Seventy-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGED E STUDENTS OF THE UNiERSIrY OF MXViGAN UNDER AUTHORIT OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "~Whre Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUDLICATIONS BLDG., ANN AUBO, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth will Prevail' INDIANA DAILY STUDENT: Who Should Run Student Newspapers? Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in al reprints. THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1964 NIGHT EDITOR: ANDREW ORLIN The Good and the Bad Of the Residential College Combination . IN PERSPECTIVE, the role of living quar- ters in the educational process is a relatively new concept. Educational in- stitutions-both in the United States and England, have only begun to lend im- portance to residence hall environment in the last few years. This importance is especially justified at the University, for only through measures aimed at residence hall life can the University successfully combat the bad effects of a large institu- tion while retaining the good effects of size. In the 1930's, when residence halls were first being built, their purpose was mere- ly to house students. The purpose behind such housing had nothing to do with the educational process. The result is that present residence halls are nothing more than big hotels to which students return after classes. BUT NOW THEY ARE being called upon to fill a role above and beyond that of being a place to put students who are go- ing to the University-they may become an integral part of the educational sys- tem in order to combat large enrollments. And largeness is a problem. Entering freshmen come from completely different backgrounds and so have little in com- moon with other students. However, it is one of the purposes of a liberal education to instill some knowl- edge in common-some basis through which students will be able to communi- cate. Students cannot be expected to have such a basis upon entering the Univer- sity; and in a University where in all like- lihood one given student has no classes or sections in common with those who live near him, students usually do not have day-to-day classroom experiences in com- mon either. The result-as anyone who has lived among quaddies knows-is that conversa- tion centers around the lowest common denominator-sex, quad food and objec- tionable people. Also, in a large university, faculty con- tact in the classroom becomes much more mass-oriented; students are not as likely to take courses from a given pro- fessor more than once, and so they sel- dom get to know many of the faculty. As a result, student faculty contact suffers. AT PRESENT two literary college ven- tures-the residential college proposal and the Pilot Project in Greene and Hins- dale Houses in East Quad and Little House in Mary Markley-base part of their aspirations on concepts of student residence and constituency. Although intended for other purposes as well, the residential college is also aimed at improving environment. It would work by restricting the numbers of faculty and fellow students that a student comes in contact with in classes. It follows that with increased familiarity, student en- vironment in the residential college would become similar to that in small liberal arts colleges, such as Oberlin or Carleton. Hopefully, students in the college would also consider themselves part of the main campus and would participate in campus- wide student activities. Contrary to first impressions, the Pilot Project is not just a narrowed-down ver- sion of what will be done in the residential college. It works among much smaller groups and for this reason finds its best advantage among freshmen and sopho- mores. As it now exists, residents of the houses involved have the same faculty adviser and are put in the same sections and classes whenever they take the same courses. The result is that underclassmen are given something in common-their, classroom experience. Special efforts to bring faculty into contact with students are not difficult since faculty members find that most of their students are con- centrated in one residence; they can easily meet with their students just by eating meals at the residence hall. BUT BY THE TIME students get beyond their underclass years, they will reach the point when they will have enough in common to participate in worthwhile dis- cussion. Then it is best to expose students fn. nt-honwc hn have hadr different exrneri- of the residential college proposal are not incompatible. The facilities for the resi- dential college are ideal for Pilot Project uses. The best way the University can act to improve student environment is to incor- porate the Pilot Project and the residen- tial college, with the Pilot Project acting mainly at the underclass level and the residential college taking effect at the up- perclass level. -MICHAEL SATTINGER Apron Strings. ALTHOUGH the literary college has ap- proved the residential college program, and all that is needed now is the money to institute it, certain far-reaching side effects may prove the plan to be educa- tionally detrimental. The advantages of such a college are fairly obvious; a more effective liaison be- tween students and faculty and between students themselves is a laudable aim, and may result in a more efficient fac- tory. THE SIDE EFFECTS which are likely to come with this plan, however, are neither advantageous nor in keeping with the fundamentals of a University educa- tion at the undergraduate level. To derive any benefit from the pro- posed plan, these side effects should be kept in mind by faculty, students and ad- ministrators when the plan is put into effect. A Washington city planning consultant remarked recently that with the rapid spread of suburbs and the tightening of communities in socio-economic strata, it is now possible for a person to spend his entire life-from birth, through grammar school and college and even into a job- with other persons of a more or less identical background and outlook. They can, he said, exist without ever confront- ing life situations which are not com- mon to all his associates. He does not maintain that persons ac- tually go through life with that narrow a field of experience; but he merely claims that conditions now make it possible. The residential college, it appears to me, is an- other step in facilitating this narrow- gauge ,spoon-fed sort of existence. WHILE THERE ARE certain obvious drawbacks to the overwhelming size of the University, they are mostly admin- istrative and involve the unwanted abun- dance of "red tape." And although some may complain that bigness fosters "lost- in-the-shufflism," a certain degree of anonimity is cherished by most students as somehow being a little more like "real life." The cosmopolitan atmosphere of undergraduate life at the University, the mass of intertwining outlooks, back- grounds and pursuits is actually another step away from the home fires and moth- er's apron strings. The whole experience can take on the characteristics of a search. And this search-for one's self and for one's role in the world beyond the apron strings and the University - is aided through the broad exposure the undergraduate gets here. The English major may never decide to become an engineer because he is room- ing with an engineering student, but he does have the exposure to thinking dif- ferent from his own. If this sort of expos- ure is maintained, then the University will continue to aid the undergraduate in his search, and will function as a place, as Arthur Miller put it, "of broadening oneself." On the graduate level, the residential school idea has no such drawbacks. The medical or law student has presumably ended his search and benefitted from his undergraduate exposure., He now has a greater need of being more associated with those who are studying only law or medicine. MUCH HAS BEEN SAID about the ill ef- fects of spoon feeding at the Univer- sity, usually in connection with the pre- sentation of course material. But the res- idential college for the undergraduate could also be spoon feeding, for the effect of placing an undergraduate in a nearly TODAY & TOMORROW: Insulting Voters' Intelligence By WALTER LIPPMANN WRITING this piece after the New Hampshire campaign has ended, but before the returns are in, I am struck by the very low estimate placed on the American voter by practicing politicians. The outstanding fact about the New Hampshire primary is that no one of the candidates, declared or undeclared, has thought it nec- essary to make even one consid- ered speech addressed to an adult and informed audience. * * * THE TWO leading declared candidates-Gov. Rockefeller and Sen. Goldwater-have mentioned most of the topics, domestic and foreign, which are of vital interest to the country. Not even once has either of them discussed any of these topics with any thorough- ness or with the recognition of complexity which enables a voter to judge what the candidate would do if he were responsible for ac- tion. It is a significant comment on the quality of the primary that while the two declared candidates were traipsing all over the state like mountebanks trying to be- guile the boobs, the undeclared candidates seemed to be gaining strength. I do not know how large a write-in vote Mr. Lodge will ob- tain. But each vote for a man who has made no speeches at all will be a reflection on the candi- dates who have been making speeches a dozen times a day. * * * (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following article, reprinted from the Indiana Daily Student, was written by Prof. Michael J. Scriven of Indiana's his- tory department. Prof. Scriven gives his viewpoint on the Daily Student, a newspaper run under the aus- pices of Indiana's journalism de. partment.) THE INDIANA Daily Student should go. On to higher things, I hope; but if not, then to some institution that already has a stu- dent paper but feels it simply must publish the lab work of its jour- nalism students. If there is such an institution. ("The IDS .. . is published by the Department of Journalism as a laboratory proj- ect written and edited by its stu- dents." Quoted from the official handbook for The IDS staff.) A good student paper is one of the most important extra-curricu- lar influences that the university environment exerts on its mem- bers. The IDS is thought by many faculty members to be the worst student paper they have ever seen, on a large or a small campus. Whether or not that is true, it clearly does fall short of the standards of good journalism by a distance that makes it a constant source of distastefu experiences for those who value good writing, high regard for the truth, and the crusacing spirit. * . 4 IT IS a terrible commentary on a great University that "the voice of Indiana University (Handbook, P. 22)" should speak bad English, half truths, and without courage. Nor is it the fault of the students who work their arms off in Ernie Pyle Hall; it is the fault of the system. Instead of drawing on the colos- sal resources of student talent at the university, The IDS is pro- duced by the small group of jour- nalism students. For them to pro- duce .a daily paper is a fantastic burden and it has the expected re- sults, not only in the immediate product, but also in the strain on their academic work outside the department. TO PUT the matter very simply, instead of learning how to write, how to reason, and something about the world they are to write about, they are engaged in the time-ravening chores of producing a paper that does not and cannot, under that pressure, embody the standards and style they ard sup- posed to be acquiring. It is for these and connected reasons that many of the greatest journalists today have repeatedly stated their opposition to the ex- istence of undergraduate schools of journalism; the professionalism of the law and medicine requires a general education before special- ization and an even stronger case can surely be made for the jour- nalist whose ultimate aim is so de- manding of wide and accurate knowledge. If there is to be an undergradu- ate department of journalism, there is no reason to suppose there has to be a system that excludes from editorship the highly literate and gifted English or psychology major who lends The Harvard Crimson and other papers their luster, and from their proper role of reporting technical matters those people who know something about them. * * * INSTEAD WE have a dramatic review written by a reporter who announces that it is the first play he has seen, music reviews written by reporters who misuse the ele- mentary grammar of musicology, and reports of speeches by stu- dents who not only lack any knowledge of the subject, but de- fend their failure to check with the 'written version or with the speaker himself by saying that it is the speaker's fault for not get- ting his conclusions over to them. Nothing more can be expected as long as the system reigns; and so long as it does, a gross disserv- ice is done to a university com- munity with an internationally fa- mous school of music. * * * THE MOST disturbing feature of the system is not its support of incompetence, but its stifiling of independence. There is a lot of talk in the Handbook about the editor's independence, and indeed the procedural rules give him con- siderable responsibility; but it is just talk-for with allthe good will in the world, a journalism ma- jor whose future career and pres- ent grades depend on the extent to which he pleases a cautious faculty adviser, is not likely to turn out or encourage highly controversial features and editorials. This is a campus on -which ex- citing things are happening all the time; but nobody believes it be- cause they never set them written up and on a campus of this size they rarely trip over them. We have difficult, immediate and in-. teresting issues here; not the re- hashed debates on world affairs (educational as these are) nor the minor symptoms of underlying tensions like the kissing ban (which anyway gets into the na- tional press), but the ones we don't hear about. Any list will be partly dull to someone else-but we could do with a serious study of the Uni- versity's role of moral baby-sitter, the desirability and practices of the student judiciaries, the ath- letic "scholarship" issue, unsports- manlike behavior by coaches, col-. lective cheating practices, the ex- posure of "slop" courses, the case for and against ROTC, the case for and against having a Com- munist in to teach joint seminars in government, the extent and sig- nificance of coeducational "slum- ber" parties in the living units or of hidden segregation on campus, a series on why IU is one of the great universities, follow-ups on the United States National Stu- dents Association's decline, and current academic freedom issues on other campuses. It isn't only at the level of edi- torial crusading and debate that there is a lack of courage and ini- tiative; even surveys of the sur- prising restaurant and nightlife resources of the area, and profiles of the mighty figures in the uni- versity's backgiound like Don Mellett the former editor of the IDS, killed by gangsters in Ohio for his courageous editorial cam- paign there. There are many topics that would extend the present range and value of the paper if they were done well; and that means that quality must not be sacrificed to deadlines, and that means that outside help must be used (special- ist reporters and feature men) of the paper must go to a less fre- quent schedule. No one has ever suggested that they couldn't live without the daily on Tuesday and Thursday. * * * TO SUM UP, The Daily is-run by students who would be better journalists later if they weren't running it now, and it isn't run by students who would be better jour- nalists now. This absurdity for the official organ of the university is simply another part of the system. (Though, of course, the official notices are so unreadably arranged that even those that see the paper hardly ever look at them. It is run in circumstances that lead to a grossly sub-standard pro- duction, which is subsidized by the university although it fails to sus- tain either the services that it should provide to students. and faculty or the standards to which the university is explicitly coin- mitted. MOREOVER, it is grossly intol- erant of criticism, although a (supposedly) public service mon- opoly, and it is organized into a system that perpetuates these faults. There are examples all over the country which we can use to improve the system, and at this stage I feel that initiating such a reform is the greatest challenge to student government and one of the most serious internal problems for the university administration; we are not only getting something bad, but we are failing to get something which could be a tre- mendously important educational force on the campus. -Michael J. Scriven I ,I ,A I LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: How Many Suicideoens To the Editor: PRESENTLY there are many ru- mors circulating about campus concerning the number of suicides at the University. While statistics vary, one instructor has been quoted as saying that we average nearly 200 suicides a year. This figure seems abnormally high, but I have been unable to confirm or disprove this state- ment. While such events do not warrant sensational coverage in The Daily, this news, even the barest statistics, appears to be suppressed from public notice. I believe that an editorial staae- ment dealing with this touchy subject would be well in order to quell these rumors and set the recordstraight. If The Daily is relcctant torelease such informa- tion to public view, I would like to see a justification for the cen- sorship of such news. -David L. Ross, '64 (EDITOR'S NOTE: According to Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis, during the last 10 years the number of suicides among students has averaged less than one per year. The Daily's Code of Ethics states that suicides "may be reported if in the public interest to do so." However, it is fairly clear from the statistics that suicide occur anywhere near as of I rumors Mr. Ross has hea indicate. Misquote. . . To the Editor: WOULD like to point the changes made by in the penultimate par. my letter on "The Child Damned" completely rev meaning. What I was suggest was that Mr.I author, does not possess low intelligence which s in simple black and whin with facile answers to moral problems. To correct this mis make the paragraph clear, it should read: F a writer, not unaware of gers of scientific disco does not substitute "pro "potential"-with a relig which can assail thoseY whose fear of these disco become so habitual that reject them without c them. -Hubert Cohen Assistant Ma' Cinema Guild WHAT about the Rockefeller and Goldwater estimates of the S intellectual and moral level of the citizens of New Hampshire? Are the people as dumb as all that? If they are, the outlook for popu- lar government is pretty dismal. My own view is that Sen. Gold- s do not water was just being natural and end as te was on the level to which he be- longs -D.D.M.) But in the case of Gov. Rocke- feller, what we have been witness- ing is a man acting on the prime fallacy of the public relations busi- ness. t out that It is that most of the people can The Daily and do pay only a little attention agraph of to public affairs, they are easily ren of the distracted, they are too busy and versed my they are interested in other things. trying to The commercialized mass media tryito cater to this condition of the pub- Bailey, is lic mind. They keep their sights the shal- down to that level. ees things * * * te, or rests BUT IN public life and indeed, complex I would say, in journalism.and the arts, it is essential to aim higher take and than the average of the mass audi- perfectly ence. For while the men and wo- or here is men who are informed and con- f the dan- cerned are only a part of the veries-he people, they are a leading part. gress" for It is these influential people who ;ious faith are neglected and ignored in the humanists kind of campaigning which Gov. veries has Rockefeller has stooped down to. they will Incidentally, this may have given onsidering a considerable advantage to the non-candidates, who are assumed n, Grad. to have more to say than the nager, candidates are saying. (c),1964, The Washington Post Co. I. FEIFFER *TATITPC 7o~J t4OAH;U L51TL JKS M'AT WO~ MNq-f AVe MtUNLDEIR1OO Mt M~OM Rf. VfW EA) K& AVHUI$ WC~ r 00, r; O S~AqIJc I A7 60TH IVGsi 6MLXP K . LE55 R1619. qOc) KEAU N6HE' DUP BOTH MATf 'a WO 1IJ&TAT CACfl OF HsAS A 6M6AT EAL lb L056 IU A L06 WILL. NOT 56=6 FOk AilLtli106 t (400) MEADJ F9'5AgS fT 00"E~~T AM1T WHIO. 15P69r . i i HE~ APM15 WCJ MAY 06 RI6Hf 600 R AVC0S Lt,5 NJor 60 IWOVPJ AN1~. 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