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March 15, 1964 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-03-15

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ana's 'Big Effort' Cops 123-lb. Title

Duke Romps to,101-54 Win


By The Associated Press

RALEIGH, N.C.-Duke demol-
ished Connecticut with a 62 point
first half last night and went on
to bury the Huskies under a 101-
54 avalanche to retain its NCAA
Eastern Regional basketball cham-
Duke will play the Mideast Re-
gion champion in the national
semifinals at Kansas City next
Friday night.
Jeff Mullins hit 11 of 15 first
half shots and scored 30 points be-
fore leaving the game with 6:30 to
play, the last of the Duke starters
to be pulled by Coach Vic Bubas.
Clinch Third
Villanova clinched third place
with a 64-62 victory' over Princeton
as Wally Jones scored 12 of his
34 points in the last seven min-
utes to lead the Wildcats, No. 7
in the nation from behind.
Mullins, who scored 43 points
Friday night against Villanova,
pumped in three baskets in less
than three minutes and the Blue
Devils, No. 3 in the country, were
of f and running 10-2.
If Mullins needed any help it
came from Steve Vacendak, who
spent three days in a hospital ear-
lier in the week recovering from
a lung injury. He hit four suc-
cessive long shots in as many min-
utes to help Duke to a 62-27 half-
time lead.
MINNEAPOLIS - Kentucky's
All-America Cotton Nash came to
life with 23 points, but Chicago
Loyola outlasted the Wildcats 100-
91 to take the consolation game
of the NCAA Mideast Regional
basketball tourney last night..
Loyola's Ramblers, dethroned
by Michigan as national cham-
pions Friday night, sewed up the
game at the free throw line with
38 of 44 gift shots.
Only 10
Nash was held to only 10 points
Friday night as his fourth ranked
Kentuckians were upset by Ohio
University 85-69.
Loyola played more than a half
without its star rebounder, 6-
foot-6 Vic Rouse, whose previous-
ly dislocated left shoulder snap-
ped out of joint four minutes be-

HE'S IN CONTROL-Ralph Bahna drives for the pin in some of the form that netted him a con-
ference title at 123-pounds in last week's Big Ten championships. Bahna, a senior, whipped some top
competition in his last conference action for the Maize and Blue. Included in his victories on the way
to the top was a 5-4 decision over then-undefeated Mike Berry of Ohio State and a 2-1 thriller over
Larry Lloyd of Minnesota. Next stop for the new champ is the NCAA's coming up during the spring

fore halftime. Four doctors got points, stole the ball at least four
the shoulder back into place. times and generally wrecked hav-
.Sophomore Jim Coleman led oc on the nationally fifth-ranked
Loyola's free throw marksmanship Shockers, who were playing before
with 14 out of 15. a hometown crowd of 10,815 near
* * *hysterical supporters.
WICHITA, Kan. -Wondrous Murrell scored 17 of his points
Willie Murrell and his Big Eight against the Wichita press before
champion teammates from Kansas intermission.
State ripped into Wichita's proud Wichita,, however, riding on the
defense for a 94-86 triumph last scoring heroics of All-America
night and the NCAA' Midwest Dave Stallworth, twice stormed
Regional basketball championship. back to contention in the second
The Wildcats' victory, their 13th half.
straight, earned them a spot in A Stallworth tip-in cut the mar-
the NCAA championship semifin- gin to 60-54 about five minutes in-
als in Kansas City next Friday to the second period, but a pair of
against the winner of the West- jump shots by Jeff Simons put
ern Regional. Kansas State comfortably in front
Texas Western beat Creighton again.
63-52 for third place. Then, with less than two mm-
Murrell, a multiple talented 6- utes to go and the Shockers trail-
foot-6 corner man, scored 28 ing by 13, Stallworth scored six.
Wolverine Athletes Get
Another Year EligibIlity
Three Michigan athletes; foot- The committee suggested three
ball players Ken Wright and Den-otealrnivseimain
SFlanagan and wrestler Dave other alternatives, elimination of
Dozeman, were granted an addi- the ban, application of it only to
tional year of eligibility by Big football and basketball, and ap-
Ten faculty representatives at plication of it to football only
this week's opening sessions of the during the gridiron season, but
conference's March business meet- straw votes indicate the conference
ings. wanted none of these.
A total of 16 athletes, includ- There had been a puggestion
ing four from Michigan State, were that a proposed American Football
granted an extra year under a League team for Chicago could
Big Ten rule providing for ath- use Northwestern's Dyche Stadium
letes who suffer injuries and do for competition, but Friday's ac-
not play beyond the first game in tion ruled out that chance.
a season Big Ten commissioner Bill Reed
Made eligible for the Spartans said there had been numerous pro-
were wrestlers J. Fred Annegers posals by professional sports
and Cecil Holmes and soccer play- groups to use conference facili-
ers Pierre Diane and Nenabe De- ties, which brought about the re-
dich. view of the rule.
Reed also revealed that natio-
The Big Ten voted Friday to al television of football games
retain its ban against the use of brought participating schools more
its facilities by any professional than $270,000 each or about 20 per
sports teams or groups .in the cent more than they received in
windup of a two-day spring meet- 1962.
The conference heard a report BROWSE
without recommendations from a
special committee before voting L E T
against lifting its present rule.
The conference now has a ruleM ANINE
prohibiting pro teams from itsEZANKIDE
facilities, but there has been sen- A
timent favoring repeal to permit NEW TITLES
each school to make its own de- ARRIVE EVERY DAY
cision whether pro teams shall be
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"How Much Progress?" also includes a
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A copy of Scott's report on Latin Amer-
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Seahoim Captures Fastest State Meet


award of the night on his last
dive to pull ahead for the victory.
Two More
The other two records were set
in the 200-yard medley relay and
the 200-yard freestyle relay. Ann
Arbor set both records in the pre-
liminaries during the afternoon,
but lost the freestyle relay in the
finals to Birmingham Groves. In
the medley relay Ann Arbor went
1:42.3 in the preliminaries and
won in the finals with a time of
Ann Arbor swam the 200-yard
freestyle in 1:31.59 in the prelim-
inaries. In the finals Groves won
it with a time of 1:31.60. Ann
Arbor was second with a time of
1:31.66. The first five teams were
separated by only .25 seconds, in
the cloesest and fastest race in
the history of the meet. The old
record was 1:32.3, which the first
five teams all beat.
David Gibson of Saginaw Ar-
thur Hill won the 50-yard free-
styles, with a time of 22.77. This
was far slower than his previous
best of 22.0, which he did in a
dual meet earlier this season.
Wiebeck of Thurston set the state
record of 22.2 last year. Records
can only be set in state meets.
Big Butterfly
The 100-yard butterfly was won
by John Muslin of Munroe. His
time of 53.66 was only 1.16 seconds
away from the national record of
52.6 set last year by William Jen-
nison of Detroit Cooley. Muslin's
time was over two seconds faster
than his previous fastest time.
He only qualified fifth. The fast-
est qualifier, Bob Hand of Sagi-
naw, was disqualified for an illegal
kick after finishing fourth. Mus-
lin was so excited by winning that
he lept from the pool, ran over
to where his girl was sitting in
the stands and sprayed her with
a mouthful of water.







Should fre miret
use it o?
(Theyd probably let*3go fthefr heads)
But then, wouldn't any man? If he suddenly
found all those starry-eyed gals looking at him?
So, if you think you can handle it, go
ahead. use SHORT CUT! It'll tame the

I '~.. i" _. _ JYY 1711 11 Vi1Ra I


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