NEWS MANAGEMENT: THERE ARE LIMITS See Editorial Page Bktrt .a I43ait I PARTLY CLOUDY High-43 Low--22 Warming weather will melt much of yesterday's snow fali Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIV, No. 129 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1964 SEVEN CENTS SIX PA U.S., Panama Set To Resume Ties U.S. Counters Panama's Charges Of Human Rights Enchroachments By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-A Latin American diplomat said yesterday Pan- ama has agreed to restore diplomatic relations with the United States and to confer on differences over the Panama Canal. United States sources said a compromise agreement between the two countries was near but had not yet been reached. The diplomat said a United States request for rewording of the proposed agreement, set forth by an Organization of American States committee, delayed its announcement. He declined to elaborate on the last-minute American request. The proposed agreement was worked out by a special OAS mediation committee. To become effec- .tive it must be approved by both PROF. ARTHUR MENDEL New Class Threatens Party Hold By BRUCE BIGELOW "According to my image of Russia today, the real internal struggle within the nation is the conflict between the structured political powers and the rising social powers," Prof. Arthur Men- del of the history department said last night. His speech was sponsored by the Union International Affairs Pro- gram and the International Stu- dents Association as part of their Cultural Image series. Prof. Mendel pointed out that a new intellectual class has arisen in Russia due to the increased in- fluences of Westernism. In the conflict with this class, the Party finds a new power relationship enveloping it; it is involved in the struggle between asserting its authority and conceding its pri- vileges. Science and Logic The' new class, largely formed by young people, has had at its disposal all of the knowledge of science and logic, Prof. Mendel noted. It has experienced the ef- fects of objective evaluation. It is certainly not ready to be sub- jected to anything similar to the dominance of Stalinism. This new class is forming itself into various power blocks, much to the regret of the Central Party. Prof. Mendel said that the eco- nomic problems facing the Soviet Union today are largely based up- on the internal Party struggle caused by the emergence of this class. "Russia finds itself in a position in which it cannot afford to meet its international military demands on the one hand and its internal existence demands on the other." Instability He noted, however, the extreme divergences between the rising social power blocks and their in- stability. If it realizes this, the best alternative for Russia today is probably the continuance of her present system. If a revolution should tear apart the ruling auto-' racy, the only alternatives might be external warfare or a military dictatorship, Prof. Mendel said. Dealing with actual changes in the political structure of the So- viet Union since the times of Stalin, Prof. Mendel outlined the change in the political intentions toward the Party. The evolving idea under Khru- shchev is that the Party will last forever, not wither away with the state. countries. The diplomat said that Panama had accepted the OAS-drafted formula. The agreement reportedly calls for both countries to appoint special representatives to discuss and negotiate, without limitations or preconditions, the differences between the two. Aggression' At the same time, however, the United States has charged Pana- ma with aggression in the Canal Zone rioting, according to an authoritative source. The move was a countercharge to an earlier charge of aggression by Panama. The American aggression charge was made Saturday before a ses- sion of the International Jurists Commission summoned by the Panama Bar Association to hear additional charges the United States violated human rights in the canal crisis. Challenges Accusation Panama's contention of a hu- man rights violation by Americans was challenged by Joseph A. Cali- fano, 32, counsel of a United States Justice- Department team sent here for the International Com- mission's probe. Human rights were violated, Calif ano said, when Panamanian rioters "invaded the Canal Zone, burned and damaged United States property and injured in- nocent people and when Pana- manian snipers fired into the Canal Zone from Panama." Panama also has said the United States cut off main high- ways to the city of Colon during the rioting, blocking shipments of blood plasma needed for the wounded. Communists Down .Bomber WIESBADEN () - A United States reconnaissance bomber dis- appeared yesterday,eand the United States accused the Rus- sians of shooting down the RB- 66B over Communist East Ger- many. A Defense Department spokes- man said the plane was unarmed and that its three crewmen par- achuted after the shooting, which apparently occurred near one of the Berlin air corridors. Their fate was not known here. In Washington, the State De- partment protested to Russia over the "precipitous action by the So- viet military forces in shooting down" the plane, but voiced re- grets that the plane had "inad- vertently" strayed into Communist East Germany. Pro-USSR Summit Expected BUDAPEST (P)-East European diplomatic sources said yesterday that Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev is expected to call a summit meet- ing of Moscow-supporting parties to discuss the ideological feud be- tween the Soviet Union and Communist China. The premier is expected to come to Budapest to attend the April 4 anniversary of the 1945 liberation of Hungary. He may stay about two weeks for the meeting. The summit meeting, according to these sources, will comprise all first secretaries of parties in the Moscow camp. It will hear reports from a Romanian party delega- tion now in Peking. This delegation is believed to be an exploratory mission to sound out the Chinese about a possible compromise that might lead to a settlement of the Moscow-Peking dispute. The Chinese violently oppose Khrushchev's avowed policy of peaceful coexistence with the West and they preach that com- munism can win the world only by. war. "The premier's patience has been under quite a strain. He may have decided to take. some drastic action," a Communist dip- lomat commented. Some Western observers, how- ever, tend to discard the theory that the Romanian group headed by Premier Gheorghe Maurer was acting as a sort of mediator be- tween the two camps. U Faculty S Well, over N By KENNET A University faculty mem more bacon than his average co A comparison of the Unive tional college and university av Education and Welfare Depart University paycheck is $9900, we $7700. These figures include fac on up, in all University schools an University figures are fara $7800, and the median in the k east-which is $8000. All figures were for the 1962- (Though the University re administrators have warned th other top-paying institutions has riations from the state. Vice-P Roger W. Heyns has said severa have slipped from third or four The HEW report, labeled college and university teacher salaries for faculty in various d figures available on this basis a salaries in particular schools ad With the warning that con national medians yield a slightl versity's position, these are the fi -Law is the best-paying f mean University Law School s median paycheck was $12,000. -Business administration s the national median is $7800 for -The literary college's m national medians for various l $7000 (English and journalism) -The education school han $11,400; the United States med fields" is $8000. -The engineering college p the national median in this field New Gives r Lodge Hampshire .} APPORTIONMENT PLAN: Republican Plan Still Lacks Needed Votes LANSING () - Legislative plans for solving apportionment problems suffered a new setback Tuesday when House Democrats voted to postpone any action until after a ruling by the Michigan Supreme Court. The decision was a blow to House Republicans, who had hoped for enough Democratic votes to push through a series of resolutions call- ing for constitutional amendments. House Minority Leader Joseph Kowalski (D-Detroit) said his par- ty agreed, in caucus, to hold off any action until the court rules, probably about April 15. Right to Rule "We feel that under the new constitution, the court should have the right to rule and to interpret '. . the constitution," Kowalski said. "If the court does not act by April 15, it remains to be seen what we will do." The court, in a 6-2 ruling last Thursday, agreed to withhold a decision on legislative redistricting until a definition of "voter equal- ity" is established by the U. S. ALLISON GREEN Supreme Court. Republicans, how- ever, have sought to amend the constitution to freeze existing House districts and provide gen- -* 1eral guidelines for redistricting in alaries Ran l he Senate for 1964. Hoped for 17 t on M e[ nThey had hoped for at least 17 ationai iv ean Democratic votes to give them the two-thirds necessary to get the proposals through the House, and H WINTER eventually put them to a vote of ber brings home considerably the people by May 14. unterpart at other institutions. The Democratic maneuver ap- rsity's salary figures with na- peared to have ended that idea. erages reported by the Health, however, and left some Republi- ment shows that the median cans shaking their heads. 41 above the national median of -ousetS) p eru son reen ulty of all rank from instructor Rengston) refused to concede ad colleges. "I'm not sure our plans will ahead of the Midwest median, have to be abandoned," he said. best-paying region-the North- "What if the court says on April 15th that it wants another 30 63 academic year. days? We would have to act then mains well above average, its because of election scheduling. I at its position relative to the see no reason to throw in the slipped due to meager approp- towel." 'resident for Academic Affairs 4l times that University salaries MalcolX th in the nation to twentieth.) M "the first full-scale survey of " " salaries," also includes median To Participate lisciplines. The only University re mean, rather than median, In Rights Fight colleges. nparing University means with y too-rosy picture of the Uni- By The Associated Press gures: Malcolm X, number two leader ield here and nationwide. The of the Black Muslim movement, alary is $16,600; the national hasdecided t leave the civilorights school salaries average $11,800-fight. cousaless a vcomerge.$1He said he will tell civil rig1ts "business and commerce." groups what a real revolution iean salary is $10,300. HEW means. He said he would accept iberal-arts fields ranged from invitations to join civil rights ) to $8500 (physical sciences). forces in the South and promote ds out an average paycheck of "active self-defense against white ian for "education and related supremacists." "There can be no revolution ays an average salary of $9800; without bloodshed, and it is non- is $8700. sense to describe the civil rights movement in America (up to now) as a revolution," he said. THE LOSERS-Both Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz), left, and New York Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller conceded defeat to Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge late last night in the first of the '1964 primaries in New Hampshire. Rockefeller said that the New Hampshire results represented a "victory for moderation." Gold- water's state campaign director was convinced that Lodge was a "regional candidate." DEBATE STRATEGY: Senate Wrangles Over aCiil Rights Measure WASHINGTON (M - The Senate civil rights debate broke up into a three-way wrangle yesterday with Republicans pressing for longer sessions and faster progress, Southern Democrats attacking the bill and the Democratic leadership defending its strategy. Sen. Hubert Humphrey (D-Minn.), floor manager of the House- passed legislation, said noon-to-about-7 p.m. sessions would continue this week. But he left the door open for a quick change. Starting next Primar RocKeeller, Goldwater, Trail- Leader Viet Ambassador Polls 24,000 Votes As Counting Closes CONCORD-()-Absentee Am- bassador Henry Cabot Lodge blanketed three major contenders with a snow storm of write-in votes to win an upset victory last night in New Hampshire's Repub- lican presidential primary. The 61-year-old Lodge, the Johnson administration's man-in- Saigon, rolled up about 32 per cent of the votes and seemed like- ly to' gather, under his unan- nounced candidacy, the state's 14 convention nominating votes. Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz) and New York Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller, who campaigned ii- tensively in the state for weeks, battled it out for second place, with Goldwater holding the ad- vantage. Their names were on the ballot. Nixon Fourth In fourth place was Richard M. Nixon, the 1960 GOP presi- dential nominee, who, like Lodge, was the beneficiary of a write-in campaign. In the Democratic primary, President Lyndon B. Johnson got a substantial write-in count, top- ping that of Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy for vice president. In Washington, Democratic Na- tional Chairman John M. Bailey said the Kennedy vote reflected "the great esteem which the Dem- ocrats of New Hampshire hold for him." The Republican tally from 234 of the state's 302 precincts showed: Lodge, 23,300. Goldwater, 16,300. Rockefeller, 14,900. Nixon, 12,100. Smith, 2,300. Stassen, 1,100. Lodge supporters led in all 14 contests for delegate posts. Lodge's son George released a statement, authorized by his Upset Victory week, he said, the leadership will "evaluate the situation." Sens. Richard B. Russell, (D- Ga.), John Stennis (D-Miss.) and others got in verbal licks for the Southern cause. Russell charged that civil rights proponents, who include both Democrats and Republicans, are "lusting for blood and thirsting for battle." Stennis charged the legislation "tramples ruthlessly upon the most sacred and fundamental rights of the majority." He said it destroys more "cherished hu- man individual rights than it can possibly protect and preserve." Sen. Kenneth B. Keating (R- N.Y.), touched off the feuding by saying, "I do not understand the strategy of having the Senate meet at noon and quit at 6 or 7 o'clock on this bill. We are not meeting as long as we did on the tax bill or the farm bill." He said he assumed one reason for not holding longer sessions was that Democratic leaders planned only "token opposition'' to an up- coming motion by Sen. Wayne Morse (D-Ore) to send the bill temporarily to the judiciary com- mittee. Keating said adoption of Morse's motion would permit the Demo- crats to bring up meat import quota legislation or other bills they want. Democratic leaders, however, have said they will resist and de- feat Morse's motion. Union Council Seats First Woman Ever By BRIAN BEACH For the first time in its history, the Michigan Union executive council has a woman member, Su- san Webb, '65, chairman of the International Affairs Committee. "Bringing a woman into our structure is completely in line with the Union-League Study Committee report and the Reed report. These reports show there is no longer a need for division of student activities along the line of sex," Union President Kent Cart- wright, '64, said. "It is our hope that our action will facilitate, a Union-League merger and show that women have a place on the Union, even in the upper echelons," he comment- ed. Changes The senior officers made four changes in the committee structure of the Union. The Social Commit- tee was eliminated and new Stu- dent - Faculty Affairs, Student Travel and University Alumni Af- fairs committees were established. Explaining the rationale of the changes in committee structure, Cartwright stated that "it is our desire to make the Union a univer- sity center in fact as well as in conception. The idea behind a university center is to bring major components of the University to- gether -- students, faculty and alumni. Consideration "Another consideration in mak- i'ng these changes was the real de- sire to orient our projects to aca- demics and the changingaUniver- sity. We hope in these changes to be responsive to the needs and de- mands of a growing University." The other new executive com- mittee members are: Robert Gross, '65, public relations; Dirk Landis, '66E, student-faculty a f f a i r s; Charles Cooper, '66, student trav- el; Michael Broome, '66E, cultural1 affairs; John Warren, '66, special projects; James Kropf, '66, per- sonnel, and Michael Holmes, '65, University-alumni affairs. SGW To Elet HENRY CABOT LODGE CONTEMPORARY ARTS FESTIVAL: Discuss Personal Trend in Modern Arts 4 - 'I4 By ALLISON SMALLEY "The public of today loves the performer, but it doesn't know what it's listening to," Prof. Leslie Basset of the music school said last night at a Creative Arts Fes- tival program. Professors Allan Seager, English dept. and Richard Wilt, art de- partment, joined him to discuss the topic "The Modern Arts." "The future Van Cliburn recital has been sold out, but probably only one out of ten people knows or cares what the program is," he said. Selectivity our books," Prof. Seager explained. The artist shows this individual- ity through his works, for he is not able to escape into a utopian world of organization. The com- poser turns away from associations with other great musical artists, he works to express himself, he said. Tangible Necessity While speaking about creativity in the arts, Prof. Wilt explained that "as long as a tangible neces- sity exists, we can create." The three agreed, however, that no one can teach creativity. A teacher is only a support to a .,i8P crcr~i h,.nina "to make ~him ingway and O'Hara are of another era. Instead of slashing attacks, the novelist today investigates the human mind, perhaps because he cannot face reality or because the fear of the present world is too much for him," Prof. Seager com- mented. Films were mentioned as one way in which creativity produces a really legitimate service. "Both music and art yield an effective and emotional response," Prof. Basset said. The panelists agreed that one work of art acted as a "feeder" to the next. "If a writer feels he's father, thanking New Hampshire voters and saying that the am- bassador would "very carefully consider their action and all its meaning." No Indication There was. no immediate indi- cation, however, whether he in- tends to resign his post and return home to campaign. Rockefeller, calling Lodge a New England favorite son, challenged the ambassador to return to join in active pursuit of the nomina- tion. He said that statutes govern- ing the State Department would require Lodge to resign before the May 15 Oregon primary, in which Lodge's name is 'entered. Goldwater, who was getting only about 24 per cent of the total vote instead of the rock-bottom 35 per cent he had forecast, said he was ready to take "the next step" of campaigning in the June 2 California primary. Middle Ground :v,-,