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March 07, 1964 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1964-03-07

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U' Negro Sororities Face
Transitional Period


:43 latl

University Negro sororities are
In a transitional period.
Alpha Kappa Alpha and Delta
Signia Theta, the two associate
sororities on campus, are working
to strengthen their own organi-
zations and to increase awareness
of Negro culture. However, they
are plagued with many problems.
Together, they have a total
membership of less than 25. Only
seven girls, all Negroes, rushed
these sororities this spring. AKA
pledged five of the seven girls,
while DST discontinued rushing
altogether after the first set of
Alumni Workshop
"We dropped rush to open a
workshop with \alumni and other
chapters for purposes of reorgan-
ization," DST President Carolyn

Brown, '65, commented. Although
DST is facing the serious problem
of diminishing numbers, "we will
definitely stay at the University,"
Miss Brown noted.
Are Negro sororities in serious
trouble? Elizabeth Leslie, asso-
ciate director of student activities
and organizations, and Leonard
F. Sain, special assistant to the
admissions director, think not.
"DST is a strong service group
throughout the country," Mrs. Les-
lie, who is also coordinator of
associated and off-campus hous-
ing, said. "They have strong
alumni and are themselves a po-
tentially strong group. This year
they felt they couldn't offer
enough that truly represented DST
to ask girls to join. They are not
in trouble with the University."
AKA President Carole Jasper,

MODERN DANCE-Erick Hawkins and Lucia Dlugoszweski of
the Erick Hawkins Dance Company will appear in "8 Clear
r Places" at 8:30 p.m. today in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. This
is the second program in the Creative 'Arts Festival.
Union, League Set Program
For Creative Arts Festival
During the next two weeks, the efforts of students, faculty, and
professional artists will be incorporated into a comprehensive unit,
the Creative Arts Festival.
In a move toward diversity with quality, the Michigan Union and
the Women's League have planned their programs using the media
of music, literature, dance, drama, painting and photography. Start-

'65, commented that her sorority
"is the largest it has been in a
long time." She also noted tha1
only one Negro freshman pledged
this year because "freshmen ar
worried about grades. Many wani
to establish firm grade points first
in order to maintain scholarships.'
Sain Comments
Sain views associate problems a
a series of obstacles to overcome:
-"There are only about 50 un-
dergraduate Negro women at the
University. Thus, the source from
which these sororities draw their
pledge classes is very limited," he
-"Associate sororities have no
houses, that is, no physical loca-
tion," Sain continued. "They can-
not sell their sorority on intang-
ible assets. Furthermore, members
are spread over the whole campus
and consequently have less co-
hension than other sororities ordi-
narily have."
-Sam also noted that "there
is a feeling among some Negro
girls that associate sororities rep-
resent 'marginality compounded'."
Negro women are in the minority
to begin with by just being at the
University. Some may not want
to be a part of a system in which
they would be only "associate"
members. This is marginal affili-
ation, he added.?
-Lastly, Sain noted that "many
Negro women are not financially
able to join and continue in a
Social Vehicle
Sain views the ideal role of
associate sororities as being a so-
cial vehicle through which female
students can involve themselves in
University social life. Presently,
associate sororities are only a
"catalytic agent of involvement
for Negro girls." It will remain
this way, Sain said, "until the
sororities are integrated. Ideally,
there should be no Negro soror-
Mrs. Leslie also expressed a
"hope that next year associate
groups will agree to have rushees
go through regular rush."
Commenting on the lack of
Negro women going through reg-
ular rush, Miss Jasper said, "A
Negro girl would cut herself of f
from other Negro women on cam-
pus if she were to pledge a white
sorority. Living in dormitories is
the best opportunity we now have
for meeting other Negro women"
Associate Rush
On the other hand, only one
white girl signed up for associate
rush this year. "Then she dropped
r u s h completely," Panhellenic
counselor for Negro rush coun-
selors, Mary Whiltman, '65, said.
What can associate sororities do
despite their limited numbers?
"They can serve as a source of
encouragement for other Negroes
to get a college education," Sain
"The University is working un-
der the philosophy that admis-
sions procedures should be active
rather than passive in encourag-
ing and helping more qualified
Negroes to come to the University.
Campus Life
"Most Negroes want to go to a
school where they can become in-
volved in campus life. The climate
of a university is an important
factor in encouraging Negroes to
apply. So far at the University,'
it seems as if Negroes have not
been encouraged to become part
of the organizational structure,"
Sain said.
Current Negro students should
become involved in campus activi-
ties such as Panhel and Student
Government Council to inform
others of the kinds of contribu-
tions Negroes can make to society,
Sain added.
"Negro sororities have a stra-
tegic role in encouraging mem-
bers to become involved in such
activity, and they are beginning
to become aware of their respon-
sibility," he said.

Niemeyer Discusses
Ideology, Reality,
The need for totalitarian political power results from the dis-
harmony of reality and ideology in the state, Prof. Gerhard Niemeyer
of the University of Notre Dame said yesterday in a lecture sponsored
by the University Phileutherian Society.
Prof. Niemeyer, a political science instructor, defined ideology
as "a system built on a pre-conceived idea so that the truth and


On Redistricting Plan;
Democrats Seem Split

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom

Troops Clash
In Malaysia
KUCHING, Malaysia (W)-Indo-
nesian guerrillas and Malaysian
security forces fought on Borneo
yesterday in a skirmish that point-
ed toward hardening, if not expan-
sion of a Southeast Asian crisis
eluding solution at the conference
A military spokesman an-
nounced that security forces killed
four uniformed intruders, includ-
ing an Indonesian army sergeant,
in a clash in the northeastern area
of the Malaysian state of Sara-
wak. Another raider surrendered.
The spokesman said the Malay-
sian security forces suffered no
Radio Address
Sarawak's chief minister, Ste-
phen Kalong Ningkan, declared in
a radio address that his govern-
me nt has good reason to suppose
that Indonesia plans a number of
armed penetrations on a- much
larger scale.
"Such incursions probably would
be carried out by large groups of
up to several hundred border ter-
rorists supported by regular In-
donesian troops," Ningkan said.
Malaysia has accused Indonesia
of a score of previous violations of
the Jan. 26 cease-fire arranged by
United States Atty. Gen. Robert
F. Kennedy and announced it in-
tends to present the case to the
United Nations.
Conference Collapse
The fresh flareup followed col-
lapse of a second peace confer-
ence of foreign ministers of Ma-
laysia, Indonesia and the Philip-
pines at Bangkok, Thailand. The
conference foundered on Indo-
nesia's rejection of a Malaysian
demand that President Sukarno's
government recall about 400 pro-
Indonesian guerrillas from Sara-
wak and the sister state of Sabah,
formerly British North Borneo.
In Jakarta, Sukarno proclaimed
again a determination to crush
this young anti-Communist feder-
He told a group of visitors from
Poland that Indonesia is calling
on all progressive nations to Join
in the campaign against Malaysia.
Philippine foreign secretary
Salvador P. Lopez, who tried vain-

are Erick Hawkins and Dance
ing the first week of the festival
Company in two modern dance
concerts, one presented yesterday
and one to occur today.
The three works in their pro-
grams are representative of Hawk-
ins efforts to explore the intimate
collaboration of dance with music
written especially for the dance
Next, Pulitzer Prize winning poet
William Snodgrass will visit the
University and give a reading of
his poetry on Sunday.
In the spirit of the festival, a
program encompassing literature,
art and music will be presented on
Tuesday by Professors Allan Sea-
ger of the English department,
Leslie Basset of the music school,
and Richard Wilt of the architec-
ture and design college. Each man
will speak on an aspect of his own
'Wat Requiem'
The University Choir, in con-
junction with the University Sym-
phony Orchestra, the Faculty
Chamber Orchestra, and tie Tap-
pan Choir, will present Benjamin
Bt tten's "War Requiem" on
Wednesday. This piece, written in
1962, combines the Latin mass for
the dead and the verse of the
English poet Wilfred Owen to form
a powerful anti-war composition.
In coordination with the Festi-
val the music school will alseo e-
sent a Student Composers Forum
on Monday.
On Thursday, Konstantinos Lar-
das wil give a, reading of his
poetry.' The same program will
present Elizabeth Meece in a Folk
Concert with guitar accompani-
ment. The joint program is spon-
sored by Generation Magazine.
Spring Concert
The Concert Dance Organization
of the Women's Athletic Associa-
tion will present its annual Spring
Dance Concert with members of
the Dance Club and the Choreog-
raphers Workshop Modern dance
will be stressed in three perform-
ances on March 13-14.
The programs will include a trio
performance on a medieval theme,
an extract from a Peruvian legend,
and a take-off on Ginger Rogers
and Fred Astaire.
Odetta, one of the great contem-
porary voices in folk singing, will
appear on March 14 in behalf of
the Development Council.
Art Exhibits
During this first week of the
Festival, three art exhibitions will
be on view. A collage exhibit by,
Edith Bry will be in the League
from March 7-13.

Nazi Cites
Party Aims
Special To The Daily
MINNEAPOLIS - Speaking to
an audience of more than 1000 at
the University of Minnesota,
George Lincoln Rockwell, "na-
tional commander" of the Ameri-
can Nazi Party, explained that
members of his party "are racists,
and we believe in the white race."
Several student groups picketed
the student union where he spoke
and distributed anti-Rockwell leaf-
lets but no incidents were re-
Rockwell, who says he is an ag-
nostic, explained that his goal in
life is to "save white Christian
people and preserve our constitu-
tional republic. A white, Christian
people built this country, and they
should dominate it."
Rockwell agreed with the Black
Muslim solution to, the Negro
:roblem. But instead of being given
some place in the United States,
Negroes should be encouraged to
set up their own country in Af-
rica, he said. He suggested that
foreign aid money might be more
usefully put to such a project.
The basis of his argument that
the white race is superior to all
others was that since animals vary,
in natural abilities- by breeds, hu-
mans must also.
"This doesn't mean that you
should exterminate the different
breeds," he said. "But we must
be careful to preserve the good
Rockwell provoked a rare out-
burst of booing when he explained
his attitude toward the extermi-
See ROCKWELL, Page 3

" facts are reconciled to the frame-
work imposed upon it.
"Modern ideology starts from a
position that is assumed and spins
out a system elaborating and for-
tifying the original position."
Looks at Reality
The opposite of ideology is phil-
osophical thinking, Prof. Niemeyer
said. No pre-conceived position is
adopted because the philosopher
looks at reality and sees where it
takes him.
"Ideology is false because it re-
jects the existence of a realm
higher than the human realm,"
Prof. Niemeyer said.,
"All, modern ideologies have a
particular will to reject the trans-
cendence." For instance Karl Marx
rejected the right to ask the ques-
tion of creation at all, thereby
denying transcendence.
Second Reality
When one rejects transcendence
and assumes a false ideology, one
gets into a false or "second re-
ality." Yet, Prof. Niemeyer said,
the ideologist acts on reality as
if it was this "second reality."
"Then these people get power
and come to realize that their
ideology isn't reality. They are
hostile to society because they find
men who are not in accordance
with the truth. "Then they will
try to impose their dream world
on society. This is why these ideol-
ogists require totalitarian power,"
Prof. Niemeyer said.
Reject Transcendence,
Philosophers in the 18th cen-
tury were the first to reject trans-
cendence as the explanation of
things, he said.
They came to substitute an "ab-
solutism," such as progress, his-
tory, race, economy, or uncon-
sciousness, for transcendence. The
creation of ideologies was rapid
in the early 19th Century but has
slowed down since, he pointed out.
Bursley Seeks
Seat in Senate'
LANSING () - Rep. Gilbert
Bursley (R-Ann Arbor) yesterday
announced he will run for the
state Senate seat to be vacated by1
Sen. Stanley Thayer (R-Ann Ar-
bor) and not for Congress.
Thayer, majority leader of the
Senate, has announced his candi-t
dacy for Congress from the Sec-I
and Congressional District.t
Bursley earlier announced he
would not seek re-election to the1
state's lower house, but that he
was considering Congress and theE
state Senate.
Yesterday he said legislative re-i
districting threatens his area "withi
a loss of top legislative talent"c
while "there already are enoughi
candidates for Congress to afforde
the voters an adequate choice." l
He said he will outline his cam-
paign plans March 24 in Ann Ar-c

By The Associated Press
General U Thant yesterday ap-
pointed an Indian general to
command a United Nations peace
force for Cyprus, but ran into dif-
ficulty in recruiting troops for the
Thant named Lt. Gen. Prem
Singh Gyani as commander of the
peace force. Gyani -is now in Cy-
prus as Thant's personal repre-
sentative. However, his appoint-
ment as commander is not to take
effect until after the force is
Meanwhile, Greek and Turkish
Cypriots battled for the third
saright day in villages near the
north coast harbor of Krenin.
Casualties included two Turkish
Cypriots killed and one injured
and four Greek Cypriots injured.
U.S. Letter
News from Washington concern-
ed a letter from President Lyndon
B. Johnson to Soviet Premier Nikita
Khrushchev that warned against
outsiders inflaming passions in
the Mediterranean.
In the letter, Johnson rejected
the Russian criticism of the United
States role in the Cyprian crisis.
"The United States has been
cooperating with the governments
concerned, including the govern-
ment of the Republic of Cyprus,
for one purpose alone, that of
assisting the Cypriots to restore
a peaceful situation in Cyprus,"
Johnson said.
NATO Proposal
The Anglo - American plan,
which Russia had criticized, was
for a NATO force. This was
blocked by Archbishop Makarios,
a Greek Cypriot and president of
the island republic, with Mos-
cow's backing.
The NATO proposal had won
the approval.of Greece and Turkey
which, with Britain, were made
guarantor powers when the former
British colony received its in-
dependence in 1960.
There is some question as to
how soon the UN peace force can
be raised.
Gets Turndown
Thant received a flat turndown
from Brazil and a conditional ac-
ceptance from Sweden in his call
for soldiers. He had appealed to
those two countries as well as
Canada, Finland, Ireland and Aus-
tria for contingents.
Sweden said it was willing toy
furnish a battalion-about 800 men
-for the three-month period stip-
ulated in the Security CouncilI
resolution authorizing Thant toi
create the force. But Sweden de-]
manded assurances that she willE
not be the only neutral nation
Sweden also wanted answers toE

Thant A ppoints Indian
To Head UN Peace Unit

V _ _

Pushes Election

Canada announced that it would
make up its mind -after a three-
man UN mission returns from a
survey of the situation.
Finland and Ireland were seek-
ing answers to similar questions,
and Austria was regarded as like-
ly to contribute only a non-com-
bat unit, such as a hospital outfit.
A spokesman for Ambassador
Carlos Alfredo Bernardes of Bra-
zil said his country could not spare
the hard currency needed to main-
tain troops in Cyprus. The spokes-
man recalled that Brazil already
had supplied troops for UN forces
in the Middle East and the Con-


Take Seats
On Council
Eight newly elected members of
Student Government Council took
their seats yesterday in a brief
special meeting called for that pur-
Seated were: Barry Bluestone,
'66; Carl Cohen, '66; Eugene Won-
'66; Diane Lebedeff, '65, and Don
Filip, '65. Incumbents Administra-
tive Vice-President Sherry Miller,
'65; Gary Cunningham, '66, and
Scott Crooks, '65, were returned to
New ex-officios introduced to
Council were Kent Cartwright, '65,
replacing Raymond Rusnak, '64, as
Michigan Union president; Laur-
ence Lossing, '65, replacing, Cliff
Taylor, '64, as Intra-Fraternity
Council president, and Ann Wick-
ens, '65, replacing Patricia Elkins,

Handy Calls
Odds 'Good'
For Support
Republicans Decide
To Ask Special Vote
After Court Delay
Democrats appeared divided yes-
terday in their reactions to a
Republican proposal to submit re-
districting plans to the voters in
a special election that would be
held May 19.
However, a key Republican legis-
lator, Rep. Gail Handy (Ean
Claire), said that the chances that
such an election will be held are
"very good." A favorable two-
thirds majority in bothahouses is
necessary before a special election
can be called.
The Republican caucus decided
to push for the election after the
state supreme court said Thursday
that it would delay taking any ac-
tion on redistricting until at least
April 15, in lieu of a related deci-
sion from the United State Su-
preme Court.
In Amendments
Handy noted that many of the
points in the GOP proposal were
included in a group of amend-
ments to the new state constitu-
tion which he proposed earlier
this year but had abandoned for
lack of support.
Vacationing Gov. George Rom-
ney opposed the original amend-
ments, but appears to be favor-
able to the present plan, accord-
ing to Handy, because "he real-
izes how serious the situation is.
Romney is reported to have told
his staff in Lansing to maintain
a "hands-off" policy towards the
plan in order to allow the legis-
lators to "give it a try."
Court Stymy
But Acting Gov. T. John_ Le-
sinski accused the House Repub-
lican leaders yesterday of bottling
up a bill implementing the crea-
tion of a new appellate court in
an attempt to win his support for
the special election.
The appellate court was set up
in the new constitution, but legis-
lation to implement the provision
and finance the court's operation
is locked in the oHuse Ways and
Means Committee. Lesinski has
reportedly expressed an interest in
running for one of the nine seats
on the court.
Although he did not say where
he stands on the special election
proposal, he maintained that he
"will not compromise the rights
of the people of this state" for
his own ambition.
Dems Oppose
House Minority Leader Joseph
P. Kowalski (D-Detroit) said that
the Democrats are opposed to
holding the special election and
would prefer to wait for the state
supreme court to make a decision
on the present districting formula
which was set up in the -new state
However,nRep. E. D. O'Brien (D-
Detroit) said that he favors the
Republican plan. He added that
"any decision that the state court
makes will probably be challenged
and ,go to the United States Su-
preme Court, causing further de-
lay. Therefore, the Legislature
should take what action is neces-
sary to assure orderly elections."
The plan the Republicans hope
to submit to the people would
abolish the Legislative Apportion-
ment Commission and freeze the
present House districts until the
1966 elections.
It also calls for the scrapping of
the 80 per cent population, 20 per
cent area formula with the Leg-

islature districting the chamber
according to guidelines laid down
in the resolution.
It would also establish four-year
terms for House members as well
as for the Senate, repeal a con-
stitutional ban on legislators hold-
ing other governmental jobs, re-
establish township spring elec-
tions, and start county officials'

questions on the size, status, dur- '64, as Panhellenic
ation and duties of the force. president.


Grapplers, ThInc lads Head for Crowns

Special To The Daily
MADISON--A couple of pleasant surprises, a couple of disappoint-
ments, and Michigan's 47 points leads the Big Ten wrestling pack
after the first day of tourney action yesterday.
Iowa now poses as the number one challenger to the Wolverines'
second straight conference title with 38 points in the runner-up spot.
Northwestern and Indiana both have 31, and Illinois follows with 29.
Michigan sends three wrestlers into the finals and another trio
into the consolation finals in this afternoon's action, represented in
all but the 157- and 177-pound classes. The Hawkeyes only have
a pair in each, while Northwestern claims three in the last conso-
lation bracket and a pair of finalists.
Ralph Bahna, Lee Deitrick, and Bob Spaly all go afterMichigan
title points today; Bill Johanneseni, Cal Jenkins, and Chris Stowell
face consolation finals; Wayne Miller and Rick Bay will sit it out.
Bay injured his shoulder yesterday afternoon and was forced
to forfeit his chances at a second Big Ten 157-pound crown. Miller,
wrestling at two weights above usual in the 177-pound class, was
defeated by Indiana's Dick Isel in the preliminaries, 3-2, and after
winning once in consolation was nipped by Purdue's George Reid

Special To The Daily
COLUMBUS-Spurred on by a surprise second-place finish by
sophomore broadjumper John Rowser, coach Don Canham saw his
team's chances for a Big Ten crown improve as the eight qualfying
events and one final were completed here last night.
"We did exactly what we had to do to keep up our hopes," the
smiling Canham said after the first night's action. "We're right up
there," he commented. "Our chances look much better, and we'll be
in their big if (Roger) Schmitt and (Ernie) Soudek do a job."
The coach was referring not only to the well balanced, all-around
performances by every man last night, but also to the slew of last
minute injuries which plagued pre-meet favorite, Wisconsin.
The Wolverines qualified men in every event last night for the
all important finals tomorrow afternoon. Michigan has the most men
eligible for the finals with eight, followed by Wisconsin with six.
Each sent five men to the semi-finals of the two events which weren't
carried to the finals last night.
Rowser, the 6' 175 pound defensive halfback, turned in the finest
performance of his life, leaping 23'11", good enough for a second
place spurt behind the newly crowned Big Ten champion, Jim Gar-
rett. a Michigan State sonhomore.


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