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April 05, 1964 - Image 1

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VOL. LXXIV, No. 142





Brazil State Governors
Endorse Military Chief


Interim President)



Burks Views Communist-
Associations of Goulart
"Former B'azilian President Joao Goulart met daily with Moscow
Communist Party leaders while he was in office," Prof. David D.
Burks of the history department said last night.
However, Prof. Burks added that he didn't believe Goulart was a
true Communist as much as he was an opportunist.
"I believe the congress, which mainly consists of moderates and.
conservatives, and the military, became disgusted with Goulart's
-ways of doing things through


executive decree."
Agrarian Reform'
Prof. Burks, who visited Brazil
last year, cited Goulart's effort to
put into effect an agrarian reform
measure which was previously
turned down by congress.
Prof. Burks is a specialist on
Latin America affairs and has
written many articles dealing with
Latin America.
He said the Communist party
in Brazil is now split. "The party
splintered in 1961. A majority of
the party members belong to the
recognized Communist party of
Brazil which is anti-violence and
Illegal Group
"The other Communist 'group
is in, the hills of northeastern
Brazil and is illegal. It advocates
violence and is a strong backer of
Prof. Burks said that the late
President J o h n F. Kennedy
"washed his hands of Goulart's
government." The United States
also cut off most of its Alliance
for Progress aid which went to
Prof. Burks said that President,
Lyndon B. Johnson's "best wishes"
to Brazil's new president is merely,
a continuance of U.S. policy.
Prime Choice
Commenting on future develop-
ments in Brazil, Prof. Burks said
that former president Jucelino
Kubitschek might be the prime
choice in the next regular elec-
tions. (Kubitschek, predecessor of
Quadros, was unable to succeed
Prof. Burks' also thought that
the nationalism of industry in
Brazil , would continue because
such an issue cuts across party1

lUrge Change
In Elections
Fulbright Proclaims
Pro-Red Tendencies
Of Former Regime
A military general has been en-
dorsed as a candidate for the
presidency of Brazil, and exiled
President Joao Goulart has turned
up in Montevideo.
Last night, Sen. J. William Ful-
bright (D-Ark), chairman of the
Senate Committee on Foreign Re-
lations, told The Daily in a tele-
phone interview that Goulart def-
initely indicated Communist tend-
encies while in office.
The endorsement of Castlo
Branco, a reluctant prime mover
in ousting Goulart, was given by
seven state governors instrumental
in toppling the Goulart govern-
New Leaders
The endorsement came as Bra-
zil's new political chiefs worked
feverishly to prepare for a quick
election in Congress, possibly as
early as next Wednesday, to pick
an interim president.
Goulart was succeeded when he
fled to Brasilia, the capital, by
Paschoal Ranieri Mazzilli as pro-
visional president.
Under Brazil's constitution, Maz-
zilli succeeded Goulart since there
was no vice-president. Goulart had
been vice-president and assumed
the presidency when Janio Quad-
ros .resigned in August, 1961
Unanimous Choice
Gov. Jose Magalhaes Pinto of
Minas Gerais State announced the
endorsement of Castelo Branco
and said the seven governors were
unanimous in picking him as their
candidate for possible election by
congr ss to the presidency.
Magalhaes said the governors
agreed on an active military man
because they felt "The armed
forces must be integral collabora-
tors with the new government" in
getting rid of the last vestiges of
Communism in Brazil.
Fulbright said that Goulart had
replaced older generals in the
Brazilian army with military men
who leaned toward Communism.
Communist Moves
He also said that Goulart's
brother-in-law, Leonel Brizola, was
a Communist. He cited Goulart's
moves to nationalize Brazilian in-
dustry as another example of his
Communist tendencies.'
"The military is the most stable1
element in Brazil. The country is
in ferment because it is emerging
from a feudal stage of develop-
Goulart was given a cool re-
ception at Montevideo, despite an
announcement he would be re-1
ceived with honors as a formerr
Brazilian president.t
He arrived at Montevideo ap-
parently on a direct flight by a'
single engine plane from his Sao
Borja ranch in southern Brazil.
Goulart joined his wife and theirf
two children who had flown tol
Montevideo Friday.

WASHINGTON (P) - President
Lyndon B. Johnson named a new
ambassador to Panama yesterday.
Latin American director of the
Peace Corps, Jack Vaughn, who
has had considerable experience
in foreign aid work in Latin Amer-
ica and once served in Panama.
Johnson said Vaughn would go
to Panama "just as soon as he
can be confirmed by the Senate."
The ambassadorial post has been
vacant since last August. John-
son praised Vaughn as a man who
knows personally about as many,
Panamanians as any United States
citizen does.
Johnson made the announce-
ment after informing the Pana-
manian, government through an
exchange of notes between Sec-
retary of State Dean Rusk and
Panama's Foreign Minister Gali-
leo Solas.
Reopen Ties
The notes reopening diplomatic
ties, cleared away the last obstacle
to the United States-Panamanian
agreement concluded Friday to ne-
gotiate for a "just and fair"
solution of their differences over
the 1903 treaty which gives the
United States absolute and perpet-
ual control of the Canal Zone.
Panama is demanding a share in
The Panamanian settlement for-
mula, was reached just one day
after the new government was es-
tablished in Brazil following the
ouster of President Joao Goulart,
whose policies were often pro-
Communist and frequently antag-
onistic toward the United States.

Rule Tite
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-A panel of 22
prominent lawyers expressed yes-
terday the belief that the Public
Accommodations and Fair Em-
ployment sections of the civil
rights bill are constitutional.
These sections of the bill em-
powersthe attorney general with
the right to institute integration
suits. This was withheld in the
1957 civil rights act but is the
main provision of title four in the
bill now before the Senate.
Among those on the panel of
lawyers were three former at-
tornies general, four past presi-
dents of the American Bar As-
sociation and four deans of law
Sen. John Sherman Cooper (R-
Ky) said the reason for the title
is that since most Southern of-
ficials had refused to obey the
1954 court decision ruling that
segregation in public schools vio-
lates the equal protection clause of
the 14th Amendment, "the Con-
gress must assume its responsibil-
ity under section five of the 14th
Amendment." This section gives
Congress the power to enforce by
appropriate legislation equal pro-
tection of the law.'
Title four of the bill empowers
the attorney general to initiate de-'
segregation suits. But it sets con-
ditions on this power:
-He must receive a written'
complaint saying that he is being
discriminated against because of
-He must decide if the com-
plainant is unable to maintain
legal proceedings himself.
-He must determine whether
federal action wvill "materially
further" heogovernment's policy
or orderly desegregation.
The Southerners dispute the
title on the grounds that it gives
the attorney general "new, unique
and unwarranted powers."
At present the Senate is hav-
ing trouble maintaining a quorum
in the chamber while the debate
of this bill is going on. .
Yesterday the Senate was ad-
journed because a quorum could
not be called.
Debate will resume on Monday,
but Senate leaders have not yet
indicated when they will take ac-
tion to stop the Southern filibuster.


Christmas between the island's
Turkish and Greek communities.
'Flagrant Violation'
This refusal, Makarios' letter
added, is "a flagrant violation of
the treaty" which is therefore
Cyprus radio said Makarios'
note was delivered to the Turkish
ambassador in Nicosia. A Turkish
embassy spokesman stated, how-
ever, that the ambassador, Dr.
Mahzar Ozkol, refused to accept
the note.
The treaty abrogated unilater-
ally by Makarios was one of three
international agreements based on
the Zurich and London agree-
ments of 1958 and 1959 under
which Cyprus, which then was a
British colony, gained her condi-
tional independence.
The treaty alliance which was
signed by the governments of
Greece, Turkey and Cyprus gave
the two neighboring states the
the right to base army contingents
permanently on the island.
Hold, Ridge
, Turks, armed and ready, were
holding the strategic Galifudez
Ridge last night after a day-long
battle in which they inflicted
heavy punishment on the Greek
The entire western part of the
island is an armed camp as Greek
and Turk faced each other in the
tiny mountain hamlets and coas-
tal villages.
The battle of Galifudez Ridge,
which separates a Turkish town of
500 from the Greek village of
Pahy Amos with about 400 popu-
lation, officially started yesterday
morning but in reality it began
weeks ago.
Control Important
The thousand-foot-high ridge
overlooks both Kokkina and Pahy
Amos-and whoever controls it
can inflict punishment on his
The battle was on as Makarios.
ended the treaty which permitted
Turkey to keep soldiers here.
The Turks claimed that Greeks
climbed the ridge yesterday and.
began firing on the Turkish vil-
lage. The Greek allege the oppo-
site, saying Turks began firing on
their village.
Under Fire
The United Nations say nearby
Kokkina came under fire for more
than five hours until Turks climb-
ed the ridge and pushed the
Greeks off.
In the course of the battle one
Greek was killed and six injured.
No Turkish casualties were re-
British UN troops moved in be-
tween both sides and a three man
truce patrol flew in by helicopter
to try to halt the fighting.

NICOSIA (P) - President Archbishop Makarios yesterday de-
nounced Cyprus' treaty of alliance with Turkey.
He wrote Turkish Premier Ismet Inou that the ,treaty could no
longer be considered valid since the Turkish army, stationed in Cyprus
under the treaty's terms, had defied requests to return to its perma-
nent base. The Turks have been encamped in the Turkish quarter of
Nicosia since violence erupted at'-

'Doctors Say
MacA rthur'
'Near .Death
las MacArthur, gripped in a deep-
ening coma, was in ominous straits
yesterday but was described as
resting quietly.
Army doctors said that his vital
functions-such as heart beat,
blood pressure and breathing -
were becoming increasingly diffi-
cult to sustain. Earlier, they said
his liver had ceased to function.
Only a miracle could save him,
the doctors said.
Ironically, a long - standing
smoldering ailment of the liver,
which surgeons hoped they had
halted by the first of his three
major operations, now is the full-
blown malady that is the principal
threat to the life of the 84-year-
old general of the army.
But a veritable constellation of
conditions poses odds against the
fight for life of the man whose
will tolive and strength and fiber
have inspired his doctors.
The functioning of his liver
virtually has stopped, and the,
functioning of all his, other ma-
jor vital systems, including his
battle-tested heart, is becoming
increasingly difficult to sustain.
The Army's Surgeon General
Leonard D. Heaton's rather detail-
ed account of MacArthur's appar-
ently mortal combat was made
more poignant by this:
His story of how the hero of
the Philippines-in the short-lived
convalescence following his first
operation-kept his doctors spell-
bound with his recited, memories
of war experiences dating back to
Flanders fields of World War I.
Heaton's report on MacArthur's
comatose condition marked the
first time any of his doctors had,
met personally with reporters since
MacArthur's first operation on
March 6.
The surgeon general, accompan-
ied by two other key figures in
the case, stressed that their com-
ing to talk to reporters yesterday
testified to the gravity of Mac-
Arthur's condition.
"Will he live?" was the first
question asked after Heaton had
read a prepared medical bulletin.
Heaton hesitated for a moment,
and then-"Well ... let's just say
that this is an ominous report."
But later, in answer to the ques-
tion, "Is there any possibility of
recovery?" Heaton replied:
"Miracles always happen."





GOP Vote Plot,
For Wisconsin
WASHINGTON (M) - Sen. Wil-
liam Proxmire (D-Wis) Predicted
yesterday many Republicans will
strike at President Lyndon B.
Johnson by voting for Alabama,
Gov. George C. Wallace in Wis-
consin's presidential p r i m a r y
Proxmire said that Wallace, a
segregationist spokesman, is like-
ly to benefit from "a gross mis-
understanding of the mild and
moderate civil rights bill" now be-
fore the Senate.
Republicans, who have no con-
test in their own party primary,
are permitted by Wisconsin law
to cross over to vote in the Demo-
cratic primary. In this race Wal-
lace is opposing Wisconsin Gov.
John W. Reynolds, running as a
favorite son in "support of John-
Wisconsin Results
National politicians will be
watching the Wisconsin' results;
more for their possible bearing on
the civil rights issue than on any
affect on the virtual certainty that
Johnson will be the Democratic
presidential nominee.
Proxmire said local elections
and a hot state supreme court
race will "bring more Republican
conservative-inclined voters to the
polls" than usual.
"But the real advantage Wal-.
lace is counting on is that 98 per
cent of the Wisconsin voters are
white," Proxmire said. "He is con-
vinced that this appeal to white
superiority and white interests will

Makarios Cancels Turkish Treat

The developments in both Bra-
zil and Panama were regarded here
as blows to Communist ambitions
in Latin America.
Stresses Concern
Johnson stressed that the Unit-
ed States is much concerned with
the "serious problems" of this
hemisphere. He said the United
States is doing everything it can
to deal with these "ancient ene-
mies of mankind-disease and il-
literacy." r
"We are encouraged by the de-
velopments in Panama," Johnson
Johnson was told that there had
been some indications of possible.
moves toward relations with Castro'
Cuba after a speech made last'
week by Sen. J. William Fulbright
(D-Ark), advocating a new look
at various foreign policy issues.
"The administration does not
share his view with regard to
Panama or with regard to Cuba,"
Johnson said.

Ann Arbor,
Set To Vot
Ann Arbor voters will go to ti
polls tomorrow to select five ne
City Council members and to vo
on three amendments to the A
Arbor City Charter.
The principle charter amen
ment is one which would redu
the size of Ann Arbor's prese
"dry island."'
While retaining the histor
Division Street "dry line," t
proposed amendment would extet
liquor-by-the-glass privileges
that part of the city general
east of Platt Road. The Unive
sity's main campus would remai
within the "dry island."
Amendment proposals two at
three would abolish the ct3
spring elections and allow t
City Council to "abolish, reorga
ize or merge" city, departen
and offices, respectively.
Abolish Ballots
If passed, proposal two, abolisi
ing spring city elections, wou
lengthen the terms of the counci
men elected this Monday abol
eight months until November, 196
Under Ann Arbor's City Coun
rotation system, only-five of t
ten members of the council a
re-elected at any one time.
Four of the council membe
whose terms expire this Mond
will not be seeking reelectio
John Dowson, Second Ward R
publican; Robert E. Meader, Thia
Ward Republican; Wendell
Hulcher, Fourth Ward Republics
and John R. Laird, Fifth Wa
Republican. The only one of t
five members seeking reelectk
is Mrs. Eunice L. Burns, a Demi
crat from the First Ward.
A Republican new-comer to Ar
Arbor's political scene will try
upset the-traditionally Democrat
First Ward by running against ti
incumbant Mrs. Burns. Bothti
the ward's council seats are pry
ently occupied by Democrats.
Open Mind
Republican Fred Tower, a Fir
Ward resident for 15 years, say
"I feel I can give improved re
resentation to all the people of t
First Ward. I do feel, howeve
that one must look on both sid
with an open mind and not pre
determine a question until one
satisfied that all the facts a
in evidence."
Mrs. Burns said it was impo:
tant that she remain on the con
cil, because, "a councilman cs
expect to make a greater co
tribution during a second ten
since so much of the first.term
an investment in education
the innumberable phases of ci1
Second Ward candidates a:
Democrat Mrs. Fay Kincaid ar
Republican O. William Habel.
The Third Ward Republics
candidate is Warren A. Jeffrey,
former FBI agent. He is runin
against Prof. Robeft P. Weeks,4
the engineering college, a formi
newspaper reporter and a Dem
lMajor Issues
Democrat candidate In t
Fourth Ward is Dr. Edward
Pierce, who said that Ann Arbo
is facing two major issues: "Ti
first of these is Ann Arbor's no
student population growth ai

Athletic Board Gives Background on S p(

Niehuss Denies Reports of
Blast at MSU Recruiting
University Executive Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuss last night
denied a report that he has charged Michigan State University with
practicing "academic pitchmanship" in recruiting National Merit
"I haven't made any statement on that subject at all," Niehuss
The report, published and broadcast in Detroit, quoted him as
claiming that MSU is "offering direct financial support" to potential
" Merit Scholars in order to attract
them to East Lansing. The report
said Niehuss declared that the
University would never use such
methods because "it waters down
rts Arenal our academic standards."
The, story was datelined East
Lansing. 'I haven't been in East
p .; .-Lansing in over a month," Niehuss
' said.
The report also said that Na-
tional Merit Scholarship Corpora-
tion President John M. Stalnaker
characterized Niehuss' remarks as
"sour grapes."
MSU, by financing scholarships
through the NMSC, attracted 198
Merit Scholars last year. The Uni-
versity, which finances no Merit
scholarships, had 29 M e r i t


After almost a year of projecting and politicking, the Plant
Expansion Committee of the Board in Control of Intercollegiate
Athletics has finally come up with a site for the new field house.
Dean Stephen H. Spurr of the natural resources school, chairman
of the committee explains that the site, on Stadium Boulevard
adjacent to the Michigan Stadium, was the only possible choice.
"If we want to have it ready in time for the 1965-66 season, it
has to be on land which we now own," Dean Spurr says.
Three Criteria
The three criteria on which the five proposed sites for building
were judged were-adequate room for parking, good enough soil
conditions to support the foundation of such a large structure, and
how much trouble would be caused by displacing the present
facilities on the site.
The site on Stadium Blvd. was the one which proved most

Salinger Still
To Talk Here

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