LEGALIZED ABORTION: OBLIGATION OF SOCIETY See Editorial Page L Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom Pa3 it MOSTLY CLOUDY High-55 Low-40 Scattered showers and colder tomorrow ... 7=- VOL. LXXIV, No. 139 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1964 SEVEN CENTS SIX PA OSA To Change Rules for Women Intend To Have New Rules Printed For Implementation by This Fall By THOMAS COPI New and apparently more liberal women's regulations are to be announced Wednesday by the Office of Student Affairs, Vice Pres- ident for Student Affairs James A. Lewis said yesterday. Lewis said that the OSA hopes to complete the changes in wo- men's rules by that time in order to enable the changes to "get into print" for next fall. In a meeting held yesterday; Lewis and Dr. John Bingley, direc- tor of student activities and organizations discussed changes pro- posed for women's regulations in a recent Women's Conference Com- mittee survey with the leaders of the three major women's By LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM In their first encounter with the governor's b u d g e t, legislative hatchetmen have not trimmed the University's prospects of receiving $44 million in operating funds next year. The Senate Appropriations Com- mittee last night prepared to send by next Wednesday - reportedly leaving the University portions "pretty much intact" as the gov- ernor recommended them. From the House, which' will await Senate action on the bills - for operations and capital outlay-spokesmen noted that the University proposals are intact, if only tentatively. dget Survives Intact - So IA, Gov. George Romney had as- sessed the University's budgetary needs at $44 million for general operations and $5.2 million for capital outlay. This fell some $3.6 million un- der the $47.6 million requested by the University for operations. was nearly $5 million shy of the And Romney's recommendation building funds sought. Extra Request Rep. Wilfred Bassett (R-Jack- son) reported that the University has made a bid to, have a $500,- 000 tacked onto the capital outlay appropriation to permit planning for the new building of the archi- tectural and design college on North Campus. But House and Senate leaders working late into the night on appropriations and redistricting predicted that the University will not get allotments surpassing Romney's recommendations. A University spokesman said yesterday that he would be "quite satisfied" with the appropriations as requested by Romney. He noted that if the' $44 million can pass through the Legislature, the Uni-' versity will be able to move into full-scale trimester operations. No Predictions Senate Appropriations Commit- tee Chairman Frank Beadle, (R- St. Clair), while declining to pre- dict what the exact recommenda- tions of his committee would be, indicated that they would be "somewhere in the general range" of the governor's requests. Other members concurred, al- t h o u g h noting that certain changes might be in order for some of the other nine state-sup- ported universities. They and the University are featured in the overall higher education bills in, which Romney has sought a total of $131.3 million for operations and $27 million in capital outlay. MSU 'Controversial' Michigan State University was mentioned as having one of the more "highly controversial" ap- propriation requests. Sources said that MSU may suffer slight oper- ations slashes but receive capital outlay gains on their pending rec- ommendations-$39.6 million and $8 million, respectively. Even if the University's $44 mil- lion budget is set before the Sen- ate on Wednesday-and it may still suffer committee slashes in final meetings Monday-it still will have a steep climb to passage. Biggest obstacle is expected to be the House which will take up the Senate-passed bills by April 24. Members of the House Ways and Means Committee empha that they had "not crystal their thinking on the opera bills yet." They have been formally examining it as pai pants in the joint House-Se committee viewing capital of requests. One member of this .joint c mittee, Rep. John Sobieski (L troit), predicted that the gc nor's recommendation will both houses handily. But other inside sources as. Bassett and Rep. Harold f gerford (R-Lansing) said that way too early to predict" the of the bills in the House. ---- . GARY CUNNINGHAM S SGC Probes Scholar Plan, New Union By KAREN KENAH Action was taken last night in Student Government Council to probe the possibility of beginning a scholar in residence program- ming at the University and setting up a student employes union. The program would provide funds and organization to bring to the University for a year a person intimately involved in some profession such as theatre, busi- ness, research, labor or others. A subcommittee of SGC's Educa- tional Affairs Committee was set up to investigate the project. It will be responsible for working out the details of his position. The primary difficulty in in- stituting the program is financial. It is estimated that at least $20,- 000 will be necessary to insure that the person brought is of sufficient quality to warrant the program. Gary Cunningham, '66, who set the motion before Council, stated that if the student body were made aware of the advantages of the plan a large part of the mon- ey could be raised from them. Oth- er Council members expressed doubt about raising the neces- sary funds in this manner. "As far as I know, if this pro- gram goes into effect it will be the first time that students will take part, through their represen- tative organization, in financing an educational endeavor of this sort," Cunningham added. He expressed hope that the pro- gram can go into effect in the fall of 1965. An ad hoc committee of five members was set up to explore a motion proposed by Barry Blue- stone, '66, to institute a student employes' union. Bluestone, who will chair the committee, said the group will have a two-fold pur- pose : to investigate the entire student employment situation; and, using that data, to explore the feasibility of actual forniation of a union. To fulfill the first aim admin- istrators, student workers, busi- ness managers and off-campus employers will be interviewed. Bluestone envisions the union in its final form as an autonomous student-led organization capable of exerting pressure through ne- gotiation and protest if neces- sary. CORE Cancels School Boycott groups on campus: League Presi- dent Nancy Freitag, '64, Assem- bly Association President Maxine Loomis, '65N and Panhellenic President Ann Wickins, '65. Also present were Acting Daily Editor H. Neil Berkson, '65, and Student Government Council President Thomas Smithson, '65. Prefer Own Rules In the WCC survey, the women showed a definite preference for the OSA to set rules in cases in- volving housing only, leaving the other rule-making powers up to the women. In yesterday's meeting, there was "general agreement," al- though there were "three points" over which the OSA disagreed with the women, although they called only one of these a "major issue.s Several of the rules changes re- quested: by the 3400 women polled in the WCC survey are those which would allow women with key permission to leave their housing units after closing, give f - ther consideration to junior apartment permission and remove the rule restricting freshman wo- men from visiting 'men's non- University approved housing. Reaction to Meeting Miss Freitag said that she was pleased with the OSA's reactions toward the requests made, while Miss Wekins expressed appre- carion of the OSA's consulttions with the women while consider- ing the y ule changes. Miss Loomis. said. tha t shie is*i confident that the OSA d l wredis- cuss the ruesrchanges making use of the points raised by the women in yesterday's me tatwg- Tdeos other i angMose in the WCC gurveY were algx eingcon. sidered by the OSA and were dis- cussed sterday, Miss Wickins said.Lews emphasized that ev- eryone seemed satisfied .mth the progress rade, and that whatever the final rule changes arethey will go into effect next fall. More ALP's Another recommendation made through the WCC poll was to ex- tend visiting hours to from 9 a.m. to closing, the present visiting hours being from 12 noon to clos- ing; the survey also showed that the number and length of auto- matic late permissions (ALP's) should be : seniors-more than 10 of three hours in length; juniors- eight (sororities) or 10 (residence halls) of two hours in length; sophomores-eight of two hours each; freshmen-eight of either one or two hours. Presently, sen- iors have no hours, juniors have eight ALP's of two hours each while sophomores and freshmen have no ALP's. Also, the WCC survey recom- mended that information to be registered for daily sign-outs should be name, expected time of return and room number. r In general, the results of the WCC poll indicated that sorority women were more conservative than residence-hall women in their choices. Goulart VowsC Forced To crntinued r FILIBUSTER: May Debate ef Rights Bill Until Fall WASHINGTON (AP)-Sen. Mike Mansfield of Montana, the ma- jority leader, said yesterday the Senate may not vote on the civil rights bill until fall. Sen. Hubert Humphrey (D- Minn), assistant majority leader, said it is conceivable a continu- ing Southern filibuster against the bill. cannot be broken for months, but said he is optimistic it can. Their comments highligated an- other day of debate on the admin- istration's House - passed civil rights plan, marked also by: -Charges by Sen. Kenneth Keating (R-NY) that Negroes are denied voting rights in the South, in many cases, simply because of the color of their skin. -A proposal by Sen. Philip A. Hart (D-Mich) that postmasters or other local federal officials be made voting registrars "whenever it is found that state or local election machinery is supporting voting discrimination." Mansfield, talking to newsmen, said he feared the civil rights Oc- bate would continue through both major party political conventions. Arrest Students For Protests By The Associated Press ST. AUGUSTINE-Eighty-eight more civil rights demonstrators, mostly high school students, were arrested here yesterday, bringing the total number jailed since Sat- urday to 285. Rev. Bernard Lee of Atlanta, the protest leader, threatened to make a national appeal for dem- onstrators to fill the jails. Rev. Lee, an aide to Dr. Martin Luther King, said he might have to call on a nationally recruited "non- violent army." on Rebe1f Brazilian Insurgents Install New Leader President Goes to Home Province Where Brother Commands Army RIO DE JANEIRO (M-Brazilian rebel forces drove lefti President Joao Goulart out of Rio de Janeiro yesterday b' he scoffed at their victory claims and flew today into Brazi deep south vowing a fight to the death. Goulart, accused by rebel leaders of planning to tu: Latin America's largest country into a Cuban-type Commi nist nation, fled first to Brasilia, the inland capital 600 mil northwest of Rio de Janeiro. Then, late last night, he took off for Porto Alegre in 1 home state of Rio Grande do Sul where his brother-in-la former Gov. Leonel Brizola, was reported in control of tl Third Army. Goulart's dramatic flight and vow to wage last-dit warfare climaxed a day in which rebel chiefs proclaimed Got art's fall and installed a new Flee Inlanc -AssociatedP ress TANK FORCES STILL LOYAL to beseiged Brazilian President Joao Goulart ringed the War Ministry Bldg. in Rio de Janeiro yesterday. But as armed rebels advanced toward the city, Goulart retreated inland. As the insurgents proclaimed his legal successor the new president, Goulart pledged an all-out stand in Brazil's south. SHORT-CHANGED: MSU Solicits Appropriations Michigan State University is making a public bid for state funds amidst reports from legis- lators that its appropriation re- quests have been "highly contro- versial." MSU President John Hannah charged in a speech Tuesday night that his institution "is being short-changed by the Legislature." He complained that while MSU has absorbed some 30 per cent of the student enrollment increase in Michigan since 1957, the, Uni- versity has taken only 14 per cent. Tremendous Slash Despite this admittance per- formance, the average legislative grant to MSU per-student is $876, a "tremendous slash" from the $1061 appropriated per-student in 1957, Hannah said. But a legislative spokesman for the Senate Appropriations Com- mittee rebutted that "many mem- bers of the Legislature are very concerned with MSU's appropria- tion recommendation submitted to the Legislature. Some slashes may be in order." He was referring to Gov. George Romney's recommendation to the Legislature that MSU be given $39.6 million for operations. The Senate Appropriations Committee is currently analyzing the recom- mendation-along with the gov- ernor's requests for the other nine state-suupported schools-in order to report the bill to the Senate floor Tuesday midnight. Analyze Outlay MSU's nearly $8 million capital outlay appropriation suggested by the governor is also under sur- veillance by members of both houses. Tentative predictions are that MSU may be in for a small boost which would cover power plant additions state officials have strongly urged. University officials are critical of Hannah's statements, pointing to oonflicting figures which show that MSU could be educating its 30,000 students for millions of dollars less money. This could be accomplished, they explain, because MSU has higher freshman-sophomore and undergraduate percentage than the University. Underclassmen and undergrad- uates are less expensive to edu- cate per-student than juniors, seniors and graduates which make up a more substantial bulk of the University population. president, Paschoal Ranieri Mazzilli, president of the Chamber of Deputies and con- stitutionally in line for the job. Staffers Stand By Loyal staff members were with Goulart and his family in the air- liner that took off from Brasilia shortly before midnight. The' group had been forced to return to Brasilia in a jetliner which de- veloped engine trouble in a first attempt to reach Porto Alegre.. Bectic victory demonstrations under clouds of confetti and tick- er tape had erupted in Rio de Ja- neiro and Sao Paulo at the first broadcast word that Goulart had been ousted. Then came a broadcast from Brasilia that Goulart would make a stand there. The departure for the South ap- parently changed that decision. Navy Mobilizes Sao Paulo's Radio Liberty, which has been broadcasting anti- Goulart reports, announced that Brazilian navy ships with a de- stroyer in the lead had left Rio de Janeiro for Porto Alegre, pos- sibly for a naval bombardment to further the rebellion. "One small salvo from the de- stroyer is enough to destroy a 20- story building," the broadcast? said. The third, army in Rio Grande do Sul is by, far the strongest of Brazils four armies. However, reb- el leaders here reported that one of its strongestunits, garrisoned at a rail center near the Uru- guayan border, had revolted against Brizola and was moving on Porto Alegre. Brizola, former governor of Rio Grande do Sul, is a member of the National Congress and a power in the deep south. Nationalized One of Goulart's first acts on arriving in Brasilia was to sign a decree nationalizing all gasoline distributing firms. This evidently was done to show that he consid- ered himself still president and in full exercise of his authority. When Goulart fled io Brasilia two rebellious armies were moving Housing Law To Get Test Of Legality 9 By BRUCE BIGELOW The city's fair housing ordi- nance is scheduled to meet the test of constitutionality in muni- cipal court hearings May 6. Judge Francis L. O'Brien set the date for hearings after C. F. Hubble stood mute to the war- rant charging him with violation of tbie fair housing ordinance. Following his arraignment Hubble was freed on $50 bond. The complaint against the Cut- ler Hubble Co. of Detroit, a real estate management firm, was made by Bunyan Bryant, aNegro, who charged he was refused the right to rent an Arbordale apartment because of his race. Issues Warrant Judge O'Brien issued the war- rant yesterday after an arbitrative meeting of the two parties failed to arrive at an out-of-court set- tlement.Cit Attorney Jacob F. Fahrner Jr. and- Hubble's attor- ney, Thomas H. Green, conferred for half an hour in a last-ditch attempt to settle the; case, but they finally concurred that there was no chance of conciliation. The final decision of Judge O'Brien on the validity of the or- dinance is likely to be appealed to higher courts. Last October, State Attorney General Frank J. Kelley stated that local fair housing ordinances would be invalidated as of Jan. 1, when the new Michigan con- stitution created the Civil Rights Commission. State Pre-emption The state attorney general has stated since this time that the .ate Civil Rights Commission now pre-empts the field, thus in- validating local ordinances. There- fore any decision stating he --al- iritr o~f a. inenofair hnningonr- ....rt w . .... .......... ........ .....: f' .: GJrant Po iciesrure Research ude Eorts By JEFFREY GOODMAN Tightened granting policies of the National Institutes of Health are currently burdening some public health school re- search efforts, Dean Myron E. Wegman said recently. But at the same time, a different NIH policy in effect since 1962 is giving substantial aid to the University's financial role in research supported from the outside. Ever since late 1962, when pressures from Congressional hearings prompted the NIH to tighten its policy, grant-holders have not been paid out of research funds for teaching they have done in connection with their appointments. Teaching Permitted Before the change, an informal NIH practice allowed faculty members to do a "reasonable amount" of teaching while engaged in NIH-sponsored experimentation, Dean Wegman said. He feels that research and teaching are and must be com- plementary. "Only occasionally can a man engage in one or the "Thus there is a double administrative expense, in that double records must be kept: one set for the grant-based part of the salary and another set for the University's contribution;" Dean Wegman noted. Effort Reports In addition, the NIH policy is one of the reasons that four or five federal auditors must be on campus continually, as they must keep up with the "effort reports" which the University is required to compile on each project. These reports assure the NIH that its funds are not paying for teaching time. The whole set-up, Dean Wegman feels, is "excessive ad- ministrative zeal. "It is also unfortunate that the atmosphere of trust and faith in the investigator is being clouded," he said. Policy Effect He cited an example of the effect of the new teaching nli n r .ederick Wentworth .whn is icrrently engaged in ... ._ :. ::" . .: .r...::.:.. ;:::.:... E