls PE, Boys PE, Ind Arts, time.
Mech. Engnr., Sr. Ass't. Electrican En- Ind. Arts/Boys PE, Lib.; M.R., Deaf, He has long been noted for these
gnr., Sr. Ass't. Mech. Engnr. (design), Blind, Speech Corr.
and Ass't. Mech. Engnr. East Rockwood, Mich. (Gilbralter Sch. Words: "Discipline must be ful-
U.S. Army Biological Labs., Fort De- Dist.)-Elem. K-6, Vocal; J.H. Math/ filled, like it or not" and is ex-
trick, Frederick, Md. - Openings for Set.; H.S.:-Bus. Ed., Ind. Arts, Math, pected to apply this rule with
Chemical Engars., Grades 12 & 13. Physics, Home Ec.; V.T. greater force than ever before in
Michigan Civil Service-Sanitary En- Northville; Mich.-Elem., Speech Corrga.,htaskforean
Dnrs. II & III-BS in Civil, Chem. or J.H.-Math, Engl., H.S.-Physics/Phys. hia ahead.
Saritary engrg. Level II requires 1 Set., Engl., Lif. Set. (Biol.), M.R. If the new regime adopts effec-
yr. exper. & level III requires 3 yrs. Roseville, Mich.-J.H.--Engl., Math, tive belt-tightening measures, of-
Also openings for Clinical Psychologists Set., Ind. Arts, Home Ec., Art, Gen. ficials claim Washington stands
IIA-MA in clinical psych, plus 1 yr. Bus..Type., Engl./Latin, Engl./Speech,
r1 exper. Mare exper. required for Type A, Counsel. (woman), H.S.--Coop. ready to provide substantial U.S.
exigher level positions. Apply by April Ed., Type A, Lib., Counsel., Engl./ aid. They also commented that
27 & April 20, respectively. Journ., Auto Shop, Phys./Math. Brazil has a better chance now
* * * Anaheim, Calif.-Elem. K-6. of rescheduling her external debts.
For further information, please call THURS., APRIL 23-
General Div., Bureau of Appointments, Livonia, Mich.-AlI fields. Efforts by the Goulart administra-
3200 SAB, Ext. 3544. Deckerville, Mich.-Soc. St., Comm. tion representatives to this end
(T & 5), J.H. Set., Chem./Phys. in Europe last month were not
Beginning Mon., April 20, the follow- FRI., ARL2-sucsfl
ED ON IS 0,thefon w FLudington, Mich.-K., El. Vocal, J.H
ing schools will be at the Bureau of Lingtn, H. .-, Elm Ec, J.H, The nearly unanimous vote for
Appointments to interview prospective Girls P, HS. Type, Home B., Span./ Branco was marred by a low-key-
teachers for 1964-1965. * * * ed, but nevertheless dramatic show
ON., APRIL 20-.- Make appointments now. of defiance by Goulart's Labor
Blissfield, Mich.-H.S. Cliem./Physics, O eineb olr ao
Engl., Art; J.H. Engl.; Elem. Vocal. For additional information and ap- Party which abstained from the
Howell, Mich. - Elem.-Instr./Vocal i ments ctact B roll call vote in the Chamber of
J.H.-PE, Math/Sci., Engl./Soc. St.; H.S pointments, 3200 SA,663-1511, Ext.l
v..Ai At G R15Deputies.

See Victory
For Dirksen
Chances look good for Senate
approval of a package of 15
amendments which Sen. Everett
Dirksen, Republican leader from
Illinois, has prepared to the fair
employment section of the civil
rights bill, the New York Times
A poll of the 33 Republican sen-
ators at a caucus Friday indicated
that Dirksen had strong party
support for his measures.
Tuesday or Wednesday, after a'
second party conference, he will
introduce the proposals into the
Senate debate.
Dirksen'"s first proposal would
require the proposed Federal Fair
Employment Commission to cede
jurisdiction over discrimination
cases to state agencies whenever
the state body requested. Only
court action could take such mat-
ters out of the hands of the state
A second measure would permit
only the complainant in job dis-
crimination cases to go to court
for relief in cases where the fed-
eral commission was unable to get
compliance with anti-discrimina-
tion laws.
But after the Friday conference,
Dirksen agreed toralter both
amendments to restore some of
the commission's powers and to
ensure a quicker determination of
a state agency's ineffectiveness.
Dirksen is counting for support
not only on fellow Republicans but
on the 18 Southerners who oppose
the whole rights bill and on the
two or three Northern Democrats
who oppose the fair employment
As many as 43 or 45 . senators
could vote for the Dirksen amend-
In other government action on
civil rights, the Pentagon last
week ordered the discontinuance
of enrollment by military person-
nel in civilian schools that prac-
tice racial discrimination.
While the order does not, affect
persons involved in Reserve Offi-
cer Training Corps programs, it
does cover about 100,000 service-
men currently taking courses at
civilian colleges and universities
as part of their military training.

Last of a Seven-Part Series
Special To The Daily
ATLANTA - It is only within
the past few years that the civil
rights movement has made any
great progress in this city of
200,000 Negroes, and the success
has been in proportion to the
amount of support provided by the
Negro community.
Zenas Sears, the white manager
of radio station WAOK, has been
broadcasting to Negroes for ten
years and is considered Atlanta's
first disc jockey for Negroes.
WAOK is one of two radio stations
in A t 1 a n t a broadcasting to
Boycott Created Interest
He discussed the growing aware-
ness of the civil rights movement
on the part of the Negro masses.
"Up to seven years ago we got no
response to our news broadcast-
ing, but a general interest in civil
rights began with the bus boycott
in Montgomery."
This new interest put the sta-
tion in a bad position, Sears said,
because there were "virtually no
trained radio or TV newsmen not
conditioned in the national pat-
tern." Several years ago, however,
they found a. Negro, Jim Wood,
who satisfied their requirements.
"We started him out broadcast-
ing horoscopes, one of our most
popular features, so that people
would become familiar with his
voice, which is a commanding
one," Sears said.
"He took an intellectual ap-
proach to even this assignment,
incorporating a philosophical
point from the world's great phil-
osophies into the horoscope,
adapting it to thetlanguage of the
Negro community," he added.
Powerful Force
Two years ago, Wood began his
editorials. This was a difficult
assignment, requiring good writ-
ing, an intellectual approach and
important thought in 120 words.
"Most newspapermen would be
horrified at such a task," Sears
said, "but it has proved to be the
most powerful single communi-
cating force in the Negro com-
He added that the white lead-
ers keep close track of what the
editorials say, usually listening to
the first one early in the morn-

ing. "Jim Wood is also the, only
Negro in the country given a free
editorial hand."
Sears also discussed Atlanta's
Negro community in general. "The
rule of the intelligentsia is break-
ing up. The electorate is becom-
ing larger, forming civic groups
and thinking for itself.
"Those in poverty traditional-
ly think only of themselves. Now,
a middle income group, by Negro
standards of income, is rapidly
growing. Becoming politically con-
scious, they are very upsetting to
the old Negro leaders.
Disagreeable to Outsiders
"Meanwhile, the hard core
whites are fading. Even in Ameri-
cus they are disagreeable to out-
siders but have made some over-
tures to the town's Negroes," he
"I've never found a Negro that
didn't want a revolution in civil
rights, common white misconcep-
tions notwithstanding," S ea rs
added. "Publicized events only
serve to awaken and ignite this
spirit. Martin Luther King has
been made by publicity. His Wash-
ington speech went to every
Negro home and supplied a great
"Like everyone else, the Negro
won't do anything until something
emotional happens that stirs him
to thinking that the least he can
do is vote or attend a rights meet-
Jim Wood's editorials are sharp
and resonant. One of them in Sep-
tember, 1962 describes Gov. Ross
Barnett's adament refusal to al-
low James Meredith into Ole Miss.
It concluded:
Hollow Ring
"The end is in sight and the
words of defiance of Ross Barnett
ring hollow as do all threats of
the doomed as they mount the

Negro Support Aids Civil Rights

seafold steps to meet the execu-
tioner's axe. The end of tyranny
in Mississippi is yet a dim image
on the horizon . . . but, it is in
Ralph McGill, Atlanta Consti-
tution publisher, summed up the
position of the Negro in Atlanta
when he said, "There are slums
here, but we have probably the
best Negro citizenry in the South."
This is evidenced by the recent
proliferation of mainly Negro or-
ganizations in Atlanta.
Atlanta is also the site of the
first middle income apartment
project to be sponsored by Ne-
groes under the Federal Housing
Administration's low-cost multi-
family rental housing.
Mrs. Eliza Pascal of the Atlanta
Human Relations Council ex-
plained that there is "an inevit-
able range of opinion, in the
Negro community, with the big-
gest differences appearing be-

tween generations. They may work
in different ways," she said, "but
at the same time they are all seek-
ing the same goals."
At the Atlanta University Cen-
ter, a world-wide center for
Negro education, Prof. Rufus Cle-
ments is president of Morehouse
College. He explained that such
groups as CORE were formed by
younger Negroes who had no
money to give the much older
NAACP. "Without a lot of money,
they had to move to direct action.
Whether or not direct action gets
out of hand will depend somewhat
on the outcome of the civil rights
bill in Congress."
However, Prof. Clements said,
"I am optimistic that the Negro
'in America will some day receive
his full-citizenship rights, even in
Mississippi, Alabama and Loui-
siana. Atlanta, with leadership in
both groups, has made good


C N R 0 P
o April 19...7:00 P.M.
Union Ballroom
1) U of.M Jazz Band
2) Clarence Byrd Trio
3) Richard Lowenthal Quartet
'4)Stuart Aptekar Quintet
) sca -- - - c t; t stoc .y oc -':c

__ _




0 , 0


~JfNIR I GH "t

Which one reminds you of Mother?

"XWhere Are You Goin'g. and
Yo WWhat Do Yu ish?"

_Fr., unem./imysics, na .arts, en ici
Math, Engl./Soc. St.
* Mt. Clemens, Mich. (L'anse Creuse
Publ. SEchs.)-Elem. K, 1, 2; J.H-
Math/Sci, H.S.-Phys. Sci
Mt, Clemens, Mich.-Elem. K-6; J.H.-
Math, Sci., Art, Vocal, Girls PE, Speech
St. Joseph, Mich.-Elem. K, 1, 4, 5,
6. PE, Vocal, Art; J.H.--Engl./Geog./
Math, Engl./Soc. St./Health; H.S. -
Engl./Axer. Lit./Comp., Speech;,Comm./
Bus./Bookkeeping, Home Be.
Hartland, Mich.-6th Gr., Elem. Vo-
cal; J.H.-Engl./Soc. St., Math; H.S. -
Engl./Speech, Math, Lib.; Girls PE, J.H.
Basketball, H.S Baseball.
Circle Honorary Society, Initiation for
new members and elections of offi-
cers, Tues., April 14, 7:15 p.m., Michi-
gan League.
* * *
Gamma Delta, 6 p.m., Supper; 6:45
p.m., business meeting and elections,
April 12, 1511 Washtenaw.
*. * *I
Graduate Outing Club, Canoeing and
hiking, April 12, 2 p.m., Huron St. en-
trance to Rackham Bldg.
La Sociedad Hispanica, Tertulia, April
13, 3-5 p.m., 3050 Friege Bldg.
* * *
Lutheran Student Chapel, Speaker:
The Rev. Patrick Murray, Office of
Religious Affairs on "Honest to God,"
Sun., April 12, 7 p.m., Hill St. at For-
est Ave.
*M*: *
Russian Circle, Coffee, conversation,
3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg.




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