SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 1964 THE MICHIGAN DAILY DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMIE PAGE F NTS TRANSPORTATION WANTED: Ride to Milwaukee March 20. Call 5-9761, ext. 285 at dinner. G30 NEW ORLEANS and Gulf Coast. Room for 2. Call Deebs, NO 5-9175. G31 WANTED--Ride to Kansas for vacation. l Call Pete, 665-7711, Ext. 2120. G28 PHILADELPHIA-Need ride to Phila. on Friday, March ,20, afternoon. Call Dick, 5-7976 or 2-6305. G25' WANTED-A ride to New York on Mar. 20. Call Harriet, Ext. 1407 Stockwell. G29 WANTED RIDE TO NYC or vicinity for March 20 or 21. Call Virginia at 665- 9761, Ext. 72. G24 RIDE WANTED-To Poughkeepsie, New York (or vicinity) and back for Easter vacation. Will share driving and ex- penses. Call Mark, 2-6894 or 3-4807. G11 RIDE WANTED to San Diego round trip during Easter vacation. Call 5-4506. 019 ATTRACTIVE, vivacious coed desires ride to PITTSBURGH for spring va- cation. Willing to share expenses. Cll 3-7541, Ext. 782. 023 RIDE NEEDED to Grand Rapids for vacation. Will share expenses. Please call Sue, 3-1561, Ext. 1387. 026 TWO COEDS would like a ride to Pittsburgh on. March 20. Please, any- one going that way call SQ, Ext. 628. WANTED-Ride to Dallas over Spring Vacation. Will share driving and ex- penses. Contact Barb, 3-7541, Ext. 731. USED CARS OPEL REKORD-Perfect running, no rust, putstanding economy Only 29,000 miles, one owner. NO 3-5519. N33 COMFORTABLE '52 BUICK-Excellent motor, tires, interior, radio. Hood needs welding. $50. Call NO 3-2586. N32 '63 2-DR. CORVAIR, maroon. Excellent cond. 23,000 miles. One owner. Price $1800. Call 665-2209 after 6 pm. N29 1956 CHEVROLET WAGON, 4-door. 6- cylinder, straight stick. Excellent con- dition. $350. Call HU 3-5973 after 6 p.m. FOR RENT SUMMER and/or FALL-4 man apt. 4 bdrms. 1 block from Engin. Arch. 663-9450. C4 SUMMER RENTALS INC. Tired of looking for a summer apt.? Let us do the looking for you. 2, 3, & 4 man apts. available for the summer. Call 665-9627. C51 JUNE-AUG. Spacious 4-man apt. 5 rms. furn. Utilities paid. Parking across from A&D. $48/man 1010 Mon- roe. 665-2862. , C41 SUMMER SUBLET-Want privacy? 3 bedroom furn. apt. Price for 3. Near campus. Call 3-2823. C2 SUMMER SUBLET-2 man apt. 2 blocks from campus. Call 662-4196. C47 MADISON AVENUE Summer Sublet for Four - Air-condi- tioned. Two Bedrooms, Electric Kitchen, Modern. NO UPSTAIRS NEIGHBORS. 320 East Madison. 3- 1714. 036 TAPPAN PARK EAST-New furn., on campus. E. Univ. at Tappan. Swim- ming pool-guest lounge. Groups of 3 or 4. Phone 663-6432 after 5 03 DELUX Summer Sublet-4 rm. Summit House apt. Call 665-2666. C49 SUMMER SUBLET-Ideal apt. for 3 to 4 students. Furn. Call 5-0980 during meal hours. C21 ON CAMPUS-Apt. for 1-3 girls. Avail- able after May. NO 2-1443. C44 BEAUTIFUL Whitmore lakefront home. Available Sept.-May. 4 male seniors or grad, students preferred, Call Detroit, TU 2-9661. C2 SUMMERING in Ann Arbor? This is where to harbor. Wall to wall ceilings and floors. Plus many other extras. NO 3-7231 037 FOR SUMMER Sublet-Modern 4-man apt. Near campus, air conditioned. NO 3-1990. C45 SUMMER SUBLET-4-man apt. First floor of house. 2 bdrms. Large. Corner of Elm and Geddes. 3-6859. C33 MADISON AVENUE APARTMENTS 320 E. Madison SUMMER SUBLET-7-room fully furn. house. $125/mq. 5-3914. C10 JUNE OR SEPTEMBER -4 S " ' ' ACROSS 1. Beard of grain 4. Formerly 8. List 12. Also 13. Break, of day 14. Arabian Chieftain 15. Made precious 17. Unite 18. Word of Choice 19. Charges Wfth gas 21. Girl 24. Thong 25. Insect 26. Honorari- um 27. Edition 31. Two- pointed tack 33. Scoffs 34. Forbidden 35. Beam 36. Once around 37. Peeled 39. Friend 40. Spring flower 43. Mystic Hindu ejaculation 44. Post 45. Hardly probable 50. Recorded proceedings 51. Goddess of discord 52. Trouble 53. Prophet 54. Volcano 55. Jewel DOWN 1. Devoured 2. Gained the victory N A O O!i SP A R A G, L A L E A N C E IS T R AIL L I N T Y A W E S L E V E T E R i A L EA/ E N S F R E T L A N E S SLOA D W Q M A N 8 1. A N 0 G 1 R L O N R A N G F I N D O R E I C E D I M E A R I A O U O E L L E N Q O R E ti o O W M EN T E L L S A R C A S T I C R E Y Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle 3. Beckon 4. Persian poet 5. And not 6. Bring into being. 7. Finisher 8. Fall back into a forme state 9. Exclude 1r ! 12 g p 7 86 q iO ! 21 2213 2 23 2627 28029 30 _d 33 535 .. i-V.-- ---~" 10. Prong 11. Clumsy boats 16. Dawn goddess 20. Showery 21. Ultimate 22. Pilaster r 23. Pierce 24. Witness 26. Buoy 28. Barter for money 29. Russian mountains 30. Discover, 32. In high favor 33: Doleful 35. Frequented place 38. Monetary unit of Pakistan 39. Friend: Fr. 40. Wine vessels 41. Speed contest 42. Morsel 43. Mountain in Greece 46. Transgres- sion 47. Sack 48. Untruth 49. Shade tree AF Newiforlums 1025 PAR TIME 19 MIN. with this issue All types of close-in luxury apta. NO.3-7268 "e0g iiihe 23ai;4 i aihionc Supp ternenct a sy. SUMMER-Fall opt., 1 bdrm., 3 rms., furnd., air cond. $135/mo. 5-2805. C5 Luxury 2-bdrm. apts. available for June and. Sept. Tastefully furn. and car- peted. Centrally air - conditioned. MISCO MGT. SERVICE, 662-8658. 038 TIFFANY APARTMENTS Showing now for summer and fall. Modern, fully furnished, air-con- ditioned. Efficiency, one, and two bedroom apts. Featuring new split- level design, offering the ultimate in luxury and privacy. Call 3-8866. SSUMMER OR FALL Furnished new and remodeled apts. on campus. Unmarried students only. NO 5-9405 NOW ACCEPTING appointments for fall rental. Several new buildings avail- able. Apts. Ltd. Call 3-0511. 012 SPENDING THE SUMMER IN A.A.? - Then why not rent a modern, air- conditioned apartment close to cam- pus. Will accommodate 4 or 5 people comfortably. Phone NO 5-2167 for further information. 053 LARGE' 2 bedroom, , grubby apartment available for summer. Excellent 10- cation, great for active social life. Will accept any offer to get rid of it. Call Ron or Don, 5-2255. 039 CAMPUS APTS. Specializing in modern, furnished, air conditioned apts. for 2 and 3. Available for summer or fall. Call 3-8866. C46 GIRLS-Dream apt., 3 bdrm., fireplace, balcony, skylight, carpeted, full ap- pliances available June or August- reasonably priced. Call now, 5-8330 or 8-8723. C25 BARGAIN SUMMER SUBLETS! New, luxurious, fully furnished 1, 2, 3 bedrm. apts. Balconies, big and beau- tiful. Come and see them l Call 8- 8723 or 5-8330. 05 SUMMER SUBLET-2-3 people; close to campus; large, comfortable; kitchen, one bedroom, huge living room; we pay $50 per man but will negotiate. 905 Oakland. 5-0839. 028 9 MO. LEASE for winter or 3 mo. for summer. Furn. apt. near campus for 3 to 4 students. Sharp. NO 2-2906 be- tween 6 and 7 p.m. C43 SUMMER SUBLET? FALL RENTAL? What is your housing problem? 1 and 2 bdrm. apts. Furn. & unfurn. Call us to make appt. to see. CAMPUS MANAGEMENT 662-7787 663-9064 .1 / RADIO REPAIRS, MUSICAL MDSE. LIKE NEW-GUILD GUITAR - Six string base with case. Cost $135. Will sacrifice for $95. Cali 5-6607. X5 HI, FI, RADIO and *Phono service. TV rentals, speaker reconing. Free pick-up and delivery service. Campus Radio and TV. NO 5-6644, 325 E Hoover. X2 A-1 New and Used Instruments BANJOS, GUITARS. AND BONGOS Rental Purchase Plan PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR 119 W. Washington MISCELLANEOUS Ralph's has 9 different kinds of BAGELS This morning try Teething Bagels with your coffee. at RALPH'S MARKET 709 Packard Open every Sunday morning TRY THE DAILY AND SEE THE WORLD... (Through an AP machine, that is) Talk to the editorial personnel director about trying out for the staff. REAL ESTATE LAND FOR SALE-200 acres near Man- chester. Hills, woods, iakeshore. $135 per acre. Terms. Coury-Farm-Broker, Saline, 429-9731. F7 HOUSE FOR SALE-2-story brick with attached 2-car garage. 1st floor: living room, dining room, study (all car- peted), kitchenr(2 oven range, dish- washer), 1y bath and mudroom. 2nd floor: 4 bdrms and bath. Excellent cond. Adjacent to Wines and For- sythe. Will consider land contract. NO 5-5631. R8 ANNOUNCING WHIT'S TRUCK RENTAL Ann Arbor 202 W. Washington St., Call NO 5-6875 Pick-ups Panels Small Vans HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED part-time help wanted for men's clothing store, selling clothing and furnishings through Easter vacation. Ann Arbor Clothing, 113 S. Main St. H6 EUROPEAN JOBS - TRAVEL GRANTS for all students. Lifeguarding, office work, etc. For prospectus, application send $1: Det. C., ASIS, 22 Avenue de la Liberte, Luxembourg City, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. H5 DENTAL HYGENIST for 1 or 2 days a week in Plymouth. Write Box 7, Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard. H14 GIRL TO LIVE with handicapped col- lege student. $50/week. Call 665-0547 or MA 6-5298. H3 FOR SMALL BOYS CAMP. Experienced Counselors needed - Crafts; water- front, nature. Minimum age 19. Please write giving experience and back- ground. Camp Flying Eagle, 1251 Weber Drive, Lansing, Michigan. H2 BIKES AND SCOOTERS HONDA 305 Super Sport-Like new, 1963 2300m. $600. Call Jerry, 3-3967. Z2 1958 LAMBRETTA 125 CC scooter. Ex- cellent, licensed, ready for spring. Asking $169. Call Don, 665-4111, Ext. 420. Z1 NICHOLSON MOTORCYCLE SALES Triumph, Yamaha, BMW 224 S. First St. 662-7409 1963 SILVER AGLE Motor Scooter - Fully equipped, 4 months old. Cost $616. Will take $400. 2740 Tim, Wood- land Lake, Brighton, anytime after 5 p.m. Z29 ANY HONDA-$100 Will reserve the machine for you. Avoid the spring rush now or wait your turn later. Use our lay-away plan or bank financing now. HONDA of Ann Arbor 1906 Packard Rd. 665-9281 CAR SERVICE, ACCESSOR IESI PERSONAL WANTED-1 or 2 girls for an apt. next fall. Call 3-1561, Ext. 801 or 5-7711 Ext. 2417. F47 Meet the Right People The purpose of our organization, using established techniques of personality appraisal and an IBM system, is to introduce unmarried persons to others whose bacaground and ideals are congenial with their own. Interviews by appointment. Phone after 9 a.m. NO 2-4867. MICHIGAN SCIENTIFIC INTRODUCTION SERVICE WONDERFUL-I promise to keep my big mouth shut. Now you even have it in writing. F45 DEAR CRAW-How does It feel to be sweet sixteen and never been kissed! If you ever want to remedy the situa- tion, see the Phantom Smootchem Club! F46 THIS IS WAR: Honors study lounge challenges Mo and Nancy to a shut- up feud. Lord Wug (the finger) super- vising. P47 CONGRATULATIONS to Joyce Green- leaf and thank you to Scroll for tap- ping early. ,. Suzy & Mickey F48 DEAR BUNNY, 19B plus 18A make this a very special day. Love, 1503 Kirby F15 MERCIFUL HEAVEN! The super-sudser is coming . . . Good Lord. Linus F49 HEAR "The Bible Speaks to You" on WCBN tonight at 6:45. Sponsored by the Christian Science Organization. F50 DEAR SUE, Meet your friends at Wom- en's Recognition Night, Monday, Mar. 16, 7 p.m. Rackham. Sibel. Fl DEAR, ANGIE: I accept your challenge. ,See you at the Union on Tues. I will be a Michigras ballerina. Janie F2 NEW YORK TO LONDON TO NEW YORK, U. of M. Group Flight to Eu- rope. June 2-Aug. 18. $50 deposit by March 20 to reserve seat. Limited seats available. Call Ben Morris, NO 2-1753 or Rose Ehrinpreis, NO 5-0537. F3 HATS OFF to the Pi La mwho stood up in Mr. O'Donnell's American Lit. lecture. F4 HATS OFF to Mr. O'Donnell for such a fine lecture. F5 GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS on sale this week. SAB. 1-3 daily. F24 TWO GIRLS looking for 2 roommates for Sept. Cal South Quad, Ext. 422. SLIDE RULES-New and used, $5-$18. NO 2-8312. F3 ARE YOU A VIP? Come to Women's Recognition Night and see. Monday, March 16. 7 P.M. Rackham. F43 FOUND-Leather gloves left by hitch- hiker in car en route to EMU Field House. Call HU 2-3800, Ext. 294. F10 AUSTIN DIAMOND CORPORATION - "Where marginal prices buy quality diamonds!" 1209 S. University. 663- 7151. F73 DO YOU have a Wolverine ticket to New York that you wish to sell? Call Zina-5-9761, Ext. 258. F21 FURN. MOD. APT, for 4-Available 2nd sem. No summer sub-lease. Good loc., 1 block from bus. ad, and law. Call NO 3-6237. F38 CHARTER FLIGHTS TO EUROPE $285 round trip Leave on June 10, 14, 16, July 1. Call NO 3-7890 or NO 3-3189 27 GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS on sale this week. SAB. 1-3 daily. P23 SAVE MONEY-Go by Willopolitan to Detroit Airports. F13 DIAMONDS-Highest quality at com- petitive prices. Call G. K. Reaver Co. of Ann Arbor, 309 S. Thayer. NO2- 1132. 18 HI LUV! I think back to those fab times we had in the colonies. Well, we're still at it every eve. I just wish they'd quit throwing jellies and start with the GARGOYLE. Understand it's really fab this time. Michigan from A to Z. I always enjoy watching the col- onies being ripped apart. Luv, Ringo F37 WATCH FOR Willopolitan ticket sales in the Fishbowl. F12 GIRL apt. Call TO SHARE modern furnished Close to campus and hospital. NO 2-5736 after 5 p.m. F2 }I UVU it's FA.B. SimplyFab., The1964MichgnPrimper Comig WDEDY Produced (of course) by1 ~~~~ai~v* .# sjK Li .p._ SUNDAY & TUESDAY MR. LESLIE PAUL, M.A., F.R.S.L, English writer and author (Autobiography: Angry Young Mali.) SUNDAY 9:00 and 11:00 a.m.: Preaching at St. Andrew's Church, 306 N. Division. 7:45 p.m.: Speaking at Canterbury House, 218 N. Division St. "The Mood of the Young in Britain" TUESDAY 12:00 Noon: Luncheon at International Center, auspices of the Protestant Foundation for Int'l Tonorhow at 8:000 P.M. Yaacov Shimoni Director of Asian Affairs Israeli foreign ministry Leslie Paul, born in London, left school at age 14, whereupon he became a journalist, organizer of left-wing politics and trade iminc. nini n f n n fit h n krri maIn If