FREE ISSUE C, r S W Y 43 Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom 47Iatt,,i FREE ISSUE XIV, No. 85 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1964 THREE SECTIONS TWENTY-SIX PAGES I Report Collapse Of Canal Accord Panama Demands New Treaty, Withdraws Washington Diplomat . WASHINGTON W)-United States officials held fast this morn- ing to the hope that an agreement quieting the Panamanian crisis would stand despite reports from Panama that the agreement had collapsed less than 24 hours after it was signed. Authoritative official sources in Panama disclosed last night that the government of President Robert Chiari had decided to com- pletely break relations with the United States unless this nation agreed to negotiate a new Panama Asks $131 By EDWARD HERSTEIN Special To The Daily LANSING-Gov. George Romney recommended a $21 million increase in 1964 state appropriations for higher education in his State of the State address before the Legislature Jan. 9. The increase will bring the total requested appropriation for the operating expenditures of state colleges and universities to $131 million. Romney aide Charles Orlebeke indicated that this year's higher education appropriation "would follow the general pattern" of past requests. With the University traditionally receiving about a third of the appropriation, this means that the University may get up to an additional $7 million, bringing its appropriation to $45.2 million--only $2.6 million short of its request. $27 Million for Construction Romney also asked for $27 million to continue construction of 25 buildings and urged that state higher education institutions should start planning now buildings costing $41 million. The request for operating expenditures falls $4 million below the $25 million minimum boost recommended in the interim report of the Citizens' Committee on Higher Education. The Milo for Colleges construction request, though $5 million over the 1963 appropria- tion, is $22 million under the $49 million figure recommended by the "blue ribbon" group. Orlebeke explained that an increased revenue outlook and "blue ribbon" committee report were major factors behind the unexpected $21 million hike. See Related Story on State of the State Address, Page 7, Section 2 Last October, Controller Glenn S. Allen predicted that only $10 million more would be available, based on a budget balanced at $580 million. Romney's proposals rest on a budget balanced at $624 million. Senate Majority Leader Stanley G. Thayer (R-Ann Arbor) said the request was satisfactory. It recognizes that "the big problems will come in two or three years," he said. But Thayer added that "it is difficult to say" whether the Legislature will pass an appropriation this large. He said that the reaction of the Senate Appropriations Committee was "favorable." The appropriations committee chairman, Sen. Frank D. Beadle (R-St. Clair), said he would "take a good look to see how Romney expects to have it spent" before deciding whether to support such an appropriation. "If they need it, it isn't too big; if they don't need it, it is," he said. Beadle had also previously indicated that higher education could at best expect only a $10 million increase in operating appropriations and forecast that a majority of his committee would want at least part of this to come from a tuition increase. Engstrom Declines To Speculate Rep. Arnell Engstrom (R-Traverse City), chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, refused to speculate on the final higher education appropriation. No meaningful statement can be made, he said, until Romney presents his budget in detail, Jan. 22. However, Engstrom noted that tuition should bear some of increased educational spending. He said that his committee might consider linking a tuition increase with boosted appropriations. But, Engstrom continued, "the state is going to have to bear an increasing share of the burden." Engstrom added that buildings forwhich planning money was appropriated last year will have first priority for the capital outlay increases recommended by Romney. Plans for medical science building, unit II, a dental school building and children's hospital, financed by a $180,000 appropriation this year, are being developed by the University. Government To Support Housing Rule WASHINGTON (M) - United States H o u s i n g Administrator Robert C. Weaver announced yes- terday a model agreement with Minnesota designed to put federal teeth into enforcement of the state's fair housing law. The pact would provide for fed- eral sanctions for violations of state laws. In many cases, this would permit the federal govern- ment to act where it now is pow- erless under the limited provisions of the executive order against ra- cial discrimination in housing. Weaver said the federal govern- ment expects to reach similar FREE COPY Today's edition of The Daily is being distributed free across the campus., Regular publication will be- gin with Tuesday's edition. agreements soon with the 11 other states that have comprehensive anti-discrimination laws. When th'e agreements all are signed, Weaver said, nearly 41 per cent of the nation's total popula- tion and 25 per cent of the Negro population will be affected. Other states with fair housing laws that affect urban renewal, public housing and private resi- dences are Alaska, California, Connecticut, Colorado, Massachu- setts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Oregon and Pennsylvania. Most of the state laws already provide penalties, usually a fine or a jail sentence or both. Under the agreement, the fed- eral government could exact addi- tional penalty by withdrawing its financial assistance. The agree- ment applies only on federally as- sisted housing projects. Informally, this type of cooper- ation has been going on for some time, Weaver said, but the new agreement provides for systematic, exchange of information about new projects, new housing loans and violations. One of the major complaints about the executive order has been that it is limited in its scope. The Minnesota agreement overcomes some of the limitations. Canal Zone treaty. But officials in Washington said there had been no official notification of been no official notification of the action as of midnight. The sources said President Chi- ari had asked the Costa Rican See Pictures Page 8, Section 3 government to take over Pana- manian affairs in Washington and that Costa Rica had agreed to do so. Panama has also asked the United States government to with- draw its diplomatic personnel from this tense capital, the sources said, adding that Panama is bringing home its envoys from Washington. Panamanian Ambassador Augusto Arango has already been returned here. The latest flareup in the crisis apparently hinged on an interpre- tation of wording in the agreement reached early yesterday-whether the United States had agreed to negotiate a new treaty or merely discuss outstanding issues between the nations, including the treaty. The agreement also called for the resumption of diplomatic relations which Chiari had suspended last week. The agreement was aimed at ending the crisis that erupted last week over Panamanian rights to fly its flag in the Canal Zone. Twenty-three were killed and more than 200 wounded in rioting and demonstrations by mobs that invaded the United States-con- trolled Canal Zone. Asks Laws On .Welfare L A N S ING G(P) -Gov. George Romney, in a special message to the Legislature, called for adoption of a six-point welfare program to increase Michigan's share of fed- eral funds by $13.6 million, ease the burden on local government and cost the state nothing more. Some $7 million of this would-be used to expand participation in programs of federal aid to de- pendent children of unemployed, medical care to aged, aid to the blind and aid to the disabled.. Romney said Michigan's local units of government-which fi- nance direct relief chiefly through the property tax - would realize a $6.6 million saving. The governor said his new ADC-U plan already has been ap- proved by an official of the De- partment of Health, Education and Welfare, which had blocked acceptance of the 1963 law on grounds it was "discriminatory." I s I Need Agency To Regulate U.S. Funds By PHILIP SUTIN National Concerns Editor Special To The Daily LANSING - A new state agen- cy will have to be created to ad- minister an estimated $30 million of federal college construction funds headed toward Michigan. Charles Orleseke, Gov. George Romney's administrative aide on educational matters, said last week that the nature of the new agency has not been determined, pending a meeting with health, educational and welfare department officials today in Chicago. Under the $1.2 billion College Construction Act, passed by last year's Congress, federal capital outlay funds may only be granted to a college on the basis of a state- wide plan formulated by a "broad- ly representative" state commis- sion. Michigan, and perhaps every other state, lacks this sort of agency, Orlebeke continued. Under the act, the commission must be composed of both educators and private citizens. The meeting in Chicago, to be attended by Orlebeke, representa- tives of the state's department of administration and of the various state colleges and universities, in- cluding Assistant to the Vice- President for Business and Fi- nance John C. McKevit, is one of several regional meetings HEW plans. The University is seeking feder- al support for a proposed eight- story addition to the General Li- brary. -Daily-James Keson END OF THE LINE?-Edward G. Groesbeck, director of the Office of Registration and Records, predicts that lines like these will disappear in the near future. He said that soon all students will pre-classify, and registration at Waterman gym- nasium will be entirely eliminated. Groesbeck Notes Record Spring Enrollment for 'U' Council Sets Ordinance On Housing By THOMAS COPI Ann Arbor's fair housing ordin- ance went into effect Jan. 1 de- spite an opinion by State Atty. Gen. Frank J. Kelley whichyde- clared the ordinance illegal. Kelley holds that the civil rights commission set up in the new con- stitution, which also went into ef- fect on Jan. 1, preempts any laws' the cities of Michigan might make in the area of civil rights. City Atty. Jacob F. Fahrner Jr.1 issued an opinion of his own which he summarized by saying that "the opportunity to acquire inter- est in real estate is not a civil right in the new constitution and would only become a civil right if the Legislature declared it as such." Fahrner said that the question of legislative interpretation was the basic difference between his and Kelley's opinions. He also noted in his opinion, however, that he found "no constitutional provi- sion, statute, or Supreme Court decision to the effect that a Michi- gan city, or its local public offi- cials, are legally bound by an opin- ion of the attorney general and must comply with his rulings." On this basis Fahrner disagreed with Kelley who had said that his opin- ion holds the force of law unless overturned in court. Fahrner summed up the import of his opinion and studies by say- ing that since he didn't consider "fair housing" a civil right "le- gally," then the CRC had no juris- diction over it, and the city had a perfectly legal right to pass a fair housing ordinance. More than 26,000 students reg- istered for the spring semester at the University, Director of the Of- fice of Registration and Records Edward G. Groesbeck said yester- day. Almost 4,000 of these students registered yesterday afternoon, Douglas R. Woolley, administra- tive assistant in the Office of Registration and Records noted. Woolley said the heavy snow storm which struck much of the Midwest may have been respon- sible for the long lines yesterday afternoon. Spring enrollment figures - down about 1,000 from last se- mester - still represent the larg- est spring enrollment in the Uni- versity's history, Groesbeck said. He noted that midyear gradua- tion, transfers from the Univer- sity and the normal percentage of dropouts account for the drop. Groesbeck said he hoped ad- vance classification will eventually eliminate classification in Water- man gymnasium entirely. The first step, Woolley noted, will be to re- quire all students - including graduate students - to advance classify. Under consideration for fall registration is a plan to set aside two days to allow those stu- dents who are advance classified to register and to reserve the third day for those students who are not. Give Statements On,Membership Avoid Possible Penalties by SGC- Including Lifting of Recognition By MARY LOU BUTCHER The five sororities which had not previously submitted complete statements containing their criteria for member- ship selection have filed new documents with Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis, meeting today's dead- line. Failure to submit a statement could have resulted in a variety of penalties ranging from suspension of rushing priv- ileges or social activities to withdrawal of recognition. Lewis indicated last night that he had received four statements and that he had been informed that the fifth would be submitted today." "The statements will be kept i on file for the use of the Ekns Noes membership committee in ac- cordance with the provisions of the membership regula- Panhel Rush tions." The statements will be exam- Alterations mned for adequacy by the com- mittee, and may be used in an investigation of suspected dis- By MARGARET LOWE criminatory selection practices. According to Student Govern- Change has been the keyword ment Council's membership rules in planning the 1964 women's and regulations approved Oct. 23, rushing program, which officially all recognized student organiza- begins Friday with the first tions must file statements listing round of mixers. clauses of their constitutions and Two of the changes in Pan- by-laws dealing with membership hellenic policy will enable more selection practices and policies. women to rush. Because of the Inadequate Statements changes the following women Following SGC's adoption of can now register for this year's the regulations, the five sorori- program before 3 p.m. Friday: ties - Alpha Epsilon Phi, Delta 1) First and second semester Delta Delta, Phi Mu and Sigma juniors who transferred to the Kappa--and a professional den- University this semester. tal fraternity, Delta Sigma Delta, 2) Members of national and 10- were notified that their previous cal sororities which do not have statements were deemed inade- chapters on this campus. These quate and that a 60-day limit, people are eligible for a social expiring today, was in effect for membership, which allows them the filing of new statements. to participate only in the social The national offices of the five activities of a chapter. sororities have employed com- Panhel President Patricia El- mon legal counsel since 1962 to kins, '64, said that such eligible contest SGC's authority to legis- women who wish to particilate late on matters concerning affili- should contact Miss Jan Miller, ated groups p PPanhel counselor, 1011 SAB. The decisions by the local Another of the changes this chapters to submit statements year is that for the first time as- were pending approval by the sociate rush counselors are lead- national offices for most of the ing regular rush groups. 60-day period. Still another major change is SGC Granted Power the shortening of the rush cal- SGC was first empowered by endar. Last year's four weeks the Regents to implement Bylaw have been reduced to 15 days, 2.14, prohibiting discrimination and more rushing is now done within the University, as it ap- during the week. plied to student organizations in In addition to these changes November, 1959. open rush has been given pre- The Regents twice reaffirmed rush approval by Panhel for the Council's authority over student first time. This year open rush groups when sorority attorney has been formalized as part of Lawrence Smith questioned it. the rushing procedure. A request from Smith for an Several loans will be available oral hearing at the December from Panhel women who want to meeting was denied, pledge but cannot afford the ex- Susan Harkonen, '64, president tra cost. Panhel dues have been of icro rar"a nrritr nfpi ivnrPAa.u1 fe.to412 An yviiD fr You Get a Lot To Like with a Michigan Daily Trying to decide what to do with your nervous hands now that you've given up the nicotine habit?_ Although rolled Dailies stuffed with printers ink may not give you complete satisfaction, be- coming a member of the editorial, business, sports or photography staffs may well be the best answer. As a Daily reporter you will scramble around campus meeting administrators, faculty mem- bers and student leaders. Business staffers gain valuable business ex- perience as they try to convince advertisers to run more ads (to make up for revenue lost when cigarette companies stopped advertising in col- lege papers). The sports staff will give you the opportunity to follow the Michigan teams around the country. Photographers catch action shots of campus celebrities as they participate in curricular and extra-curricular activities. Many have earned ;, t Y ' k a' s_ _; k.:,^ _'7; r ; - ,.. a>> s' ~ . ,, N; J . j'< m ly' S S. '... "'..'.. .':"'.. ff '.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' _____i:_{";.";":-..F..___:..:_____rr.rye____________.__________..:___________________t::ii::?li::}:ii:.. I.