THURSDAY, APRIL 9,1964 THE MICHIGAN DAVIN 4" . .1 zaa al f ia V11 a{Tt11\ Jl L11L .. ' . PM~ GL Icemen Choose Martin for Captain' KEATING, O'DONNELL MISSED: 'M' Front Line Marred' By Graduation Losses By JIM TINDALL Wilfred Martin, third leading scorer on this year's NCAA Championship hockey team, was announced ,as the captain of the 1964-65 squad last night. "it is really a great feeling to be chosen captain by .your team- mates," gasped Martin upon hear- ing of the hockey team's selection. Coach Al Renfrew called Mar- tin "a great leader and hockey player. He had. a terrific sopho- more year. In fact, it would have been hard for him to have a bet- ter season. "He was a producer of many key goals (totalling 31) this sea- son. He scored our first one against Denver in the NCAA Championship game and that gave the team a big boost. "Two games that Martin play- ed stand out in my mind-the first game that we played Michigan perience, but that will come in time. Although our team may not be as well rounded next year, I am really looking forward to next season." Captain Wilkie MVP Also announced was the naming of this year's captain Gordie Wil- kie as 1963-64 Most Valuable Player. Of Wilkie, Renfrew said, "You just don'thfindhboys more deserving of this honor than Wilkie." Wilkie; a native of Regina, Sas- katchewan, broke his own record for assist this year with a season total of 46, breaking Red Beren- son's standard of 43 which was set in the 1961-62 season. Wilkie, along with Tom Polonic, was chosen to the West All- America team by the American Hockey Coaches Association this winter. In addition, "Gord" was named to the WCHA All-Star team, and the NCAA All-Tourna- ment team. Wilkie was the top scorer in the WCHA during the regular conference schedule with 30 points. The championship team placed four in the top six conference scorers with Butler second behind Wilkie, and Martin fourth and Polonic sixth. The Wolverines' 12-2-0 confer- ence record gave them an .857 percentage, and their overall rec- ord of 21-3-0 figured to an amaz- ing .875. ATTENTION GIRLS ASK YOUR DATE TO BRING YOU TO THE MICHIGAN UNION FOR MUFUN Pendleton Library Ping Pong Tables Billiard and Pool Rooms Bowling Alley DANCE IN THE MUG All of these Union activities for your enjoyment on Friday, April 10-8-12 P.M. S CAPTAIN-ELECT WILF MARTIN sneaks the puck past the goalie into the corner of the cage for one of the 31 scores he tallied this year. The aggressive center was chosen by his team- mates at their banquet last night. He is the fourth center in as many years to receive the honor. VARSITY ATHLETIC PROGRAM: Navy Recruits for 21 Sports EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second of a series of articles analyz- ing the 1964 Michigan football team position by position. By GIL SAMBERG When he came to Michigan this spring, line coach Tony Mason was given what is equivalent to a bucket with two large holes in it' which have to be plugged before next fall. This bucket is the Michigan forward wall-the interior line. When Joe O'Donnell and Tom Keating graduated they "pulled out all the stops" as they left. "The lines in the Big Ten will be tougher now that we can pla- toon," says head coach Bump El- liott. And this is what the con- cern is about. Nothing Definite Neither Elliott nor Mason have made any decisions about posi- tions as yet but. Chuck Ruzicka and Jerry Mader hold down the tackle posts on the top-rated Blue team. Mader, a junior, and Ru- zicka, a sophomore, are both let- termen and are both noted for their drive. Sophs Chuck Kines and Tom Mack are the listed tackles for the Wolverine White team. Kines, a 230-pounder, played under line coach Mason at Niles McKinley High School in Ohio and was very impressive as a freshman. "We've converted Mack and (Dennis) Flanagen to the line this year," says Elliott. These two are former ends who were changed because of the abundance of talent at that position. "But you can never say that you have too many ends," adds Elliott. "Mack has shown terrific abil- ity so far," said coach Mason. "We're looking for speed and quickness." Yearby Established Of course, anyone looking for a starting position at tackle will have to reckon with soph Bill Yearby. The 220-pound tackle, now out for track, distinguished himself in last fall's campaign. He is respected for his power and speed. "We're counting on him to go both ways," comments Mason. At the guards, the Blue team lists veterans Dave Butler and Rich Hahn. Hahn, a junior, play- ed regularly last season, showing great power. Bill Keating, Tom's younger brother, a reserve in the fall, is also out for a guard position. The other guard on the White team is John Marcum, a junior who played on the second team last fall. Brian Patchen, who showed his ability in the clutch last fall when regular center Tom Cecchini was sidelined with a leg injury, is a prime candidate for the position this year. As for Cecchini, "His knee has healed real well and he is now working out both ways," says Elliott. The sophomore also star- red as middle linebacker before his injury. He is expected to work both ways. But Mason says not to count anyone else out of the picture. "The freshman have possibilities and we're going to give them all a chance. It's hard to make a de- cision now. Frank Nunley is one who de- serves a special look. The 6' 1" former fullback has shown great capabilities as a center as well as linebacker. Others of the new crop who will be checked out are tackles Jim Hribal, Henry Cart- wright and Pat McAleer, and guards Steve Yatchak and Bill Hardy. Platoons Stronger As for the effect of the platoon system Elliott says, "So far we're training players. There won't. be any specialization yet." Mason adds, "It's too early in the spring to tell. "I'm really impressed by the go- go attitude they show. Even though I don't know all of their names, I listen for the pop when they hit." When will the final decisions be made so that the left side of the line, vacated by O'Donnell and Keating, will be filled? Ma- son thinks that he has to see more contact before he can de- cide that, but the eyes may not have it. It may be the ears that are the deciding factor. "I want to hear how they hit," he says. 15 MOST WANTED COLOR Cto Cotton TURTLENECK $TSIT " For Guys and Gals S-T- R- E-T-C- H LEVI'S X6.98 Assorted Colors OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS SAM'S STORE 122 E. Wishington St. 9! .. ..r... . _. .. r - - - - w W W W W W W W W WILFRED MAR' TIN Tech, and our first on Minnesota. In those gar was just outstanding. Shines on Defense ae with cmes he "Martin is an aggressive player, and is always on the puck. His defensive ,,forte is fore checking -when we have the puck in our zone he really shines. "As I said before, Martin has the potential to become one of the greatest goal scorers in Mich- igan hockey history," said Ren- frew yesterday. "The Fox," as he is affection- ately called by his teammates, played center on the Hood-Mar- tin-Dechaine line, all of whom will be back next year. "It is interesting to note," Ren- frew pointed, out,,"that our last four captains have all been cen- ters-Berenson, Babcock, Wilkie, and now Martin." A native of Mallaig, Ontario, Martin is enrolled in the School of Education where he is consid- ering a major in French. Very Optimistic The center, who was third in total team scoring behind Wilkie and Gary Butler, looks forward to another good season next year. "Although," Martin said, "we will be losing several key players such as goalie Bob Gray, Rog Gal- hpeau, 1Wilkie, andButler among others, we will still have two good forward lines. Our defense, which we thought was going to be our weak point this season, played real well all season. Everyone on the defensive unit but Galipeau will be back next year, so our de- fense should be outstanding. "Our sophomores (presently freshmen) might lack a little ex- By The Associated Press ANNAPOLIS, Md., (P)-Navy, which operates one of the largest intercollegiate sports programs in the country, has a recruiting sys- tem to match it. The system brings into the Na- val Academy each year some 300 midshipman-athletes, making up approximately one-fourth of a plebe class of 1,200. They are chosen for their po- tential as students and future naval officers as well as their sports ability, but the emphasis on athletics is heavy. They will pro- vide the muscle for Navy to com- pete in 21 varsity sports, ranging from football to dinghy sailing. Occasionally among them will be a superstar. Twice within the past four years Navy has had the top football player in the country -quarterback Roger Staubach, the Heisman Trophy winner last year, and halfback Joe Bellino, who won it in 1960. "They just don't -walk through the door," says Capt. William S. Busik, Navy's director of athletics. "We'd be dead competively with-1 out a good recruiting system." "We start out each year with about 1,600 potential candidates," Capt. Busik says. "The bird dogs cut this list down to about 600, and then our coaches screen this Freshman Golf There will be an organiza- tional meeting for those inter- ested in trying out for the freshman golf team today at 4 p.m. In the basement of the Athletic Administration Bldg. group to about 300. This is the cream we're interested in." The great majority or these are football players. Some play several sports. Recruit Openly Navy's recruiting is done openly and competitively within rules sanctioned by the National Col- legiate Athletic Association and the Eastern College Athletic Con- ference. It includes the subsidizing of all or part of a prep school education for some of the athletes by a private corporation headed, by former Naval officers if that, proves necessary. Staubach got such schooling, at1 New Mexico Military Institute for one year. So did Bellino, at Bullis School in Silver Spring, Md. Busik says approximately 30 of3 the group of athletes admitted each year have attended a prep school or junior college under the scholarship program administeredi by the Naval Academy Founda- tion. Special Concession The NCAA made a special con- cession to the three major service academies for prepping of athletes because of their exacting entrancei requirements and academic de-c mands that apply equally to all ! U ® BOX or HANGER STORAGE Leave your winter gar- ments in storage. We will return them next fall ready to wear. GOLD BOND CLEAN ERS 515 E. William NO 8-6335 NO 8-7017 GRET$CH GUITARS .fior the sound of The most important thing in the gui- tar you buy ... is sound! Is it authen- tic? GRETSCHlGUITARS are! More folk singers value them today for their perfect balance and good looks than any other guitars. Q See your music dealer for the authentic sound of the times... GRETSCH.:Available in Folk, Jumbo and Classic models. And ,ask your dealer about the Gretsch Folk Guitar Contest. You can win a 20th Century-Fox Records con- tract! Q Write for Free GRETSCH Folk Guitar Catalog. The Fred. Gretsch Mfg. Co., 60 Broadway, Brooklyn 11,.N. Y. 0 'M'Cancels Falcon Game Michigan's baseball game with Bowling Green, scheduled for yes- terday at Ferry Field, was post- poned for the second time in as many days yesterday morning. The game wag originally set for Tuesday afternoon at Bowling Green. -But rain made the Falcon field unplayable. The contest was rescheduled for yesterday, after- noon and then was postponed again because of cold weather and snow. The Wolverines compiled a 4-8 record on the spring trip in Ari- zona but have been unable to start the regular season up North. A doubleheader with Central Michigan at Ferry Field Saturday at 1 p.m. is the next regularly scheduled Michigan game. ROGER STAUBACH students throughout the four- year course. One of the system's best pay- offs came last fall when Navy's football team wound up No. 2 in the nation, its soccer team finish- ed second nationally, its undefeat- ed lightweight football team won the Eastern championship and fall sports teams won 52 of their 60 starts. The academy requires that every midshipman participate each sea- son in some varsity sport or one of the 27 intramural sports. Re- cruited athletes provide the basis for both. A recent 10-year survey showed they also hold their own academi- cally with the rest of the brigade, furnish a higher percentage ofits officers in proportion to the rest of the student body, and are.more inclined to make the service a career than is the average mid- shipman. FROM OUR CHARTER CLUB SHOPS .... S: W te:CI 19 r CN Here's that talked-about new shade in a fine imported silk/wool sharkskin. Tailored in our classic, Charter Club natural shoulder model, trim 3-button coat with straight flap pockets, hook vent and lap seams. Trousers are plain front. Sizes 36 to 46 in regulars, shorts, longs, extra longs. Exhibition Baseball 1 Baltimore 8, Cincinnati 1 Minnesota 5, Houston 4 Pittsburgh 11, Los Angeles (N) "B" 1 Philadelphia 11, Los Angeles (N) "°A" 4 New York (N) 11, Kansas City 9 Chicago (N) 7, Boston 6 (11 inn) Los Angeles (A) 7, Hawaii (PCL) 2 Cleveland 14, San Francisco 4 St. Louis 5, New York (A) 4 Milwaukee 5, Washington 2 UI STUDENTS and FACULTY ATTENTION MEN! Why not bring her to MUFUN? Hustle her to the pool room but don't spare the bowling alley. MICHIGAN UNION, FRIDAY, APRIL 10; 8-12 * w>4I ",-°: Dial 662-8871 for Gin era qudd Program Information CHECKMATE FOR BERMUDASI i I BERMUDA i 17 SALE rn:::711 Nu II 3a77