ONE ALTERNATIVE IN VIET NAM See Editorial Page Y L Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom &titA* CLOUDY High--38 Low-32 Occasional light snow VOL. LXXIV, No. 127 SEVEN CENTS ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SUNDAY, MARCH 8, 1964 TWO SECTIONS SIXTEEN PAGES Thayer Calls for Liais on) With 'Blue Ribbon' Unit .. f.L^6:"n. i:?...Lt.S.*r."..*.i *.v.:a...i.:."....... :s:..:. ..:: ..:>°::. . .*::::v+:.*..;::.........:..""i{$:::':ti:?"'.':'": By LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM DETROIT-The third membTe ofthe state's triumvirate of powerful college presidents has declined to enter the medical school fray. Wayne State University President Clarence Hilberry ex- plains that the medical school 'controversy,' as the newspapers have labeled it, can only hurt the efforts aimed at voluntary co-ordination of higher education. He is holding to the voluntary medical school agreement reached last November by the Michigan Co-Ordinating Council for Public Higher Education. University President Harlan Hatch- er has accused Michigan State University President John Han- nah with breaking this agreement.r Absorb 50 Students The pact, unanimously endorsed by the trio, called for the University and Wayne to absorb 50 students graduating fom MSUs 18-month medical program for the first time in 1966 But President Hatcher has charged that MSU intends to expand the 18-month. transfer plan into a two-year program as a steppingstone to a full-fledged four-year medical school Wayne continues to beleve in the agreement and is pie paring to carry it out. Take All 50 "Wayne pledged last November-and has continued to Ueiterate its intention-to take all 50. students if necessary after they emerge from the 18-month training, starting in 1966, Hilberiry asserts. University Medical School Dean William N. Hubbbard told a group of legislators at recent budget hearings that the Uni- ersity and Wayne would not be able to take the 50 students if they giaduated after two years. He did not specify whether theie ewould be room for 18-month transfers.,a Hilberry explains that "until we are notified otherwise by the Michigan State Board of Trustees-or by Hannaha-we will stand with the agreement." Institutional In-fighting He notes that the institutional in-fighting reported in the newspapers "will not serve the cause of co-ordination, which Is so vital to the long-range needs of this state." He calls for the establishment of a strong state board of education when the new board is set up in 1965. "Its ability to vemain non-partisan and the competence of its members will be the major factor m defining exactly how much power it will- have " Under the new state constitution, the board is vested with & Mco-oidinating power over the state's higher education finances, withthhe specific authority to give recommendations to the LiarState-Wide Coordination Disconting the possibility that the board will exercise nbsolute authority sover the tax-supported schools through its co-ordinating function, Hilberry observes that "it remains- with proper qualifications-the best tool we have for state-wide ~co-ordination." As proof that others concerned with education support this ;view, Hilberry notes that Gov. George Rlomney's "blue ribbon', Citizens Committee on Higher Education is analyzing the pos- sible ways of making the board effective.h Educators and Lansing officials have expressed concern that the four board members-to be elected in November-will be unable to cross political ties in order to analyze the state's educational needs in a 'neutral' fashion.a HIRING POLICIES: Arrest Demionstrators By The Associated Pressb SAN FRANCISCO-Police had arrested more than 160 of 1200 noisy demonstratbars yesterday at a local hotel before an agreement was reached in the office of 19tayor John F. Shelley between major city hotels and civil rights groups. Arrested- were 167 persons-eight of them Negroes-who had carried on their protest over hiring policies for about 20 hours. The Harrests were made when demon- STANLEY G. THAYER NEAR EAST: GAO Hits Aid Waste WASHINGTON 0P ) - United States Agency for International Development administrators were accused yesterday 'of wasting $8.5 million, on projects in Turkey and Iran and misleading Congress about their progress. The charge was made by the General Accounting Office, which checks on federal spending for Congress, in a report to the House and Senate. It said funds were used to build highways and railways that were not really needed and wound up going nowhere. In seeking the money from Congress, the report added, the administration pre- sented incomplete and inaccurate information and withheld other facts that should have been pre- sented. AID vs. GAO AID disagreed with the findings and blamed them on "a funda- mental difference" between it and the GAO over the nature of the projects. The report covers four rail and highway projects carried out un- der the Economic Development Program for Central Treaty Or- ganizations between 1957 and 1962. Such projects are supposed to aid two or more CENTO countries and advance regional economic de- Legislators Would Work. With Citizenis Resolution Suggests Two Possible Ways Of AchieVing Goal By EDWARD HERSTEIN A resolution to establish a leg- islative committee to work with Gov. George Romney's "Blue Rib- bon" Citizens' Committee on High- er Education has been introduced by Senate Majority Leader Stan- ley G. Thayer (R-Ann Arbor). The interim committee, made up of five House members and five senators, would "cooperate with the citizens' committee, act as the liaison between the citizens' committee and the Legislature and report to the 1965 Legislature," Thayer said. He explained that the resolution came as a result of discussions he had had with Dan Karn, chair- man of the "blue ribbon" group. "Karn had requested a way to work with the Legislature." Voice of Experience He noted that his plan would make legislators available to ad- vise the "blue ribbon" group from their own experience. The com- mittee would be composed of the leadership of both houses. The exact relation of the legis- lative committee to the citizens' committee would be up to the citizens' group, Thayer said?. Two possibilities are that it could ac- tually sit with the group or that it would only "consult" with it Karn last night refused to com- ment on the resolution. "Thayer never informed me of the propos- al," he said, adding that he would say nothing until he had seen it. Communication Need Karn confirmed that he and Thayer had discussed the need for increased communication with the Legislature. "We suggested some- thing might be done," he said. Irving Bluestone, a co-chairman of the committee, said that he saw the need for greater consul- tation with legislators, but he like- wise declined comment on the spe- cific proposal. Thayer denied that the resolu- NCATE Gets Data On School By MARILYN KORAL Education school students con- sistently score lower on achieve- ment tests and do poorer academ- ically than do literary college stu- dents, according to data recently given to the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Edu- cation by the education school. The widest discrepancies were between male literary college stu- dents and male students in edu- cation. NCATE requested the informa- dution to aid in its evaluation of the education school this year. The school comes up for accreditation f by the group approximately every 10 years. Four Scales Four academic scales were used to compare the quality of educa- tion school students and literary college students: high school per- centile ranks; American College Entrance Examination scores - linguistic and quantitative (ACE- L, ACE-Q); Scholastic Aptitude Test scores - verbal and mathe- matical (SAT-V SAT-M); and grade-point averages earned at the University. Male juniors earning a teacher's certificate in the literary college were in the 50th percentile rank of all University students on the ACE-L test, and those working for a secondary certificate in the edu- cation school were at the 31st percentile. In comparison, non- education literary college men av- eraged in the 62nd percentile. Among senior men, the respec- tive ACE-L scores for non-certifi- cate literary college students, teaching certificate candidates in the literary college, education school secondary students and elementary certificate s t u d e n t s were 58 43 34 and 38, respec- tively , , an ,rse- 25 Points Lower The high school percentile rank average for all men in education was 25 points lower than that for literary college men. In addition, literary college male juniors had an average grade- point of 2.66, while certificate candidates in the education school earned a 2.2. On the SAT-M scores were 55 and 41 per cent respectively for LSA and education school males, while verbal scores were 53 and 45. Women Better Although literary college women on. the average did better than those in education school, in all four areas, female certificate stu- dents in the literary college earned slightly higher grade-points and were in a better percentile rank of their high school classes than were non-certificate literary col- lege women. "It is known on this campus that transfer students, on the av- erage, have lower scores on thea ACE exam and obtain lower aca- demic grades; consequently the presence of transfers in the edu- cation school tends to depress the mean scores of teacher candi- dates," the report given to NCATE states. Also stressed was the fact that the percentile figures represent all-University norms and not na- tional ranks. The main purpose of the NCATE team's visit to the University is to validate the education school's re- port on its standing in the follow- ing seven areas: objectives of training, administrative structure, student personnel programs and services, faculty in professional education, curriculum, s t u d e n t teaching opportunities and d facilities.1 Johnson By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - President Lyndon B. Johnson made another move yesterday towards a meet- ing with French President Charles de Gaulle, whose foreign policy has been at odds with the United States recently. Johnson told a nationally-tele- vised news conference that he would be glad to meet de Gaulle any time satisfactory arrange- ments are made and "something can be worked out between us" The President's gesture seemed to put the next move for a John- son-de Gaulle meeting up to Paris. A meeting has been in the works since de Gaulle attended the late President John F. Ken- ney's funeral in Washington. More Talks At the time Johnson had showed a willingness to meet de Gaulle for longer talks, but some still- u n e x plain e d missunderstanding developed and plans for a meeting did not progress. Later, the administration said that Johnson does wish to meet de Gaulle if this means leaving United States soil. In an election year, Johnson did wish to leave the country, Paris was told. De Gaulle is making a trip to South America this spring, but does not wish to stop off in Wash- ington. He had suggested French- held Martinique as a possible meeting site. 'Wish It Well' In a concilatory gesture, John- son declared that the United States wants to see France as strong as possible and "we wish it well." "We like to think there are no irreconcilable difference between us," he said, adding that "when the chips are down we'll be to- gether." In response to a specific ques- tion whether he is planning any trips overseas before election, Johnson said he was not. The United States and France have been pulling apart on several major issues. France recently rec- ognized Communist China and has been advocating a policy of neu- tralization for Southeast Asia. Secretary of State Dean Rusk said yesterday that talk of neu- Re port Russia To Give Cuba issile Control MIAMI(AP)-Soviet military spe- cialists will begin handing control of their missiles in Cuba to Cub- ans next month, the Miami Herald said last night. One of the missiles is capable of shooting down the high-flying U-2 plane, the newspaper said. No nu- clear warheads are believed to be in Cuba, the paper said. Quoting unnamed Venezuelan and other Latin military sources, the article said that the effec-' tiveness of the weapons will de- crease by one-third when the change of hands is completed be- cause of inexperience of the Cub- an military men. The paper noted Cuba's missile strength at about 500 ground-to- air missiles with a range of 10- 15 miles; about 40 cruise missile sites for surface-to-surface mis- siles with a range of 30-40 miles; about a dozen Komar patrol boats each equipped with two missiles with a range of 15-20 miles; an unknown quantity of snapper and frog tactical missiles with a 25- mile range. In addition, the paper said there are more than 100 MIG jets, about half of them supersonic MIG-21's equipped with air-to-air missiles. Moves for Meeting tralization, implying that the, United States should pull its troops out of South Viet Nam, tends to undermine the morale of the Vietnamese people. Johnson indicated that increas- ed Communist aid to the Viet. Cong is not changing the program' for gradually reducing the United States advisory and training force. in Viet Nam, But he added that the question of whether the cutback should be continued, halted- or reversed "will depend a good deal" on what Sec- retary of Defense Robert S., Me-' Namara and Gen. Maxwell D. Tay- lor, chairman of the Joint Chiefs DE GAULLE CONFERENCE: Hatcher Plans To Attend AAU Series, in Germany By KAREN WEINHOUSE University President Harlan Hatcher will visit West Germany this summer to attend a series of conferences on higher education problems of that country, as a, delegate of the American Association of Uni- versities. The plenary meeting between 12 delegates of the AAU, an organ- ization made up of 41 of the leading private and public universities of Canada and the United States,+ of Staff, find in their visit to South Viet Nam today. end Them' If it is found that more men are need in. Viet Nam, "we'll send them," Johnson told the news con- ference. Johnson said that about 1000 troops have been brought home so far, mostly training experts no longer needed because their train- ing-jobs have been completed. As other units, such as military police outfits, complete training assignments, more United States personnel will be withdrawn, Johnson said. and its German counterpart will be held at Bad Godesberg. German universities, largely de- stroyed or disrupted during the war, are now flourishing and fac- ing problems similar to those con- fronted by universities the world over, President Hatcher pointed out. Further Dimension A rising interest in graduate schools adds further dimension to the complex of problems. Research demands imposed on the faculty by business and aca- demic interests must be met. Rectors of the German universi- ties have organized in an associa- tion similar to the AAU and have been seeking a conference with that body for the purpose of dis- cussing the problems confronting' growing institutions. Concerned with Administration "European universities are con- cerned with administration as never before," President Hatcher remarked. He added that they have come to realize that the problems facing them can no long- er be met effectively through their until-now informal organization. From Bad Godesberg, the group will travel to West Berlin, where the Free University of Berlin, built since World War II, is located. Munich will be the next stop, after which the delegation of 12 plans to split up and visit various West German universities. Meetings Likely President Hatcher indicated the likelihood of a meeting between several of the United States dele- gates with members of French, British. and Scandinavian higher education associations in England. The British Association of Com- monwealth Universities is a coun- terpart of the AAU, and for many years a close relationship has been maintained between the two. PRESIDENT HARLAN HATCHER ELIGIBILITY Set Rules For Students In Election Tomorrow is the last day Ann Arbor residents may register to vote in the city election April 6. The League of Women Voters of Ann Arbor says that the city clerk's considerations in determ- ining eligibility of University stu- dents for registration are: -The student's marital status and whether or riot he has estab- lished a residence in Ann Arbor. -His length of stay, in Ann Arbor. -Whether the student is free from parental control. -Where he would go in case of sickness or accident. --If employed, the amount of time devoted to employment in relation to academic pursuits. velopment, rather than aiding in- tion was in any way aimed at dividual nations. hampering the work of the citi- The economic need for the pro- jects, said the GAO, was so dubious they were considerably cut back. It added that only one -a Turkey-Iran highway-has the regional characteristics required for such projects. Dead End A proposed Turkey-Iraq high- way, it said, will end at a river between the two countries, be- cause Iraq has withdrawn from CENTO. It noted that a planned Turkey-Iran railroad, designed to link the two nations, has proved so economically unjustified that only short segments are being completed within each country, leaving a gap of 173 miles between their railway systems. Despite all this, the GAO said, AID officials each year told Con- gress the projects "were progress- ing much better than they actually* were." just the opposite." Bill May Halt Fermi Award WASHINGTON (P) - The au- tomatic presentation of $50,000 by the Atomic Energy Commis- sion to the winner of the En- rico Fermi award would be halt- ed by legislation which has been approved by the Joint Congres- sional Committee on Atomic En- ergy, a spokesman said last night. The Fermi award honors the late Enrico Fermi, an Italian- born physicist and leader of a group of scientists who success- fully operated the world's first nuclear reactor under the stands of Stagg Field, University of Chi- cago, USSR Says West Germnany e al US RS 'Pursues 'Militaristic' Policy, MOSCOW (P)-The Soviet Union claimed last night West Ger- many is pursuing a militaristic policy that, could result in a new Hitler at the head of a refurbished German army. The accusation was made in a policy statement which Tass said the government authorized it to publish. The statement was issued in reply to the annual year-end report published by the West German government to review its past Qyear's activities in all fields. Greeks Free Turk Cypriots; y Fight Still On NICOSIA, Cyprus AP) - Eight stators sat down and blocked en- trances to the hotel. Tacy Sims, an 18-year-old Ne- gro girl leader of the ad-hoc committee to end discrimination, and Negro comedian Dick Gregory told a cheering crowd inside -the hotel lobby that agreement had been reached. Trho a~noti en-P i _I ,' r 'M' Sweeps persons have been reported killed j ne a e i w in pact. During this time, the hotels in the worst Cyprus fighting nagree to try to bring their staffs nearly a month, almost simultan- to where 15-20 per cent are mem- eously with the release of 49 Turk- bers of minority gioups. ish Cypriot hostages by their In other racial news, New York Greek captors. civil rights demonstrators staged The government announced a sit-down in police headquarters Te o ernen ilued wereG and a lie-down on a Triborough seven of those killed were Greek Bridge roadway Friday. The result Cypriots. The British Army re- was that 13 persons were arrested, ported one Turk killed. The fight- traffic was snarled. and head- ing took place yesterday at Ktima, quarters revamped its security near the city of Paphos, about mares 60 miles from NiEoia where the measures. Track.. . By GARY WINER Special To The Daily COLUMBUS-Michigan's track beam pulled five individual con- Terence winners out of the bag :ere yesterday afternoon and com- ;letely ran away with' the sup- posedly two-team meet, with Wis- onsin, to capture the 54th annual Western Conference indoor track mieet. Michigan scored 67 points. For Wisconsin, the 48-point second lace performance marked its second consecutive year of falling A.L ... ±t . 2- - toThree. Gymnastics,.. By LLOYD GRAFF Special To The Daily MADISON-The Michigan gym- nastics team scratched and claw- ed to hold a lead, then tumbled into victory yesterday, winning its fourth straight Big Ten champion- ship with 131 points. Iowa finished second with 1121 / and Michigan State took third with 93. Wisconsin completed the top four with a total of 77 points. Michigan held a narrow lead throughout the meet and was in jeopardy at all times 'until the r_- I . L -. 1 . .. rll- t- , Big Wrestling . . By TOM ROWLAND Special To The Daily MADISON - Twio Big Ten champs and 56 points swept Mich- igan to its second straight con- ference wrestling championship here yesterday. The outcome was never in doubt: as a corrected scoring error in Friday's action showed the Wol- verines leading nearest - competi- tor Iowa by 14 points at the be- ginning of the final matches. The Hawkeyes then pushed their total to 42 on a pair of individual titlists a ',d A mnrP sa , n a Nin linne rs. Ten Titles War Is Inevitable The Soviet answer to it warned that West Germany was pursuing policies that could lead ultimately "to war-a world war." The Tass statement accused West Germany of opposing all relaxation of tension, of reaching for nuclear weapons, and trying to interfere with East Germany's contacts with other countries. It insisted. West Germany was trying toeturn its forces "into the strongest army in Western Europe. The conclusion from this is that from now on any measures to en- sure European security must in- clude curtailments of the Bundes- wehr, which has swelled in viola- tion of the four-sided agreements." Dreams of Vengeance It stated that influential mili- taristic quarters in West Germany are dreaming of "avenging them- selves for the war they lost. samema Em;:. .,