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April 09, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-04-09

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fficial reaction to Regent Allan R. Sorenson's proposal to
sepatate the fraternity-sorority system from the University has
been mainly unfavorable.
Other Regents, University administrators, and representatives
of the fraternities and sororities have disputed the validity of
Sorenson's conception of these organizations' nature and expressed
concern about the possible effects if his program is translated
into action.
FPA Address
In an address before the Fraternity and Sorority Presidents'
banquet Tuesday night, Sorenson proposed that fraternities "be
made private in fact, that is, separated clearly and precisely from
the University and from all our state supported schools." He said
that their independence from the University was necessary be-
cause schools impose regulations on them that violate their right
of free association.
Elaborating on his position last night, Sorenson said that, in
view of the apparent desire of students and officials to consider
his proposal carefully, he probably will not try to formally intro-
duce his plan at a Regents meeting until next fall.

Proposal D/
"In my speech I intended to open the matter for considera-
tion, not to create the impression that I plan to demand hasty
action," he remarked.
"I appeal to people to look at this matter not defensively but
critically. I am delighted that so much creative discussion has
apparently been stimulated already. I welcome more opinion and
will be glad to talk to the groups involved."
Sorenson emphasized again the importance of not violating
the right of free association. "Even if fraternities and sororities
are a« part of the University community as well as private clubs,
I still feel that present regulations infringe on their rights."
See excerpts of Regent Sorenson's speech, Page 8
Sorenson added that there necessarily will be difficulties in
making the change to an independent system. "I am confident
that the mechanical details can be worked out, and my support
for separation is contingent on these being satisfactorily taken
care of," he noted. "I do not want to just turn the fraternities and
sororities loose and let them sink."
Commenting on Sorenson's speech, University President Har-
lan Hatcher said that the administration "has a definite respon-


ciws Opposit
sibility to guide these organizations so that they are more in line
with University policies."
Regent Paul G: Goebel remarked that it "may be to the ad-
vantage of the fraternities and sororities to be a part of the Uni-
versity. Unless they want it otherwise, I advocate a continuation
of the present policy."
For Status Quo
A preference for the current system was also expressed by
Regent Carl Brablec. Emphasizing the importance of the discrim-
ination problem, he said, "I am for maintaining the status quo
with enforcement of the anti-discrimination policy. Sorenson's
plan is not my first choice, but I would accept it if there is no
reasonable solution to discrimination within the present policy
Regents William K. McInally, William B. Cudlip, Fred C.
Matthaei and Irene E. Murphy preferred not to comment until
having a chance to read the speech and discuss it with students
and administrators. Regent Eugene B. Power could not be reached.
Student Consideration
Fraternities and sororities have given serious consideration to
Sorenson's proposal. Lawrence Lossing, '65, president of the Inter-


fraternity Council, said that "the whole idea of fraternities exist-
ing outside their associated institution is antithetical to the prin-
ciples and declarations of national IFC bodies. As far as national
fraternities are concerned, a fraternity's primary responsibility is
to the institution. To divorce fraternities from the University would
divorce them from their academic responsibility to it."
Lossing disagrees with Sorenson on the issue of free associa-
tion. "Perhaps fraternities did have the right to discriminate if
they wished; however, the Fraternity Presidents' Assembly adopted
a by-law last fall prohibiting discrimination within University fra-
ternities. This effectively refutes any rights that we had to dis-
Problems of Switch
Turning to practical problems that would be involved in
switching to a separate fraternity system, he commented that "we
would definitely be hobbled," and expressed concern that the atti-
tude within fraternities would be adversely affected.
"Independence from the University would encourage fraterni-
ties and fraternity men to withdraw from the mainstream of Uni-
versity life. There very possibly could be a trend toward repudiation
See SORENSON, Page 2

See Editorial Page


Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom

:43 a t

Fair today,
colder tonight



Ask Athletic Election Change
Utilizing its power to express student opinion to the Regents,
Student Government Council passed a resolution last night recom-
mending that the Regents change their bylaws regarding the election
of the student representative to the Board in Control of Intercollegiate
The changes would allow all students the right to vote in the
election and would require every candidate seeking a seat on the

To E







SGC Seeks
To Improve
Student Government Counci
last night passed a botion, jointly
submitted by Barry Bluestone, '66
ann Scott Crooks, '65, to "im-
prove tuaent housing."
In other action Council approved
selection of delegates to the 17th
National Student Congress to be
held in Minneapolis this summer
and endorsed the Panhellenic fall
rush program for upperclasswom-
The housing motion provides
that all University approved hous-
ing shall entail the following:
1) That the owner sign a non-
discriminatory contract with the
2) That the housing unit, by
contract, meet the health and safe-
ty requirements of the city of Ann
. Arbor as well as those of the Uni-
versity and SGC;
3) That the owner use a Uni-
versity-approved contract, and
4) That the owner be given a,
seal to place on the front door of
the housing unit to indicate that
it has been University approved.
According to Bluestone, previous
official University contracts with
housing owners were incomplete.
The motion also recommended
that neither the Office of Student
Affairs nor The Daily shall list or
advertise any non-University ap-
proved housing.
The five members of the NSA
delegation are Council members
Douglas Brook, '65, chairman of
the delegation; acting Daily edi-
tor H. Neil Berkson, '65; Michi-
gan Union President Kent Cart-
wright, '65; Diane Lebedeff, '65,
and Bluestone.

*Board to file a petition. According
to. Section'9.08, Section 4, only
male students are allowed to vote,
and two candidates are automatic-
ally placed on he ?ballot' upon the
recommendation of the Athletic
Managers' Council. Any other
candidate must file a petition
with SGC.
The proposal will be submitted
to Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis who will
then incorporate it into his rec-
ommendations to the Regents.
y Clarify Motion
In clarifying the motion to the
Council, Howard Schechter, '66,
stated that since the actions of
the Board affect the entire stu-
dent body, no distinctions should
be made between male and female
, students.
He also asserted that by allow-
ing the placement of two students
on the ballot upon the Managers'
Council recommendations, the Re-
gents were in effect discriminat-
ing between students and student
athletes. "The Regents should
recognize this fact and refuse to
support any policy which discrim-
inates between students," his mo-
tion stated.
The Council passed the motion
without hearing any dissenting
opinions, although there was dis-
cussion as to the exact reading of
the motion to be submitted to
Lewis regarding the class stand-
ing of the student to be elected.
Amends Motion
H. Neil Berkson, '65, Acting
Daily Editor, amended the orig-
inal motion to delete the words
from the junior class" to permit
all students an equal opportunity
to run. The motion as approved
read "Two students, one chosen
each year by the student body
from any student candidates nom-
inated by a petition signed by at
least 300 students."
Schechter pointed out that the
intent of the motion was not to
eliminate athletes from the elec-
tion, but rather to require all
candidates to meet equal qualifi-
cations in gaining election to the
Board, a body whose actions af-
fect all students.

Ackley Defends Cut in Taxes


Hands Of f
By Kelley
State Attorney General Frank
Kelley probably will not enter the
Parkhurst-Arbordale discrimina-
tion dispute unless the apartment
owners are found qulty, Michi-
gan Civil Rights Commission Ex-
ecutive Director Burton Gordon
implied yesterday.
Gordon said that Kelley prob-
ably will not become involved in
the discrimination dispute until a
court decision is reached.
Kelley has rendered an opinion
stating that an attempt to enforce
the fair housing ordinance would
be unconstitutional under Mich-.
igan's new constitution. He has
said that his office will block an
attempt to enforce the ordinance.
Such a situation would occur
only if the apartment owners are
found quilty.
Gordon's statement also gives
assurance that the ordinance will
at least have a chance at a first
court test.
The Civil Rights Commission
does not have any immediate
plans to enter the housing case,
Gordon said. A commission ob-
server will be present at all court1
actions in the case, however, Gor-
don affirmed.-

Prof. Gardner Ackley, a member
of President Lyndon B. Johnson's
Council of Economic Advisers, pre-
dicted that because of the tax-cut
stimulus to total production the
unemployment rate should drop
by the end of this year to below
five per cent-the lowest rate in
six years-and possibly to four
per cent in 1965. 1
The Late of unemployment de-
creases as the Gross National Pro-
duct makes greater yearly in-
creases, and tax cut should pro-
vide a very noticabie boost to the
GNP, Prof. Ackley said.
The GNP which in recent years
as grown by approximately 30 mil-
lion dollars annually should rise
by about 40 million this year.
Prof. Ackley. former chairman
of the University's economics de-
partment was supposed to return
this fall, but he said last night
that his future plans were still
"Bolstered by a fiscal stimulus
to expansion larger than any in
our previous peacetime history, the
year 1964 promises to be a fourth
year of steady expansion, marking
the first time in our peacetime
history that prosperity will havet
proceeded so long without inter-
Different Types
Prof. Ackley noted three dif-
ferent types of challenge to his
optimistic job forecast. Some in-
dividuals find the administration's,
estimate of the extent of the tax-
cut stimulus to total demand du-
bious; others feel that the tax
reduction will increase automa-
tion which will cause even more
unemployment; it is believed by a
third group of experts that the
tax cut will have little effect on
the job problem which they feel
has been caused by "structural un-
employment" - unemployment
caused by lack of suitability for
He quoted figures which stated
that Americans are W11l spending
today 95 per cent of their inoome
as they were years ago when
their earnings were one half what
they are today.
The fact that the employment
of automation may be readily in-
creased because of the tax-cut was
admitted by Ackley. But, he said,3
that in a society whose public
needs for schools, hospitals, uarks,
and cultural facilities seem impos-
sible to meet from our present
resources, increased per capita pro-
duction which results from auto-'
mation should have no ill ef-
House Passes
I. -u a ,U a- -

Prof. Ackley said that while a
great percentage of the unemploy-
ed is constituted by the "unsuit-
able," this is only so because there
exists a surplus in the labor sup-
ply. Employers can then make ar-
bitrary hiring regulations which
exclude such individuals. However,
Prof. Ackley feels, after the tax-
cut has had its full effect on the
economy and industry is booming,
all able workers will be in de-
Although Prof. Ackley does not
think that structural unemploy-
ment is such that it will destroy
the effectiveness of the tax reduc-
tion, he does believe that it exists
and steps should be taken to rem-
edy it.
He feels that if future actions
in this area are as rationally ee-
termined as the tax-cut was, un-
employment may ceasebto be our
most important domestic economic
"If we fail, I do not believe it
will be because of automation or
'structural changes.' it will only
be because we do not have the
national intelligence to adopt the
policies that will stimulate an ade-
quate growth in aggregate de-
mand," he said.
Prof. Ackley gave his lecture last
night at the Michigan Union. It
was the first of a series of lec-
tures entitled "Profile of Labor,"
sponsored jointly by the Union
and the economics department.

He noted that this country is
far from fulfilling all of its needs
for industrial products.
Disagrees Strongly
Prof. Ackley disagreed strongly
with those who feel that the ma-
jor cause of unemployment is an
unsuitability of employment among
the uneducated, poorly trained and
the elderly. These individuals feel
that the job situation will never
be improved until the problem of
structural unemployment is solv-

Sex War Sets False Image

McelUrges Changes.
In Counselling System,
The bulk of counselling that University students obtain is not
from official advisors.
The present structure should be changed if a purposeful instiu-
tion of counselling is desired, Prof. Elton B. McNeil of the psychology
department said last night.
In a speech entitled "Is Counselling a Rat Fink Operation?", Prof.
McNeil said, "A prime problem we have to resolve is whether or not
we should give advice, regardless
of whether it is asked for." This '
issue of the morality of advice-
giving isn't considered in the
present system, Prof. McNeil
Roommates would be the best
counsellors because of their close
contact, he remarked. Ideally,
massive courses in the techniques
of counselling should be a re-
quirement for students to enable
them to counsel one another, Prof.
McNeil recommended.
Role Definitions

To Move
For, Peace
BUDAPEST ,W) -,Romania is
ready to try again for a truce in
the Soviet-Red Chinese ideologi-
sal war and has informed both
Peking and Soviet Premier Nikita
S. Khrushchev, East bloc sources
said yesterday.
The Romanian Communists'
first peace mission to Peking ,in
February was a failure, and the
quarreling between the two Com-
munist gaits has increased since
Khrushchev arrived in Hungary.
Soviet reaction to Romania's of-
fer was not disclosed. But after
deriding Red China's leaders in a
speech Monday, Khrue'..hev told
"imperialists" not to rejoice too
soon, that there is an attempt "by
our enemies to divide us" and "it
is up to us to show strength and
Romanian delegates are report-
ed to have discussed their ideas
with Soviet Foreign Minister An-
drei Gromyko, who accompanied
Khrushchev to Hungary. The offer
was said to include definite, sug-'
gestions for a cease-fire in the
propoganda war and new ap-
proaches for a Chinese un-
derstanding of the avowed Soviet
policy of peaceful coexistence.
The Romanian press has made
no mention of the latest angry
exchanges between Peking and
Moscow, apparently to permit Ro-
mania to remain neutral as pos-
sible and maintain the role of
The new attempt at peace-
making would be designed to avoid
to complete break between Mos-
cow and Peking.
Demonstrations of Soviet sup-
port have come from Hungrary,
Poland, East Germany, Bulgaria
and Slovakia. But some of them,
notably Poland, want to avoid a
chnxxrr,,-.vn wit h DP1i n a

See Approval
'V ' ery Likely'
At Meeting
Act Unanimously
To Give Four-Year
Proposal to Regents
The Flint Board of Education
yesterday approved unanimously a
plan inviting the, University to
'expand its two-year Flint College
into a four-year institution.
The plan, which was formulated
by a six-man committee of Flint
and University officials, adds
first-and second-year levels to the
present senior-level Flint College.
It proposes an autonomously-
run University branch of ap-
proximately 1000 students "as
soon as the University thinks it
is feasible."
Regental Consideration
Claude Stout, president of the
Flint Board, will forward the plan
to the Regents for possible con-
sideration at their April 17 meet-
One high University official pre-
dicted that "the Regents will act
favorably on the plan," accepting
the invitation of the board. Uni-
versity administrators are in gen-
eral agreement that acceptance is
"very likely."
"However, since the plan will be
submitted at such a late date, and
will not be on the Regents' regular
agenda, consideration may be de-
layed until the next month's meet-
ing," the same official noted.
Administrators say that if re-
gental approval comes before the
end of the school year, the path
will probably be open for the Flint
University campus to go on four-
year operations by fall of .1965.
Popular Support
There is extremely strong popu-
lar support both in the Flint area
and among University administra-
tors for expansion of facilities.
University Vice-President Mar-
vin L. Niehuss noted that he is
"pleased that the people of Flint
wish the University to expand
operations in their area."
The only opposition to Flint ex-
pansion comes from the Flint
Community Junior College, which
has passed several resolutions pro-
testing the move.
The Charles Mott Foundation of
Flint will probably assist the Flint
College for the first three years.
Will Need Funds
The main obstacle confronting
the college will probably be ob-
taining sufficient funds from the
state after the initial three-year
However, most Flint officials
feel that the campus will be well
enough established by"then so

The war between the sexes is a
false and unnecessary byproduct
of an obsolete image of women,
Betty Friedan, author of the cur-
rent best-seller "The Feminine
Mystique," said in a lecture yes-
She explained that contrary to
widespread belief, women are not
held back from personal achieve-
ment by society but, rather, fail
to use their rights and opportuni-
ties to assume equality with men
--an anomaly which Mrs. Friedan
terms the feminine "mystique."
While American society has tra-

She explained that there is a
difference between paycheck jobs
and commitment to particular in-
terests which may be equivalent
to work and a meaningful pursuit
in society. -
According to Mrs. Friedan, wom-
en must seek another role to play
besides the biologically-assigned
function of bearing children. She
asserted that "motherhood is no
longer the way to find yourself-
it will be a relatively small part
of your life."
Life No Fairy Tale
A woman often thinks she
should live "happily ever after"

be satisfied with being a mother,
they are actually "buying a hus-
band"-whom they will probably
resent later on.
Describing the effect upon men
of the "mystique," Mrs. Friedan
said, "There is no way for a man
not to suffer when a woman fails
to take her existence seriously."
Only resentment and misunder-
standings can result.
Men Are Victims
She added that "men are not
the cause, but the victims of the
feminine 'mystique' "
A latent reason for hostility
between the sexes is "not be-

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