New Government
Gets U.S. Support
Johnson Sends 'Warmest Good
Wishes' to New Latin President
WASHINGTON WI) - President Lyndon B. Johnson messaged
"warmest good wishes" last night to Paschoal Ranieri Mazzilli, newly
installed as president of Brazil after a military coup ousted President
Joao Goulart.
Deposed Goulart gave up the fight against Brazil's anti-Com-
munist revolutionaries yesterday and a broadcast from his last re-
doubt and said he had fled
Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
VOL. LXXIV, No. 140
Flint Board of Education
To As.j
Brazil's d
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LEGALITY: Tuesday.
To'0Contest Acept
T 0 Olte~tlegitimac
ascent fr(
c Brazilian
Civil Rights Johnson
d0 ewathed
Ordinance whicou
which yoi
By THOMAS COP resolute w
o munity to
A representative of State Attor- wihn th
ney General Frank J. Kelley was tional d
confident that Ann ,Arbor's Fair . ti
Housing Ordinance would soon be
ruled unconstitutional, now that U. S. au
a test case has gotten it into the creasingly
state's court system. was regar
Deputy Attorney General Leon It ale
Cohan presented the attorney gen- It also
eral's plan for opposing the ordi- inghn ugh
nance as a question of "not wheth- through
er we'll get into the case, but to curb]
where." He said that "it now ap- raise livir
pears we will join at the appellate isfied ma
level, at which time we will file While
a brief stating that the ordinance pressure s
is in fact unconstitutional." a constit
He also said that "our office officials1
Issued an opinion on the ordinance lief at the
last year stating at that time that the revolt
Ann Arbor had no jurisdiction in No
the area because the Civil Rights None o
Commission established by the new 000 Ame
state constitution has plenary pow- harmed n
ers in the area of civil rights." done to ti
Constitutionality lion worth
It is on this point that Ann according
Arbor City Attorney Jacob Fahrn- the State
er Jr. opposes Kelley's opinion on Latin A
the constitutionality of the hous- ousting of
ing ordinance. Fahrner holds that, of Brazil
housing is not specifically noted as ventative
a civil right in the constitution, to avoid+
and therefore Ann Arbor's Fair Red-orien
Housing Ordinance would not con- In Chi
flict in function with the CRC. stated tha
that he plans to military w
Fahrner said thth ln omovement
lead the prosecution of the Cutler .moveent
Hubble Co. of Detroit, accused by farreachi
Bunyan Bryant, a Negro, of dis- Chile'sx
criminating against him because in Latin A
of his race. He claims Hubble an Comm
refused to rent him an apartment a popular
in the Parkhurst and Arbordale of winnin
apartments, 1500 Pauline, which next Sept
the company manages. The Chi
Fahrner said that they couldn't was trying
settle out of court because "the which in a
settlement we wanted included given him
moving Bryant into the apartment In Mex
in question, but Hubble insisted Universal'
that there was in fact no vacant. Communis
apartment, thereby leaving us no from with
room for agreement." "in a disa
Contest Vacancy nationalx
David Cowley, Ann Arbor's due to its
Human Relations director, said and pote:
that "the defense insisted no vac- powerful
ancies existed, although we knew try."
there were vacancies, and were Havana'
told there were by people on the parently a
site and by people in the building fort by G
who were trying to sub-lease their When evi
apartments." was alrea
Cowley emphasized that "Far- newspaper
Sner wants to fight this legal battle art "act t
on both fronts, whereas the de-
fense will argue only the legality PARI
of the ordinance itself." Fahrner
added that "my mind will always
be on the merits of Bryant's case,
although there are two big issues
here: the guilt or innocence of the
man accused, and the validity of
the housing ordinance." fhih
Miss Jean Carlberg, a repre-
sentatiye of the Ann Arbor Con-
gress on Racial Equality said that
"we disapprove of the city's slow-
ness, but this is a totally unex-
plored area for them, so actually
their slowness is understandable.
Junctive Relief
Miss Carlberg refers here to the
junctive relief provision of the
Fair Housing Ordinance which
would allow the court to freeze the
apartment in question, unoccu-
pied, for the 'duration of the court
n,.nnPadi nno
after his announced de-
from Porto Allegre in
deep south, however, there
firm announcement of his
abroad. Dignitaries, police
owing crowd awaited him
rport in Montevideo, Uru-
han a million Brazilians
hrough Rio de Janeiro's
reet in tumultuous cele-
of Goulart's downfall and
or politico-military lead-
acted to prevent a Cuban-
early morning, Congress
Ranieri Mazilli, President
!hamber of Deputies, as
's last redoubt, in the
state of Rio Grande Du
e he was born 47 years
arently collapsed under
pressure from the gen-
o launched the uprising
Residents Approval Viewe(
Seldom, A Near C ertaint"
Label 'U'-MSU Battles Costly
Johnson Message
ng without question the
y of Ranieri Mazzilli's
om the presidency of the
Chamber of Deputies,
told him:
American people have
with anxiety the political
omic difficulties through
cur great nation has been
and have admired the
will of the Brazilian com-
resolve these difficulties
to framework of constitu-
emocracy and without
uthorities had become in-
* displeased with what.
ded as growing Goulart
nt with the Reds.
has been felt in Wash-
at Goulart failed to put
effective reforms needed
Brazil's runaway infla-
mote development and
ng standards for dissat-
not applauding military
as a means of forcing out
utional president, U. S.
privately expressed re-
absence of bloodshed in
Americans Harmed
f the approximately 10,-
ricans in Brazil was
or has any damage been
he approximately $1 bil-
of U. S. property there,
to reports received by
merican reaction to the
President Joao Goulart
seems to be that pre-
action was taken there
the establishment of a
ted dictatorship.
e the newspapers have
t although the Brazilian
was in the forefront, the
to oust Goulart "had
ng proportions."
Key Reaction
reaction was a key one
America since the Chile-
unist Party, as part of
front, has some chance
g a presidential election
lean press said Goulart
to implement measures
a short time would have
absolute powers.
ico, the newspaper El
s reaction was that a
t takeover of Brazil
in would have resulted
djustment of the inter-
relations, since Brazil,
geographical extension
ntialities is the most
Latin American coun-
s press and radio ap-
awaited a last-ditch ef-
oulart to regain power.
dence showed Goulart
dy a loser the Cuban
La Tarde insisted Gou-
o crush the subversion."{
Budget-building legislators yes-
terday served notice to the Uni-
versity and Michigan State Uni-
versity that their financial squab-
bles are proving costly.
Sen. Emil Lockwood (R-St.
Louis), a ranking member of the
Senate Appropriations Committee,
disclosed last night that both in-
stitutions are failing in efforts to
get more funds than Gov.- George
Romney has recommended.
However, both institutions seem-
ed assured of receiving at least the
level of the Romney recommenda-
tions. Influential budget man Rep.
Arnell Engstrom (R - Traverse
City) threw his weight behind
Chairman of the House Ways
and Means Committee, Engstrom
told a Republican caucus that his
unit was ont going to slash Rom-
ney's requests.
Romney is seeking $44 million
for operating funds and $5.7 mil-
lion in capital outlay money for
the University.
For MSU, the recommendations
are $39.6 million and $8.3 million
The appeal by top officials in
Rej ected
With the exception of
IFC Granted
Full Authority
Over Violations
The Joint Judiciary Committee
has granted the executive com-
mittee of the Interfraternity
Council the permanent authority'
to try its own group violation
cases, Stephen F. Idema, '65, ex-
ecutive vice-president of IFC, an-
nounced last night at an execu-
tive committee meeting.
He commented that the move
was of the utmost importance to
the fraternity system in that it
gave fraternities considerable pow-
er in accepting responsibility in
their own problem areas. ,
The executive council previously
had been trying cases under a
temporary grant of authority from
Joint Judiciary which recently re-
viewed this temporary arrange-
ment and decided that it had op-
erated effectively enough to war-
rant giving this authority to fra-
ternities on a permanent basis.
Had the group decided to deny
the executive committee such ju-
dicial power, authority for try-
ing cases would have reverted
back to Joint Judic, where it has
resided in past years.
The executive committee also
passed a motion recommending a
change in the procedure for in-
spections of fraternity houses for
health and safety hazards. The
action, which would increase the
annual number of inspections
from one to two and make the
first of these unannounced, was
taken after the committee dis-
cussed problems in this area with
Prof. William Joy, director of
environmental health, and Mrs.
Elizabeth Leslie, co-ordinator of
affiliated, associated, and off-
campus housing.
Branch To Emphasize Liberal Arts,
Enjoy Autonomy under Regents
both institutions to surpass these
totals will meet their final defeat
Monday, Lockwood predicted.
On that day the Senate Ap-
propriations Committee will put
the final touches on the two fi-
nancial bills affecting higher edu-
cation. The pending capital outlay
bill for all 10 state-supported uni-
versities totals $27 million. The
operations bill would supply over-
all $131.3 million to the 10 schools.
The University has attempted
to get $50,000 added to fund pre-
liminary . planning for the pro-
posed architecture and design col-
lege building on North Campus.
MSU has solicited even higher
totals reportedly with Romney's
unofficial endorsement in view of
new state surplusses disclosed re-
cently. State has sought at least
$500,000 for a power plant addi-
tion and about $50,000 preliminary
money on a new administrative
building, one senator said.
Support View
A random poll of several ap-
propriations committee members
supported Lockwood's view that
these appeals lave little chance of
going through. He contended that
smaller institutions - such as
Grand Valley State College and
community colleges-have better
student-teacher ratios "and plen-
ty of room for expanding enroll-
Lockwood cited an "impression"
that the "appropriations commit-
tee must start to put the lid on
growing enrollments at MSU and
at the University."
Both institutions have a.sked for
several million dollars to help
fund rising costs caused by en-
rollment increases.
Bickering Causes Trouble
But other senators claimed that
the state's two largest schools are
in danger "because of their con-
stant bickering and competition
for funds."
MSU President John Hannah
lashed out at the University in a
speech Tuesday night. He claimed
that the Legislature is "short-
changing" his institution by not
taking into account the growth of
MSU in the,past five years to al-
most 30,000 students. This growth,
he noted, has almost doubled that
of the University.
University officials have shift-
ed their approach to "quiet but
insistent" attempts to win the ap-
propriation recommended by Rom-
ney for all 10 schools. They are
reportedly "satisfied" with the
prospects of a $44 million opera-
tions grant.
Key leaders in both houses also
evidenced satisfaction-endorsing
both the University's pending
budget and all of Romney's sums.
Favors Romney Totals
One member of the appropria-
tions committeeSen. Arthur Deh-
mel (R-Unionville), said that he
personally favors the totals rec-
ommended by Romney, but that
some minor shifts in their internal
contents may be in order.
Lockwood said that these shifts
would cut at most only minor por-
tions of the University totals. But,
he emphasized, "I am quite certain
that attempts will fail to get
more money than Romney has
The appropriations committee
must report the operations and
capital outlay bills to the floor of
the Senate by Tuesday midnight.
Sees Speedy Handling
The bills will then go to the
House Ways and Means Commit-
tee within 10 days where Eng-
strom has predicted speedy han-
dling. They will then be sent to
the floor of the House for approval
in early May.
A University spokesman has en-
visioned potential slashing dan-
gers in the House, but Speaker of
the House Allison Green (R-King-
ston) yesterday registered his ap-
proval on the governor's recom-
architecture college, all University
units are able to admit all quali-
fied Michigan residents, Gayle C.
Wilson, associate director of ad-
missions, said yesterday.
Wilson and Walter B. Rea, di-,
rector of financial aids, spoke on
present student affairs as part of
"U-M '64," a two day program
designed to inform selected alumni
on the current state of the Uni-
Out of State Students
All qualified non-resident stu-
dents, however, are not being ad-
mitted, Wilson reported. For every
five qualified applicants, only one
place remains available. Constant
pressure from the state legislature
is being applied to admit more
Michigan residents and fewer out-
W i 1 s o n presented statistics
which showed the effects of the
baby boom. Michigan high schools
will graduate 147,500 students in
1965 while only 89,387 were grad-.
uated in 1963. This fall the Uni-
versity will try to compensate for
the rise in graduates by admitting
an additional 591 residents. '
The University's drop out rate
is slowly decreasing. Wilson re-
ported that the present freshmen
drop out rate is a low 7 per cent
and that the .University ha&- he
lowest rate of any state-supported
Negro Applicants
Admissions people are concern-
ed about the small number of
Negro applicants. The University
is currently working with a Detroit
high school principal in an effort
to locate and provide financial aid
to qualified Negro students. The
University has no questions rela-
tive to race, color, or creed on the
o f f i c i a 1 enrollment applicant
Rea said that many freshmen
will begin college with deficits in
their budgets. Last fall 1800 ad-
mitted freshmen applied for Re-
gents' scholarships. Only 464 of
these scholarships were given out
to cover tuition, however.
Scholarships are inducements
for students to attend college but
they do not provide for total ex-
penses, he said. New "package
aids" are being devised to solve
this problem. These are programs
that provide loans and other
funds in addition to any scholar-
ships that a student possesses.
Expansion of the University's Flint senior college exten-
sion into a four-year degree-granting institution-perhaps
by fall, 1965-is now a virtual certainty.
"The Flint Board of Education will give unanimous ap-
proval Wednesday to a four year plan proposed by a six-
man committee of Flint and University officials," Claude
Stout, president of the Flint board, disclosed last night.
"The approval will take the form of an invitation to the
University to expand its operations in Flint," he said. The
plan probably will be presented at the April 17 meeting of the
University Board of Regents
for approval.
University officials say that re-
gental approval at this point
seems "extremely likely." Approval-
is expected by the end of the
school year. This will open the way
for hiring of staff.
They predict that if the approval
comes reasonably soon, the stage
will be set for the Flint University
campus to go on four-year opera-
tion by fall of 1965.
Regent Eugene B. Power of Ann
Arbor said that the board has not
heard the specific blueprint forf -
expansion of the two-year senior
college. However, he indicated a
regental willingness to "expand"
wherever the University may serve
the interests of students in the
state of Michigan."
"The Charles Stewart Mott
Foundation of Flint will probably
be able to assist the four-year col-
lege for the first three years," LEONARD SAIN
Stout continued.
He added that the only signifi-
cant obstacle confronting the col- ac
lege will probably be obtaining
sufficient funds from the state Takes Census
after the initial three-year .per-
However, most Flint officials feel
that the campus will be well
enough established by then so that By BRIAN BEACH
It will have little real trouble in
getting legislative support. A census of Negro students in
Sen. Garland Lane (R-Flint) the literary college is currently
has predicted that*the Legislature being taken by faculty members
will supply the an'ticipated long- for the Office of Admissions' Ad-
range $8-10 million cost for capi- visory Committee on the Negro in
tal outlay. Higher Education.
Stout noted that there is strong Censuses have been completed
popular support in Flint for the in all the other colleges of the
University expansion, adding that University, Leonard F. Samn, spe-
the only significant opposition has cial assistant to the director of
come from the faculty, adminis- admissions reported.
trators and students of the Flint The advisory committee will
Community Junior College. use the data to find out from Ne-
Flint Community Junior College gro students what "factors have
has passed several resolutions pro- been helpful or. harmful to their
testing University expansion in success at the University," Sain
the Flint area. commented. It is hoped that these
The Flint plan proposes an au- students can also refer the com-
tonomously-run University branch mittee to Negro students who
of approximately 1000 students "as have graduated or dropped out.
soon as the University thinks it is Background
feasible." It stresses the Regents The data that the Negro stu-
ultimate control over the institu- dents can supply is important - as
tion-both in administration and background for programs being
finance-but asserts the Flint col- planned for implementation, Sain
lege will be a unit with its own indicated.
identity and purpose. "We are working with local
The features of the plan recom- school systems, parents and com-
mend: munities to help motivate Negroes
-A four-year liberal arts col- to attend college," Sain said.
lege not necessarily paralelling the Several types of cooperative
University's Literary College. The programs with other institutions
initial enrollment of 1000 would of higher learning have been rec-
grow to at least 3000. ommended by the Advisory Com-
-A curricula emphasizing such mittee on the Negro in Higher
specialized areas of study as en- Educatior.. At present a formal.
gineering science, business admin- ized program to encourage gradu-
istration and teacher education. ates of Tuskegee Institute in Ala-
These areas are currently featured bama to attend the University is
in the senior college program, close to implementation.
--The organization of the school To Inform Faculty
uhder a Flint Collegiate Conter, Sam whc is doing the bulk of
located in Flint. the researeh and development for
Run day-to-day by a local ad- the committee. said, "The cen
ministrator, the college would have sus acted as a mechanism to et
an advisory policy coordinating faculty members know of the Uni-
committee composed of seven lay, versity's involvement in these s
members from Flint. ;suie i. In response I have received
There has been tacit agreement some suggestions and offers of
among University officials over the help'
past several months on a policy It is presently estimated that
which would allow Flint to make there are about 200 American Ne-
the first step'- to "invite" the groes on campus..r
' /.
Coal Miners, Stage Strike
Over Fringe Benefits Policy
PITTSBURGH (MP)-Thousands of soft coal miners remained off
their jobs yesterday in at least five states in contract disputes.
For the most part, the work stoppages by rank-and-file union
members were in protest against fringe benefit provisions in a re-
cently signed national contract.
Officials of the United Mine Workers said the confused patch
pattern of the strikes made it difficult to estimate the number of
aminers on strike. However, it ap-
estrict Arboretum to Pedestrian Use
° . :" "r:.: .,-... ~' .......r:?.? { W hat with vehicular traffic
r...;,;v~.::.fyv;}{:" .". £ ..:........:.} : ba red by los d g tes:th re'
.~..... ~butredcomes edrevoltio, tenry
r:: .......;::: <:., : wnti e lermite donbufootao nlya
Thse ationswieetknb.h
.:.:r ~r :;:::<>::: ::" ::::... ..}> : r :..:::.r.University. to: :.::counteromestdestruction ntr
q r ..f, r~o pro beperyintte n
.4# durAsgsoon a teinersity8as
..~.~final cost estimates of proposed
,...'.",........ c,11flinn t ha TUniyvrity wxilt
peared at least 10,000 were out in
Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Vir-
ginia, Illinois and Kentucky.
In Pennsylvania, it was reported
some miners showed up for work
but hoiored pickets and didn't
enter the mines.
More than 1000 miners were idle
in western Kentucky.
There the 1000 miners came
mainly from the mines of the Pea-
body Coal Co., a firm that has
yet to sign the new contract in the
F. L. Jewell, Peabody vice pres-
ident, said there was "too much
confusion" for the firm to make a
"We don't know if the individ-
ual miners want this -contract and
we don't know if it will get us any
coal mined or not."
At least 5000. Lmisers iwereion