GIGlioe ips '1 By MARILYN KORAL (First of a series) While Michigan's state-supported universities squabble over funds, students and expansion of their facilities, a six-year-old cooperative educational project is flourishing in the Midwest. The University, the other "Big Ten" institutions and the University of Chicago have pool- ed research and faculty resources as members of the Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC). The scope of the brganization is re lected in a total of 40 joint programs which it has made possible between the participating schools. Faculty research projects stimulated through meetings between corresponding departments of member schools range from an in- depth study of the role of the university in midwestern economic development to joint research efforts on special science instruction. Traveling Scholars Student benefits are focused on the graduate departments. The CIC "Traveling Scholar" agreement permits a graduate student from any member school to study for two quarters or one semester at another member university without meeting resident requirements or paying special fees. I' Other Institutions ork To ether Thus students have access to particular strengths of various institutions in the form of a faculty member highly qualified in a special area, special libraries and equipment. The University'1 rep- resentative for the program is Vice-President for Research and Graduate School Dean Ralph Sawyer. Since the 11 universities together produce about 30 per cent of the doctoral degree holders (although comprising only 6.1 per cent of those institutions granting doctorates), the opportunities granted graduate students extend considerably beyond the Midwest. Recent joint effort in a graduate area culminated in the Far Eastern Languages Institute at the University last summer. The faculty was drawn from the teaching staffs of CIC schools. Students came to the University session from Bryn Mawr College, Cambridge, Harvard, the Universities of California, Hawaii and other institutions. On a broader scale 26 foreign languages and dialects recently have been called "most critical" in United States foreign relations by a CIC group. But because many of these critical tongues are esoteric, student enrollment at any one institution had not justified the faculty needed. In order to solve the problem, member school deans have begun to plan and administer language expansion within the CIC framework. Cooperative planning also continues in such fields as geology and geography, areas in which studies are underway or field labora- tories have been utilized since individual facilities are prohibitively expensive. Recognition that the Midwest has failed to maintain economic growth equal to some other regions prompted a project of immed- iate and long-range significance, Deans and CIC business schools are researching sources of the Midwest economic lag. Grass Roots Effort To encourage faculty leadership in planning new projects, the CIC utilizes what is called a "seed grant fund": it appropriates small grants from the Carnegie funds to give inter-institutional faculty groups who wish to pursue an academic problem jointly. In order to support and develop new programs in areas ranging from psychology research to "human rights," grass roots faculty effort was necessarily strong, Administrative Dean Robert Williams reports. Williams is the University's representative to the CIC planning board. He returned yesterday from a conference in Chicago-one of the group's few large-scale meetings-where some new ideas for future cooperative efforts were revealed. (To Be Continued Tomorrow) DEAN ROBERT WILLIAMS DEAN RALPH SAWYER GEN. DE GAULLE: WRONG OR RIGHT? See Editorial Page Ait ibpgau :43,,,att# CLOUDY High-40 Low-25 Chance of light snow flurries Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIV, No. 128 SEVEN CENTS ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 1964 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES STUDENT OPINION:' Alter Course Evaluations By ANN GWIRTZMAN fRevised course evaluations forms for the literary school will be made available in April. As a result of an experiment conducted by the faculty Committee on Col- lege Teaching last December, the new forms will be considerably changed. Senios Aid K Counslees CAt Seminar By KENNETH WINTER and JOHN KENNY Students counseled s t u d e n t s yesterday as the literary college steering committee sponsored its second student counseling seminar. In sharp contrast to the first seminar, held last fall, yesterday's session drew substantial numbers of counselees and praise from nearly everyone concerned. Its chief organizer, former steering committee chairman David Pass- man, '64, estimated that 300 stu- dents were counseled during the two-hour session. Last fall's sem- inar attracted a total of six par- ticipants. At the seminar, roughly two dozen seniors from eight depart- ments offered advice and opinions -not always flattering-on pro- fessors, courses and requirements in their departments. Conversa- tions between student counselor and student counselee ranged from broad discussions of the scope of various disciplines to specifics on the value and difficulty of par- ticular courses. Some participants brought reg- istration materials and made out schedules on the spot. Acid Test Because of last fall's failure, the steering committee considered yesterday's seihinar the acid test of the student counseling con- cept, Passman said. "Our aim was to get it off the ground, and we've done that today." Five of six students interviewed after the session agreed. Carol Witt, '67, labeled it "very help- ful," and Carol Dick, '65, said the counselors "knew what they were talking about." Thomas Cahill, '66, noted that the presence of more' than one student counselor from each de- partment offered a "cross-section" of opinion. Beyond Questions "There's no other way to get this information--especially about teachers - except through the grapevine," William Mrozek, '67, added. And Joan Silverman, '67, said the counselors "went way be- yond the questions" in giving ad- vice. Dissenting, Victor Ptasznik, '67, complained that "some counselors didn't know about the elementary courses. I didn't gain much and am kind of disappointed." The counselors themselves were enthusiastic. Political science ma- jor Larry Jackier, '64, said that his position in counseling was "a frank one," adding that this was prob- ably the only place students could receive well-informed counseling on such a candid basis, The p r e v i o u s questionnaire called for "free response answers" to four general questions. "These were very vague-we got all kinds of responses, seldom finding items very useful," Prof. Louis I. Briggs of the geology department and chairman of the committee noted. The new procedure is therefore more specific. For instance, the form asks for an evaluation of the use of class time, the pace of pre- sentation, the availability of out- side help, the structure of class procedure and the subject matter of the course, Comment Space There is space for additional comments, questions and sugges- tions for both the course and the instructor, as well as for notes on specific ways the course has influenced attitudes, interests, and values. The new form grew out of an experiment prompted by discon- tent with the old questionnaire. The committee, including Prof. Briggs, Stanford Ericksen, direc- tor of the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching, Prof. Wil- liam B. Palmer of the economics department, Prof. George A. Peek, Jr., of the political science depart- ment, and Prof. Stephen J. Tonsor of the history department, devised and administered the new form for the first time in December. Diverse Classes Teachers in the language, his- tory, political science, history, psy- chology, geology, and physics de- partments gave the evaluation form to a limited number of classes. 'We tried to get the big lectures as well as several recitation sec- tions and labs," Prof. Briggs said. Faculty members also received forms asking what questions they wanted answered by class evalu- ations. Their concerns were much the same as those of students he said. However, faculty members dif- fered significantly in their lesser emphasis on how much their course has stimulated intellectual curiosity in their subject matter. Lack Cooperation Prof. Briggs pointed out that a frequent problem which arises in administering these tests, is lack of student cooperation. 'We con- tinually get the remark -that if the questionnaire goes out in the last half of the class period most students get up and leave," he stated. He hopes to avoid this by sug- gesting teachers distribute the forms during the first half hour, and continue class once they are filled out. But there is no question that course evaluations can be very val- uable, he said. For the good teach- er, these can be used as basis for promotion. For the poor teacher, they may remain a personal thing which can be used to improve teaching methods. "We have a good committee and have put a good deal of thought into the revised questionnaire. We hope to give instructors more rele- vant information about their work this year," he added. Orders Rice. T'o Integrate HOUSTON (P-A district judge said yesterday Rice University trustees can ignore an 1891 found- er's document and enroll Negroes and charge tuition. Attorneys for two former Rice students opposing integration and tuition fees said they will file a motion for a new trial, the first step toward appealing yesterday's ruling. Judge William M. Holland's ruling followed advisory decisions he received Feb. 21 from a jury which had heard the district court trial in which Rice trustees con- tended integration and the lack of tuition fees prevented them from operating a university of the first order. The jury ruled that William Marsh Rice, the founder of the private institution, had intended to establish such a university for white students who would pay no tuition. The trustees contended the ob- jectives spelled out in an inden- ture signed by Rice in 1891 were in conflict with modern day con- ditions. Holland made his ruling after hearing three hours of argument by attorneys on motions seeking judgments favoring both sides. Draft Law Alteration Suggested WASHINGTON (P) - Key ad- visers have recommended to Pres- ident Lyndon B. Johnson that the draft registration age be lowered to give the war on poverty a head start in rehabilitating needy youths, a high source said yester- day. However, the White House is concerned lest this be interpreted as a move to speed up induction into military service. An example of this sensitivity is the prompt denial drawn by a re- port the registration age would be lowered from 18 to 17. White House Press Secretary Pierre Sal- inger said: "This is totally false. It has not been considered." Not Before 18 At about the same time, a White House source said privately the precise age hasn't been decided- it might be 16, 17 or 171/2-but that in any event no one would be inducted into the armed forces before reaching the present draft u;e of 18. Actually, current draft calls are mainly in the 22- to 23-year brack- et. The President already has or- dered that, beginning July 1, all draft law registrants will be ex- amined when they reach 18 to de- termine whether they meet the physical, mental and educational standards of the armed forces. Recommend Counsel Under the present program, be- gun last month by the President,j those who fail these pre-induction physicals on mental or educa- tional grounds are referred to 10-1 cal offices of the public employ-{ ment service for counseling and testing. -The anti-poverty recommenda- tions would take this two steps further: -By lowering the registration age, those who need help would be' pinpointed from six months to two years sooner than under theI regulations which go into effectI July 1.1 -Those who fail to measure up on mental or educational groundsI would be given a chance for a spe- cial hurry-up training program in4 special work schools. I .. . .. _ .ter .. Court Reverses Decision, Denotes Libel CIVIL RIGHTS: South Wins First Round In Senate WASHINGTON UP) - Southern opponents won a first-round skir- mish yesterday when the Senate moved into the long-awaited battle over the administration's civil rights bill. Senate Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield of Montana, urging sen- ators to "seek the national good in its noblest terms," moved for- mal 'consideration of the House- passed bill. The southerners successfully employed delaying tactics to pre- vent introduction of the motion to consider the bill at a time when it would not have been debatable. They thus demonstrated anew their parliamentary skill and un- derscored the probability that the developing struggle will be pro- longed and hard-fought. Under Senate rules, Mansfield could have moved consideration of the measure during the morning hour and the motion would not have been debatable. If offered after the morning hour, the motion to consider is de- batable and opponents are expect- ed to debate it-some call it a filibuster--for at least a week. Then, if the bill is finally ad- vanced to consideration, the ma- jor battle, involving a much long- er filibuster, is in store. The first-round tactical victory went to forces led by Sen. Rich- ard B. Russell (D-Ga) when they managed to fill up the morning hour with a reading of the Jour- nal of Senate activities last Fri- day and amendments to the jour- nal. Supporters of the House-passed civil rights measure claim a ma- jority in the Senate favors it. VICTORS-Newly-elected officers of . Assembly, Maxine Loomis, president, and Jane Worman, Both officers intend to further campus awarene through greater Assembly action and service. Elect Loom is, or To. Assembly Of fh By MARGARET LOWE Maxine Loomis, '65N, and Jane Worman, '66, w bly Association president and vice-president, respect Presidents' Council yesterday. Miss Loomis, current Assembly vice-president and will replace Assembly president Charlene Hager, installation, March 20. Emphasizing "participation, communicationa Miss Loomis said she intends to exploit every a particularly dormitory house coun- cils and residents, to make As- sembly function at its best. She( Standard Defamation Must Display, .5Y.... ActualMai Denies Public Official Right To Ask Damages Without Intent Shown WASHINGTON RP) -- The Su- preme- Court unanimously threw out yesterday a $500,000 libel judg- ment awarded a Montgomery city . bofficial in a suit against the New York Times and four Negro min- ie <*'.* Q ? "+ In so doing, the court laid down Association are a constitutional standard that a vice-president public official 'may not recover vce Aresenbly damages for a defamatory false- ess of Assembly hood relating to his official con- duct without a showing of actual malice, of knowledge the statement was false or reckless disregard of m ctfwhether or not it was false. Justice William J. Brennan wrote the court's decision. While s it was unanimous, three justices said it did not go far enough. Press Freedom Justices Hugo L. Black and Ar- thur J. Goldberg, in separate con- ere elected Assem- curing opinions, expressed regret ively, by Assembly that the court did not lay down a doctrine of unconditional free- ran uncontested dom of the public and press to '64, at the officer criticize official conduct. Justice William O. Douglas not- and cooperation," ed that he agreed with both con- vailable resource, curring opinions. The libel suit was based on publication of an advertisement in the Times of March 29, 1960. The luture advertisement had statements critical of the handling of racial demonstrations in Montgomery. Won Award L. B. Sullivan, police commis- sioner of Montgomery, won the N BRYANT award in the circuit court of ies that failed to Montgomery County with a con- luring formal rush tention that several paragraphs in ures. the advertisement would be taken ouses, Kappa Al- as reflecting on him. Brennan's main opinion said the- Alpha Phi Alpha, Alabama law of civil libel, in- men during open volved in the case, was a form of ain their present regulation that creates hazards to protected freedoms markedly Psi currently has greater than those that attend re- ording to its pres- liance upon the criminal law. Ratcliff, '64E. "We The Alabama rule of law, Bren- n on campus and nan said, was not saved by its use," he said. allowance of the defense of truth. ain House State Power pha which pledged Brennan added that "the Con- house at present. stitution delimits a state's power 'ding to chapter to award damages for libel in ac- Marshall, '64E, it tions brought by public officials y the fall of 1965. against critics of their official Lambda has not conduct. Since this is such an ac- pen rushing pro- tion, the rule requiring proof of president Stephen actual malice is applicable." said that reten- (Prof. Marcus Plant of the Law p's house depends School, commenting on the Su- f the rush. preme Court decision last night, fraternities, Phi said, "It appears from newspaper fraEilonii Phi reports that the Supreme Court d Tau Epsilon Phi has given constitutional sanction a formal rushand to the prixilege of "fair com- effort to pledge ment" as that privilege is gener- er. ally recognized at common law. Sigma president .,,,. ,l *o in 'na+ C+CM0"i TIE FOR TITLE: cM' Cagers Upende4 , by Purdue, 81=,79 By BILL BULLARD Purdue stunned the NCAA-bound Michigan basketball team 81-79 in the last game of the regular season last night at Yost Field House, knocking the Wolverines into a Big Ten title tie with Ohio State. Michigan lost a chance for its first outright conference cham- pionship since 1948 in the last two minutes of the game. Cazzie Russell's jump shot had put the Wolverines up, 77-74, at this point. But Purdue guard Mel Garland sank a jumper and a free throw to make the score even. After Russell missed a short jumper in the midst of a group of Boilermaker defenders, Purdue took the ball down court and called time out at 1:30. The Boilermakers stalled until 44 seconds were left in the game. Then Bob Purkhiser broke loose to the right of the basket and popped in a shot jumper. Blew Shot, Tip The Wolverines, down 79-77, raced the ball down court. Russell missed a shot, Larry Tregoning tipped it up, and Purdue took con- trol of the ball. Bill Buntin fouled Purkhiser in an attempt to get "warned" the presidents that she would demand "work on every- one's part." Miss Worman, presently Assem- bly secretary, defeated Jane Fein- berg, '65, and Mary Jo Schiller, '65. Miss Worman sees her future role as "an internal leader" of Assembly. "The strength of As- sembly lies in unification and ex- change of ideas," she said. Both officers foresee housing and trimester problems as impor- tant issues next year. Miss Loomis noted that' some- thing must be done to accommo- date the increasing number of freshman women coming to the University and to restructure stu- dent government to include the summer semester. Miss Worman's main goal is to see that foreign students are given the opportunity to live in resi- dence halls. She said that many times for- eign students do not receive in- formation about dormitories and so do not have the chance to apply for residence. Petitioning for other Assembly offices and committee chairmen will close at 5 p.m. today with in- terviewing scheduled for this eve- ning. .1 "UUA X Diffici By JOHN Five fraternit obtain pledges d face varying fut Two of the h+ pha Psi and A pledged enough rush to mainta situations. Kappa Alpha five pledges acco ident, William R intend to remai maintain our ho To Obta Alpha Phi Alp six men has 'no However, accor president James will have one by Alpha Kappa yet begun its o gram. Chapterx Schlakman, '64, tion of his grou on the suqcess o Two other Kappa Sigma an did not conductE are making no men this semest Phi Kappa