hr fiir4tgatn Bally Sevinty-Third Year EDrm AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MicGAN UNDER AUTHOXITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS 'Wher Opiniots Are Pr STUDENT P LICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in at reprints. TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 1964 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL SATTINGER THE COUP IN BRAZIL: Goulart: A Bit of Everything EUROPEAN COMMENTARYe Britain, France Take New Look at Red Trade Johnson's War on Poverty: Total Annihilation PRESIDENT JOHNSON'S War on Pov- erty is exactly that. It isn't a war to aid the poor; it's a war to wipe them out. Traditionally there have been three ways to fight poverty. The first is through direct welfare payments to those whose income falls below the subsistence level. University of Chicago economist Milton Friedman has estimated that a govern- ment program which supplemented the incomes of the 20 per cent of the nation's families and individuals who earn less than $3000 a year, so as to raise them to the lowest incomes of the rest, would cost less than half of what the government is now spending on direct welfare payments and programs of all kinds. But Congress looks more than a little untavorably upon the obvious giveaway of public money, and elements within it and the executive branch undoubtedly would be unhappy to see such programs as the farm subsidy and public housing programs dropped so that such a give- away program could be afforded without drastic budget increases. A possibility for financing such a give- away would be to up social scurity bene- fits to the estimated $3000 subsistence level. But this would require that present payments quadruple-again a prospect unlikely to be met with open congressional arms. SECOND traditional method of at- tacking poverty has been to subsidize the poor in a more indirect fashion through such programs as low-cost hous- ing, medical, aid to the aged and the food-stamp plan But such projects also meet with the charge of free government handouts and face an additional charge of "socialism." So again Congress can be expected to say "no.,, -HETHIRD APPROACH to solving the poverty problem begins from a differ- ent viewpoint. It calls for measures de- signed to expand the economy, and it rests on the premise that poverty can be ended by finding everyone a job. How the Hell... TWO NEW INNOVATIONS have been introduced in our fight against the Communist conspirators in South Viet Nam. The object of the first has been to further the divinely-inspired system of Free Enterprise in the land of the little Southeast Asians. How? Premier Nguyen KlXa h has resolved to establish a stock market in his backward country. As one obscure, left-wing anarchistic journal puts it, "This should make it easier for the peasantry to buy some good common stocks." The second innovation has as its pur- pose to further the development of that unique Western and democratic value- Truth. Instead of showering napalm bombs on villages full of suspected Viet Cong, our Freedom Fighters now plan to enter the villages and give the natives lie-detector tests to find out if they are Communists. (No kidding!) There are rumors of plans to use ordeal-by-fire tests on those who don't understand the word "Communist." NOW WITH STRATEGY like this, how the hell can we lose? -R. HIPPLER Ehe x tkia Daily Acting Editorial Staff R. NEIL BERKSON ................... Editor KENNETH WINTER ............... Managing Editor BDWARD HERSTEIN ............. Editorial Director ANN QWIRTZMAN .............. Personnel Director MICHAEL SATTINGER .... Associate Managing Editor JOHN KENNY........... Assistant Managing Editor DEBORAH BEATTIE ...... Associate Editorial Director LOUISE LIND ........ Assistant Editorial Director in Charge of the Magazine Acting Sports Staff BILL BULt'ARD ..................... Sports Editor TOM ROWLAND .............. Associate sports Editor GARY WINER ............ Associate Sports Editor CHARLES TOWLE ........ Contributing Sports Editor Acting Business Staff JONATHON R. WHITE ........... Business Manager JAY GAMPEL .......... Associate Business Manager JUDY GOLDSTEIN .............. Finance Manager BARtBARA JOHNSTON ............ Personnel Manager However, a recent article in the New Republic totally disproves this premise. "The fact is that only six per cent of all poor families are headed by a man or woman with a job that pays less than $3000 a year. Another 44 per cent are headed by a man or woman too old,. too sick, too busy with children or too apa- thetic to hold a regular job. "The situation is dramatized by a sta- tistic: there are about four million unem- ployed in America, but there are about seven million men and 13 million women who are earning less than $3000 a year." FURTHERMORE, the measures needed to expand the economy to solve the poverty problems are staggering. The President's 1964 Manpower Report shows that expansion of private demand since 1957 hasnot created a single new job. All new jobs since 1957 have resulted from ex- panded employment in government and non-profit organizations, or private ex- pansion sparked by government spend- ing. It would take a great deal more than the tax cut and the $75 million Johnson has asked be allocated for increasing "the number of good permanent jobs open to the poor" to expand the economy enough to end low wages and unemploy- ment. US JOHNSON'S STRATEGY is none of the three traditional ones. Instead Johnson is asking that $887 million be spent, again to quote the New Republic, "on education, training and character building. (His program) assumes that,the poor are poor not because the economy is mismanaged but because the poor them- selves have something wrong with them. They live in the wrong places and won't move. They have the wrong skills-or no skills at all.. .They have too little educa- tion and won't go back to school. They have the wrong personality traits or bad health. They are too profligate to save when their earning power is high, and so have nothing left to supplement their inadequate relief or Social Security bene- fits. They are too short-sighted to use contraceptives, and wind up with un- wanted children. "WHAT HAS BEEN launched is there- 'fore not just a war on poverty but a war on the poor, aiming to change them beyond all recognition. The aim is not just to provide them with a lower-middle class standard of living, but also with the lower-middle class virtues, such as they are." The success of such a plan certainly is doubtful. Even if the poor no longer act poor, where will they get the higher- paying jobs they need? Where will any more jobs be created for them? BUT IN A SENSE, the financial success of the program is not the major issue. The real question is whether the govern- ment has any business trying to force upon one class the values of another- and to wipe out the first class in the process. Paul Goodman,s in "Growing Up Ab- surd," argues that some people want to be poor, and he makes a strong case. But, he says, it's hard these days to be "decent- ly poor"-to stay out of society's prover- bial rat-race if you want to. Johnson's War on Poverty could well make it total- ly impossible. -EDWARD HERSTEIN Acting Editorial Director Gullibility PRESIDENT JOHNSON, according to the Associated Press, called the military revolt which ousted Brazilian President Joao Goulart an effort "to resolve (eco- nomic and political) difficulties within the framework of constitutional democra- cy and without civil strife." Secretary of State Rusk, the AP said, "pictured the ouster . . . as a victory for constitutional democracy in Brazil." He "said that Brazil's armed forces have shown, over the last several years, that they are basically democratic." The AP itself threw into one of its tnrie ~ nn T-tr Il n " n ++,i~.ihtytna nv, .4t EDITOR'S NOTE: Stephen Ber- kowit~z is a junior in the Politi- cal Science Honors Program who has read extensively in the field of Latin American affairs. This is the first of a two-part series on the recent coup d'etat which ousted Brazilian President Joao Goulart. By STEPHEN BERKOWITZ F THE ATTITUDE adopted by the United States toward the rightist usurpation of power in Brazil may be taken as a measure of the level of thought which the Johnson administration is going to bring to bear in the realm of foreign affairs, the chronicle of American diplomacy for the next several years promises to be one of the most uninspired in history. With the election of John F. Kennedy in 1960, the American public was promised some sort of reappraisal of its traditional role in world affairs. The Ken- nedy administration fell far short of any systematic reevaluation, but it represented a change in at least the morphology, if not the posture, of American diplomacy. The Peace Corps, the Alliance for Progress and other innovations of the Ken- nedy regime signified, in terms of the image-if nothing else-a more enlightened attitude on the part of this government toward its role in world affairs. The Brazilian episode marks a retrenchment-a retreat into the foreign politics of the past; the reinvigoration of the diplomacy of The Ugly American. In the next few weeks and months the Ameri- can public is going to be asked to accept a potpourri of misinforma- tion about the coup in Brazil, to condone the mockery which has been made of constitutional gov- ernment there and to endorse a holy crusade which the Brazilian right is about to conduct against its opposition. * * * JOAO GOULART may be re- corded in the annals of American journalism as the man with the most confused public image. The American mass media-the best as well as'the worst of them-have presented to the American public a pap of misinformation about his regime that is scarcely believable. The New York Times of Sunday, April 6, 1964, variously describes Goulart as "ambitious, hard- driving, adroit," "a millionaire landowner who got his start in politics as a protege of the late dictator, Getulio Vargas," an op- portunist about to install himself in office as "the head of a syn- dicalist state" (as per Mussolini, Peron, etc.) with the support of the Communist party, which would then use him as "a stepping stone to power." It describes his regime as "hopelessly inept," "leftist leaning" and tending to- ward "leftist extremism." The coup was designed to "maintain the democratic frame- work" in Brazil against Goulart who had built up a popular fol- lowing among workers, peasants, enlisted men and noncommis- sioned army officers. Yet, in spite of the seemingly self-apparent ludicrousness of a military insurrection to protect "constitutional forms," this is the story which the American public will be asked to buy. * * * LET US, on the basis of these statements, reconstruct the blue- print for a Goulart-led takeover in Brazil-the rationale given for his ouster: Goulart, the millionaire, leftist- leaning, adroit and ambitious Communist dupe, was trying with the aid of his hopelessly inept ad- ministration to establish a syn- dicalist state (like Mussolini). He was doing this by building up a popular following and by under- mining the army, which instituted a military coup to preserve democ- racy, constitutional forms and traditional Brazilian institutions. * * * WHAT ARE the relevant facts of life in Brazil? First, as indicated by the de- velopments in the U.S.-Panama rift, an almost limitless jungle of semantic undergrowth serves as a barrier to an adequate appraisal on the part of the United States of the subtleties of Latin Ameri- can politics. This barrier is by no means insuperable, but it would seem to vitiate against the snap- judgment, the black and white comparison and the simple solu- tion. Despite this, however, the Amer- ican press and, to some extent at least, the United States gov- ernment, -seems to be caught up in the Communist-Leftists-Pro- gressive-Liberal name game. In Brazil-and this is true (with notable exceptions) to vary- ing degrees throughout the rest of Latin America-the terminol- ogy of political discourse is highly involuted. Political parties in Bra- zil have long been known for their highly volatile and sectarian character. For the most part they are poorly organized. GOULART DREW much of his support from the Brazilian Labor Party which was begun by ex- dictator Vargas and subscribes to a hodgepodge of views ranging from the left to the right. Its pre- cise role in Brazil's future is un- clear, but there are strong in- dications that it enjoys a good deal (some sources say an in- creasing amount) of popular sup- port. Both proponents and opponents of the Brazilian Communist party claim a large role for it in the country's political life. In its hey- day (after World War II) it was well-organized, fairly unified and doctrinaire. In recent years, however, the party has fragmented over the issue of cooperation with, versus violence toward, the government. Many of the guerrillas presently active in the northeastern portion of the country, a very arid, almost desert-like area with a long his- tory of government failure in land reclamation, are pro-violence Fi- delistas whodeserted the party proper. In addition, there seems to be a nuclear group of highly sectarian Trotskyists (their exact number has been the subject of the wildest speculation) organ- izing around the area's economic problems. This guerrilla activity existed before, and has continued through, the Goulart regime. IN ASSESSING the role played by so-called "Communist in- fluence" in the Goulart govern- 'SOLDIER': Pathos, Not Laughs At the State Theatre "SOLDIER In The Rain" is an- other of the victims of the Hollywood ad agencies. Billed as a rollicking "Fun-Filled Comedy" in the tradition of recent Army film farces, "Soldier" enjoys rather the warmth and pathos of "Mr. Roberts." The film deals with that crea- ture known as the Army peacetime regular-the man who enlists and makes the army his career. Jackie Gleason is hauntingly vibrant as Sgt. Maxwell Slaughter, the fat- boy who found a true home in the service. Steve McQueen is Eustis Clay, whose ambition is to make a million dollars off one of his too- wild schemes. Together the two men join their lives searching for meaning. NOT TOO FUNNY eh? Well not really, because Blake Edwards seems to have been ham- strung between producing a really decent and honest film about the so-called misfits who find real meaning and usefulness in the Army, and turning out another in the "Francis Joins the . . ." series. The result is an uneven collage of belly laughs and pathos, subtlety and slapstick. Conclusion: go see "Soldier In The Rain" (ignoring the adver- tising). Then read the book for clarity. Together, a very moving drama evolves. -Hugh Holland ment, several factors ought to be borne in mind: First, the role of the Communist party itself is anomalous in the sense that the party line is highly nationalistic and hence anti- Yanqui, but is opposed to trans- cending the formal machinery of parliamentary government. Second, the Communist-labeling which has gone on in the Ameri- can press-and which has been indulged in to some extent by various American officials-is rather meaningless in Latin Amer- ica. Many of the people who the United States counts among its stauchest supporters in Latin America (among them Romolo Betancourt and Victor Raul Haya de la Torre) as well aspeople among both the pro- and anti- Goulart forces, were at one time or another Communist party mem- bers. Third, many of the persons who apparently engineered then Co p d'etat opposed Goulart's predeces- sor, Janio da Silva Quadros 'on the same ground. * * * FURTHERMORE, during the 1961 presidential crisis (which will be discussed further in the second part of this series) many of these persons-among them Gov. Carlos Lacerda of the state of Guana- bara (containing Rio de Janeiro) -virulently opposed Goulart's succession to the presidency. Re- tired Marshal Henrique Teixeira Lott, who had been a presidential candidate along with Quadros and Goulart in the preceeding cam- paign, was arrested at that time on a charge of "making an in- flammatory statement" after he inferred that War Minister Odilio Denys was attempting to block Goulart's assumption of the presi- dency.) Goulart, no matter what his personal proclivities might have been, was forced to seek support from the left. The confusion which surrounded Goulart's government may, in part, have arisen from an unwillingness on the part of the military to allow Goulart to build up a following independent of the left. IN SUMMARY, then, three basic conclusions ought to be drawn from even the most superficial analysis of the Brazilian political landscape. First, the United States ought to seek to avoid reacting to the semantics, as opposed to the ac- tualities, of a particular situation. It is apparent from the highly per- sonalist nature of Brazilian poli- tics or, more specifically, the lack of a well-defined political spec- trum, that charges of "Commun- ism" per se-or the characteriza- tion of a man's political beliefs on the ba.sis of one element in the spectrum of his political support -are relatively meaningless. In the lasti presidential election, Lott was supported by the Communist party, the nationalists and the neo-fascists. It is necessary to analyze charges and counter charges as to Goulart's' political beliefs within the context of Bra- zilian politics. Second, given the history of op- position to Goulart on the part of those involved in the coup, charges of ineptitude fall some- what flat. Third, given the assumption that the CIA kept President Johnson at least as well informed as the New York Times, it should have been clear to Johnson that the Brazilian situation is one in which wise men fear to tread. Thus American haste in praising the leaders of the coup seems ill timed. * * * FINALLY, if the statement at- tributed by the New York Times to Thomas C. Mann, White House advisor and assistant secretary of state for inter-American affairs, to the effect that in the future no distinction will be made between democratic and authoritarian re- gimes in our Latin American di- plomacy is correct, and if the Brazilian episode is to be taken as indicative of the line which the administration's policy will follow, America may be in for a disturbed sleep in the near future. By ERIC KELLER Daily Correspondent BILTHOVEN Holland - The meeting between President Lyndon B. Johnson and Sir Alec Douglas-Home was conducted in full agreement to disagree about one point:mBritain's trade with Cuba. American observers we-e quick to conclude that Britain was in- terested only in business. They maintained that Britain apparent- ly saw a license to trade with Cuba because Canada had been engaged in wheat deals with Cuba and Red China for years. The American viewpoint was that such expansionist and sub- versive countries as Red China and Cuba should not be given the advantage of trade with Western countries. The declared Com- munist objectives of overthrow of the Free World by force and sub- versive action ought not be aided. Such action ought to be crushed in its beginnings, and blockades ought to be applied to brake eco- nomic expansion as much as pos- sible. THIS IS the traditional Ameri- can policy towards any Commun- ist country. No doubt, however, it was heavily dented by President John F. Kennedy's okay for a wheat deal with Russia. Following the partial test-ban treaty and renewed heavy Canadian wheat sales to Communist countries, it had become obvious that a change had to be made. The U.S. eco- nomic boycott of Russia was in- efficient and ineffective. There was no sense any more in de- priving American business of a well-deserved share in the flow of gold from the East. The English and French, as well as Canadian policies carry just one step farther. Their more realistic-tothem-outlook ac- knowledges not only the impos- sibility of a similar total boycott of Cuba, which is already render- ed impossible by the non-commit- ted and neutral nations; the gen- eral new policy says that it is more secure to keep Communists well-fed and happy, rather than to provoke them under arms by imposing hunger. *, * * A RECENT SURVEY b the United States Department of Agri- culture reveals that by the year 2000, all parts of the world, ex- cept North America, Australia- New Zealand and Western Europe will be constantly hungry, unless food output is drastically increas- ed in the next few years. The probability is high that, if things continue as they promise to, more people will starve than ever before, and, therefore, more people than ever will inevitably turn Commun- ist in their last hope. It cannot be expected that they will lie down and die--on the contrary, they will fight for food, they will bring more war, inevitably, unless drasticmeasures are taken. The West will have to do all it nan to keep Communists well-fed- ul- timately to save its own skin. Such reasoning is not new, put it is only relatively recently that the French and British have adopted the policy of "a fat Com- munist is less dangerous than a skinny one." France is as rigidly opposed to Communism as the U.S. But she feels that ignoring a major danger to the Western world will help in the future no more than it has in the past. She wants to come to grips with the Communists. N * * THE HOPE that a "fat Com- munist" is less expansionist and less radical is today more than a mere theory. The Russians, living in comparative wealth, have quite openly changed the tune; what used to be "down with the capital- ists" is now "peaceful coexistence." And when Khrushchev announced his new agricultural program, no- body could overlook the new in- centives given to the individual by its new bonus system. Lenin would have turned over in his grave. However, some major dangers inherent in such closer contacts with the enemy should not be left out of consideration. Western defense must not fade away until proven to be unnecessary. It is definitely wrong to assume that "fat Communist is no danger at all." For the same reason, the West must never become as depen- dent upon Communist trade part- ners as the East is presently upon the West. Business can be pros- perous without complete depend- ence on one partner. * * HOME'S THEORY may appear more plausible in this light. It may appear indeed that one of the main tasks of theWest in the near future will be to guide the Communists back to personnal in- centive, and, through this, to wealth and food, so as to avert an otherwise inevitable war. LETTERS Economy, m'OStyle To the Editor PRESIDENT JOHNSON'S econ- omy edict of "light's out" in the White House has brought to my mind a modest intellectual ques- tion. If one had an elephant or hippopotamus in Ann Arbor, would it be necessary to label it with large red iridescent letters on either side, LEPHANT or HIP- POPOTAMUS? I live directly across the street from the Michigan Stadium; each night as that fiery red ball we call the sun goes down in the west, the artificially produced fiery neon counterpart flashes in the east over the press box, proclaiming it to be-surprise-MICHIGAN STA- DIUM. I don't know how much it costs the University to ignite 30 letters for a year (MICHIGAN STADIUM is written twice) and I've never stayed awake long enough to know when the switch is extinguished; but whatever the cost, it does seem a bit superfluous. What else could that scooped-out, wire- fenced enclosure be? I suspect that even travelers, who would not be as enlightened as Ann Arbor folks, could make a fair guess at the function of so abstract a con- struction. Since most football games that I have attended have been in the bright of noonday, the neon would seem to beckon no one that has lost his way. ON THE OTHER HAND per- haps I am too short-sighted. Per- haps the sign needs to be spiced up by emitting a rainbow of fot- balls on the half hour or per- haps, it would be beneficial to attach neon letters proclaiming the functions of other buildings. At night, central campus could be ablaze with CHEMISTRY in sul- phur maize, GRADUATE LI- BRARY in Monday blue, NA- TURAL SCIENCE in tree green, and just between those stately pillars, ANGELL HALL in stadium red. Yet, does one need to paint an elephant? -Loretta Prentice, '57N Charges Sports Bias To the Editor: WHY DISCRIMINATE between sports? The Michigan basket- ball team comes in third in the NCAA championships in Kansas City. In your first paper after va- cation, this team gets a whole page of articles and pictures in the sports section plus pictures on the first page. But the hockey team that wins the only NCAA championship this year at Michigan, gets only a small article and two shots of two players. At least a team picture should have been used noting the hockey team as "Champs." Or are you saving this space for Jim Berger to write another of his obnoxious articles about the hockey team being "cheese cake champions?" -Joe Craig Y 1 FEIFFER BIU-16' CAMS MkoVe MT t toJ lifj MORMIJ& AMD SAI W1P015 P2. TO1. 'TAK(6 M1; TO 195~ ZOO TCVAq PADlLI.A I' a'AII? 1'M SORL 6ILLI-OL1 8JT iAPL24 HAS 60T H6ThLMS eL-S1 HE M0ST DD T0OA 1 - N ANN~ CNA~tor5 'AtP ?NO CIAII OF OURS OttW TUN, \~ e,vY) 46 i/tA A4 A AMA AM RIL16"5MOMMA 5A10 M'OO Y4OU STOP 6OWHCRI6 90U2 G A PI V1UL16-OL1.AMP r 5A! XNJT' ,Ca1t'M'il ON C9AP'OTTW. I / OHAT 1T uWAS uKe t wJ Mq OWN 0( 6APPOIMW 1 r HIT LNG FOAK ME, CHARL.OTE (4 0. ACAP 11C -O irn MVP CHAROT1'eA06669 ME. " AMP CAU619 ME MCR N1 $IA ANP SAIP 'O '1Q0 600P, 9AML..AMP I SAIl? ITS A OAI (W IIM ~AK A POIS(TO 15 I SepN. 1MA1ThC fit;AL A CHILP CAM TUBA 'SOVk. ,~~iAA PROVC DOWl rrl - r lA .t? , I