14t x4 hgau al Sew t7-Tbkd Ter 'fETED AND MANAGED iB STUDENTS OF ThE UNTVESrZr 'o MI xIAN _ w UNDER ATHORT OF BOARD Di CONTROL OF STUDENT PUW=&TJMOs "Where Opinions A e ree STUDENT° PvucATioNs &LDc., AwN ARxo, MiC., PIsoNi eo 2-3241 Truth win Preal" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in at; reprints. TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 1964 NIGHT EDITOR: GERALD STORCH Student Counseing Sessions Worthwhile, Successful TUCKED AWAY in an obscure room of 'y reached through personal experience, the Michigan Union yesterday was a a painful process in certain instances. positive student effort to correct the prob- Besides the honesty these students ex- jems of the University's counseling sys- pressed, I found their interest remark- tem. able. None of the hurried, machine-like The remarkable part of this success processes that characterize formal facul- story is that the idea behind it is entirely 'y counseling were present. The students student inspired and accomplished. The were more than willing to take any iterary college steering committee de- amount of time to dsc ss courses, as well serves the credit. as a student's aims. I felt like a person Student "experts" from the literary col- sgain. leg oferd pinon an epereneson Enthusiasm was another mark of the tege offered opinions and experiencesun afternoon's sessions. The bland and mis- tourses and teachers to their fellow stu- ledn inomto ftectlgeo dents. Student reaction was generally leading information of the catalogue or dourse description book was totally lack- javorable. From personal experience, I ing.The enthusiasm engendered by good found the student counselors were knowl- professors was obvious from the reactions edgeable in their respective fields. They of these student counselors; and an equal- had finger-tip knowledge of course con- af measingfulenacounsas foraner- tent and methods, and especially of in- ly meaningful lack of enthusiasm for cer- structors.tain courses or professors was also ob- vious. WIAT WAS ESPECIALLY enjoyable was their frankness. One student called THREE POINTS, however, could make he student counselors h onest. Their opin- future student counseling sessions even th e spenciallyonporsofessTerlarge- more profitable. tons, especially on professors, were large- More student counselors were needed at times yesterday afternoon. This was espe- lially true for the English literature ses- 12 th Centurv sions. Second, this event should have been nmorewidely publicized on campus. The ROBERT S. HOYT, in "Europe in the number of students who availed them- Middle Ages' gives the following de- selves of the service was small compared scription of a league of students at the with the number of students who need Jnlverslty of Bologna In Italy In the 12th belp in course selection. century: Packed counseling offices and students "The purpose of organizing was two- sprawled in the halls of Angell Hall, Time fold: for protection against exploitation Schedules in hand, indicate students' in- by the townspeople who charged what the -tense desire and need for early course market would bear for food and lodging, selection. But this selection cannot be and for assurance that the course of le- nade without some knowledge of what a gal instruction should be worth the tu- lourse entails and more important, some- tion fees paid by students to their pro- thing about the professor scheduled to fessors. teach the ourse. IN THE EARLIEST surviving statutes of THIS INFORMATIONAL shopping ses- the university, the professors were sub- sion cannot, unfortunately, be accom- jected to minute and stringent regula- olished through faculty counseling ses- tions. They were required to begin lectur- sions. But it can and should be done ing with the bell and finish within a through these student counseling sessions. minute after the next bell; they could Finally a more convenient location for not be absent without permission, and these sessions would help more students had to post bond for their return if they avail themselves of this excellent oppor- left Bologna; they were required to pro- tunity. A section of the Union lobby or teed systematically through the subject ne of the larger, more convenient con- matter and not to postpone or omit diffi- ference or ballrooms might be the an- cult sections. If a professor were unable swer to this problem. to attract at least five students to a Frank opinions from fellow students, scheduled morning lecture, he was sub- available for a wide number of course ject to the same fine as if he were absent areas, together with a personal interest without leave." n the part of the student counselors It's been a rough 800 years for student made this second attempt at student government. zounseling a rousing success. -J. BRYANT _ -JOHN KENNY I THE LIAISON: .- LETTERS TO THE ED] I Un: Student Seeks Justic In Voting Criteria 1 . s t J ' Y e e i i d .y Y C i F ' d i '*sotNCeT"AINQ sM'---S EuNN*"If I L.1 \ 4 r!l To the Editor: 1 RECENTLY became of legal age and sought my right to vote. However, as I now realize, most students are denied voting privi- leges by the city attorney. I will show how I came to my conclu- sions so that other students need not repeat my inquiries. I asked the city clerk if I could register and was told that I could not. Feeling that this was unjust, I made further inquiries. I will list the opinions that I obtained in tabular form for the sake of clarity. 1) Deputy Clerk, City of Ann Arbor: There is a state law which pro- hibits students, and servicemen from voting outside the town of residence of their parents. This law is for their own protection. 2) Mr. Laird, attorney, city council member: The students could run the city. They could form a third party. There is no state law as de- scribed by the clerk. The decision is based upon the opinion of the city attorney who interprets the law for the city. 3) David P. Taylor, attorney: Students have the legal right to vote in the city of Ann Arbor. If necessary, obtain a writ of man- damus to force the clerk to allow you to vote. A writ of mandamus is a curt order which requires a public serv- ant to perform his duty or else give just cause why he should not. 4) City Attorney: The action of the clerk is based upon my interpretation of the law. You may, of course, obtain a writ of mandamus as one of your lawyers has recommended. When you are married and -set up housekeeping, I'll give you per- mission to register even though you may still be a student. 5) Chuck Stevens, married stu- dent: After refused the right to regis- ter by the city clerk, I protested to the party worker in my neigh- borhood. She called the city at- torney who told her that I should come to his office. He will give me a note to take to the city clerk. The note will represent his per- sonal permission for my registra- tion. AS I understand it, the city at- torney believes that unmarried students are not residents of the city according to the law. His be- lief is upheld by the fact that they can show no tangible evidence, acceptable to him, that they con- sider this town their home. (And they're too poor to take the matter to court.) I feel that the following argu- ments would be acceptable to es- tablish residence in Ann Arbor. City hall does not. 1) Students must dwell in this town for the purpose of study. They make long-run financial gains here, much as do business- men. Evidece of residence is a registration certificate. 2) Students who rent apart- ments are housekeepers. What dif- ference is It if they do housekeep- ing with ,or without, a spouse? 3) , Students are financially linked with the city. Not only may they each spend $4000 here each year, but they may also save their money here in the form of long- term bank certificates. Their ad- dresses appear on checks, insur- ance policies, automobile certifi- cates, charge accounts and even Selective Service records, 4) A student may live in this city for five years or more. Can his residence for what may be ten per cent of his adult life be con- sidered transient? 5) The police force has records of the addresses of students who EUROPEAN COMMENTARY: Europe Views Texan LBJ By ERIC KELLER Daily Correspondent BILTHOVEN, Holland-The first 100 days of President Johnson's administration has been critically evaluated here apropos his foreign policy. Right from the beginning, Johnson's efforts to carry on Kennedy's foreign policies were billed as positive and highly ad- vantageous. Since then, there has been little 'complaint from pro- fessional political sources about President Johnson's p o 1 ic i e s. Europe feels sure that the man on Pennsylvania Avenue does a fine job - and a just one in respect to this continent. Despite this obvious complacen- cy about Johnson, Europeans real- ize that a new era has begun in Washington. To the casual Euro- pean observer, Johnson is a re- Inote figure, an administration boss. Few Europeans know John- son from television or radio ap- pearances, few are more than casually interested in his foreign policies. * * * TO THE European, Johnson is a stranger. In his folksy way, he may appeal to the American public, but he certainly does not to Eur- ope's voters. Ten gallon hat, Texas ranch, informal and jovial be- havior may certainly bring Pres- ident Johnson closer to the Amer- ican public; but formality-bound, serious-minded and reserved Eur- ope is little enthused-rather, it is quite apathetic-toward this as- pect of the President. President Johnson's disinclina- tion to appear often on radio and television is a main reason behind Europeans' reserved feelings to- ward him. In fact, television is what made Kennedy so popular here. During the Kennedy era, for the first time the tremendous impact of televi- sion was felt in Europe. It is only now, in the '60s, that television has become everyman's toy and, thus, Kennedy was the first Amer- ican president who could fascinate European audiences from his of- fice in the White House. The late President's ease at the many live televised press conferences, his agility in giving authoritative, well-balanced and clear state- ments seemingly off the cuff, made him important in Europe. Not to be forgotten in such a consideraiton- is the advantage of his Eastern accent which was much easier to understand for British-English trained European ears than, for instance, the ac- cents of Truman or Eisenhower, or especially also Johnson. President Johnson's recent live television appearance after his first 100 day's in office, however, was unsuited to European TV- tastes. The Kennedy conferences were practical and handy material networks. Johnson's conference, although most certainly important in its political aspects, was not as well received. Only a few limited excerpts were telecast. Kennedy, by his imposing dip- lomatic and international format, was able to hold Europe back from Europeanizing (following Gaullist visions) even more than was the Eisenhower administra- tian. He was able to give new sense to American ties with the Contin- ent, bringing -the United States closer to Europe. Johnson-or for that ;matter, any of his future Republican op- ponents-seems not able to do this. While diplomatically and political- ly correct, Johnson cannot, by his sheer difference of personality, dominate the international pic- ture as much as his predecessor did. Europeans do realize the Presi- dent's capacity in national affairs. His achievements in civil rights and fiscal policy are known-but of little direct importance to. Eur- ope. -His popularity at home is' credited to his "typically Ameri- can character"-just as Kennedy's popularity in Europe may be cred- ited to the success of a more European, intellectual type in the White House. Nevertheless, Europe is not un- happy about Johnson. The other extreme, Goldwater, could be far worse, it is reasoned. Also, there seems to be much stability in the Johnson era. In the European eye, Johnson may be a stranger, of a different race, but- he is certamnly a great man to do business with: he is a fair dealer of democracy. drive automobiles. This constitutes tangible evidence of residence. 6) It is the basis of our democ- racy that we should be ruled only in as much as we give the govern- ment our consent (through vot- ing) to be ruled. Students here are unable to give the city their consent to be ruled. -Frank Andreas, '66E DST Correcion ... . To the Editor: LIKE ALL of our basic freedoms, freedom of the press is an es- sential requirement for the perpet- uation of our democratic form of government._ However, I have just experi- enced a blatant abuse of this right, by a paiticular representative of the press, \which if consistently pract ced could have far-reaching effects on our total way of ;lfe.'' I make particular reference to an article which appeared in The Daily March 7. written by Margar- et Lowe, entitled "'U' Negro Sor- orities Face Transitional Period." In this article, Miss Lowe attrib- uted statements to me which I never made. Up to this point I have had con- fidence in material presented in the news. After my own personal experience I am ferced to question the authenticity of future report- ings. THE BASIC point is this: is a reporter licensed to quote directly an individual from whom he or she has not received the state- ments? Under other circumstances this could be called libel. It is presently cause for much frustra- tion. Two statements were attributed to me by Miss Lowe: 1) " 'We dropped rush to open a workshop with alumni and other chapters for purposes of reorganization.' " 2) ". . DST is facing the serious problem of diminishing num- bers . . ." These statements were not made by me to her in any con- text. I cannot eliminate what has been said-what is done is done. However, in some small way I feel that this should be presented to the entire student body. I realize that first impressions are lasting ones. With this in mind, it would seem the readers of the article in question have an indelible impression tha a mere letter cannot change. This is minor compared to other situa- tions this type of reporting could create. This irresponsibility could lead to damaging results. It has been saidhthat "the pen is mightier than the sword" and if we are not careful the pen will smite us all. -Carolyn F. Brown, '65 1 President, Nu Chapter Delta Sigma Theta EDITOR'S NOTE: As to the first statement quoted, I may hiave un- knowingly attributed it to the wrong Miss Brown. If this is the case, and I have no way ofcheck- ing on it now, I/apologize to Miss Brown. However, this statement remainls true. As for the second statement, "DST is facing . . .", it was not meant to be attributed to Miss Brown. It is unfortunate that it was, In the same sentence with$ a direct quotation, thus causing some confusion. -M.L Hand... To the Editor: A "straw hat band" should ac- coimpany' Michigan to every game we play in the NCAA'basket- ball tournament. When the University of Califor. nia won the NCAA championship in -1959, every player on the Cal team freely admitted that one of the reasons they were able to cop the title "was their 24-man "straw hat band." When the going got tough and the fans' and referees' calls were not going their way, there was the band, either playing or yelling their heads off. And it gave the team a tremendous boost. AS OUR record shows, and the team will admit, Michigan has shown its weakest form away from home in hostile territory, where the cheers are mostly for the op- ponent. This is not to berate the Wolverines. It is simply a fact that you must give away a certain number of points when the 'fans in the fieldhouse are not on your side. Having talked to a number of bandsmen, I find ,that, although they are solidly behind such an idea, no official plans are being made to provide such a band to accompany the team to Minneapo- lis and, hopefully, Kansas City. Such a band (whether you call it a "Straw Hat Band" or, more appropriately, 'The+ Maize and Blues") could accompany the team with much less effort than most people think. The main stumbling block would be convincing students that 24 tickets should be alloted to the band rather than to them. I, for one, would not object in the slightest way, although I hope to see the games. THE psychological lift a "straw hat band' would give the team would be incalculable. California, °.. De Gaulle's Dim View Philip Sutin, National Concerns Editor 41 4 FRENCH PRESIDENT Charles de Gaulle is making some right foreign policy aves for the wrong reason, but mean- while is giving the State Department nothing but trouble. In the past year de Gaulle has: -Blocked Britain's entry into the Comr- mon Market, claiming that the British want to enter on their own terms and those would be damaging for the mar- ket; -Recognizbd Communist China, declar- ing that isolation will not work but that ^hina's rabid Communism can be checked and diluted by international contact; -Called for the neutralization of South Viet Nam, seeing no hope for a clear-cut Western victory there. DE GAULLE IS- RIGHT on all three points, but his thinking reflects - an- Ather age when nuclear weapons were not even dreamed of and the power and glory )f the national state was supreme. Mod- 2rn French diplomacy is very ancient di- plimacy-it stems from the traditional power politics that flowered in the late 19th Century and culminated into World War I. De Gaulle's overriding aim is the gran- :eur of France. Thus he is poking French influence into areas where it had either aeen booted out, such as Southeast Asia, )r never existed, such as Latin America. F'rance's image is that of an ex-colonial Nam and 'is steering France between them. De Gaulle is attempting to keep the, Common Market from becoming too diffuse and ineffective. ALL THESE French goals run against United States policy aims. The State Department wants a contained Commu- nist China, a Western South Viet Nam and a non-nationalist, united Western Europe. It -is reaching none of these ob- jectives. De Gaulle is presenting policy alternatives to salvage something from the first two, but is delaying the third. rhis country should grasp his leads for a deteriorating United States policy may :nd in disaster. Unfortunately, de Gaulle's glory policy is out of itune with a modern age. His power-politics vantage point, which gives him a clear vision of international af- fairs, does not provide any solution. Nationalism is a dangerous thing when nuclear weapons can snuff out all life. An international approach is needed for de- terrence defense and for peaceful con- 'iliation of international disputes. The fewer disputes there are, the less likely any one would escalate to nuclear war. [NTERNATIONAL PEACE keeping ma- chinery must dominate over national- sm for the same reason. Yet de Gaulle has consistently acted to weaken the United Nations in favor of national states. :" ovr.".v." :v::.":.v: ; ro-: a::~y s ~" ".v .."r :"rxv...:. >rr ~. ti r ~v> v: r " .v :" :; q>. ~r,: o i. v {.; .e.,... . i.. ..$. ~.r "~r.V '" r "~ '.'. V "JJ..rlrl ". "v~ sv>w: . ~J:.. : rr 'S{:"'v: Y.":":ir r : .. c::.c": ":.. :fti": .. .............. . 'r rR.::"r pro:^. .. ........ vn::-r."a.:uss::::."s". .: s1Fvr .. ".. .... aY ..4.:. p:A r1JJ: .......r 'n..... n. ...J:.. ..::" ":J : ... .a.....: i{r. ... vr.". :.}si" v ". Jr } : rvF:...i?:...,.. i>.vn... is.. r............ 'i' .ti'i :{ :" REQUIEM PREVIEW BENJAM mission stored St. A whose orig during Wo: signed by I War II sol moral injuc jpctor duri ing up insi guage simp say." That lan traditional lect group an English the World Britten r dividing th ditional sec mixed chor panied by t is sung by by a chamt hood is par Britten's Musical Languageof Peace By MARGARET FLETCHER and musical standpoints by constant contrast and interrelation of parts. IN Brit en's "War Requiem" was com- W=,::< While the fork is composed in a contemporary, ed to celebrate the consecration of re- idiom, it is n4tunpleasing to the ear of most mod- Michael's cathedral in Coventry, England, . {:-