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March 15, 1964 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-03-15

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SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 1364


Someone Special Sets Styles

Comeback Shorts Emphasize Madras

Who, for instance, but a very
sexy blonde French actress could
have girls lowering their voices
until they sound quite like cats?
Could anyone start a fad toward
having beaked noses remade into
ski slopes? Or does it take a pres-
idential candidate?.
And could anyone else but a
winsome, moon-river type actress
have girls looking like purring
Coonskin Caps
And look at little kids. Would
they wear coonskin caps and kill
bears at the age of three for just
And how many adolescent boys
would really have wanted to wear
all that gieasy gid stuff in their
hair and comb it into huge sweeps
and grow sideburns if it hadn't
been for one very unintelligible
crooner on the topic of tender lov-
Would men cultivate and un-
dulate huge adams apples if a
certain slim singer with sons who
have a tendency to be kidnapped
hadn't had women kissing his feet
whenever he sang?
Insidious Plot1
Definitely not. Definitely; you
have to be someone special., If
you're a nobody, you can hardly
expect people to be assaulting you

IVY LEAGUE-Suit and sport coats this spring have the Ivy
League look. Following the general conservative trend in suit
styles, the model on the left is dressed in a semi-bold glen plaid.
Sport coats are a little wilder, the most popular color being a
solid cranberry. The coat on the right is made of an arnel and
rayon material, which is expected to be a good seller.
Spring Sees vy Look Still In-
Suits, Coats to Change Little

For Bathing
If you think you can get by
this summer with that same bag-
gy, khaki-colored thing you've been
wearing every summer for the last
ten years that you call a bathing
suit, forget it.
The word is out that men's non-
shiny knits are coming back in,
and who would want to resist buy-
ing one? Only a knit-wit.
These suits differ from those of
the same lineage a few summers
back in two important respects.
First, they have a little longer leg
-21/2" to 3" as compared to one
inch-so you can't confuse them
with bikinis.
More Colorful
However, they are close enough
to short-short length so that you
can wear them on the tennis court
k or anywhere else).
Second, the current knits are a
lot more colorful than their an-
cestors. You're likely to find them
in as many as six solid colors,
two stripes and white.
For those whose tastes are in-
elastic, the standard line of non-
stretch, cut and sewn suits is still
available. These solid-colored, ma-
dras, or madras-like plaid suits

r or spring sports Outits

to see where you bought
clothes or where you had
hair done or just how you
your left pelvis.
The democratic principle
sham in America. The little

is a


doesn't count. The little man has
no chance of making a dent on
He, like everyone else, must be
content with miming a select, elite
handful of special personalities.
Our culture, our styles, our atti-
tudes are being shaped for us by a
gigantic insidious plot perpetrated
on the unknowing and helpless
masses by a ruthless class of over-
Workers of the World Unite!
Stripe Patterns
Show Contrast
Many authorities in the fashion
world are beginning to pay in-
creasing attention to the contrast
between the use of horizontal and
vertical stripes.
Many slacks and shorts this sea-
son are being made in this stripe
fashion. Materials made of a dac-
ron-cotton combination are being
used to give these fashions a flat-
tering fitted look.

The Ivy League look is definitely
still with us this spring in the ar-
ray of suits and sports coats be-
ing offered for the new season.
The three button coat with two
button sleeves and notched lapels
remains the standard in men's
dressy wear. The coat hangs
straight on the wearer; no waist
line is evident. Its sleek, close fit
is emphasized by the absence of
excessive shoulder padding. Lapel
width ranges from narrow to nar-
rowest, some of the, wider lapels'
being slightly rounded in appear-
The Blazer, a fuller cut coat, is
still available and selling well. This
perpetually popular item often
comes with emblems on the breast,
but these are strictly optional.
Patch pockets, too, are a matter
of individual taste.
Lighter Colors
Although suits still have a con-
servative look, colors are lighter
this spring. Muted plaids as well as
standard solid colors are popular.
Sport coats show much bolder
patterns than suits, although they
are still within the limits of civ-
ilized society. A striking cran-
berry shade has been the most
popular recently. Merchants com-
ment that it is quiet enough to be
suitable for most accasions, yet
sufficiently eye-catching to be "in"
with the cool set.
Stripes are a little more dar-
ing on sports coats than previous-

ly. As in the past, they are avail-
able in a variety of widths. How-
ever, less is being seen of the.
very fine stripe this year.
Checks and Madras
Stylish checked coats are also
very much in evidence on the sport
coat scene. These can be purchas-
ed in enough different colors to
please men with sporty tastes and
look equally appropriate at the
race track and on campus where
the intellectual Joe Cool keeps up
with the social whirl. Madras, too,
is unquestionably still "in," al-
though it has not had significant
sales increases in recent weeks.
Suit pants, following the general
trend in slacks, have a narrow
look. The college man with larger
than a 17-inch cuff will be way,
way out of it this spring. Pleats,
too, are out with the in set, but
suit pants are generally shown
with belt loops.
Slacks with sport coats also em-
phasize the narrow look. These
can be worn with or without belts
and, like suit pants, often feature
stylish half-slanted pockets. Slacks
without cuffs are stillvery pop-
ular, although cuffs are by no
means obsolete.
The man who wants to go one
step farther than his roommate
can buy a bermuda shorts suit.
These are shown mostly in plain
Mostly because they are signifi-
cantly better and much more ver-
satile than before, wash and wear
materials are selling exceptional-
ly well for both suits and sport

.. . swimsuit, top

come in cotton or cotton-dacron.
The cotton-dacron combination
has the advantages of holding its
color well and drying quickly.
Unfortunately, for roaring twen-
ties fans, the below-the-knees-
above-the-neck "union suit" looks
like just another fad. Many peo-
ple are curious about them and
even willing to try one on, but,
when it comes to going to the
beach, few are as willing to wear

.,..Madras for shorts
Men Ignore
New Styles
Women's fashions? Who cares?
Men sure don't.
And judging from the attire of
some campus females, they don't
Maybe the only people who are
intensely interested in such things
are the saleswomen. And those few
silly girls who think a man's heart
can be turned by a carefully con-
structed costume, complete with
matching ... well, you know the
Goddess Image
The goddess image-the soror-
ity girl exquisitely decked out-is a
bit frightening to most men. They
are invariably too scared to talk,
walk, or touch her. In most cases,
this type girl-complete with the
sacrosanct "Circle Pin"-is com-
pletely ignored. She's unreal.
To digress for a brief moment on
those silly circle pins-Why? is
the only question most men ask.
Their complete inability to under-
stand such things makes them a
poor weapon in the goddess' arse-
At the other end of the spec-
trum, the "pseudo-New Yorker" is
equally non-effective on men. But
at least this type young lady
doesn't attempt to attract and en-
snare men by means of such silly
superfluities as fashionable clothes.
Her interest is in comfortable,
sturdy wear. Hurrah!
What the University could use
more of is the comfortable good
looks of the average PNY's. As 'a
matter of fact, the University
could use some more PNY's, but
I digress.
What types of clothes appeal to
Well . . . don't ask me . .
Bright Colors
For Summer
Colors, colors everywhere - but
how much can poor eyes bear?
Yes, this season has really hit the
jackpot. Colors are more violent
than ever before. Shocking pinks
and blues have become the accept-
able indication of a well-dressed
woman - particularly when the
colors are in juxtaposition.
Violent patterns with clashing
colors are the newest thing for
long pants and jersey tops. Even
long shift dresses for women have
adopted these other than pleasing
color combinations. Lingerie, too,
has been bitten by the bug of vib-
rant, violent color combinations.

As March draws to a close, the
fashion focus again turns to those
perennial scourges of springtime,
Bermuda shorts.
Before I plunge deeper into this
timely and interesting subject, I
will establish an order of introduc-
tion. First I will list what is in,
and then I will list what is out-
to use the colloquial.
The colloquial, as we all know,
is "that pertaining to or used in
conversation, esp. familiar and
common conversation; conversa-
tional, hence unstudied, informal."
(Webster's.) Ergo, the expressions
"in" and "out" in the context in
which I have used them can be
called "colloquilaisms," that is,
"expressions of colloquial style or
But I digress. Here's what is in:
Patched Madras
Patched madras is in. What is
patched madras? It is madras,
hand-patched. Since it is hand-
patched, no two pairs of shorts
made of patched madras can be
exactly alike. Ergo, each pair of
matched madras Bermuda shorts
is different from the next one.
.Obviously, then, patched madras
shorts are excellent for those who
want shorts different from every-
body else's.
Belts are in. It is a fact that
almost every pair of shorts you
see these days has a belt. Ergo,
we can logically conclude that, by
definition, belts are in.
Normal side-pockets are in. (See
immediately above.)
No Thin Stripes
Stripes-just about the same as
those of last year-are in. How-
ever, it is wise to note here that
exceedingly thin stripes are no
longer in.
The following materials are ex-
ceedingly in: cotton, dacron, ray-
on. Also, most of the less offensive
combinations of these with other
materials can safely be called in.
In this light, it can be generally
said that all materials not called
cotton, dacron or rayon are eith-
er on the fringe of being in, or on
the fringe of being out, or out, Also
combinations of any of these.
To sum up, it can be estimated
that you will be as in as possible
this spring if you wear, say, a
patched madras, belted, normal-
pocketed pair of Bermudas. With,
say, cotton (or dacron or rayon)
lining or trim (striped if possible).
So with this article as a guide,
why not get out there and be fash-
And in? Huh?
Flowers Make
April Fashions
That perennial spring fashion-
flowers-has moved this spring
from hats to lingerie.
Color is the word this spring
in the new, profusely flowered
lingerie. Ranging from delicate
Victorian primroses to wild trop-
cal prints, flowers are available
to suit every taste and mood.
Pantaloons of wild greens and
reds and oranges can be comfort-
ably and strikingly worn under
spring skirts and dresses. The pan-
taloons are particularly convenient
for wear under the new culotte
skirts that are continually gain-
ing in popularity. For the more
dainty young woman, muslin or
silk pantaloons decorated with
frills 4nd lace and flowers are par-
ticularly appropriate.
Women's slips have followed this
same pattern of wild colors. Both
slips and pantaloons can be bought
in patterns matching skirts and
culottes, whether the pattern be
scotch plaid or violently colored


f __

New Styles First at Wild's
- V
{ Dacron-Cotton Sport
Coats from $29.95
nfluence from abroad...a
traditional British vrli
tailored to perfection in a 3-
button sport jacket. In fineN
wool or cotton blends.
summer Sport Jackets!
Those who have already attended
the World's Fair know it to be £ #
exceedingly colorful. However
the proprietor suggests that his
sport jacket,collection is an in- Varsity-Town Seersucker
*teresting rival, much easier to in. Sport Coat $35.00
-spect and invest in.
One of the coolest ways to
I keep comfortable this
summer . . . a seersucker
sport coat in the popular


' :::f iii;' '::;: :'%~i": 0 %ii:%:ii : %:' ::i;t ::::?
you will find at
Madras Dickies, r
Madras Purser, Madras
Hats, Aigner Bags,
and other sorts of good
things for you
and your friends.
:: .. .

fashionable matching


12 99

Now it's the'

Flared or straight, graceful mid heels give you trim long-legged
flattery. .ighter, more open with delicate strapwork, these Finessa
by Jacqueline fashions are beautiful. Open one smooth side or

little heels




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