CH 12. 1984 . . [ - - -- - - - - - FOR SALE YAHAMA YDS.-2. 25 HP. 5 speed. $450. Call Pete, 2-5571 B14 FOR SALE - 1959 Triumph station wagon. One owner Call 665-9$63. B10 GARRARD A, Shure M-33 in cabinet, $80. Argus 500 projector, $30. 3-5720 after 3 p.m. B16 COAT AND DRESSES, sizes 8-10. 3-5362. FRATERNITIES, Sororities, Organiza- tions-Make yours the most popular house on campus. Complete bowling alleys for sale. Buy 1 or all 8. Can be installed in 84' space. Excellent cond. Immediately available. Reasonably priced. Call Mr. Glenn, 753-9145 days or 654.6255 evenings. B13 CLASSICAL GUITAR, Gibson model C- O. Like new. Call Univ. Ext. 2238, 7. 9 p.m. B18 FOR SALE-Microscope "Zeis" mono- cular-binocular, excellent cond. Ph. 542-6431, Detroit. B9 IS ANYONE LEFT in Monauraland? Selling Ferrograph tape recorder, 3 motors, VU meter, etc. $120, and Sher- wood amp-pre-amp, $80. Bittenby stereobug, need cash transfusion. Call NO 2-0250. B15 JENSEN "DUETTE" BOOKCASE SPKR. with 8" Woofer and Horn Tweete'r, $50 or best offer. NO 5-5625 after 6 FOR SALE--Sohler, hickory SKIS for man, 6'9", with Cub bindings and Arbergs, in excellentcondition. Price: $32.50. Call NO 3-1561, Ext. 361. B7 HALLICRAFTERS S-38B shortwave rcvr. 4 bands nd Estd, AM. Built-in spkr. Also bdset and EICO CW oscill. with key..Best offer. 5-5625 after 6 p.m. B46 HI-FI STEREO tape recorder. Concert tone, professional 510 series-3 motors, 4 heads, every deluxe feature includ- ing reverse-a-matic, Pelf contained stereo speakers, 6 months old-like ,new. Cost $600: Sacrifice $500. May be seen at Hi-F and TV Center, 1301 S. University. B3 RADIO REPAIRS, MUSICAL MDSE. GUITARS, ETC. Make Repair, Buy and Sell Private and Group Instruction - Hoots Daily Herb David Guitar Studio NO 5-8001 209 S. STATE f LIKE NEW-GUILD GUITAR - Six' string ,base with case. Cost $135. Will sacrifice tor $95. Call 5-6607. X5 HI, FI, RADIO and Phono service. TV rentals, speaker reconing. Free pick-up and delivery service. Campus Radio and TV,, NO 5-6644, 325 E. Hoover, X2 A-i New and Used Instruments BANJOS, GUITARS, AND BONGOS Rental Purchase Plan PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR - 119 W. Washington WANTED TO RENT SUMMER RENTAL-Visiting professor, wife, and three children want to rent furnished house or apartment during July 20-August 15, 1964. Please write particulars to: Homer C. Cooper, 1804 Shaler Drive, Glenshaw, Pennsylvania. CAR SERVICE, ACCESSORIES ANNOUNCING WHIT'S TRUCK RENTAL Ann Arbor 202 W. Washington St. Call' NO 5-6875 Pick-ups Panels Small Vans PERSONAL FURN. MOD. APT, for 4-Available 2nd sem. No summer sub-lease. Good loc., 1 block from bus, ad. and law. Call NO 3-6237. F38 JOANNE--Your face is more parley than your yellow slicker is lukie when the wenchy clock says 12:30. Don't worry-the next time you have a bad dream when it's not really 5:30, you willautomatically be tapped by Michigauma. F41 GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS on sale this week. SAB. 1-3 daily. F23 TO JUDI, SHERRIE, and other Alpha Xis-Thanks and a cuddle-- Edward Bear P42 SAVE MONEY-Go by Willopolitan to Detroit Airports. F13 YES, YES, YES! He'll be at Delta Chi. Linus F46 DIAMONDS-Highest quality at com- petitive prices. Call G. K. Reaver Co. ofAnn Arbor, 309 S. Thayer. NO 2- 1132.. P18 YOU'RE wonderful... 30 times.. and that's no line F43 WATCH FOR Willopolitan ticket sales in the Fishbowl. F12 SUE, 5-4-3-2, I hope I can buy you coffee Saturday night. B.10998. F44 NOTICE-Starting Monday, 3-9-64, lim- ousine tickets to airports MUST be purchased at Michigan Union desk. Veteran'st Airport Service, 127 Adams St., NO 3-8300. P45 FOR THE Finest in new and recon- ditioned Pumas, call NO 3-2182 and ask for Howard or Dave. F45 GENERATION--The inter-arts maga- zine, is now accepting material for publication in its fourth and last issue on sale May 1st. Poetry, fiction, and especially, plays will be consid- ered. The magazine will print a spe- cial section on photography-essays and photos. P25 WANTED-1 or 2 girls for an apt. next fall. Call 3-1561, Ext. 801 or 5-7711, Ext. 2417. F47 WANTED - More Noblemen. From the ladies of the round tables. F33 FOR RENT 2-PERSON APT. Newly decorated build- ing. Convenient! Across street from Law School. 1 block from Union. 608 Monroe, Apt. 7. NO 5-2851. C42 CLEAN, quiet room. 2 blks. from Angell Hall. 408 Thompson. Call 663-4815. C35 SUMMER SUBLET-Fall opt. 1 bdrm., 3 rms., furn'd., air cond. $135/mo. Call 5-2805 C24 JUNE-AUG. Spacious 4-man apt. 5 rms. furn. Utilities paid. Parking across from A&D. $48/man 1010 Mon- roe. 665-2862. C41 MADISON AVENUE Summer Sublet for Four - Air-condi- tioned. Two Bedrooms, Electric Kitchen, Modern. NO UPSTAIRS NEIGHBORS. 320 East Madison. 3- 1714. C36 SUMMER-Centrally located apt for 2. New paint, sturdy furniture, reason- able terms. Call 3-6313. C40 SUMMER SUBLET-Ideal apt, for 3 to 4 students. Fern. Call 5-0980 during meal hours. C21 SUMMERING in Ann Arbor? This is where to harbor. Wall to wall ceilings and floors. Plus many other extras. NO 3-7231. C37 LARGE 2 bedroom, grubby apartment available for summer. Excellent lo- cation, great for active social life. Will accept any offer to get rid of it. Call Ron or Don, 5-2255. C39 SUMMER SUBLET-Modern, air cond. apt. for five. The FORVM, 726 . State, Apt. A. Call NO 3-7166 C23 ON CAMPUS-Apt. for 1-3 girls. Avail- able after May. NO 2-1443. , C44 SPACIOUS 4 room furnished apt. near campus. 309 Packard. Parking, fire- place, disposal. Call 663-2800. 015 FOR SUMMER Sublet-Modern 4-man apt. Near campus, air conditioned. NO 3-1990. C45 SUMMER SUBLET-4-man apt. First floor of house. 2 bdrms. Large. Corner of Elm and Geddes. 3-6859. C33 MADISON AVENUE APARTMENTS 320 E. Madison Luxury 2-bdrm. apts. available for June and Sept. Tastefully furn. and car- peted. Centrally air - conditioned. MISCO MGT. SERVICE, 662-8658. C38 WANTED-Male roommate to share apt. with two seniors. Close to campus. Reasonable. Call 2-6930. C18 NOW ACCEPTING appointments for fall rental. Several new buildings, avail- able. Apts. Ltd. Call 3-0511. 012 SPENDING THE SUMMER IN A.A.? - Then why not rent a modern, air- conditioned apartment close to cam- pus. Will accommodate 4 or 5 people comfortably. Phone NO 5-2167 for further information. C53 BEAUTIFUL Whitmore lakefront home. Available Sept.-May. 4 male seniors or grad, students preferred. Call Detroit, TU 2-9661. C2 CAMPUS APTS. Specializing in modern, furnished, air conditioned apts. for 2 and 3. Available for summer or fall. Call 3-8866. C46 GIRLS-Dream apt., 3 bdrm., fireplace, balcony, skylight, carpeted, full ap- pliances available June or August- reasonably priced. Call now, 5-8330 or 8-8723. C25 SUMMER SUBLET-7-room fully furn. house. $125/mo. 5-3914. CO BARGAIN SUMMER SUBLETSI New, luxurious, fully furnished 1, 2, 3 bedrm. apts. Balconies, big and beau- tiful. Come and see them! Call 8- 8723 or 5-8330. C5 SUMMER SUBLET-2-3 people; close to campus; large, comfortable; kitchen, one bedroom, huge living room; we pay $50 per man but will negotiate. 905 Oakland. 5-0839. C28 FOR RENT 9 MO. LEASE for winter or 3 mo. for summer. Furn. apt. near campus for 3 to 4 students. Sharp. NO 2-2906 be- tween 6 and 7 p.m. C43 SUMMER SUBLET? FALL RENTAL? What is your housing problem? 1 and 2 bdrm. apts. Furn. & unfurn. Call us to make appt. to see. CAMPUS MANAGEMENT 662-7787 663-9064 TIFFANY APARTMENTS Showing now for summer and fall. Modern, fully furnished, air-con- ditioned. Efficiency, one, and two bedroom apts. Featuring new split- level design, offering the ultimate in luxury and privacy. Call 3-8866. SUMMER APARTMENT! in one year old building. 1 bedroom apt., for 2-3, completely and modernly furnished, wall to wall carpeting, air-condi- tioned, fully electric kitchen and dis- posal. 5 min. walk from Diag near IM Pool, tennis court and golf course. A luxury apartment we are willing to rent for a moderate price. NO 5-2168 after 4. C26 SUMMER OR FALL Furnished new and remodeled apts. on campus. Unmarried students only. NO 5-9405 PHILADELPHIA-Need ride to Phila. on Friday, March 20, afternoon. Call Dick, 5-7976 or 2-6305. G25 RIDE WANTED to Chicago on Friday, March 13. Please contact Carolyn, 662-2591, Rm. 211. G21 RIDE TO NYC or vicinity for March 20 or 21. Call Virginia at 665-9761, Ext. 72. G24 RIDE WANTED to San Diego round trip during Easter vacation. Call 5-4506. G19 ATTRACTIVE, vivacious coed desires ride to PITTSBURGH for spring va- cation. Willing to share expenses. Call 3-7541, Ext. 782. G23 RIDE NEEDED to Grand Rapids for vacation. Will share expenses. Please call Sue, 3-1561, Ext. 1387. G26 TWO COEDS would like a ride to Pittsburgh on March 20. Please, any- one going that way call SQ, Ext. 628. WANTED-Ride to Dallas over Spring Vacation., Will share driving and ex- penses. Contact Barb, 3-7541, Ext. 731. BIKES AND SCOOTERS 1958 LAMBRETTA 125 CC scooter. Ex- cellent, licensed, ready for spring. Asking $169. Call Ikon, 665-4111, Ext. 420. 2I NICHOLSON MOTORCYCLE SALES Triumph, Yamaha, BMW 224 S. First St. 662-7409 1963 SILVER EAGLE Motor Scooter - Fully equipped, 4 months old. Cost $616. Will take $400. 2740 Tim, Wood- land Lake, Brighton, anytime after 5 p.m. Z29 ANY HONDA-$100 Will reserve the machine for you. Avoid the spring rush now or wait your turn later. Use our lay-away plan or bank financing now. HONDA of Ann Arbor 1906 Packard Rd. 665-9281 LISED-CARS FOR SALE - A 1957 Lambretti EXCELLENT CONDITION. Rece overhauled. For more informa call Markley 5119. 1956 DODGE-Two-door hardtop. usually good body (no rust) and erating condition. Reasonably pr -Call 5-2563 or 2-6804. '63 2-DR. CORVAIR, maroon. Exce cond. 23,000 miles. One owner. I $1800. Call 665-2209 after 6 pm. 1956 CHEVROLET WAGON, 4-door cylinder, straight stick. Excellent dition. $350. Call HU 5-5973 after 6 MISCELLANEOUS Ralph, of RALPH'S MARKET cordially wishes the basketball team the best of luck in its ques of the NCAA title EUROPEAN JOBS - TRAVEL GRANTS for all students. Lifeguarding, office work, etc. For prospectus, application send $1: Det. C., ASIS, 22 Avenue de 16a Liberte, Luxembourg City, Grand Duchy of,'Luxembourg. H5 DENTAL HYGENIST for I or 2 days a week in Plymouth. Write Box 7, Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard. , B14 GIRL TO LIVE with handicapped col- lege student. $50/week. Call 665-0547 or MA 6-5298. H3 FOR SMALL BOYS CAMP. Experienced Counselors needed - Crafts, water- front, nature. Minimum age 19. Please write giving - experience and back- ground. Camp Flying Eagle, 1251 Weber Drive, Lansing, Michigan. H2 RALPH'S MARKET 709 Packard St. ,. SEPTEMBER All types of close-in luxury apts. NO 3-7268 BUSINESS SERVICES ANY MOTH HOLES, tears, or burns in your clothes? We'll reweave them like new. WEAVE-BAC SHOP, 224 Arcade. TYPING DONE. Experienced with man- uscripts and technical papers. Call 662-4782. J44 482-0191 Typing of manuscripts, theses, disser- tations and term papers. Duplicating done by mimeographing or offset printing. GRETZINGER BUSINESS SERVICES 320 S. Huron Campus Opticians located at 240 Nickels Arcade Most frames replaced while you wait Doctors prescriptions filled Broken lenses duplicated per 12 hr. period plus pennies per mile Inquire about Easter vacation specials. ECON-O-CAR of ANN ARBOR 341 E. Huron NO 3-2033 BARGAIN CORNER SAM'S STORE Has Genuine LEVI's Galore! "WHITE LEVI'S" SLIM-FITS 4.49' FOR "GUYS AND DOLLS" Black, brown, loden, "white," cactus, light blue SAM'S STORE 122 E. Washington LINES 1 DAY 3 DAYS 6 DA 2 .70, 1.95 3.4 3 .85 2.40 4.2 4 1.00 2.85 4.9 Figure 5 average words to o Clossified deadline, 3 P.M. d Phone NO 2-4786 PERSONAL Leave New York June10 June-14 June 16 July]: Return from Paris August 30 September 1 September 2 September 3 ! GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS on WANTED - Noblemen for our round sale this week. SAB. I-3 daily. F24 table. From the same ladies. r 34 For more information or reservations HAPPY BIRTHDAY Rashel Levine.: about time you reached 18. Your 52 secret admirers. It's 49 TWO GIRLS looking for 2 roommates for Sept. Call South Quad, Ext. 422. Flo SLIDE RULES-New and used, $5-$18. NO 2-8312. .F3 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: What is the significance of the red light on top of The Daily building.; F48 AUSTIN DIAMOND CORPORATION -- "Where marginal prices buy quality diamonds!" 1209 S. University. 663- 7151. P73 TIPPY CANOE and Potzrebie too!l P40 HAVE YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED at THE VILLAGE APOTHECARY 1112 S. University Ave SOCIAL CHAIRMEN-The "Tears" are a rock and roll singing group. Their first record will be released in April. If you would like this group for a party before their record hits the charts (save money), call Mickey, 5-2501. F25 KNOW THE ALPHABET? The Daily needs a librarian to file pictures. Congenial, work at your own time employer. Applicants should be avid Daily readers and crossword puzzle workers. Come to The Daily Thursday afternoon from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. After three weeks on The Daily you'll be able to impress your friends by recog- nizing Haile Selasie when you pass him on the street . F28 NO 2-9116 9-5:30; Sat. 9-2 1 x t .- 665-8184 MANUSCRIPT typing, transcription, medical, legal, technical - confer- ences, mimeographing ,offset, Quick, Accurate, Experienced. ANN ARBOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICE ASSOCIATES 334 Catherine LOST AND FOUND FOUND-Man's glasses on corner of S. Univ. and Church. Call 3-1511, Ext. 449. A31 "The story ofI CHRIST-IAN SCIENCE'' A movie presented by the Christian Science Organization-followed by a question and answer period ALL ARE WELCOME Friday, March 13 ,8:00 P.M. Natural Science Auditorium I& IIU Iduii Is WUUI, InU mIII aI dlpdd and the panels are striped -which ,makes this cardigan a very handsome number. You'll like its classic six button styling, here with a rib-knit waist. Choose yours in blended stripes of bone, black, pewter, red, blue, or banana; in sizes S,M,L,XL. 169 place your bids now rp I 7 ' I cious Hamburgers 15c Tasty French Fries 12c le Thick Shakes.. 20c of - A __'r % nrn~r..-,,-n , v in ,'.rt£i i