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March 15, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-03-15

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See Editorial Page



:!Ia t 4

Monday partly cloudy and mild
with chance of rain

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom



Outlasts Ohio, 69-57






P omey Sparks Team;
Russell Drops In 25
To Face Duke Blue Devils Friday
In Tournament at Kansas City
Special To The Daily
MINNEAPOLIS-Just two more wins and Michigan is the
The Wolverines are the basketball champions of the
Mideast Regional of the NCAA by virtue of their 69-57 victory
over Ohio University here last night.
The Wolverines will go to Kansas City next weekend to
meet Duke's Blue Devils Friday night in the semifinals of the
national 'tournament.
Cazzie Russell, bone chips and all, led the Wolverines with
25 points and several key baskets, but it was reserve forward

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'h* Math Researc. . a e

(First of a Series)
Mathematical research - a
grand term for an unknown
quantity-faces in every direc-
tion, and presents many a prob-
lem to the uninitiated.
Prof. George E. Hay, chair-
man of the mathematics de-
partment, terms present-day
math a "great jungle," and
those lost within it readily
Prof. Hay explains that
mathematics is "a type of skill.
Tts study must begin in kinder-
garten, for the whole structure
is based on something which is
based on something which is
based on something"-and so
on. In the many areas of study
divisions are vague and disci-
plines are interwoven, pre-
sumably down to that last
something on which it all is
based-if, indeed, that some-
thing exists.
Many Branches
The term math "analysis"
covers a large area of math
research at the University, cal-
culus being a part. Other fields
include algebra (which, it
should be said, is not simply
the solving of equations); ap-
plied math; both classical and
modern; actuarial work; logic;
geometry; history; number

really goes on. in an in
mathematical study.
sciences are concerned w
space--this one. Mathi
cerned not with one p
reality but with a thou;
Into the Abstract
Prof. Raymond L. Wil'
scribes modern mathema
a process of building
works into which mat]
cepts can be fitted.
structures and patteri
often taken from simila
terns in nature or sociel
then goes on to expla
abstract nature of math
most sciences are force
least skirt the edges of t
reality, he observes, pure
ematics moves with bewi:
rapidity straight into t
stract and becomes to
mental creation.
With the constant
abstract formal structur
Prof. Roger C. Lydon, "T
matics becomes a sort
choanalysis of the r
function of the mind,"
the mathematician into
analysis of his own t
The obscure and comp
ture of present-day in
important in determini
role mathematics plays i
versity research.

t Ohnson To EMY
iece of
der de-
atics as
sIn n Address on 2
h con-
ns are
in the
d io u at
mat ur Convicts Ruby
ldei ing s:
he ab- DreEc5
tally a ' ecreesExecution
use of DALLAS (P)-Jack Ruby, his face devoid of the tiniest trace of
es, says emotion, was condemned to death yesterday in a jury's swift verdict
Mathe of murder with malice.
aon psy- It took the panel of four women and eight men only two hours
forcing and 19 minutes to order the maximum penalty against Ruby for
a full the Nov. 24 slaying of LeeHarvey Oswald, accused of the assassina-
hought tion of President John F. Kennedy.
The jury flatly rejected the plea of Ruby, 52-year-old operator
lex na- .. of a Dallas strip tease joint, that he was temporarily insane when7
lath is - he shot Oswald.
ng the Chief defense attorney Melvin Belli, known as an outstanding
n Uni- civil court trial lawyer told newsmen after the verdict that one
juror, whom he did not identify,"
had boasted to his employer that



-George Pomey who drew the
praise of Coach Dave Strack
after the game. "I thought we
were pretty lethargic tonight,"
the coach commented, "but it
was the work of Pomey that
really perked the kids up."
Pomey stole the ball four times
in the second half and scored six
points in the few minutes he play-
Bill Buntin, the All Big Ten
center, was voted the most valu-
able player of the entire regional,
based on his outstanding perform-
ance against Loyola Friday night
and the 15 points and 10 rebounds
he picked off last-night.
Michigan went ahead 8-7 after
six minutes had elapsed and coast-
ed to a 32-27 halftime lead. The
Bobcats outrebounded the Wolver-
ines in the first half, 23121, with
the bulk of the board, work done
by Mike Haley, Cazzie Russell's
man, who, collected ten.
Jim Meyers came off the bench
in the middle of the second half
and perked up the Blue, nabbing
five rebounds. Buntin, Darden and
Russell each had four in that half.
In the first half, the Wolver-
ines never were able to get ahead
by more than the five which they
held at halftime as the Bobcats
led by Don Hilt's 13 never let up
the attack despite missing 67.6
per cent of their shots.
Hilt wound up with 18 pointsi
to lead his team.
The Wolverines came back after
the halftime break and tried to
"step up the pace a little" accord-
ing to Strack. They pulled ahead.


theory; statistics and probabil-
ity, and topology, which itself
has numerous subdivisions.
Prof. Paul R. Halmos points
out that every article written
about mathematics and intend-
ed for the nonmathematical
layman must essentially be
dishonest and either com-
promise the real meaning of its
subject or be unintelligible to
the intended reader. "One can-
not possibly communicate what

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Ieating Raps Anti-Rights 'Propaganda'

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON--Sen. Kenneth
B. Keating (R-NY) charged yes-
terday that "hate-mongering" is
being spread among people in his
state. and elsewhere by foes of the
House-passed civil rights bill.
In other civil-rights action,
demonstrations erupted in two
widely-separated states, while a
third passed a law banning dis-
crimination in public accommo-
"New Yorkers are being delug-
ed with propaganda and misinfor-
mation," Keating told the Senate
when it met in an unusual Satur-
day session to continue debate on
a motion to take. the bill up for
Southern opponents are resist-
ing this preliminary motion in


Send Trloops
To Cyprus

UNITED NATIONS () - Fin- by seven right away, but missed prst aaia leadersh, p move
land and Sweden promised troops three times in a row on fast breaks protest against a leadership move
yesterday for a United Nations and saw the lead whittled away ure up for action without first
peace-keeping force i troubled to one at 39-38. referring it to the judiciary com-
Cyprus, leaving the force only At that" point reserve forward mittee for hearings.
about 1000 short of its goal of Meyers, whom Strack said "Made Cites Group
7000 men, a great comeback -in this tourna- Keating referred particularly to
The new battalions were ex- See WOLVERINES, Page 7 the Coordinating Committee for
pected to add about 700 men each ____________________________
to the 1,150 Canada had already1
started sending to Cyprus.
The resultant total of 2,550 men
did not include the 500 troopsr
pledged by Ireland. The Irishl
pledge was contingent on parlia-
mentary approval in Dublin. For
To Replace British Troops
United Nations Secretary-Gen-: WASHINGTON OP)-Asst. Secretary of State Harlan Cleveland
eral U Thant aimed at raising said yesterday the Cyprus crisis shows that the world community
3500 men from six or eight coun- needs "a flexible callup system" under which international forces
tries to replace half the 7000 Brit- can be rushed to trouble spots.
ish troops now trying to keep thecabersdtorulept.
peace between Greek and Turkish Cleveland, who deals with United Nations affairs, re-emphasized
Cypriots..in a radio interview the United States policy favoring earmarking
An advance contingent of 42 of national contingents for United "
Canadian officers and men reach- Nations use when needed. ' E JUST DIDN'T
ed Nicosia by plane yesterday. Fin- Cleveland listed four lessons - l
land and Sweden planned to send from the Cyprus experience:
advance parties of staff officers -"The United Nations has once
to Cyprus too, but their battalions again turned out to be quite es-
seemed likely to take up, to four sential in an inflamable world. We
weeks to get there. are very much involved in every
Brazilian Maj. Gen. Carlos flame in the world, but we don't By JIM TINDALL
Flores de Paiva Chaves arrived in have to be the world's policeman..
Nicosia yesterday to become act- if we Americans and our friends 'We just didn't have it tonight,"
ing commander of the new force. n said coach Al Renfrew after Mich-
Thant was Waiting to get def- around the world have the art igan's hockey team absorbed its
init wod ontrops fom us-and the skill to build some inter- fourth loss of the season, losing
mnite word on troops from Aus- national peacekeeping machinery." fut oso h esn oig
tria, which lacked a government n the WCHA playoff championship
to make a decision and from Bra- "The world community needs by a score of 6-2, to the Pioneers
zil, which turned him down once very badly some ready forces on of Denver.
but was asked to reconsider. the alert-a flexible call-up sys- The Wolverines were beaten by
'Hands Off' tem-not a great expensive stand- a team that Denver coach Murray
A new United Nations resolu- ing force. Armstrong said, "played as well
tion contained a "hands off Cy -"We need a reliable source of as it can play tonight. We have
prus" provision to deal with unds to finance such an operation. been an off-and-on team all sea-
Turkey's threat to invade the This time in Cyprus it is a volun- son, but tonight the boys really
island unless Greek Cypriots stop- tary, neighborly bucket brigade. played well."
ped a t t a c k s against Turkish That can help put out a few He added, "I know that Mich-
Cypriots. small fires, but we need some- igan can play much better, and
Cyprus was quiet as Canadian thing better than that. We need I am sure that they will next Sat-
troops began to arrive except for the nucleus of a professional fire urday night in the NCAA finals-
s e v e r a 1 apparently accidental department with a regular system it will be a different game alto-
shots in Nicosia suburbs yester- for supporting it financially. gether next weekend.'
I crms:.,. .,, , ,a .. +. ,, ,..,..a 'Tfl,. Vnltariri,4nn. nlrnc. tct"Aj[x

Fundamental American Freedoms,
Inc. He said this is "really a front
group for the Mississippi State
Sovereignty Commission, an orga-
nization created by and financed
by the Mississippi State Legisla-
In Yellow Springs, Ohio, police
arrested more than 100 demonstra-
tors at a boisterous parade out-
side the shop of a barber who has
steadfastly refused to cut Negroes'
Those arrested, predominantly
Negro college students, were book-
ed at nearby Xenia city jail on
charges of contempt of court.
Police used tear gas and fire
hoses in futile efforts to disperse
the demonstrators before making
the arrests.
Judge Defied
Judge Herman J. Weber of
Greene County Common Pleas
Court laid down restrictions Fri-,
day to limit picketing at the shop,
which has been the target of civ-
il rights demonstrations for four
years. He orderedrthat picket lines
be limited to three persons and
prohibited demonstrations within
500 feet of the shop.
In San Francisco, civil rights
leaders agreed to a two-week mor-
atorium on civil disobedience dem-
onstrations shortly after police ar-
rested 110 picketers in the city's
second major demonstration in
seven days.
The agreement followed arrest
of chanting, singing demonstrators
who disobeyed police orders to
leave the interior of a Cadillac

It was the fourth demonstration
at the car agency in the past week.
The National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People,
sponsor of the Cadillac picketing,
claims the Cadillac Division of
General M o t o r s discriminates
against hiring Negroes.
Finally, the Maryland Legisla-
ture, responding to the insistence
of Gov. J. Millard Tawes, brushed
aside its local-option tradition and
enacted a statewide public accom-
modations law.
They met during a truce-inspir-
ed abeyance of integrationist dem-
onstrations in Princess Anne, seat
of the governor's home court, un-
rest which has kept national guard
troops in Cambridge since last
Railroad Strike
Threat Looms
WASHINGTON (I)-There is a
strong chance of a new nation-
wide rail strike threat next week,
informed sources said yesterday.
The unions are reported ready
to consider a strike against com-
panies who refuse to bargain sep-
arately. National industry nego-
tiators reportedly would meet a
strike against individual roads by
posting work rules changes on
every major railroad.
That would cause a nationwide
strike threat similar to one last
August, which Congress halted at
the last minute with emergency

if he got on the Ruby panel he
would vote the death penalty.
In reply, trial judge Joe B.
Brown said:
"I heard something about that,
but I didn't know when, where or
under what circumstances it oc-
curred. It was hearsay to me. All
sorts of rumors go around. Belli
has a right to his opinion."
Unfair Trial
"Unquestionably they had their
minds made up," Belli said of the
jurors. He conducted a long, futile
fight to have the trial transferred'
outside of Dallas, claiming that
Ruby could not get a fair hearing
Belli was beside himself with
rage in the courtroom in the in-
stant after the verdict was re-
turned. He sprang to his feet. His
face reddened. Judge Brown tried
vainly to quiet him. But he shout-
d "This is a victory for bigotry.
We'll appeal this to a court where
we can get due justice and law."
Promises Appeal
Then as Ruby, still seemingly
uncomprehending, was led past
him in the custody of a phalanx
of burly sheriff's deputies, the de-
fense chief cried, "Don't worry
Jack! We'll appeal this and take
it out of Texas."
Dist. Atty. Henry M. Wade, 50,
a blunt-faced, gray-haired prose-
cutor who '24 times before has sent
a defendant to the chair, said he
anticipated it would be at least
two years before Ruby can be exe-
cuted, assuming the verdict stands.
He said the appeal process would
probably take at least that long.
Meanwhile, Ruby was returned!
to the Dallas county jail where he
has been held without bond since
the day he killed Oswald. Sheriff
Bill Decker said he will remain
there until his last appeal is ex-

Trips Icers in WCHA Playoffs

To Review
US. Policy
With Aides
American Envoys,
Aid Chiefs Gather
To Confer in Capital
WASHINGTON (P') - President
Lyndon B. Johnson plans to give
a new push to the Alliance for
Progress in a major speech tomor-
row to the Organization of Amer-
ican States.
On the same day, he is to be-
gin a sweeping review of United
States-Latin American relations
and problems in general, with
every United States ambasador
and foreign aid chief from this
hemisphere in Washington by his
summons to give a firsthand re-
Out of these meetings might
emerge not only a tougher policy
toward the Fidel Sastro govern-
ment in Cuba, but a tightening
up of any slack the President
might find about Washington's
handling of business with its hem-
isphere neighbors.
To Reinforce Pledge
The President's speech is ex-
pected to be a strong reaffirma-
tion of his pledge to continue.
White House support for the Al-
liance. It is to be given at the
installation of Carolos Sanz de
Santamaria as president of the
Inter-American Committee for the
Alliance for Progress. Sanz de
Santamaria is a 58-year-old Co-
lombian businessmen and cabinet
The committee is a new orga-
nization created to give the Al-
liance more of a hemisphere-wide
The unprecedented, three-day
meetings between Johnson and
United States hemisphere offi-
cials are interpreted as an effort
by Johnson to bring United States
polices up to date and to seek to
avoid any future episodes such as
the controversy which arose out Qf
a flag-flying incident in Panama..
Why Reappraise?
Informed analysts said there
were various reasons why Johnson
may have decided that a reap-
praisal of United States' policies
toward Latin America is timely:
-Creation of the European
Common Market, and French
President Charles de Gaulle's poli-
tical and economic policies have
brought a realignment of aid and
trade problems for Western Hem-
isphere republics.
-Political and economic prob-
lems seem to be getting more seri-
ous, particularly in countries such
as Brazil, Bolivia, Haiti .and the
Dominican Republic.
-The Republican party has in-
dicated it plans to make foreign
policy a major -issue in this presl-
dential election year.
Just how or where the Un.ited
States might tighten the screws
on Castro has not been indicated
but Washington is clinging to its
theory that economic sanctions,
and hemispheric repudiation of

Castro, still are feasible and po-
tentially effective.
To Detail War
To End Poverty
WASHINGTON (P) - After 'a
month's delay because of internal
differences and the question of
lowering the draft registration age,
President Lyndon B. Johnson's
poverty' message Will go to Con-
gress tomorrow.


Finds City
Air Clean
Ann Arbor has no great air
pollution problem, Prof. Paul M.
Giever of the public health school
said yesterday.
Commenting on a state health
official's .report on Michigan's air
pollution problem, Prof. Giever
said Ann Arbor has little auto
exhaust or industrial pollution,
and is thus cleaner than larger
He explained that Ann Arbor's
pr blems come mainly from poor
combustion in heating plants. The
University may be a contributor to
pollution through its power and
heating plants, he said.
Positive Prevention
John Soet, director of the divi-
sion of occupational health for the
health department, said in his re-
port, "Unless a postive program
of preventionis undertaken soon,
our atmosphere will be clogged
with irritating, harmful pollutants.
Air pollution, he said, "affects all
communities, both large and small,
even to the smallest village."
Soet proposed a state-wide pro-
gram for abatement of air pollu-
tion, with educational programs,
technical assistance to communi-
ties with problems, evaluation of
the pollution and a setting of
standards for pollution control.
Prof. Giever said Ann Arbor is:
"not faced with any tremendous
increase" in air pollution at the
present. However, he said, 'the,
time is coming when we must pay
more attention to it."j
Though he would not now sug-
gest legislation to curb pollution,
Prof. Giever said, there may even-
tually be a need for it. -
A Year-lone' studyvof Ann Ar-,,


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