Seventy-Third Yea ErrED AND MANAGED M STUDENTS 0F Tm UNWnSrr O MficmAN UNDEI ATHOMrT OW OAD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PULICATIONS "WhereOpinionsAreF STUDENT UBuCATiom BLDG., ANN ABOR, Mci., PHONE No 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail." Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in a; reprints. SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 1964 NIGHT EDITOR: H. NEIL BERKSON To Encourage Education: Abolish Classes and Exams EDUCATION SHOULD CHANGE a living personal intellectual endeavor but also to creature into a vital and effective hu- demand it for academic survival. The so- man being. But the present system at the lution to the problem is to abolish classes University has a different, much less de- and exams. Then each course would con- sirable effect. It fosters not vitality, but sist of a professor and the number of apathetic indifference, teaching fellows usually assigned to it, Two factors conspire to prohibit the an extensive list of suggested reading and stimulation and satisfaction of the stu- a final paper, which would determine the dent's mind: emphasis on grade-point grade. and rigidity of course structure. Empha- On the surface a number of problems sis on grade-point is not solely a product seem immediately to present themselves: of the University system, but for the a too-high student-faculty ratio; lack of most part of social pressure outside student incentive to work; lack of guid- school. Admission into graduate school, ance necessary to cause the student to parental coercion and acquisition of a work. But with little explanation they job after graduation all serve to increase are seen not to exist. its importance. However, grade-point pressure is far PROFESSORS SHOULD USE their lec- from minimized in the attitudes of pro- ture and office hours to work individ- fessors and administrators within the ually with students. Students who did not University. The first thing that a coun- need help, which often is the case in selor looks at when a student walks into higher courses, would not be confronted his office is not his face but his tran- with mandatory lectures. They could work script; often professors groom their stu- independently and merely hand in the dents for exams. paper. The professor would be freed from Under this combination of interior and the -necessity of trying to gear his class exterior pressure the student cannot help to deal with the most common misunder- but feel that he must sacrifice a compre- standings and could instead deal with hensive insight into the subject he is tak- individual questions. ing for good grades. Needless to say, the On the other hand, the students would two, insight and grades, are not synono- be saved from dangerous apathy. They mous, either for personal reasons or be- would not be released from the pressure to cause of the course itself. But regard- produce because grades would still be less of the student's feeling of obligation closely perused by graduate school admis- to the course content, he is not given sions committees and by industrial firms. time to expand on his own, to supple- But they could govern more the direction ment the course content or broaden his of their production and would have to de- perception of it. velop an intellectual independence which although one of the most important as- THEFINAL IMPORTANCE is not the pects of education is easily avoided un- momentary frustration or feeling of der the present system. futility and even of being lost that ac- Possibly the most pertinent objection companies such a situation, but the long- to this plan is that the students could term effect on the student's mentality not be sufficiently guided. And yet this Deprived of the opportunity to expand, to is the most easily swept aside: who can seek knowledge and thus wisdom on his better explain their subject than the au- own, he stops being inquisitive. He be- thors of the books involved in it. The comes the Charles Dickens' "little pitch- book list would be of major importance. er" sitting passively, waiting to be filled No book would be required but many with whatever anyone wants to pour in. books of quality and interest, which de- The most valuable quality in an individ- fine the general direction of the course, ual, intellectual curiosity, is sacrificed for would be included. a little piece of paper with a sprinkling The system is not ridiculous; it is of five horrible little letters on it. practical. More than that, it is geared to But there is a way in which the system produce minds, not IBM machines. could be arranged not only to encourage -KAREN KENAH TODAY AND TOMORROW: t Cyprus Solution: Migration by Walter Lippmanu CITYSCOPE: Arbitrariness in Student Voting Criteria By RAYMOND HOLTON SEVERAL hundred University students are being turned down by the city clerk when they go to register as electors in the state of Michigan and the city of Ann Ar- bor. The reasons theecity clerk uses in judging whether a stu- dent is eligible to vote in Ann Ar- bor are supposed to be objective. But in reality they are not. This is basically not the fault of the city clerk or the city attor- ney who have tried to set up ob- jective criteria in judging eligi- bility. Rather, the fault lies on the state level, as Prof. William J. Pierce of the law school recently pointed out. He said that there is a lack of specific state laws which is the main cause of friction be- tween the city clerk and those turned down in their attempts to register. The dangerous effect occurs, of course, when the matter of inter- pretation is left up to one indi- vidual who does not have suffi- cient criteria to judge voter eli- gibility. APPLYING the situation direct- ly to the student, it is found that the city clerk has the most prob- lems when he attempts to decide whether or not a student can be consideredran Ann Arbor resident. City Attorney Jacob F. Fahrner, Jr. has ruled that ". . . where a student lives in a dormitory, room- ing or fraternity house only during the period of the school year and returns to his parents' home out- side Ann Arbor during vacation time, he does not acquire legal residence here." A student "does not change his former residence to Ann Arbor when his presence in Ann Arbor is due to the sole purpose of re- ceiving the educational benefits conferred here." There is also a case (Attorney General v. Miller) in whichrthe Michigan Supreme Court defined 'residence" as regards students: "... The great weight of author- ity is that a student at college who is free from parental control, re- gards the place where the college is situated as his home, and has no other to which to return in case of sickness or domestic affliction, is as much entitled to vote as any other resident of the place where the college is situated." City officials primarily draw their criteria from this and simi- lar cases. However, injustices occur in the interpretation of this criteria. The specific criteria the city clerk recently announced included: -the student's marital status and whether or not he has estab- lished a residence in Ann Arbor; -his length of stay in Ann Arbor; -whether the student is free from parental control; .-where he would go in case of sickness or accident; -whether the student is finan- cially independent. Frank Andreae, '66E, was re- cently turned down by the city clerk when he went to register. Andreae's case points up the ar- bitrary methods which must now be employed to determine voter eligibility for students. -Andreae is financially inde- pendent; that is, he can get along without any assistance from his parents who live in Birmingham, Mich. However, since he does re- ceive money from home the city clerk said he did not qualify as being financially independent. -Andreae is not married, al- though he will marry in June. The city clerk again ruled that this lessened his chances to register. --Andreae plans to make his home in Ann Arbor after he mar- ries. However, the city clerk ruled he could not prove intent. At pres- ent he lives in an Ann Arbor apartment. -Andreae is not a "transient" student, that is, he stays in Ann Arbor year-round. -He would probably go to the University Hospital if he became ill, Andreae said. * * * THE PROBLEM of using ob- jective criteria in determining sub- jective qualities in. a person is the basic inequity here. Prof. Pierce commented that in An- dreae's case, the city clerk is prob- ably faced with one of the most difficult decisions in the state. The city clerk refused Andreae's registration mainly because he could not prove intent to remain in Ann Arbor. Prof. Pierce said that "long range intent should not dominate in the city clerk's cri- teria. After all, you can't tell for certain anyone's long-range in- tent. A person might pack up and head for Los Angeles in a year if there is a good job opportunity." The solution, of course, is to take a major portion of the in- terpretive responsibilities out of the hands of the city clerk. He is always liable to arbitrariness in his decisions as would any per- son trying to interpret and apply objective criteria. THROUGH a state law intro- duced in the Legislature arbitrari- ness could substantially be elim- inated. Of course, in order to have a comprehensive, objective set of criteria in such a law it will have to be open for some interpretation, but not to the degree that now exists in Ann Arbor. The deadline for such bills in the Legislature for this year has long since passed. However, at the Legislature's next session such a bill should be the first item on the docket. To put such a bill in "first pri- ority" requires pressure from the constituency. The issue should be brought to the attention of local legislators who could then carry the ball for student voters. tI LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Officer Elections Confusion ( To the Editor: 1 WOULD like to correct several of the statements made by Mary Lou Butcher in her editorial yes- terday, "The Officer Elections Game". Her understanding and interpretation of the "behind the scenes" politicking involving the Student Government Council of- ficer elections is both incorrect and misleading. Where she obtained her information, or better yet her misinformation, is unknown to me. . She has accused me of trying to "deal" Eugene Won of SGC into the treasurer spot on the Council. What did happen is that several of the liberal SGC members got to- gether and tried to form a slate for the officer elections. In doing this the name of Won was inserted as a possible nomination for the of- fice of treasurer. This considera- tion was the result of Mr. Won's alleged "liberalism." I approached Mr. Won and asked him if he would consider running on the slate which includ- ed Thomas Smithson and Howard Schechter. There was no pres- sure; there was no deal. IN THE OTHER incident with Mr. Won, it was Mr. Won who ap- proached me. He came to inform me that he was in open support of Douglas Brook as president of SGC. Based on his "liberal" ac- tivist position in the election, in which he gave the impression to the student body that he would work for progressive legislation and a new non-stagnant leader- ship, I begged Mr. Won to recon- sider. I did this on the basis of his campaign statements and his expressed desire for a council that will do something this year. This was the extent of my en- counter with Mr. Won. This was the extent of my "politicking." I had hoped that the executive committee positions of SGC would have been held exclusively by those supporting a "new" Council, one that would move forward this year with vigor toward a new pro- gressive and active role, for stu- dents on this campus. I hope that with our only limited success in the officer elections that we can still move forward this year. The students of this campus do not deserve another year of stag- nancy on Council. The hope for success in Council lies in the hands of such people as Mr. Won. If they begin to vote for progres- sive Council legislation, we may succeed. However, if they desire to sit back and become the near- stereotyped inactive and regres- sive Council member typified by many of those on last semester's Council, we cannot help but give the student body another year of Disneyland. --Barry Bluestone, '66 SGC Member Quaddie Fare ... To the Editor: A FUNCTION of the University is not only to educate, but also to house and feed its students. We feel that South Quad has failed miserably in the latter. In addition to the low quality of the food, the conditions under which it is served are unsanitary. There is absolutely no reason for anyone to be expected to drink from lip-stick stained glasses or eat off saucers which were used as study-hall ashtrays the night before. The food is made further unappealing by finding hair and other unidentifiable objects with- in. * * * ON MANY occasions, students have been served rotten fruit and stale bread. When a student does bring these facts to the attention of the staff, he is either ignored or told that he is mistaken. Because we are paying for room and board, we do have some rights -and would appreciate having them recognized. -Ellen Weinstein, '67 -Karen Schiff, '67 --Marijane Lazar, '67 -Joan Willens, '67 -Barbara Eaton, '67 Error... To the Editor: I DENOUNCE you for associating my picture with the name Kaz- arinoff in The Daily on Friday, March 13. My opinion of that Trotskyite deviationist is well known, and I resent the connec- tion you have made between us. I must say that the story has as much in common with Kazarin- off's views as I know them to be as does the picture. -N. V. Ulyanov (EDITOR'S NOTE: Although no N. V. Ulyanov is listed in the Uni- versity staff director or "Who's Who in American Scholars", we refer readers to p. 911 of the Encyclopedia Brittanica, 1945 edition. Further- more, we would like to apologize to Prof. Nicholas Kazarinoff for run- ning someone else's picture with his name. A THE REAL KAZARINOFF DANCE CONCERTS Chicago Opera Ballet Entertains Superficially PUTNAM COMPETITION: The Victors Speak... IT DOESN'T take a mathematical genius to figure out that the vic- tory of the Michigan State Uni- versity math team in the Putnam Mathematics Competition adds some points to the - University's score as an institution of higher learning. The Putnam competition is the only national contest in which most major universities partici- pate, and this is the second time in three years that MSU has tak- en first in it. This is surely an indication that there is more to our claims of excellence in educa- tion than empty words in cata- logues. IT IS interesting and gratifying to note that the teams of such schools as California Institute of Technology and Massachusetts In- stitute of Technology came in sev- eral places behind the East Lan- sing whiz kids. Perhaps most note- worthy is the fact that the Uni- versity of Michigan didn't even place in the top schools listed. One or two victories in math contests do not necessarily indi- cate that we are the greatest uni- versity in the world, but they do show that we are a force to be reckoned with, and not dismissed lightly as some institutions, not- ably the one directly south of here, are wont to do. -Michigan State News IN A SWIRL of spectacle and melodrama last night, the Chi- cago Opera Ballet performed a ballet drama, "Carmen," and a ballet comedy, "Die Fledermaus," both choreographed by Ruth Page. The idea of opera ballet is to present the plot of the opera through the use of ballet. The mu- sic of certain outstanding arias was used as the basis of the ac- companiment. Enactment of a story through body movement leads, it seems, to a necessary ex- aggeration in characterization. This, coupled with extreme com- pression of the plots to perhaps one-third their original length, contributed to the melodramatic effect. THE OPERA ballet was enter- taining, colorful and well-suited to its purpose. However, the high- light of the evening was, a more classical form, with music by Tchaikovsky: the Pas de Deux from "Sleeping Beauty." The dancing by Kirsten Simone and Henning Kronstam from the Roy- al 'Danish Ballet showed the pre- cision, clean lines and ease of per- formance which marked them as high calibre. Miss Simone person- ified grace and beauty. We regret that these two dancers did not comprise the entire program. Bizet's "Carmen" was choreo- graphed in modern terms, a fiery, exotic composition. However, there were inconsistencies in the char- acterization of Carmen. At the onset, she was flirtatious and young but later she became the sultry and mature seductress which she should have been throughout. There were also in- consistencies in the quality of the dancing. Special mention should go to Micaela and to Carmen also, al- though only in the latter, more erotic portion of the ballet. In an effort to evoke the tragic spirit, a group of black phantoms, supposedly representing The Fates, hexed the scene. This frightening entourage was a bit of symbolism added to "Carmen" but proved more comic than tragic. THE TRUE and intended come- dy of the evening was "Die Fled- ermaus" by Johann Strauss. In this light opera, the ballet's char- acters had a touch of the Chap- linesque about them which was quite delightful. Although it is dif- ficult to develop a character in dance; sDr. Falke, the bailmaster, was successful. The, end of "Die Fledermaus," unfortunately, was too drawn-out, somewhat ruining the light and gay mood. The evening's fare, on the whole, was entertaining but superficial. The dancing was good but, except- ing the Danish members, not ex- citing. -Marjorie Brahms --Gail Blumberg TH.E UNITED NATIONS has been asked to take on a thankless and difficult task in Cyprus, and almost certainly it will be best to regard the enterprise as providing not a solution to the conflict, but a sedative and stopgap. The prevailing fact in Cyprus is that 83 per cent of the people are Greeks, and only 17 per cent are Turks. Few of them have any sense of their Cypriote nation- ality. The crucial problem is whether they can live together again, as they have for many hundreds of years in the past. The United Nations has no solution for this problem, and what it is really being called on to do is to police the island because the government of Cyprus does not do it. WE MUST ASSUME, I should think, that W whatever one may think of Archbish- op Makarios, events have proved the val- idity of his claim that the constitution which was worked out in 1959 has proved to be unworkable. On the other hand, we must also sup- pose that it will be very difficult indeed to separate the Greek and the Turkish people into a kind of cantonal confedera- tion of the Swiss model. The greatest obstacle to such ,a solution, which re- quires so high a degree of political ma- turity, is that it is likely to come to grief owing to the contrary pull of Greece on the Greek Cypriotes and of Turkey on the Turkish Cypriotes. ANY OBSERVERS have come to believe that the trouble requires drastic sur- gery and that the only hope of achiev- ing peace is. by way of an exchange of populations, or of populations and terri- ruptive to the people involved and costly to the governments responsible for their welfare. Another idea has been to exchange the Greeks of the Greek island of Lesbos, or of Rhodes, with the Turks of Cyprus and give the island to Turkey. Cypriote na- tionality would then be extinguished; "Enos" would be achieved; Greece would gain the revenues of Cyprus; Turkey would gain an island in sight of the Turkish mainland. In view of the condition of inflamed nationalism which now prevails in both Greece and Turkey, such exchanges do not look very feasible. WHAT ELSE is worth thinking about? Of all the ideas which I have heard, the one that seems to me the most plaus- ible is that there might be a migration of some considerable part of the Turkish minority from the island onto the Turkish mainland. This idea can be entertained, of course, only if the migration is not forced, only if the Turkish Cypriotes who remain are fully secured, only if those who migrate are indemnified for the property they leave behind and only if generous provi- sion is made for re-establishing them on the Turkish mainland. WHAT WILL BE indispensable is that the Turkish government and people should welcome their returning kinsmen. Is that inconceivable? The Turks, too, indeed the Turks most of all, have a vital interest in not being at war with Greece, and they have a vi- tal interest in preserving the NATO alli- 'U'* Group Presentation Balanced and Fluid THE UNIVERSITY Concert Dance Organization's Annual Spring Concert sparkled with a kaleidoscope of color, music (which ranged from Mozart and Handel to Lerner and Loewe) and movement. The works moved from the sentiment and floridity of a Mozart, through a primitive Haitian suite, to modern jazz, and were performed against sensitively conceived set pieces designed by Paul Shortt. In any group effort, as this concert was, it is extremely difficult to singie out individual performances. However, from the stand-point of choreography, some of the most unusual works included two oriental pieces: "Haiku" and "A Figure for Koto" choreographed by the Chore- ographers' Workshop and Taya Bergmann respectively. The former incorporated the reading of Haiku poetry with deli- cately fragmented segments of movement performed by solo dancers, while the latter showed an angular, precise movement of a trio of dancers in a Siamese motif. SHEILAH BERNSTEIN'S 1930s satire on "Ginger and Friend" which Miss Bernstein danced with Richard Axsom showed a fine sense of style and humor. Gay Delanghe showed maturity and per- ception in the three works which she choreographed, noteably "Mad- rigal" and "Pilgrimage." "The Intruder," choreographed by Gail Goldstein, set controlled dance movement against the weird and exciting sounds of the sound- 1 14 ~-'~ , "'. =1' ll::. '' .fit 1 MEW