PAGE TWl THE MICHIGAN DAILY mTrFI.%nav_ APRTT. 7_ Ntl PAGE TWO THE MIChIGAN UlAIJY TTTTI'gnAV AUDYT ~ IOAA unK-A.'kaL, ZarbZ5m 4, LiuI 'WAR BABIES' MATURE: College Applications Skyrocket Across CampusE Communications . conference for University office Prof. N..Edd Miller, assistant to o"Skills inr nUnive - the vice-president for academic sity." affairs, will give a talk on "Prob- lems of Communication in the Convocation . . THREE CONCERT SERIES: Musical Society Announces Program (Continued from Page 1) The bumper crop of post-warV babies has matured into candi- dates who are clamoring for ad- mission to colleges throughout the country. College admissions officials are now struggling with the monu- mental task of selecting freshman classes from greater numbers of better qualified students. And the tension among students who are waiting for notification of acceptance or refusal is heighten- ed this spring by the knowledge that intense competition has been increased by the sheer numbers. Applications Increase Applications for admission to the prestige colleges of the Ivy League and the seven women's colleges that make up the league's feminine counterpart have in- creased from 9 to 25 per cent, according to a survey of the ad- missions offices. A study published in the fall of 1962 by George H. Hanford, ex- ecutive vice president of the Col- lege Entrance Examination Board, predicted a 24.6 per cent increase in the number of applicants dur- ing the present academic year fol- lowed by another heavy enroll- ment next year. Hanford based his projection on the number of potential entrants in the age group, and suggested Collaborate ,on New 123 Text Professors Arthur M. Eastman, Caesar R. Blake, Hubert M. Eng- lish Jr., Robert Lenaghan, Alan B. Howes and Leo F. McNamara of the English department are col- laborating on a new textbook to replace the English 123 text, "Points of Departure," by the fall of 1966., that, the pressure on the highly selective colleges would be less than on colleges in general. Brown Rise Highest Brown University reported the greatest increase in applicants in the Ivy League, although its fresh- man class is the smallest. The number of applicants increased by almost 1000, for a rise of 25 per cent. .Members of the college's ad- mission staff spent more time in outlying areas during the last year, with the result that appli- cations from the West Coast and the Southwest doubled this year. Improved interest among alumni in encouraging talented students to attend Brown were also given credit for the rise in applicants. Range at '7 Sisters' Among the "seven sisters" the increases ranged from 9 per cent at Mount Holyoke to 20 per cent at Barnard. Vassar reported a rise of 10 per cent, Bryn Mawr 10 to 12 per cent, and Radcliffe, Smith and Wellesley each reported about 15 per cent more applicants than in the preceding year. All will notify applicants of their decisions on April 22. Miss Helen M. McCann, Bar- nard director of admissions, said that the rise in applicants follow- ed a 16 per cent increase in 1962- 63. This year the increase was al- most entirely from students who would not be within commuting distance of the college. In the Ivy League, Cornell, Harvard and Princeton reported increases in applications of about 10 per cent, Darmouth 10 to 13 per cent, Columbia 14 per cent, Yale 15 per cent, the University of Pennsylvania, 17 to 20 per cent and Brown 25 per cent. Their com- mon reply date is April 15. E. Aldon Dunham, director of admissions at Princeton, said that increasingly good guidance on the secondary level had resulted in very few applications from ob- viously unqualified students. He indicated, however, that the pros- pect of turning down about 4000 highly qualified applicants was not very pleasant. Oopyright, 1964, The New York Times University" at 8:30 a.m. today in Rm. 3R of the Michigan Union. The talk will be part of an annual To Dedicate Church Dr. Ernst Weber, president of the Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute and the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, will receive an honorary Doctor of Engineer- ing degree from the University today during the Engineering Honors Convocation which begins at 10:30 a.m. in Rackham Lecture Hall. Dr. Weber will deliver the con- vocation address on "The En- gineer's Responsibility to Society." The Raduga Dancers, a dance ensemble from six Soviet repub- lics, will appear on November 14th during its first North American tour.gThey will perform a pro- gram of ballet, folk and comic dancing. November 22nd will see the third year's return of the New York City Opera Company directed by Julius Rudel. They will be present- ing a new production of Gounod's "Faust" as a part of this series. The Minneapolis Symphony with Stanislaw Skrowaczewski conduct- ing will play on February 8th. The series continues with two premiere recitals; the first by pianist Rosa- Social Action . 9 . Mel Ravitz, Detroit councilman and sociologist, will speak from noon to 1 p.m. today on "Social Action: Some Theoretical Implica- tions" in the fourth floor lounge of the Frieze Bldg. The talk is part of the Social Work-Social Science Colloquium. Those at- tending have been asked to bring their own lunch. Shakespeare*. . Prof. Marilyn Mason Brown of the music school, assisted by stu- dents from the music school and the speech department, will pre- sent "Songs and Sonnets of Shake- speare at 4:10 p.m. today in True- blood Aud. This is the second pro- gram in the University's observ- ance of the poet's 400th anniver- sary. Prof. Brown will be featured on the harpsichord. Red China --- Prof. Alexander Eckstein of the economics department will speak on "Red China's Political Image" at 7:30 p.m. in Aud. D. The lecture is sponsored by the International Students Association. Meader ... Rep. George Meader (R-Mich) of Ann Arbor will speak at a Young Republican meeting at 8 p.m. today in Rm. 3C of the Union. The Midwest YR Conven- tion will also be discussed and those interested in the convention must attend this meeting. lyn Tureck on March 1 who will. play a program featuring her spe- cialty, Bach, the second by Metro- politan baritone Robert Merrill Merrill on March 12th. Canadian Ballet The final concert of this series will be on April 3rd with the Na- tional Ballet of Canada. The Extra Series, in its 19th year, will feature the London Symphony Orchestra under George Solti making its first appearance here on October 2nd. Bolshoi Soprano Irina Arkhipova, mezzo-soprano of the Bolshoi Theatre of Moscow, will make her North American de- but in Ann Arbor on November 9th. On November 22, the New York City Opera will present a second work, Lehar's comic opera, "Mer- ry Widow." This will be followed by the appearance of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra with Her- bert von Karajan conducting on January 30th. The final event of this series will be a program by the Polish Mime Theatre from Warsaw on March 6. Societa Corelli The Chamber Arts Series, which just completed its first season, will feature the Societa Corelli on October 28th as its opening pro- duction. This will be followed by the New York Chamber Soloists, both vocal and instrumetal, on No- vember 17th. Andres Segovia, one of the fore- most classical guitarists, will per- form on January 20th-his first appearance in Ann Arbor. The next concert will be given by the Paris Chamber Orchestra con- ducted by Paul Kuentz and featur- ing the Bach trumpeter, Adolf SEcherbaum on February 14th. Dutch Choir The Netherlands Chamber Choir, conducted by Felix de Nobel, will give its first local program on February 27th. The Chicago Little Symphony with Thor Johnson will play on March 7th with a, program of chamber music. Closing the series will be the Solisti di Zagreb and Antonio Janigro, cellist, on March 30th. Next season will also see the return of a Chamber Dance Festi- val in the fall and a Chamber Music Festival in the spring. The programs for these are yet to be announced. At this time, series orders will be accepted for any of the three concert series. Starting this year, individual concert orders will be filled in the sequence received upon completion of series orders and prior to counter sale. The Musical Society was organ- ized in 1879 for the purpose of associating the music of the Uni- versity with that of the commun- ity.. Made up of prominent members of both groups, it is not a per- forming body, but rather a group organized to manage, direct and sponsor, musical activities. -Daily-James Keson DESIGNED BY Prof. Gunnar Birkerts of the architecture and design school, the University Reformed Church at 1001 E. Huron will be dedicated at 8 p.m. today. University President Harlan Hatcher and Ann Arbor Mayor Cecil 0. Creal will participate in the ceremony. Prof. Birkerts' design has received awards from the National Joint Conference on Church Architecture and 'Progressive Architecture magazine. ANDRES SEGOVIA ppll Shaw Appointed To LSA Position James W. Shaw has been ap- pointed administrative assistant in the literary college by the school's executive committee. The Regents are expected to approve the appointment which was made to fill the vacancy being left by Stanley R. Levy who is leaving for Cornell next year. "A'x:..:h"1'r,,.S~r: :"."CV...Pr . ... AS V r "".":.".:.."r ,Svr" .r. .rv im r'V ....LV. r. .W .'V..W*":{4:+' S7GS x{'.V .{. .f.. .1; "{ . rVvvl ..«,.,...,.... r~ . {L...aS.. .V....... ... . ....d .a1.... h .. DALY OFFICIAL BU LLETI N 'r.": r.:" : rL° {t {AAPJ;.Y {"4S' 1" .r.1J.,.":. . . . : The :Daily Official Bulletin Is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3654 Administration Building before 2 p.m. of the day preceding publica- tion, and by 2 p.m. Friday for Satur- day and Sunday. TUESDAY, APRIL 7 Day Calendar Conference of Midwestern Association- of Univ. Sttudent Employment Direc- tors -- Micheigan Union, 8:30 a.m. Engin. Honors Convocation - Ernst Weber, President, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, "The Engineer's Respon- sibility to Society": Rackham Lecture Hall, 10:30 a.m. Shakespeare Anniversary -Marilyn Mason, harpsichord, with students of Music and Speech, "Songs and Son- nets of Shakespeare": Trueblood Aud. 4:10 p.m.. Social Work Social Science Collo- quium - Mel Ravitz, Detroit Council- man and Sociologist, "Some Theoretical Implications".: Fourth Floor Lounge noon to 1 p.m. Doctoral Exam for George Joseph Buck, Electrical Engineering; thesis: "Force Free Magnetic Fields in Torodial Co- ordinates," 1072 E. Engin. Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Doctoral Exam for Yong-Yung Lee, physics; thesis: "Investigation of Di- Pion Resonances in 3.7 Bev/c pi p Col- lisions," 2038 Randall Lab., at 1:00 p.m. General notices Student Tea at the home of President and Mrs. Harlan Hatcher on Wed.,, April 8, from 4-6 p.m. All students are cordially invited. nominate applicants, one of whom will be chosen for a fellowship which pro- vides a fully. paid academic year of study abroad in 1964-65. Students from the Battle Creek area may apply. In- formation and an application form may be obtained from Assoc. Dean Free- man D. Miller, Room 118 Rackham Bldg.. Completed applications must be sub- mitted by April 15. Placement ANNOUNCEMENTS: Federal Service Entrance Exam--The next FSEE will be given on May 16. You must apply for this exam by April 14. Peace Corps Exam-The next Peace Corps exam will be given on Sat., April 11, at 8:30 a.m. in the Main St. Post Office at Main & Catherine. Questionnaires are available at the Bureau of Appointments, 3200 SAB. SUMMER PLACEMENT: 212 SAB-- Camp Nahelu-Mich. coed camp. In- terviewing for male waterfront dir., male or female sailing' instructor & general cabin counselors-female, 20 yrs. or older. Interviewing from 1 to 5 p.m. on Tues., April 7 (TODAY). Camp Commission, Detroit Methodist Church - Interviewing for all Camp Positions for their coed camps various- ly located in Mich. Interviewing Wed., April 8. Camp Winnebagoe, Canada - Coed camp--will interview April 8, 9, & 10. Seeking Section Heads & Heads of Swimming, Sailing & Riding Depts. Applicants must be at least juniors. Camp Tamarack, Canada-Boy Scout camp will also interview April 8, 9, & 10. Seeking Cabin Counselors, Section Heads, Riding Instructor & Arts & Crafts Instructor. Consumers Power Co. of Mch.---Will interview Thurs., April 9, for tem- porary market survey reps. See Summer Placement for further information. POSITION OPENINGS: Alco Products, Inc., Schenectady, N.Y. -Systems Analyst-Degree (BA) in. Accounting or Bus. Ad. Exper. in acc't. or systems & procedures & familiarity ORGANIZATION NOTICES Baptist Student Union, Meeting, Wed., April 8, 7:30 p.m.,Rom 528D, SAB, Mrs. Wendell Powers, speaking about her experiences as a student summer missionary. Circle Honorary Society, Important Pre-Initiation Meeting (old members only), Tues., April 7, 7:30 p.m., Michi- gan League. ULLR Ski Club, Meeting, April 7, 7:30 p.m., Michigan Union. Movie of "Colorado Skiing" and nominations for next year's officers. Newman Club, Social Action Com- mittee Meeting, Wed., April 8, 8 p.m., Newman Center, 331 Thompson. with medium sized computers required. Bethlehem Steel Co., Bethlehem, Pa. -Mathematician or Engineer-BS in applied math or engrg. with an interest in the industrial application of math & electronic computer techniques. Exper. is required. Berg Electronics, Inc., New Cumber- land, Pa.-Opening for Plating Engineer -BS Electroplating & Precious Metals Plating or Chem./Metallurgical Educ. Bkgd. &: exper. in specification plating of tin, tin lead & precious metals. Canico Div., Amer. Can Co., New York, N.Y. Seeking Economic Analyst. Should have degree in either Econ., Stat. or Bus. Ad. Would also like him to have. from .2-3 yrs. exper. pref. in the food field. U.S. Navy, Marine Engrg. Lab., An- napolis, Md.-Vacancies for young scien- tists & engineers in the following fields: EE, ME, ChE & Physics. Either recent or exper. grads. For further information, pleass call Gen. Div.,xBureau of Appoinmtents, 3200 SAB, Ext. 3544. LIBRARY SCIENCE PLACEMENT: INTERVIEWS: Library Science students and alumni, or other lib. school grads, please sign interview schedules in the Library Sci- ence Office for interviews with the fol- lowing: APRIL 7- Detroit (Mich) Public Library-Mrs. Mary Mitchell, personnel director. Washington State Library, Olympia- Miss Dorothy Doyle, library consultant. APRIL 8- Milwaukee (Wis) Public Library-Wil- liam Hinchliff, librarian. PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS, Bureau of Appointments-Seniors & grad students, please call Ext. 3544 for appointments with the following: TUES., APRIL 7- Michigan National Bank, Lansing, Mich.-Men. May & Aug. grads. Seek- ing: Degrees in Gen. Liberal Arts with special interest in Econ. Positions: Banking, Econ. & Mgmt. Trng. Lincoln National Insurance Co., Fort Wayne, Ind.-Men, May & Aug. grads. Seeking: Gen. Liberal Arts & also Math. Positions: Actuarial, Elec. Computing, Mgmt. Trng., Insurance-home office, Claims, Sales (inside & territorial). (Continued on Page 8) 11 lmmm.m I Rii_ _ _ '.... - - _ .._ Iii! All Are Welcome to INDIA STUDENTS ASSOCIATION on Saturday, April 11, 1964 at 7:00 P.M. Michigan Union Ball Room Guest Speaker: DR. PETER CLANCY Director of programs, Mott Foundations, Flint MAIN FEATURES: 1. Dinner with Indian dishes 2. Variety cultural program includes popular dances by famous* Indian dancer-Miss Niena Gulati from New York and also Bhangra folk dance. 1i It I I CHARGE: TICKETS:J Center Enrolled members $2.50; others $3.00 May be purchased at the International ; : - i I I I t An Invitation to the Dedication Service University Reformed Church East Huron at Fletcher Park II a_