CONGRATULATIONS NEW STAFFS l AffrF :4E aiti SNOW FLURRIES High-38 Low-22 Tuesday variable cloudiness and much colder Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom LXXIV, No. 134 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 1964 SEVEN CENTS EI(HT PAGES Railroad May Avert Strike By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - A railroad spokesman said yesterday that. though union moves had raised the threat of an early nationwide strike, he thinks a crisis can be avoided. J. E. Wolfe, chief negotiator for about 200 lines, said at a morning news corference "the railroad op- erating u n i o n s have again brought the country to the verge of a national railroad strike." TWENTY YEAR STYLE-The two top members of the Mich- iganensian staff for 1965, Michael A. Galle, '65, business man- ager (left) and Robert J. Shenkin, '65BAd, editor, were an- nounced yesterday by the Board in Control of Student Publica- tions. Shenkin cited his goal to create a yearbook vivid for the reader 20 years from now. As 'Ensian Editor By LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM Robert J. Shenkin, '65BAd, was installed last night as the new editor of the Michiganensian, succeeding Ron Kramer, '64. The Board in Control of Student Publications also selected Michael A. Galle, '66, business manager; Miss Diane Pierson, '65, copy editor; Miss Patti Joseph, '65, personnel manager; and Miss Joan Wolfsheimer, '66, layout editor. Shenkin, a 19-year-old pre-law student from Wynnewood, Ja., He went on to say he had "un- impeachable advice" that five operating unions had firm plans to by-pass the national negotia- tions by striking today against the Southern Pacific and the Louisville and Nashville. This, Wolfe contended, could trigger a national walkout. But after union denials of strike plans, Wolfe issued a sttement last night saying that "in view of the apparent reversal of their (un- ion) strike plans, the railroads now are optimistic that a crisis can be avoided." Wolfe noted that railroad rep- resentatives will meet today with Secretary of Labor W. Willard Wirtz "to discuss procedures that may dispose of remaining issues" between the carriers and the un- ions. "The railroads will not seek injunctive restraint in the courts unless there is the threat of a strike," he said. A union official, H. J. Roadcup, said "rumors" that strike is im- minent on the L & N "have nof basis in fact." The statement by Roadcup, gen- eral chairman for the Brother- hood of Locomotive Engineers on the L & N, was issued through the union's national headquarters at Cleveland, Ohio. Neil P. Speirs, president of the Switchmen's Union of North Amer- ica, said in Buffalo: "As far as our union is con- cerned, we have not set a strike date. Mr. Wolfe is premature in his assumptions." Wolfe made four specific sug- gestions to Wirtz to get the nego- tiations back on the track: 1) Voluntary arbitration of all issues unsettled; 2) Voluntary arbitration of* money matters; 3) A no-strike moratorium until the end of this year; 4) A no-strike moratorium until after a settlement is reached with non-operating unions. Haun Makes Alterations' F , In- Housing' Eugene E. Haun, director of University residence halls, has announced proposed changes in housing for next year due to an enrollment of 500 new freshmen over capacity-300 men and .2001 women. "We are going to house in existing dormitories all of those students we are ordered to house by the Regents," Haun said. To accommodate the increased number of students it may be necessary to convert some doubles to triples and some singles to doubles. Haun stated that a sin- gle room can be converted into a double even though a student signs a room contract for a single. According to Haun, the rooms that will be considered for sch changes are those which can hold another set of furniture. Maxine Loomis, '65, Assembly Association president, said that the dormitor- ies under consideration for the proposed changes are Couzens and Stockwell. "The University is not com- manded to house graduate stu- dents," said Haun. Any male in graduate or professional school who currently holds a contract in Tyler or Prescott House may sub- mit applications for next year and they will be placed, but the Uni- versity is not accepting any new applicants. said he hopes to stylize the book FTC Power KChallenged WASIINGTON (P) - The to bacco industry yesterday chal lenged the authority of the Federa Trade Commission to require health hazard warnings on cigar ette packages and in advertising A spokesman for the industry said only Congress has such auth a rity. But chairman Paul Rand Dixon of the FTC immediately countered L that "if we didn't think we had statutory authority, we would not have proposed" such rules. Sen. Maurine Neuberger (D- Ore.) accused the tobacco industr: of taking a "cynical and impover- ished" position on the issue. The statements were made in the opening session of publi hearings on the FTC's proposal to: using a "20 year approach" whereby, -4"it will evoke an accurate picture of Unversity life to the reader who picks it up 20 years from now." To accomplish this role, the 1965 Ensian "will not always pic- ture the pleasurable side of cam- pus life," Shenkin explained. Above all, he emphasized, it will - try to avoid "cut-and-dried year- 1 book traits" such as group pic- tures in order "to reflect most accurately the spirit of the Uni- .versity." JosaDails Job orps For Disdataged Youths 250,000 Walk Out In Protest NEW YORK P) - Grass roots support fell off for the second school boycott here yesterday, but 267,459 pupils missed classes dur- ing the peaceful demonstration for racially-integrated and better edu- cation. Many of the school-skipping youngsters joined a civil rights march led to the Board of Educa- tion offices in Brooklyn by Rep. Adam Clayton Powell, the Harlem Negro Democrat. The school board, however, vowed to stick to its own plan and timetable for eliminating racial imbalances in enrollments "despite opposition from those who believe that it goes too far or not far enough." Normally 100,000 Normal daily absenteeism in this million-pupil public school system, largest in the nation, is 100,000. During the first boycott, Feb. 3, there were 464,362 pupils out. The Rev. Milton A. Galamison, leader of the boycott, lost much of the organized support he had six weeks ago. Organizations which backed away from today's protest included the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the National Congress of Racial Equality, the Urban League and the National Association for Puerto Rican Civil Rights. Into the breach stepped Powell and Malcolm X, The rebel Black Muslim leader.j Malcolm X Neither Powell nor Malcolm X joined the thin picket lines set up at 104 of the city's 863 schools. In reporting the official absen- tee figures, Board of Education President James B. Donovan said that "We are encouraged that the boycott method of expressing a point of view is regarded with markedly diminishing favor." The Rev. Mr. Galamison viewed the demonstration as "a good boy- cott, a formidable one, a success." It was apparent that many stu- dents made last-minute decisions to participate since they carried books under their arms while walking picket lines or standing in groups watching the bobbing placards. Police Seie Diag Vandals; No Action Yet Ann Arbor police apprehended and took into custody two Univer- sity students for removing the "M" on the Diag at 3:30 a.m. Sunday. The "M' was nearly pried loose and left sticking up in the air, the University Security Office re- ported. The vandals were idntified as John L. Varriano, '65, and Joseph Toussaint, '66 A&D. They were using wrecking bars to loosen the "M" when surprised by police. SENIOR APPOINTEES-Editor of The Daily in '64-'65 will be H. Neil Berkson, upper left, wor with new Business Manager Jonathon White, upper right. Daily Managing Editor will be Ken Winter, left; Editorial Director will be Edward Herstein, center; Advertising Manager will be Sy Pauker, right. king neth, dney To Reclaim Rejectees, Democrats Praise Proposal as Vital To U. Prosperity WASHINGTO N - President Lyndon B. Johnson called yester- day for enlistment of 100,000 draft rejectees and school drop- outs in a Job Corps to be re- claimed "for a productive role in American society." This was a key proposal as u Johnson sent his long-awaite message on poverty to Congress. The legislation was introduced in both House and Senate, where Democratic. leaders already have made plans to push for quick pas- sage. Democrats hailed the proposals as an essential program for con- tinued prosperity in America.; There was no immediate comment from Republicans. Referred to Committee House Speaker John W. Mc- Cormack (D-Mass) said the bill would be referred to the House Committee on Labor and Educa- tion, headed by Rep. Adam Clay- ton Powell (D-NY). Although McCormack said the bill is so important that it should be passF-2 quickly, he made no predictions as to its chances in this session of Congress. Sen Hubert H. Humphrey (D- Minn). aist nt Senate mao-ity leader, was mhore optimistic. 'Very Commendable' "The President has made sontre very commendable recommenda- tions. I think Congress is going to cooperate with him on this mat- ter. I don't see how we can turn, Sour -acis to this problem," he said. Humjhrey noted that the Sen- ate already has approved legisla- tion embodying some of the main features of the President's pro- gram. Humphrey is a principal spon- sor of the youth employment bill, which calls for a Youth Conser- vation 'Curps much like the Job Corps puoposed by the President. This already has passed the Sen- ate. From the Least Fit Johnson said his Job Corps would ae recruited "from those whose tackground, healtn and eu- ucation make them least fit for useful work." The legislation has a $962.5- million price tag, but Johnson stressed all of the money has been provided in his budget for the next fiscal year. As an example, the $160 milon set aside for the youth eniploy- ment bill has been included in the poverty program. Rural Battles Other provisions in the poverty program called for creation of an office of economic opportunities, headed by Sargent Shriver; crea- tion of a Domestic Peace Corps, a program of grants for commun- ity and rural battles against pov- erty and- low interest loans to stimulate. new jobs and help sub- sistence farmers. Johnson said high priority should be given "to helping young Americans who lack skill, wiro have not completed their educa tion or who cannot complete it be- cause they are too poor." Latest figures show unemploy- ment among teenagers, those in the 16 to 21 age bracket who are not in school, running at about 15 per cent, almost three times the level for the nation as a whole. Work, Study In addition to the Job Corps, Johnson also called for a work- training program to encourage youngsters to stay in high school and a work-study program to help young men and women complete college. All three programs cente ,on the 16 to 21 age bracket. "The years of high school and college age," Johnson said are the n.t ,.v-innal c1atni 'f A. vtflhn y' J -1 1) Require that every cigarette pack and advertisement carry a warning that cigarette smoking is a hazard to health; 2) Prohibit any advertisement which states or implies that cigar- ette smoking promotes good health or physical well-being;' 3) Ban any claims that a cer- tain brand contains less tar or nicotine unless this was borne out by an FTC-approved test. Dixon announced at the opening of the hearings that the commis- sion had extended to April 15 the, time for filing opinions on its pro- posals. Originally the deadline was March 2. Galle, who succeeds Shenkin as business manager, concurs with him in advocating the "carica- ture approach" which presents and interprets the campus community with an "eye to the future and an eye to the past." The selection of Galle and Shenkin was made after the board h e a r d conflicting appointment recommendations from the two senior staff members, Kramer and Miss Carole Pantalone, '64, 'per- sonnel manager. The board accepted Kramer's' recommendation for editor and Miss Pantalone's business man- ager preference. The two agreed on the other three posts. Wallace Enters Primary Battle MILWAUKEE (R) - Alabama Gov. George Wallace launched his Democratic drive in Wisconsin's presidential primary late yester- day by saying that he had already changed his original plans to run as a protest candidate. } Board Names New Editors, Managers To Daily Positions H. Neil Berkson. '65, was ap- new senior staff intends to make position was known as city editor. pointed editor of The Daily for the coming year the best the Daily - Hernstein, a social studies ma- 1964-65 by the Board in Control ever had." jor also from Huntington Woods, of Student Publications last night. White, a political science ma- takes over from David Marcus, Jonathan White, '65, was nam- jorfrom St. Johns, Mici., sue- '4, while Miss Gwirtzman, '65, re- ed business manager, as the Board reeds Andrew Crawford, 64E. He Is laces Barbara Lazarus, 64. The ratfie al o te rcomena-a member of Sphinx and Alhba new personnel director. from ratified all of the recommenda- His position has replaced the Rochester, N.Y., is iaemember of io meditor. yNational Concerns editorshiD for- Wyvern and Mortar Board honor or editors.merly held by Philip Sutin, '64. societies and Sigma Delta Tau Others appointed to senior edi elta Phi Fraternity, sorority. torial staff positions were Ken- Winter, an honors student from Succeeding Gail Evans, '64, is neth Winter, '65, managing edi- Huntington Woods, Mich., succeeds math major Sattinger, an Ann tor; Edward Herstein, '65, editor- Gerald Storch, '64. Last year the See DAILY, Page 2 ial director; Ann Gwirtzman, '65, personnel director; Michael Sat- ................. ... tinger, '65, associate managing ed- itor; John Kenny, '65, assistant managing editor; Deborah Beat-P tie, '65, associate editorial direc-. editorial director. (Second of a Series) Under- Staff Undr-SaffBy ROBERT JOHNSTON * Also given business staff posts BhO S were Sydney Pauker, '65, adver- Most researchers in mathematics seem to agree that the tising manager; Judy Goldstein, motivations for their work lie in an intrinsic satisfaction '65, finance manager: Barbara derived from working with math rather than from any practical Johnson, '65, personnel director; applications or uses of their work that might be found. Ruth Schemnitz, '65, systems manager, and Jay Gampel, '65,as- All of the mathematics department's professors are in sistant business manager. volved in research, according to Prof. George E. Hay, depart- Berkson takes over the editor- ment chairman; their work continues in the summer and is ship from Ronald Wilton, '64. An i largely supported during that period by such government or- English major from Glencoe, Ill.I ganizations as the National Science Foundation. he will also be an ex-officio One extreme of the mathematician's motivation is found member of Student Government with the professor who says he has just developed some si'g- Council. nificant new discovery, then adds, 'Thank God, it has no Berkson stated that "the out- application.". going senior editors have done an Sound Theories excellent rebuilding job and are Prof. Roger C. Lyndon explains that "sound theories leaving us a fine newspaper. The often find useful applications, but even generally useful tech- ~e ieniques are studied for their own sakes " Logical exercise and Turks remier applied usage thus go hand in hand, he says. Many parts of math research have present or possible ap- Gets Full Powers plications, but Prof. Paul R. Halmos says that he's "not in the business for that reason." ANKARA, Turkey (A)-Parlia- Increasingly Active ment voted Premier Ismet Inonu Nevertheless, Prof. Raymond L. Wilder points out that full powers yesterday to mathematical research has been increasingly active in the 20th RECOGNITION NIGHT: League Names Freitag, Howes By LAUREN BAHR New officers of the Women's' League executive board were an- nounced yesterday at Women's Recognition Night at Rackham aAud. Nancy Freitag, '65, was named new president; Margie Randon, '66, executive vice-president; Gayle Howes, '65, coordinating vice-pres- ident, and Patricia Griffen, '65,' administrative vice-president. Miss Freitag stated that she has two major aims for the-com- ing year. "I am going to try very hard; to implement the Union- re-evaluate our activities program with the Union. We want to work together as much as possible in coordinating our activities," she said. Work Together Miss Griffin stated that her aim is to try to get League commit- tees to work together more rath- e. than as separate isolated units. Miss Randon summed up the hopes of all the new executive officers in saying that "all of the executive council members hope to make the League even stronger and of more service to the cam- :'f i>'i a d :<:.. :. : . :.:......:.a:.rt,. :..:. . ...... ....... ......