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March 12, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-03-12

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Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom


Chances of snow
this afternoon

V, No.1 0




7 -

... .

Sawyer Stresses"Importance
Of Research to 'U' Education


The success of the University
in "integrating its research pro-
gram with its graduate teaching
and training activity" is matched
by no other comparable institu-
tion, according to Vice-President
for Research Ralph A. Sawyer.
This is in spite of the rapid
growth of research at the Univer-

sity since World War II. Sawyer
announced that the total research
budget for 1964 is expected to be.
$40 million, compared to $36 mil-
lion last year and $1 million in
Speaking at the initiation ban-
quet of Sigma Xi last night, Saw-
yer said that "no university has
involved such a large fraction of

WAR REQUIEM-Approximately 450 musicians from the Uni-
versity Choir, University Symphony Orchestra and the Tappan
Junior High School Choir performed Benjamin Britten's "War
Requiem," a memorial to World War II soldiers and a declaration
of the moral injustices of war, last night in Hill Aud.
SRC Bulleiun Reveals
Consumer Sentiment U
Consumer confidence has'risen to a seven year peak during the
last two to three months, the University's Survey Researcl Center
The current high level of the SRC Index of Consumer Sentiment
(up from 96.9 to 9.,0 in January-February, 1964), together with ris-x
ing personal incomes, points to continued strength in consumer de-
___mand, the Center's latest quarterly

its faculty and of its graduate
students in research activities
which are directly a part of the
graduate training program and in
making its faculty research pro-
gram so definitely a part of the
University's program."
While pointing out the very
rapid growth of research at the
University "research expenditures
have been doubling about every
four years recently" Sawyer em-
phasized that at the University
there'is little danger of "members
of the faculty undertaking re-
search and making commitments
that are undesirable" in relation
to the teaching function.
"Our first function here is the
training of students and the pur-
suit of knowledge," he said. Saw-
yer explained that the need for
highly trained scientific workers
has been rapidly increasing.
throughout the world and that
graduate study must meet the de-
ma nd.
"Our present graduate training
couldn't be carried on without the
research program," he said.
Indirect Costs
Sawyer also discussed the prob-
lems of the indirect costs of re-
search and who should pay for
them. The question is "whether or
not the sponsored research funds
from the federal government and
foundations should support the
entire cost of research including
operation, maintenance, library
and similar expenses or just the
direct costs of equipment and re-
search assistants."
Considerable study and negotia-
tion has been devoted to this prob-
lem, he pointed out. "No. one can
deny that a research program of
the magnitude of $40 million im-
poses on the University's budget
indirect costs of many kinds."
At the present time, Department
of Defense contracts cover 50 per
cent of the salaries and wages
paid for research. This figure is3
arrived at after careful study of
the full research costs.
"Any research project on which
we accept a lower rate must repre-
sent a net cost to the University,"1
he said.
Many of the major sponsors of
research at the University do not
pay all of the indirect costs, he
"In 1962-63 the University was
unable to recover some $2.5 mil-
lion of indirect costs," 28 per cent
of the total indirect research costs.
Support Cost?
But, he said, "Our problem is
definitely not whether this is an
improper cost or an undesirable1
cost, but whether we can support
this cost."
Sawyer explained that "the Na-
tional Science Foundation has es-1
timated that in the fiscal year
1961-62 the colleges and univer-
sities spent about $700 million on
basic research of which about 63
per cent came from the federal
At the University the 1964 re-
search expenditures will total $40
million while the total operating
budget for all purposes is about£
$125 million. In 1963, $30 million
out of $36 million for research
came from the federal govern-
ment with about half of this from
the Department of Defense andr
the rest divided among othert
government agencies.
Taxpayer and Research
With such large and increasing
expenditures on research and de-
velopment, "the taxpayer wondersI
where his money goes and why,"
he said. "Congress, faced with
ever-increasing requests for re-
search money, is inclined to be-
come critical, and two committeest
of Congress are investigating re-t
search expenditures."
However, Sawyer explained that
Congress did not seem at all hos-
tile to university research but
is mainly concerned with industryz
research which accounts for $15t
billion of the $16 billion spent lastr
year for research and development.I

A petition, presently circulating
among faculty members, urges the
University Senate to come out in
full support of a faculty center.
The petition also asks the admin-
istration and the Regents to take
the proper steps to bring the cen-
ter into being.
Prof. James K. Pollock of the
political science department, a
proponent of the faculty center
and past chairman of the Senate
Advisory Committee's subcommit-
tee on the project, said that the
petition will have several hundred
signatures on it.
It will be required in order that
the Senate in its April 14 meeting,
consider a resolution asking that
action be taken on construction of
the center.
The center would have facilities
for faculty and alumni to eat, con-
fer and engage in the "cross-fertil-
ization that is necessary to make
this a university instead of a 'di-
versity,' ' Prof. Pollock said.
Prof. Pollock hopes that "if the
administration paid little atten-
tion to a proposal from the SAC,
maybe it will pay more attention
to one passed and supported by
the full Senate'
"The large number of signa-
tures o nthe petition clearly ndi-
dates faculty sentiment on the
matter," he said.
With Vigor
The petition, and the resolu-
tion which Prof. Pollock and oth-
ers hope it will stimulate, will state
specifically that
1) "The Senate respectfully
urges the administration to push
with vigor proposals for the con-
struction of a faculty center; i
2) "The Senate urges the Re-
gents to take all steps necessary
to bring a faculty center into be-
ing at the earliest possible date;
3) "The secretary and chairman
of the SAC should communicate
the contents of this resolution to
the officers and Regents of the
Low Priority
Other faculty . members con-
cerned with the circulation of the
petition are . Profs. Richard C.
Boys of the English department,
Charles W. Joiner of the law
school, Edward E. Hucke of the
engineering school and Harry A.
Towsley of the medical school.
The history of faculty center
proposals indicates that the "ad-
ministration does not give it a
very high priority," Prof. Pollock
A subcommittee, chaired by
Prof. Pollock, was established un-
der the SAC four years ago, but
its report, approved by the SAC,
presumably got an unfavorable re-
sponse from the Regents when
submitted by Vice-President for
Business and Finance Wilbur K.
No Conception
Pierpont came back to the SAC
and offered a floor of the Michi-
gan League or Union for a center.
But the SAC rejected Pierpont's
proposals and reappointed the
subcommittee, which saw no rea-
son to change its original sugges-
To Sign Treaty
Of Friendship
TOKYO oP)--Communist China
said yesterday Cambodia intends
to recognize Communist North
Viet Nam and sign a friendship

and non-aggression treaty with it.
A radio Peking broadcast said
Chief of State Prince Norodom
Sihanouk explained that it would
not be a treaty of military alli-
ance and that Cambodia would
remain neutral between East and

NEW CREW-Student Government Council members selected a new executive committee last night.
From left to right they are: Executive Vice-President Douglas Brook; President Thomas Smith-,
son; Treasurer Gary Cunningham (standing); and Administrative Vice-President Howard Schechter.
Elect SmithsPresident


U.S., Britain To Subsidiz(

Winds Up Trip
In Viet Nam
SAIGON (P-Defense Secretary
Robert S. McNamara began work
yesterday on a report he will pre-
sent to President Lyndon B. John-
son on the South Vietnamese war.
McNamara's spokesman, Arthur
Sylvester, told newsmen that his
chief had discussed tentative con-
clusions of his appraisals here with
the Vietnamese premier, Maj. Gen.
Nguyen Khanh.
These discussions took place
during a plane tzip to and from
the northern capital of Hue where
both McNamara and Khanh ad-'
dressed the cheering crowds earlier
in the day.
Discusses Recommendations
Sylvester said McNamara, who
began a whirlwind study of the
Vietnamese situation after he
arrived Sunday, also discussed
with Khanh recommendations he
will make to Johnson.
Sylvester declined to discuss any.
of McNamara's findings or possible
recommendations. Bu t ,.United
States sources reported that the
defense chief will tell Johnson that
the present high level of United
States aid to iVet Nam will have
to continue and possibly be in-
creased in some areas. if Commun-.
ist insurgency is to be put down.
To Express' Confidence
McNamara also is expected to
express confidence in Khanh, who,
took power in a bloodless coup
Jan. 30.
The McNamara party is sched-
uled to leave for home today,
Sylvester said.
After discussing his conclusions
with Khanh, McNamara worked
on his presidential report late yes-
terday afternoon, Sylvester said.
He is expected to continue his
work today and will have final
discussions with Khanh before
The report will 'represent views
of the whole McNamara party,
Sylvester said. The 14-man group

survey of consumer attitudes and,
inclinations to buy reveals, The
study was undertaken by Prof.
George Katona and Prof. Eva
Mueller of the economic depart-
ment. Both are program directors
at, the SRC.
For the group with incomes of
$7500 or more the rise of the In-
dex above the year-ago level is
more pronounced than for the
population as a whole, it was
pointed out.
Tax Cut Affects
Although consumers' plans in
January, 1964 to buy automobiles
were lower than a year ago, the
tax cut may increase automobile
sales. The tax cut was expected
only by 31 per cent of the people
in November, 1963 and by 59 per
cent shortly before it was passed.
Intentions to buy automobiles
were 'more freqluent in the group
which was counting on tax reduc-
.Plans to buy durable household1
goods showed .no consistent dif-
ference between those who did and
did not expect a tax cut. The re-
port predicts, however, that plans
to buy these items will probably
be made when additional take-
home pay becomes available.
Optimistic Factors
The SRC economists cite three
factors in the growing optimism
about the business outlook, which
is reflected in the Index upturn:
1) There was in January, 1964
more awareness of good news than
has' been characteristic of pre-
vious prolonged periods of pros-
2) Uncertainty following the
assassination of President John F.
Kennedy has now been dispelled.
Two-thirds of people at every in-
come level believe that the change
in the presidency will have no ef-.
fect on economic conditions; and
some even feel it will have a fav-
orable effect.
3) Opinions about the relation
of the cold war to business condi-
tions reflected the easing of in-
ternational tensions.
One discordant note is the ex-
istence of unemployment in the
midst of properity. The report
noted that there is some scepti-

Student Government Council
last night elected former Execu-
tive Vice-President T h o m a s
Smithson, '65, Council president.
Other newly-elected officers in-
clude Executive Vice-President
Douglas Brook, '65, Administrative
Vice-President Howard Schechter,'
'66, and Treasurer Gary Cunning-
ham, '66.
In winning the presidency,
Smithson defeated Brook, former
SGC treasurer. Brook, in turn, de-
feated Schechter for the execu-
tive vice-president's post.
'No Delusions'
Smithson commented that he
was "under no delusions" about
the status of SGC in the eyes of
students, faculty and administra-
French Firm
Makes Deal
With Cuba
LYONS, France W)-The Berliet
Co. said yesterday it would begin
delivery of $8 million worth of
trucks to Cuba within the next
few weeks.
The French firm will thereby
be ahead of Britain's Leyland
Motors. Leyland has contracted
to supply $10 million worth of
busses to Castro, but has not an-
nounced a delivery date.
The United States has protested
both sales.
The controversial sale, which
breaks the United States request-
ed Cuba trade ban, included 308
vehicles, mostly dump trucks, and
two marine engines.
Berliet officials said the trucks
would be used for public works
projects such as highways and
dams, mostly in the region devas-
tated by a hurricane a few months
Dump beds, cement mixing
equipment and tarilers were being
supplied by other French firms in
cooperation with Berliet.

He added that "It will be my
prime concern to give Council a
deserved respect on campus
through meaningful participation
in policy-making."
Smithson also said he hopes to
see concrete projects coming from
SGC committees. He noted that
he would support a study of SGC
in an effort "to explo'e its poten-
tial on campus."
Attitude of Work
Brook commented that SGC
"needs an attitude of work, of ac-
tivity, of an organization going
He pointed out -that the con-
cerns of Council are not liberal or
conservative, and that Council
members must not work as lib-
erals or conservatives.
He emphasized- that the "goal"
of Council must be 19 active mem-
bers with everyone offering legis-
Brook also noted that the exec-
utive committee has a "terrific
building job" to do for SGC which
must be followed up by Council
All SGC members must work
together, and not branch off on
their own for political reasons,
Brook added..,
Miller Declines
Schechter ran uncontested for
the administrative vice-president's
office after former administrative
vice-president Sherry Miller de-
clined a nomination to seek re-
election to the post.
S c h e c h t er commented that
"SGC should capitalize on the in-,
tellectual resources involved in
Council's committee structure."
He added that Council should
"not only delegate work to its
committees, but should encourage
them to be imaginative in pre-
senting ideas for legislation.
Work- as Whole
In regard to the executive com-
mittee, Schechter noted that it
must "work as a whole" to pro-
mote SGCs desire to legislate rules
governing student conduct..
Cunningham who defeated Don
Filip, '65, commented that he in-
tends to be active in proposing

legislation as well as in carrying
out his executive functions.
He noted that he is especially
concerned about promoting alum-
ni relations as well as his proposal
for an academic chair-a plan for
SGC to sponsor a well-known vis-
iting professor to teach -at the
University for a year.
He stressed that while the stu-
dent conduct rule-making must
have the support of Council, the
executive officers willhhave the
task of working with the admin-
istration to obtain such authority.
Lodge Demes
Plans To Quit
Viet Nam Post
SAIGON () - Henry Cabot-
Lodge said yesterday to proposes
to remain United States ambassa-
dor to South Viet Nam despite his
upset victory in New Hampshire's
Republican presidential primary.
"I do not plan to go to the
United States," Lodge told news-
men after receiving word of the
outcome while he was on a field
trip with Defense Secretary Rob-
ert S. McNamara in Hue, 400 miles
north of Saigon.
Back in the States, however, a
Draft Lodge committee said that
Lodge will be entered in the Texas
primary election.
Texas Ballot
Robert Mullen, a Washington
public relations man serving as
national coordinator of the Draft
Lodge Committee, said the am-
bassador's name would be on the
Texas primary ballot of May 2, as
well- as the Oregon ballot of
May 15.
Mullen also held that Lodge
would be back when he completes
his mission or carries it to a point
where he could leave.
"He is the best campaigner In
the United States," Mullen said.
"He loves to campaign. He is a
candidate, he will return, he will
State Committee Action
Mullen said Lodge's backers
would enter his name in the May
2 primary in Texas, probably
through the Republican State
Committee there.
He said the procedure In Texas
was similar to that in Oregon
whereby the nominee could with-
draw his name from the ballot
merely by signing an affidavit
that he would not be a candidate
for the presidency.
Lodge did not sign such an affi-
davit for the March 15 primary,
and Mullen indicated his reaction
would be the same to the entering
of his name in Texas.

Sources E
Possible Aid
To Island =
Decisions Follow
UN Council Approva
Authorizing Militia
United States and Britain w
contribute about $3 million-lai
the cost-of maintaining the t
peace-keeping force on Cyprus'
the next three months.
A spokesman for Secretar
General U Thant said Britain hi
volunteered the equivalent .of
million. Washington announced
would put up $2 million.
Thant had estimated it wou
cost $6 million to maintain
7,000-man force on Cyprus -46
three months.
Ease Task
The financial contributions 1
Britain and the United States a
expected to ease Thant's task
obtain troops for the force.
Diplomatic sources said th
understood West Germany w
getting ready to give about $50
000 to support the operation.
Informed sources said Brita
was contributing on the unde
standing other countries would
the same. They said the Briti
contribution would be in addit
to the cost of maintaining a
British contingent in the UN for,
and to any cther facilities Brita
might provide.
Word of the impending final
cial contributions came as Tha:
was preparing a report for the U
council which just a Week ago a
proved unanimously a resoltit
authorizing him to create ti
Other Aid
Turkish Ambassador Orhan
alp told a reporter he expected
hours that one or two governmen
announcement in the next :
had agreed to make substant,
voluntary financial contributior
Eralp said if this occurred "
may be on our way to seeing
beginnings of the force in C
Under the terms of the resol
tion each nation is expected to p
for the cost of its contingent fc
the UN force. It provide also f
Thant to receive voluntary co
tributions that would eas t
burden on the nations supplyin
Thus far Thant has sent form
requests to Sweden. Canada, Br
zil, Finland, Ireland and Austri
for contingents. He called in re:
resentatives_ of those countri
yesterday afternoon to give the
replies to questiors they had rais
before agreeing to contribute.
He was reported also to ha'
sounded out Chile and Mexico0
the matter. 1razilan offici
said earlier they would not furni
troops, but later were reported r
Expresses Urgency
Eralp had a 20-minute talk wi'
Thant in which he expressed
urgency felt by his-country In d
patching the peace force to (
prus. He suggested that 650 Tur
ish troops now on Cyprus shout
be In the force, and said his cow
try was able to provide more.
Greek Cypriots are opposed-
either Greek or .Turkish troo:
being in the force.
Thant was under pressure al
from Britain to report on his e
forts to create the peace for
British troops are shouldering ti
main task of trying to keep t
peace on Cyprus, and Brita
wants to call some back home.
Diplomatic sources said Brita
might be willing to put up a ca:
contribution to make a withdra

al possible.
Ruby Defense
Rests Case
DALLAS (M)-The defense rest
abruptly yesterday at Jack Ruby
murder trial.
The state then sought to d
molish his claim that he was i

New Generation Focuses on Loneliness


National Concerns EditoF
Loneliness-of a youth seeking love in a confessional, of a student
in an automated university, of an old woman and her dead friend-
is the theme of Generation which goes on sale today.
"Works of art are of an infinite loneliness and with nothing to
be so little reached as with criticism. Only love can grasp and hold
fairly judge them."
Rilke Quote


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