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April 09, 1964 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-04-09

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THUSDA, ARIL9,164 ilEMlu Vl'11 LATI'L
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Johnson Takes Action;


Importance of Negro Voting*

Asks Speedy Mediation Breaches
_1 Charged l

1)1 Work liules Dispute


Places High
in Primary
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON -- Senators on
opposing sides generally discount-
ed yesterday the impact on the ad-,
ministration's civil rights bill of
Alabama Gov. George C. Wal-
lace's strong showing in the Wis-
consin primary.
Wallace received 261,148 votes to
Wisconsin Gov. John Reynolds'
508,597 votes. Reynolds, running
as a favorite son candidate, won
the entire delegation of 46 to the
Democratic national convention.
Rep. John Byrnes, who was un-
opposed as a Republican favorite
son, got 294,724.
25 Per Cent of Vote
Wallace, who said he would con-
sider it a victory if he received
more than 25,000 votes, thus cap-,
tured .nearly 25 per cent of the
votes cast. Reyniolds had 47.8 per
cent and Byrnes 27.6 per cent.
But Senate Republican leader
Everett M. Dirksen of Illinois said
fthe Southern segregationist's feat
m winning nearly 25 per cent of
the vote in the Northern state
Democratic presidential primary
might make it easier to adopt
"corrective amendments" to the
Sen. Richard B. Russell (D-Ga),
captain of Southern opponents to
the House-passed bill, voiced, the
opinion that Wallace's surprising
showing would not have much in-
fluence on the Senate's action on
the measure.
Already Committed
"Most senators are already com-
mitted," Russell observed.
Democratic leader Mike Mans-
field of. Montana said Wallace's
showing demonstrated that the
controversy over civil rights is not
confined to the. South but has
spread across the nation.
"Instead of the issue being pin-
pointed in one area of the coun-
try, it is being carried to all sec-
tions and people are, in effect, ex-
pressing their views on this issue
which now confronts us and which
we cannot avoid or evade any long-
er," he said.
Wisconsin Democratic leaders
were almost unanimous in credit-
ing the Wallace vote to a big
crossover by Republicans. And Re-
publicans saw the results as em-
phasizing a deep slit in Democratic

Tilis Wirtz
To NegtiOate
with Leaders
Unions Issue Threat
Of Nationwide Strike
WASHINGTON (P) -- President
Lyndon B. Johnson stepped into
the lengthy railroad work rules
dispute yesterday after a threat
of a nationwide strike erupted
when 7000 Illinois Central Rail-
road workers walked off their jobs.
Johnson directed Secretaryof
Labor W. Willard Wirtz to call
top negotiators of both sides in-
to conference in an attempt to
halt the threatened walkout Fri-
day of more than 300,000 workers
on nearly 200 railroads.
Chief railroad negotiator J. E.
Wolfe called it "typical of the un-
ions' continued irresponsibility 'in
the featherbedding dispute." He
announced the railroads would re-
spond by imposing disputed work
rules changes across the country,
effective one minute after mid-
night today.
The spokesman, Assistant Grand
Chief Engineer A. F. Zimmerman
of the Independent Brotherhood of
Locomotive Engineers, said impo-
sition of the work rules on a na-
tionwide basis would "amount to a
national lockout and we have only
one defense-to cease working."-
Roy E. Davidson, head of the
engineers' union, said in Cleve-
"If management's national ne-
gotiators make the move they
threaten for Friday,-they will once
again be displaying their arrogant
disregard for the public interest."
Neil P. Speirs, president of the
AFL-CIO Switchmen's Union, said
in Buffalo:
"It would be our position that
the carriers by promulgating these
rules are themselves precipitating
the, possibility of a nationwide
House Passes
Welfare Bil
House last night passed a food
stamp bill for needy families 229-
Just before the final passage,
the House defeated a last ditch
GOP maneuver to require states to
match federal funds 50-50 on the
cost of the food stamps.

W rld News
By The Associated Press
ned Project Gemini capsule was
propelled into orbit by a Titan 2
rocket yesterday and the United
States got a start toward a goal of
luanching two astronauts into
space in a similar craft.
* * *
WASHINGTON-The Securities
and Exchange Commission an-
nounced yesterday that it plans to
put rigid controls on floor traders
in the New York Stock Exchange.
The new rules would prohibit a
broker from trading for his per-
sonal account while executing or-
ders for his customers.
NEW YORK-The threat of a
nationwide railroad strike sent rail
shares sharply down yesterday, but
the rest of the market showed an
irregular advance. Dow Jones
averages for 30 industrials were
up 1.42, 20 railroads down 2.28,
15 utilities up .26 and 65 stocks
down .44.

MOSCOW M)-The smouldering
Soviet-Chinese border quarrel flar-
ed up yesterday.
The Russians accused the Chi-
nese of provocatively breaching
the border.
"The Chinese side," said the gov-
ernment news agency Tass, "has
for some time continuously and
systematically been viloating the
Soviet-Chinese border, often in a
crude and provocatory form."
Tass conceded some adjustments
in the border may be necessary,
but did not give any examples.
No Formal Recognition
Most of the border was laid
down in czarist times, often with
the aid of Russian troops, and the
Chinese have never formally rec-
ognized that the Russians are
Publicly, the Chinese have been
silent on the matter in recent
months. But Westerners here sus-
pect the Chinese may be waiting
for an opportune moment to air
the border question.
There have been reports of bor-
der skirmishes and troop move-
ments, but nothing has been an-
nounced officially. The Tass state-
ment did not reveal how the Chi-
nese may have been violating the
No Basic Quarrel
Although Tass accused the Chi-
nese of viloating the border, it
maintained that basically there is
no quarrel between the two coun-
"The only question involved is
certain necessary adjustments,"
Tass said.
Soviet officials recently indicat-
ed that a Soviet-Chinese border
commission has been discussing
"adjustments," but there has been
no report on whether progress has
been made.
The statement made no mention
of last year's dispute between Mos-
cow and Peking about Chinese
citizens who cross the border into
the Soviet Union. Peking charged
that Russians were luring Chinese
citizens. The Russians retorted
that the border crossers were flee-
ing harsh Chinese rule.
The Tass statement indicated
the Russians are approaching the
matter on a legalistic basis.
The Chinese, Tass said, have
failed to resort to a "peaceful reg-
ulation of arguments, including
border arguments."

Fourth in a series
SpecialTo The Daily
ATLANTA - Ivan Allen Jr. is
now in his third year as mayor of
this city of a million. His endorse-
ment of the civil rights movement
was made complete when he tes-
tified last July before the Senate
Commerce Committee in favor of
a public accommodations bill.
"Failure by Congress to take
definite action at this time is by
inference an endorsement of the
right of private business to prac-
tice racial discrimination and, in
my opinion, would start the same
old round of squabbles and dem-
onstrations that we have had in
the past," he testified.
"Now is the time for legislative
action. We cannot dodge the issue.
We cannot look back over our
shoulders or turn the clock back
to the 1860's. We must take action
now to assure a greater future for
our citizens and our country,"
Allen added.
Political Rationale
It is, however; important to note
that Mayor Allen's civil rights
sympathy is not wholly without its
political rationale. In his 1961
campaign he °was pitted against
arch-segregationist Lester Mad-
dox. Maddox polled a majority of
the white votes, but Allen's com-
plete domination of the Negro vote
gave him victory.
Allen's predecessor in the may-
or's chair was William B. Harts-
field, who held that office for 23
years. Hartsfield has been gen-
erally credited with establishing
a model of sound, responsible city
government in Atlanta. Besides
this, he is also responsible for the
relationship between Altanta's
city hall and the Negro commun-
Police, Vote, Schools
In 1948 he was instrumental in
having Negroes placed on the po-
lice force. In 1949 a large number
of Negroes registered and then
voted for him. An event of even
larger importance in the broaden-
ing success of Atlanta's civil rights
movement was the quiet integra-
tion in September, 1961, of the.
school system.
Hartsfield was determined to
avoid a repetition of Little Rock
or New Orleans. He established
press bureaus, banned unauthor-
ized persons from the vicinity of
the schools and set up close police
surveillance. There. were no in-
Police Chief Harry Jenkins has
also cooperated with the philoso-
phy of avoiding violence on both
sides. Careful police surveillance
o° all situations that mnigbt lead

to violence has resulted in a very
low rate ot unpleasant incidents
City's Committment
Allen, with his public endorse-
nent of civil rights, has carried
the city's committment etout as
far as it can go. He emphasized
that the city has desegregated all
4ts facilities ana has used every
means of pressure and persuasion
available to bring about desegre-
gation of private facilities.
He conceded that the city is far
from being totally integrated, but
called for "a look at the tacts."
Allen pointed out that, while the
average income of the Negro is
below that of the white in At-
lanta, it is still twice the average
Southern Negro income.
Allen saw "unlimited dangers if
the civil rights bill is not passed."
He said, "A national issue can't
be pushed into the hands of local
officials. Metropolitan Atlanta is
made up of 44 separate municipal
and county governments. Only
the Atlanta city government has
made any efforts for civil rights."
The city's approach to the prob-

lem of properly housing the Negro
pcpulation is mainly through ur-
bin renewal. "With five renewal
projects completed or under con-.
struction and three more approv-
ed, Atlanta is one of the country's
major centers of urban renewal.
These projects are 80 per cent
occupied by Negroes," Allen ex-
Living Standard
He added, "This is mainly an
economic problem. Improvements
in the Negro standard of living
will be reflected in Negro hous-
ing." But if good Negro housing
is one issue, integrated housing
is another. Collier Heights con-
tains $75,000 homes, but they are
all Negro.
This problem came to a spec-
tacular climax last year when the
mayor ordered a street, Peyton
Road, closed in an effort to pre-
vent real estate speculation in a
nearby white neighborhood. The
national hue and cry that went
up caused the barricade to be
promptly removed. Allen has since
conceded that the move was a


mistake, but defended the effort
as one to "help both sides."
Not Unique Problem
Integrated housing is' not, how-
ever, a unique problem. "Hun-
dreds of committees and thou-
sands of hours have been devoted
to it in cities across the nation.
Nowhere have satisfactory results
been achieved," Allen said. "It
takes a long time to change the
mores involved in geographical
proximity to the Negro. There is
nothing the city can dc."
Mrs. Eliza Pascal of the Greater
Atlanta Council on Human Rela-
tions said, "In the schools crisis
the citizens united behind the
lowest common denominator of
support. They commttd them-
saves only to open schools, de-
segregated only if necessary.
"We have used legal action and
economic pressure and made pro-
gress, hut we have reached a point
where the citizens must espouse
a behei in the rights movement
before it can be carried to com-
pletioi.' The city government has
indicated this belief.

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