.__,._._ .. .. , ls re j r' V i For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone NO 2-4786 from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, and 9:30 'til 11:30 A.M. Saturday FOR SALE FOR SALE-A 1957 Lambretta, recently overhauled and in EXCELLENT CON- DITION. Call Markley 5119. - B29 HI-FI STEREO unit, Scott amplifier, Glasser Steers changer cabinet, 2-ARF 2 speakers. Retail value, Feb. '60- $567. Call. NO 3-7765. B30j NEW AND USED WOMEN'S CLOTHING FOR SALE Beige 100% virgin wool winter coat, size 16-20 Aqua wool shift, size 14-15 Brown car coat, size 14 Black and white car coat, size16 2 Trench coats, sizes 14 and 16 Black cotton dress, size 16 White Acetate jersey, size 16 Blouses, sizes 36-38 Call NO 3-3462 B28 MOBILE HOME-1960 Detroiter 10'k55', two bedroom. Call NO 2-3976. B27 COAT AND DRESSES, sizes 8-10 3-5362. CLASSICAL GUITAR, Gibson model C- O. Like new. Call Univ. Ext. 2238, 7- 9 p.m. B18 FOR SALE-Microscope "Zei mono- cular-binocular, excellent, cond.' Ph. 542-64;1,'Detroit. B9 HI-F STEREO tape recorder. Concert tone, professional 510 series-3 motors, 4 heads, every deluxe feature includ- ing reverse-a-matic, self contained stereo speakers, 6 months old-like new. Oost $600. Sacrifice,$500. ZMay be seen at Hi-F1 and TV Center, 1301 8,. University. B3 BUSINESS SERVICES ANY MOTH HOLES, tears, or burns in your clothes? We'll reweave them like new. WEAVE-BAC SHOP, 224 Arcade. TYPING DONE, wide experience, rea- sonable rates. Call 662-4782. J GRAD STUDENT couple going to Europe. Will pay carsA5e Europe. Will buy car for interested party. Save 25%, 482-1396 after 4 p.m. 482-0191 Typing of manuscripts, theses, disser- tations and term papers. Duplicating done by: mimeographing or offset printing. GRETZINGER BUSINESS SERVICES 320 S. Huron 665-8184 MANUSCRIPT typing, transcription, medical, legal, technical confer- ences, mimeographing ,offset. Quick, Accurate, Experienced. ANN ARBOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICE ASSOCIATES 334 Catherine HELP WANTED AMBITIOUS young man age 28, income last year $30,000, looking for a per- manent sales representative in the Ann Arbor area. Write Robert J. Bar- rett at 1406 Lafayette Towers West, Detroit, Michigan. H2 EUROPEAN JOBS - TRAVEL GRANTS for all students. Lifeguarding, office work, etc. For prospectus, application send $1: Det. C., ASIS, 22 Avenue de Ia Liberte, Luxembourg City, Grand. Duchy of Luxembourg. H5 DENTAL HYGENIST for 1 or 2 days a week in Plymouth. Write Box 7, Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard. H14 FOR RENT FOR FALL--Third man wanted for 3 bdrm. apt. $50. Call 3-3050. 09 CAMPUS APTS. Specializing in modern, furnished, air conditioned apts. for 2 and 3. Available for summer or fall. Call 3-8866. C46 2 BDRM. APT. for 3 girls. Air-cond. Less than $50/mo. per person. June to June or summer sublet. NO 5- 2406. C31 9 MO. LEASE! for winter or 3 mo. for summer. Furnd. apts. near campus for 3-5 students. Sharp 2-2906. 013 GIRLS--Dream apt., 3 bdrm., fireplace, balcony, skylight, carpeted, full ap- pliances available June or August-- reasonably priced. Call now, 5-8330 or 8-8723. C25 JUNE OR, SEPTEMBER All types of close-in luxury apts. NO 3-7268 BEAUTIFUL Whitmore lakefront home. Available Sept.-May. 4 male seniors or grad, students preferred. Call Detroit, TV 2-9661. C2 TRANSPORTATION SAILING Expedition. Central America/ Caribbean. Share adventure, expense. Airmail: yate Fairwinds, Club Pesca, Cartagena, Colombia. 045 USED CARS, FOR SALE - 1959 Triumph station wagon. 1 owner. Call 665-9363. N38 '62 MGA 14,000 miles, all accessories, good con- dition, priced to sell. Call 663-7025. 1962 COMET - 4-door sedan, radio, heater, seat belts, white wall snow tires, automatic, clean! Call 663- 3224 eves. N35 1956 CHEVROLET WAGON, 4-door. 6- cylinder. straight stick. Excellent con- dition. $350. Call HU a-5973 after 6 p.m. '60 Valiant 2-door $745 '59 Fiat 1200 4-door $595 '59 Mercedes 190 4-door $1295 '55 Mercury Convertible SHARP! $495 50 gallons of gas free with purchase of any one of these cars. DE VON LINCOLN & MERCURY 3345 Washtenaw Ave., Ann Arbor NO 2-5555 MISCELLANEOUS SUNDAY BRUNCH? Bagels! Lox! Cream Cheese! Etc.! All Available, All the Best! at RALPH'S MARKET SUMMER SUBLET SUMMER SUBLET - Near campus. Large. 3 bdrm., furnished apt. Price right for 3 who want privacy yet have a limited budget. Call NO 3- 2823. 0027 SUMMER SUBLET - New, large, cond., 2 bdrm. apt. on campus. after 6:30 p.m., NO 2-5828. air- Call C38 SUMMER OR FALL Furnished new and remodeled apts. on campus. Unmarried students only. NO 5-9405 FALL ROOMMATES. Coeds wanted to share 4 bdrm. apt., 1 block from campus. 5-7711, Ext. 6340. C32 TIFFANY APARTMENTS Showing now for summer and fall. Modern, fully furnished, air-con- ditioned. Efficiency, one, and two bedroom apts. Featuring new split,- level design, offering the ultimate in luxury and privacy. Call 3-8866. SUMMER-FALL Apt., 1 bdrm., 3 rms., furnd., air cond. $135/mo. 5-2805. 011 Luxury 2-bdrm. apts. available for June and Sept. Tastefully furn and car- peted. Centrally. air - conditioned. 5MISCO MGT. SERVICE, 662-8658. 038 NOW ACCEPTING appointments for fall rental. Several new buildings avail- able. Apts. Ltd. Call 3-0511. C12 LOST AND FOUND LOST at the Union-2 green-suitcases. , March 30. Marilyn Kaeli, 3-1561, ext. 312. A10 LOST-2 Honor Society keys in vicinity of Washtenaw and S.U. Easter Sun- day. Reward. Call NO 2-7354. All FOUND-Man's glasses on corner of 8. Univ. and Church. Call 3-1511, Ext. 449. A31 RADIO REPAIRS, MUSICAL MDSE. LIKE NEW-GUILD GUITAR - Six string base with case, Cost $135. Will sacrifice for $96. Call $-6607. X5 HI, FI, RADIO and Phono service. TV rentals, speaker reconing. Free pick-up and delivery service. Campus Radio: and TV, NO $-6644,. 325 E. Hoover. X2 A-1 New and Used Instruments BANJOS, GUITARS, AND BONGOS Rental Purchase Plan PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR 119 W. Washington. SUMMER SUBLET for 2 in quiet area. Only 5 minutes from campus. Dis- posal and off-street parking. Call 5-2569 before 9:30 p.m. CC24 SUMMER SUBLET-2 bedrm., 2 per- son apt. 1 blk. from campus. 663- 2836. C31 SUMMER APT.-Four room, 2-3 man apartment, only three blocks from campus. Call NO 2-8308, ask for Andy or Tom. CC30 SUMMER SUBLET-2-3 people; close to campus; large, comfortable; kitchen, one bedroom, huge living room; we pay $50 per man but will negotiate. 90$ Oakland. 5-0839. C28 SUMMER-3-man apt. $90/mo. 2 blks. from campus. NO 3-5926. CC25 ENJOY the comfort and privacy of your own home this summer. 8 big rms. including 3 bdrms, Accommo- dates 4-6 comfortably. Close to cam- pus. and hospitals. Cheap. Call 3- 3967. 037 SUMMER SUBLET-New apt. needs 2 guys for summer. June-July-Aug. for 2 monthsarent. Air-cond. 1 blk. from South and West Quads. Call 665- 2853. CC26 6 ROOM APT.-$90 per mo. furnished. NO 5-8473. Summer sublet. CC7 APT. FOR . summer sublet. 1 bdrm., modern, completely -furnished, near campus. Bargain rate. 663-8651. C36 FURNISHED, 1 bdrm.,apt..with dining room and open porch for 1 or 2 per- sons. 3 blocks from campus. $105/mo. Call 2-8737 after 5. CC22 SUMMER RATES Funrished Rooms for men students T.V. Refrigerator, lounge Phone 668=Q593 eves. 7-9 SUMMER SUBLET-June thru Aug. 3 rm. furnd. apt. Utilities and garage provided. $90/mo. Call 663-3801. 0012 SUMMER STEAL-4-man apt. 1 blk. from bus. ad. and .law. Furnished. $35 per man. Call NO 5-8361. 0023 BARGAIN SUMMER SUBLETS 1 New, luxurious, fully furnished 1, . 2, 3 bedrm. apts. Balconies, big and beau- tiful. Come -and see them!l Call 8- 8723 or 5-8330. 05 CLOSE TO CAMPUS-2 rm. furnd, apt. Efffciency furnd. apt. 4 rm. furnd. apt. Available May 15. Call 663-4325. 0014 3 BDRMS, 3-4 people, $300 total. Near Markley. Huge. Airy. Call NO 5-2803. CC14 SUMMER - LARGE 1 BDRM. APT. across from Bus. Ad. Contemporary furnishings. Call 5-861 after 5:30.0015 SUMMER SUBLET - Perfect location! modern 4-person apt., spacious living area, 2 bdrm. Call 665-9321 or visit 526 Packard, Apt. 301. 0016 SUMMER SUBLET-Modern apt. for 3 or 4. Ideal location with very low rent. Call 5-9981. C015 SUMMER SUBLET-Year-old apt. Air cond., near State & Packard for 2-4. FURNISHED APT. suitable for 2 or 3. Ideal Location. $130/mo. Call 5-2793. 0018 AVAILABLE for Summer-Spacious, 3- bdrm. apt., attractive and well fur- nished. 1 block from Engin. Arch. Includes off-street parking. $160/mo. NO 5-9554. CC21 THE FORVM-Summer sublet for 4-5 in a new, mod., air-cond., 2-floor penthouse. Has dishwasher, disposal, spacious living room and 1% baths. Close to campus. NO 5-6078. CC12 COOL APT. FOR SUMMER. (4-6 men). Furnd. (Danish modern); air-cond.; TV, dishwasher, utensile. Charter House, 2-0226. 002 SUMMER SUBLET-Modern furnished ground-level, one bdrm. apt. 5 min. from campus, cool and quiet. Call George or Bill-NO 2-6928. 0010 MODERN furnd. 3 bdrm. apt. avail. May. Call 665-2551. 003 SUMMER APT.-3 or 4 man, new, mod., furn., bi-level, air-cond. Call NO 3- 8448., 009 SUMMER SUBLET - Available for Fall. Ideal two man apartment. Two minutes from campus. 1222 Wash- tenaw. NO 2-4993. C25 MODERN, 2-bdrm. apt. avail. for sum- mer in exclusive on-campus building. Also includes large living room, kitchen, and bath. Call 3-7105. 008 APTS. FOR SUMMER use. All very close to campus and air-conditioned. Reasonably priced. NO 5-2347. 007 SUMMER SUBLET-Enormous 4-man (or woman) Apt. Very inexpensive. Call Paul, 665-5701. C42 SUMMER SUBLET-Mod., 4-man. apt. NO 3-1990. CC20 SUMMER SUBLET-4 bdrm, furnished house, cool, 3 porches; great-near campus. Call after 6-3,7184. CC8 AIR CONDITIONED, 2 bdrm. apt. for summer. Call 5-2188. 006 4-MAN SUMMER SUBLET-Large clean 6-room apt. Parking, utilities paid. Near A&D. $40 per man. At 1010 Mon- roe. 665-2862 after 7 p.m. C1 SUMMER SUBLET for 2. 3 rooms (large kitchen). Avail. mid May. Liberty at Division. Call NO 5-8512. CC5 AIR-COND. APT. for 3 'for summer sub- let. Call 665-3427. C39 SUMMER SUBLET MADISON AVENUE Summer Sublet for Four - Air-condi- tioned. Two Bedrooms, Electric Kitchen, Modern. NO UPSTAIRS NEIGHBORS. 320 East Madison. 3- 1714. C36 SUMMER SUBLET-Also avail. for fall. Spacious 1 bdrm. Garret Apt. com- pletely furtd. Reasonably priced. full 5-5460 after 5. CC4 SUMMER SUBLET East University and Hill. NO 5-9510. 0013 SUMMER SUBLET Four bedroom house, furnished. 810 Arch St 665-0228 C48 SUMMER SUBLET-New 4-man apt. Balcony, quiet neighborhood, and ac- cessible to campus. Reasonable rates. 910 Packard, Apt. A2. Call NO 5-0149. C50 YOU WON'T BELIEVE IT UNTIL YOU SEE IT-Grubby old 2 bedroom apart- ment. Close to campus-great for active social life-will ' accept any offer to get rid of it. Call Ron or Don, 5-2255 or 5-0723. 0011 MODERN, furnished 3 bdrm. apt, avail- able May. Call NO 5-2551. CC5 BIKES AND SCOOTERS SIDECAR--Can fit 'any scooter. Corn- plet6 with lockable cover and re- movable seat. Best offer. 5-5744. Z5 YAMAHA-YDS2 25000 5-Speed. 665- 2378 after 7 p.m. Z4 NICHOLSON MOTORCYCLE SALES Triumph. Yamaha, BMW 224 S. First St. 662-7409 1963 SILVER EAGLE Motor Scooter - Fully equipped, 4 months old. Cost $616. Will take $400. 2740 Tim. Wood- land Lake, Brighton, anytime after 5 p.m. Z29 ANY H9NDA-$100 A'ill reserve the machine for you. Avoid the spring rush now or wait your turn later. Use our lay-away plan or bank financing now. HONDA of Ann Arbor 1906 Packard Rd. 665-9281 THREE-WHEELED Motorcycle-A real workhorse - great for any occasion. "Wnterized" -- "Summerized." Com- plete with extras. Phone 3-1714 (at mealtimes). B PERSONAL DIAMONDS-Highest quality at com- petitive prices. Call G. K. Reaver Co. of Ann Arbor, 309 S. Thayer. NO 2- 1132. F18 EDITING, ' Writing, indexing. Profes- sional " credentials. Write Box 11, Michigan Daily. F39 Love, Ron F21 open every night 'til 12 709 Packard SUMMER SUBLET-2 bedroom, 3- or 4- man. One-half block from campus. All new appliances and furniture. Call 8-8431, 5-7. C49 2 GIRLS WANT 3rd for summer-near campus. 5-0873. C017 SPENDING THE SUMMER IN A.A.? - Then why not rent a modern, air- conditioned apartment close, to cam- pus. Will accommodate 4 or' 5 people comfortably. Phone NO 5-2167 for further information. 053 MADISON AVENUE-SUMMER SUBLET -3 mos. occupancy for 2 mos. rent. 5 rms. for 3 or 4 persons. Free air conditioning, off-street parking. Use of dishes and pots. 316 E. Madison. Call 3-0120. 006 SUMMER SUBLET-1 bdrm. apt. near campus and. hospitals. Reasonable rent. Available June 1. Call 662-9328 after 5. C1ob 326 E. MADISON! LUXURIOUS LIV- INGl--Apt. sublet for 4. Modern, fur- nished, air conditioned, panelled den, parking. Call 663-2359.' C03 PERONAL KATYDIDS Will be on the, Diag sooner than you think,! ., F25 ROOMMATE wanted to share apt, with girl this fall. 3-1561, ext. 607. F12 SLIDE RULES-New and used, $5-$18. NO 2-8312. F3 TUBEY TERRIFIC TUESDAY " F32 WANT TO SHARE apt. in N.Y.C. this summer? Call 3-7541, ext. 197. F7 IS THERE a creative genius at Mich- igan who spends his time in class thinking up real wild greeting card ideas? We pay TOP prices for ideas or art aimed at college market. Write College Hall Cards, Hickory Dr., Larchmont, N.Y. F44 FREE! Wooden Cutty Sark Crates Tuesday, April 7 only 1-6 p.m. The Village Apothecary 1112 So. University Ave. AUSTIN DIAMOND CORPORATION - "Where marginal prices buy quality diamonds!" 1209 S. University. 663- 7151. - F73 DEAR MARION, Being the stimulator of my in- tellectual and cultural pursuits, I know you have bought your 1964 Michiganensian for $5.00 and did not wait for the price to rise to $6.00 oh April 25. congenial with their own. Interviews THE KATYDIDS are coming by appointment. Phone after 9 a.m. Watch for them. F24 NO 2-4867. LOST-Girl's glasses. Brown frames. MICHIGAN SCIENTIFIC Lost between Church St. and Tap- INTRODUCTION SERVICE pan. Call Jeri at 5-0616. F31 aj ALL UNPAID subscriptions, classified and display ads must be paid by APRIL 11 or grades will be withheld. F45 Ml TRY THE DAILY- AND SEE THE WORLD.-- (Through an AP machine, that is) Talk to the editorial personnel director' -about trying out for the staff. CAR SERVICE, ACCESSORIES ANNOUNCING WHIT'S TRUCK RENTAL Ann Arbor 202 W. Washington St. Call NO 5-6875 Pick-ups Panels Small Vans SUMMER SUBLET SUMMER SUBLET; available June 1. 2-man apt., 6 minutes from E. En- gineering. Call 3-8132. C30 SUMMER-FORUM APTS. 2 bdrms.,.2 flo6rs, air cond., 2 baths, dishwasher. 3-3545. 0018 SUMMER SUBLET-Large, comfortably furnished. 2-man, 4-man apt. 2 bIks. from Law Quad. Available. May or June. Reasonable. 665-2120. 0028 SUMMER SUBLET Ideal apt. for 3-4 students. 837 E. Uni- versity. NO 5-0980. C33 FRAT. OR ROOMING HOUSE on Oak- land Ave. available for group of 35 in June or Aug. Apts. Limited, 3- 0511. C27 MODERN APT, at Hill and Packard. Available for summer months at reasonable price. Call NO 2-0286 around 5 p.m. CC29 1 MALE APT. mate wanted to live in modern 4-man apt. for summer. Air- cond. and dishwasher. Low rate. Forum Apts. Contact Al, 2-5475. C41 LECTURE V of "NEW DIRECTIONS IN JEWISH THOUGHT" by on. I t IT'S NOT TOO LATE Student Tours to EUROPE are still available Ca/I Co~rn?'avie! NO 5-9151 SPECIALISTS IN STUDENT TOURS GEDDES Nearly new, two-bedroom, Danish modern furnishings, disposals, cer- amic tile baths, formica countertops, completely modern. APPLY NOW FOR FALL AND SUMMER SUBLETS Also 1 and 2 bedroom furnished and unfurnished apartments in other locations near campus. CAMPUS MANAGEMENT 662-7787 days 663-9064 eves. CC4 SUMMER SUBLET - Large 3 bdrm. furnd. apt. Clean, cheap. Near cam- pus. 3-2823. 001 Enjoy the summer relaxing at the swimming pool, sun- ning on the patio or your private balcony. Fully air-con- ditioned. Furnished or unfurnished. Courtesy bus to cam- pus. Located near North Campus with a beautiful view of the Huron River and of surrounding Ann Arbor. copies Model Suites Open Daily 9-6 P.M. Sun. 12-6 P.M. 'II'il con- ties, __ MOMMOMM9 0 0 I----------- ------------------------------------._ _ -------1._ Enclosed find $5.00 (check or money order payable to the Michigan- ensian) for one 1964 MICHIGANENSIAN. We cannot bill you later. I A receipt will be sent when your order comes in. INAM ANN ARBOR ADDRESS__ Mrs. Betty Friedan, author of "The Feminine Mystique," is a graduate of Smith 'College, a student of Kurt Ko f ka, a re- --ASHLEY MONTAGU: ". .. the book we have been waiting for for years . . . a book indispen- sably necessary for every thinking womah, - II