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March 18, 1964 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-03-18

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Se& ty-Tir-d Yar
Will Prevail"ss s
Is printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in al; reprints.



Grand Alliance

Y, MARCH 18, 1964




Japanese Foreign Policy
Turns Toward Gaullism'

Dormitory Room Poliees
Inconvenience Juniors

WHOLE PROCESS of assigning
ms in the women's dormitories is
istration - not student - oriented.
responsible for the operation have
.strated no consideration for wom-
pecially junior students-and have
no provisions for special circum-
s, preferring instead to treat only
neral case.
following situations exemplify this
.nior women often find that they
sufficient number of hours to make
a senior by the end of the fall se-
--and seniors have apartment per-
a. Yet the University requires full-
ontracts, so these juniors have to
. the dorm an extra semester.


THE SOVIET UNION is again threaten-
ed by capitalist encirclement and in-
ternal subversion. Top members of the
Kremlin are now terribly worried over
the production of Matzoh, unleavened
bread used by Jews during the Passover
Accordingly, the Soviet government has
cracked down and closed Moscow's only
Matzoh factory. Government bakeries
were ordered to stop producing Matzoh
over two years ago. The closed factory
had produced about 250 pounds of matzoh
over a two-day period before it was shut
down for supposed health reasons.
THE PRESENT CRISIS followed only
days after official objections to the
distribution of "propaganda" among the
Jewish congregation in Moscow. Official
Soviet sources termed recipients of this
material mental incompetents.
Among the supposed propaganda was
a Jewish calendar which had the audacity
to omit from its list of holidays May
Day, the Anniversary of the Russian Rev-
olution, and days commemorating victor-
ies of the Red Army in World War II.
With such internal threats at hand, the
Kremlin must be forever on its guard.
And, indeed, the production of Matzoh is
capitalist subversion of the highest order.

-Transfer students receive priority
over junior women who wish to get into
Betsy Barbour merely because Assembly
Association does not take time to keep
a waiting list for those women on campus
who want to get into Barbour. Thus va-
cated rooms are being given by default to
-Decisions on whether to petition for
transfer to other dormitories must be
made too quickly. A note goes up on the
bulletin board one day, and 36 hours
later petitions are due. No doubt this in-
convenience helps the administration
greatly by lowering the number of wom-
en applying for transfer.
LAST YEAR an extremely ingenious de-
vice was used to cut the number of
petitions even more: housemothers og-
tained from Assembly only a few blank
petition forms-hardly enough to match
the demand. And even if juniors did get
their petitions in, they could not apply
for transfer to Oxford suites or Barbour.
-Women have only a slight chance of
getting the type of room they desire. A
woman who wishes to live in a single, for
instance, may be assigned to a dorm with
very few single rooms. The possibility of
her getting one rests on the small chance
of her winning an early preference in a
room drawing among all women in the
-Juniors get last priority in their pref-
erences anyway. Even freshmen and soph-
omore women rate better consideration.
The administration seems to feel that
juniors have already had their chance
to move, so now they may as well stay
put. A junior woman who wishes to get
into a house where she has not lived be-
fore has little chance of getting her re-
THESE COMPLAINTS-although possi-
bly minor to those responsible-harm
greatly any feelings a woman student on
this campus may have that Assembly
Association and the Office of Student
Affairs take into consideration the stu-
dents they are supposed to serve.
Acting Associate Managing Editor

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(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
first in a series of articles analyz-
ing the present situation in South-
east Asia and the likely conse-
quences of that situation on Japa-
nese foreign policy. This article
points to reasons why Japan's power
and influence are on the upswing.)
Daily Correspondent
TOKYO-On Feb. 7 the Main-
ichi Shimbun of Tokyo pub-
lished the highly prescient and
stimulating thoughts of Carnegie
Tech economist Martin Bronfen-
brenner, "Toward a Gaullist Ja-
pan?" The concept presented in
the article points out a trend that
is both good and bad but is most
certainly inevitable when events
of the past few months are con-
sidered instheir historical perspec-
Bronfenbrenner pointed out that
the severance of colonial ties is
rarely a smooth operation. The
United States restored France's
strength through \the Marshall
Plan and in a similar way put
Japan on her feet with the occu-
pation and Korean War industrial
orders. In the former case the
United States, through what Bron-
fenbrenner considers to be a series
of blunders, lost control of a Gaul-
list France's international policy.
Bronfenbrenner predicts that
Japan in like manner will assume
an increasingly independent and
unconciliatory policy. This conclu-
sion has muchmerit, but Bron-
fenbrenner's analysis of cause is
somewhat shallow. He refers only
to United States inspired irritants
of recent years and neglects to
consider the positive aspirations
of Japan and France.
4 * *
IN BOTH cases we can point to
proud countries who suffered se-
vere economic and psychological
setbacks during World War II.
Japan and France's stagnation
after the war combined with the
crippled condition of the ,other
great powers, allowed two excep-
tions to appear abnormally strong.
These of course were the United
States and Russia.
The temporary prominence of
the United States and Russia in-
fected their national missions
with an intense element of ideo-
logical evangelism. Thus the stage
for the Fifties was set between
democracy and communism. The
United States assumed these con-
cepts were mutually exclusive and
thus set out with lavish expense
to finance an experiment for free-
dom throughout the world. It cost
about $80 billion of the American
taxpayer's income. Russia also saw '
fit to experiment-innEast Ger-
many, Hungary, Poland, Greece,
Afghanistan, and so on.
THE STRIKING fact about this
era is that the two great powers
could afford to experiment only
because the strength of the rest

of the world was sapped. The Six-
ties bring renewed health to the
world in general.
If the United States ard Russia
are going to continue to experi-
ment in international ideological
equations they must raise their
research and development budgets.
Practical matters prevent this:
Moscow citizens apparently pre-
fer wheat or a lace brassiere (from
Pravda) to a MIG-21 or a piece
of Albania; Americans find that
charcoal steak suits their appetite
better than charcoaled Korean'
veterans or barbecued Buddhist
More concretely, Khrushchev's
announcement of a reduction in
arms' expenses and Congress's cut-
back on foreign aid are indicative
of a more restrained spirit. Furth-
er more, President Lyndon B. John-
son's poverty crusade is no doubt
going to swing the spotlight away
from external concerns in the
United States.
THE United States cannot af-
ford to increase expenses for her
international control account. Ris-
ing nations such as France and
Japan can-in the interest of find-
ing their "proper place" on the
globe. Herein lies the key to under-
standing the Sixties.
The United States is hampered
in its international policy by tra-
ditional commitments,icollected
enmities, a stubborn ideology and
a limited budget. If one's thoughts
do not range beyond the nuclear
age, France and Japan enjoy clean"
diplomatic slates inAsia. Coupled
with increasing prosperity they
can build their prominence on this
record-and it will prove to be a
towering one.
IN DISCUSSING future pros-
pects we must keep in perspective
the fact that other stars are also
rising in the world. Thus France
and Japan will not enjoy the same
exhilarating heights that produced
a militant Stalin or a zealous Mc-
F u r t h e r m o r e, international
thought' of the coming decade is
interested in many more issues
than was true in the Fifties, issues
which transcend ideologies and
rest on the concepts of world
brotherhood andneconomic equal-
Thought of the post-war period
and the Fifties centered around
the Atlantic Ocean, as is illus-
trated in the composition of the
United Nations. It began in 1945
as a body of 51 nations, and only
a small percentage of these lay
outside the opposing East-West
Today the United Nations has
114 members and the continents
of South America, Africa and Asia
are conspicuous for their General
Assembly power. In recognition of
the new international structure an
Asian, U Thant, was chosen as
Secretary-General in 1961.

Barry Lodges a Complaint'

Diag Vandals Deserve
Lenient Treatment

TWO INTOXICATED University students
last Saturday night attempted to pry
up the University "M" from the center
>f the Diag. They failed to pull it up com-
pletely, but their attempt damaged the
'M" enough to force the University to
remove it for replacement or repair.
No one can say that those responsible
for the crime should go unpunished.
[hey have defaced University property
and should be held to account for it.
And yet, to what degree should these
wo men be punished? It is easy enough
or students to simply let our administra-
ion take care of the matter; indeed, it
s easy enough for the administration to
simply take the normal punitive proced-
ires and let it go at that.
ment that may be meted out to the
)ffenders, i.e., suspension from the Uni-
rersity or acquisition of a police record,
we must remember that the "normal"
)rocedures may not be the ones that will
apply in this case. The administration
ind student body should not allow them-
elves to sit idly by while the "normal"
procedures take their ill-considered ef-
This is because the offenders in this
ase are not the "normal" type of person
vho would go around vandalizing Uni-
rersity property. They are University stu-
lents who have made a mistake, a mistake
hey appreciate and are willing to pay for.
3ut they are not common criminals and
hould not be dealt with as such.
Everyone at the University has, at one
ime or another, done something ill-con-
Idered, something foolish, something to
e ashamed of. The only thing which dis-

tinguishes the rest of us from the two
men who tore up the "M" is that our
ill-considered acts usually do not result
in the probability of severe punishment.
We may lose a friend or two, get a black
eye, or have a very tender head the next
day; but we are not suddenly subjected
to the attention of our friends and the
University community, or to the possibil-
ity of a police record following us around
for the rest of our lives.
Thus having to face the likelihood of a
harsh penalty is the only thing which dis-
tinguishes those who disfigured the "M"
from any one of us. Is it reasonable and
proper to punish these men who have
done no more than anyone else might
have done in a similar position, no more
than anyone else probably has done and
gotten away with under conditions of less
public interest and pressure?
We must remember that the criminal
act is punished most effectively by the
criminal's acceptance of the seriousness
of his behavior. All the public cruci-
fixions in the world will not obviate the
crime; what we must work for is the
reform of the criminal and this will not
be accomplished by an extreme punish-
ment handed out in an attempt to pacify
the injured party.
THE MEN who have committed this
crime are fully aware of its conse-
quences both upon the University and
upon themselves. They are willing to take
the punishment due them.
But there is no justice in punishing
them for something that anyone in a
comparable situation might have done.
The duty of the administration will not
be done by adding to the punishment al-

To the Editor:
YOU MUST not be a victim of
That common falacy,
Which holds New Hampshire's
Has downed its thumb at me.
Now first of all, I only lost
By seven-thousand votes,
Quite easily accounted for,
My campaign leader notes,
By all those loyal citizens
Who feared, in so much snow,
Their cars might swerve from
right to left-
Conservatives, you know.
For after all, I'd not suppose
Most radically to say
That snow is due, so why don't
Hitch up your horse and sleigh.
The People know who leads the
Who shows the strength, who
speaks with might;
Of course, they did not vote that
But California is the one
To watch with close attention:
The victor in this primary has
The key to the convention.
I STAND upon my record past,
And as I lift my feet,
I see that I have said before
What I will now repeat:
Manned bombers are the one
To make our homeland sound,
For guided missiles miss and
And blow up on the ground;
But bombers never fail them-
They just get missiled down.
The UN is my second point:
Completely ineffective;
We pay out money by the ton;
Our plans can all be wrecked if
Russia wants, or Cuba wants,
Or France decides to do so;
If we could get our money back
And I had power, I'd sue; so
We should stop investing in
This theatre which flops
Because those bad Red actors
Make all too frequent stops.
The word "stop" brings me now
to this:
We're much too strong, it's
To let a bearded maniac
Turn off his water main.
Of course, we'd ask him nicely
Then some Marines should rush
With patriotic thirstiness
To make the water gush.
And finally, the budget stands,
Then falters under deficits;
If I had run my budget thus,
I would have soon called quits.
Now last year, I am proud to say,
7 tallied each expense,
And with my total income,
Was short just fifteen cents!
Now it is no solution
To din the lights way down,
Until one must use candles
When wandering around;
I here and now do promise
That if I take the oath,
I'll use just single candles,
Not moderately both.

(For after all, I did hear shouts
Of "Barry, go ahead!")
We thought an "x" for me would
The other candidates;,
May I conservatively say:
There's no blow worse than
We thought we had it figured
Each vote would read the same;
For marking "x" is easier
Than writing out a name!
-Steven Walters, '66
To the Editor:
WAS intrigued by your recent
editorial concerning the failure
of student representation to the
subcommittees of the Senate Ad-
visory Committee on University
In the spring of last year I,
along with many other, presumably
interested students, petitioned to
become a student representative
to a SACUA subcommittee and
was interviewed for such a post.
I was later informed by an officer
of Student Government Council
that I had been selected to sit with
the SACUA Subcommittee on Edu-
cational Policy.
After an absence of two months,
I returned to the campus in No-
vember wondering why I had
never received written notification
of my selection, why I had never
been called to a student meeting,
and why I had never been contact-
ed by the subcommittee chairman.
I phoned Prof. William Kerr,
chairman of SACUA, and was in-
formed that the educational pol-
icy subcommittee had probably
not met yet and that, when it did,
it would probably not welcome
student participation.
* * *
SO. NO wonder the student-
faculty plan isn't working. Either
I was the victim of a hoax or
there just has never been even a
modicum of information transmit-
ted to those students who showed
enough interest to petition and be
interviewed for these positions.
Past conduct of SGC leads me to
believe the latter.
-Robert F. Rosin, Grad.
Calling the Game.. .
To the Editor:
I WONDER whether Tom Wein-
berg, who wrote the account of
Michigan's 69-57 victory over Ohio
University in Sunday's Daily, saw
the same game I did. In the game
he saw, "The Wolverines kept a
lead of at least 10 for the last
seven minutes . . ." In the game
I saw, the score was 56-47 (a dif-
ference of nine points) at 6:20 to
go in the game. Subsequently, the
score was 56-49 (seven points);
57-49 (eight points); 58-49 (nine
points); 60-51 (nine points) and
64-55 (nine points).
In the game Mr. Weinberg saw,

his game, "Pomey . . . set up Bun-
tin for a layup, putting the score
at 51-43 and out of reach of the
challenging Bobcats." In my game,
the score was never 8-7, nor was
it ever 51-43. Michigan trailed 6-8,
tied the game at 8-8, and then
went ahead 10-8, never to trail
after that. Later, Michigan and
Ohio were in a 43-43 tie, after
which Michigan went ahead 45-43,
47-43, 49-43, 49-45 and 51-45.
IF MR. WEINBERG and I did,
in fact,usee thebsame game, then
one of us is to be commended for
his originality and censured for
his carelessness.
-Max D. Smith, Grad.
(I'm quite sure that I saw the
same game that Mr. Smith heard
on the radio, but there are numer-
ous problems involved in covering
any sports event away from Ann Ar-
bor as comprehensively as The Daily
(The problem boils down to one
of limited time and inabilty to cor-
rect small errors, both in the ori-
ginal story and in the one retyped
In Ann Arbor by a staff member
on the telephone. It is virtually im-
possible to correct all the errors, as
time is so critical.
(The Daily was the only paper
in the state which hadta complete
cover and box score of the game in
its Sunday morning edition.
(The two major errors that Mr.
Smith points out are attributable
to the flaws in the hurried system
of correcting typing and typographi-
cal errors. The two two-point differ-
entials in the scores are from my
original story and are indeed in
wilsolts ..,
To the Editor:
THE FIGURES of Woodrow Wil-
son Fellowship winners for
1964-65, cited in The Daily, which
place the University second in the
nation among state colleges and
universities, are accurate but mis-
The University of California
does rank first with 48 fellowships
compared with 20 for the Univer-
sity. But the California figure rep-
resents five colleges and universi-
ties in the California system:
Berkeley, 23; Davis, 1; Los Angeles
17; Riverside, 5; Santa Barbara,
2. The University is thus a close
second to Berkeley.
* * *
THE UNIVERSITY still leads
state colleges and universities in
the number of recipients of Wood-
row Wilson Fellowships for the
period 1945-64 with 159. Berkeley
is second with 145.
But there is little reason for
complacence. The University can
hope to maintain this leadership
only through exerted efforts to
maintain the quality of the liter-
ary college and to attract the most
talented students graduating from
the nation's high schools.
I wish to take this opportunity
to express my appreciation to Prof.
Otto Graf, the Honors Council
staff and all concentration advis-
ers whn, have. hs.lnspd mvvi ii- his,

At the Campus Theatre
i1HE L-SHAPED ROOM" has in
this country received a great
amount of very indiscriminate and
unjustified praise. In some re-
spects it is a beautiful film, fine-
grained, superbly-lit and with an
often vivid sense of pictorial com-
position. There are throughout
brave attempts at original images
which only founder through an in-
hibiting predilection for very close
camera work or else trip unexpect-
edly into the absurd: for instance,
the doctor whose dramatic im-
portance is suggested by the Klieg
lamp burning over his head. It
looks like an almighty halo.
The acting, however, is superb.
Leslie Caron, as an unmarried
French girl, alone and lovelessly
pregnant in West London, plays
with a quite poignant sensitivity,
which often gives the lie to the
poverty of her dialogue. Her lover,
Tom Bell, has a more densely writ-
ten character to cope with, de-
manding many crudely motivated
changes of mood which jar with
the apparent general kindliness of
his nature. His fits of temper are
as a result, distressingly unreal;
but the rest is magnificent. Many
"bit-parts" in the -film are done
with startling brilliance-particu-
larly Avis Bunnage as the vilest
of vile landladies.
4 A.*
SO WE COME to the chief fault
of this movie which is apparently
Bryan Forbes, the man who wrote
and directed it. With monumental
bad taste he has employed the
grand romanticism of Brahms'
first piano concerto at moments of
the pettiest sentimentality. Here
is one example: Leslie Caron,
missing her lover (whose name is
Toby Coleman), chances on a tin
of mustard coincidentally brand-
named "Coleman's"; the camera
dashes in to a close-up (what
other shot could they possibly
use?); the grand piano surges to
4fs, elivvaov' Lsli. ('aron'C pett

Banks' Novel Flawed
In Pseudo 'Art Film'

and moral frigidity of England?
No explanation is given. Obvious-
ly, the producers felt Caron, whose
French nationality is the rationale
for this change of heroine, had
greater box-office appeal, especial-
ly in America, than any British ac-
tress; and with consummate scorn
for the novel and for their audi-
ence, they have left it at that.
The half-digested quality car-
ries through to the form of -the
film, which seems to hanker after
honors in the "art-theatre" as well
as on the commercial circuit. For
instance, the Brahms accompani-
ment, the personnel of Leslie
Caron's lodging house (two'pros-
titutes. one homosexual, one les-
bian, one randy writer, one preg-
nant girl), the pretentious close
quarter photography which only
serves to accentuate a number of
very sweaty pores - all this is
thrust at us purely for sensation,
and with no real relevance to the
story line or putative themes of,
the movie. None of the characters,
not even the hero, is coherently
developed, and they remain largely
(if anything) as symbols, and voy-
euristic symbols at that.
"The L-Shaped Room" has been
a great commercial success. I sup-
pose it deserves to be, for it is a
very commercial film, art preten-
tions rotwithstanding.
-Robin Duval
Zip Coded
THE COMMUNIST party's ef-
forts to secure a place on the
election ballot in Arizona, the
home of Cadillac cowboys and oth-
er variants of the Southwest's
"nouveau riche," has been reject-
ed, the assistant attorney general
of Arizona having said that a 1961
state law "flatly prohibits official
representation" for the Commun-

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