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March 05, 1964 - Image 1

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Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom


VOL. LXXIV, No. 124




Many Irregularities
Blot Election Results
6000 Ballots Stolen Tuesday Night;
Poll Workers Advise How To Vote






Several alleged irregularities
Council election procedures provo]
ing the validity of the election.
At least one irregularity is a]
Student Government Council balk
Athletic Seat
To Weinberg
In Close Vote
Thomas Weinberg, '66, scored
an upset victory yesterday as he,
became the first non-athlete elect-
e d to the Board in Control of In-
tercollegiate Athletics within mem-
Weinberg polled 1,182 votes in
defeating basketball star Cazzie
Russell, '66Ed, 962; Charles Pas-
cal, '66, 280, and Stephen Smith,
'66, 167, for a two-year term.
In the election for three seats
to the Board in Control of Stu-
dent Publications, Fred Russell
Kramer, '64, with 1,975 votes;:
Michael E. Lewis, Grad, with 1,449
votes, and John Lorenzo, '65, with'
1,221 ballots, were seated.
John Ewing, '64, who received
1,220 votes and write-in candidate,
Richard Kraut, '66, with 322 votes
were unsuccessful in gaining po-
sitions on the Board. There were
2,658 ballots cast.
In the election for United States
National Student Association dele-
gates, Suzanne Orrin, '65, receiv-
ed 2,008 votes; Alan Jones, '66,
olled 1,872, and Ronald Gott-
schalk, 65, received 1,799 to be
' The remaining seat will be filled
by an appointment by SGC.
In order to be elected as USNSA
delegate a candidate had to receive
1,679 votes which is 60 per cent
of 2,798, the total cast.
The referendum to ratify the
new Michigan Union constitution
was approved by a vote of 1,880
to 583. It passed by 714 votes. The
two-thirds quota was set at 1,-
The new Union constitution
changes the Union Board of Di-
rectors to 10 voting members with
two ex-lofficios as compared to
the present 9 voting members.
Student representation on- the
Union Board is reduced from 10
to three and the vice-president for
student affairs and vice-president
for business and finance will be-
come ex-officio members without
The Union's general manager is
added without vote.
Davis-LSA President
For president of the LSA col-
lege, Jan Davis, '65, polled 746
to be elected president. Michael
Bixby, '65, received 551.
James Bronner, '65, was elect-
ed without contention to vice-pres-
ident and Frank Lornberg was

in yesterday's Student Government
ked a rash of complaints challeng-
Pparently due to the theft of 6000
ots Tuesday night. However, SGC's
redentials and Rules Committee
determined last night that none
of the complaints warrantedin-
validation of the election.
The complaints included:
-All polling places were not
opened at the same time; some
were not opened at all.
-Ballots for election of literary
college officers allowed all students
in the literary college to vote, in-
stead of the usual qualification
that only students of junior stand-
ing may vote.
-Assertions that several poll-
workers gave advice to students on
how to cast their ballot.
Posters Destroyed
-Destruction of posters and
campaign materials on the Diag.
-Unfair procedures in the use
of quadrangle mailboxes for dis-
tribution of campaign materials.
-Denial to some students of the
right to cast votes for write-in
candidates for the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications.
-Denial to some male students
the right. to vote for members of
the Union Board of Directors, even
though no candidates were run-
Absent 45 Minutes
It is unknown when the SGC
ballots were taken from the Coun-
cil office in the SAB. Elections
Director Charles Cooper, '66, said
he was absent from the locked of-
fice for approximately 45 minutes
Tuesday evening.
Cooper did not discover the theft
until Wednesday morning after he
began distributing the packets
containing election materials to
the molls. Only SGC ballots were
Since there were 4000 additional
ballots reserved for later distribu-
tion in the SAB, most polls were
able to begin operations before 9
Supplementary ballots were or-
dered immediately after the dis-
covery of the theft but were not
available for distribution until
approximately 1 p.m.
Although the late opening of the
polls is attributed to the theft, the
failure of some polls to open was
allegedly due to a lack of poll

Cohen Next; Won,
Lebedeff Follow
Miller, Fifth; Cunningham, Sixth;
Crooks, Filip Take Seventh, Eighth
Despite the theft of 6000 Student Government Council
ballots Tuesday night, 3,872 voters elected eight new Council
members yesterday.
The first successful candidate, Barry Bluestone, '66, was
elected on the fifth ballot after accruing 471 votes to sur-
pass the required quota of 430; it took six more ballots to elect
a second new SGC member.
Robert Grody, '66, was dropped on the first ballot followed
by Stanley Nadel, '66, dropped on the second. The next candi-
date to be dropped was Rich- -

ard Keller Simon, '66, on the
third ballot.

THIS WAS THE SCENE IN THE Michigan Union ballroom last night as hopeful candidates, their followers and count-night officials
waited through 16 ballots for the final SGC results. Various board elections were also held.


Talks Flounder; Malaysia To Go to UN

BANGKOK (M)-A ministerial
conference on the Malaysian crisis
fell apart yesterday and Prime
Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman
announced Malaysia will take its
dispute with Indonesia to the
United Nations.
The snag in renewed talks
among Indonesia, the Philippines
and Malaysia was differences of
opinion about the Jan. 26 cease-
fire arranged by United States
Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy. A
statement issued by the Malaysians
appeared to be a warning that'
they consider the truce is off.
Malaysia demanded that with-
drawal of 400 or so pro-Indonesian
guerrillas from Malaysian Borneo
be made the first order of business.
Indonesia rejected this demand.
President Sukarno's delegation in-
sisted that such a withdrawal be
accompanied by a simultaneous
settlement of political issues, such
as its demand for a plebiscite t
determine whether the people in
the Borneo states of Saban and
Sarawak really want to be part
of Malaysia.
Indonesia and the Philippines,
which is pressing an old claim to
Sabah, were never satisfied with
the affirmative finding of a United
Nations team headed by Laurence
V. Michelmore of the United
States last summer.
The three-nation conference,
the second here within a month,

broke up abruptly after two ne-
gotiating sessions that lasted a
total of less than four hours. Out
of the discussion came only one
A supervisory team from Thai-
land-mediating in the dispute-
will head to Borneo as soon as
possible to check on the truce,
which Deputy Prime Minister Tun
Abdul Razak of Malaysia charged
the Indonesians "have violated
every day."
A supervisory team from Thai-
land-mediating in the dispute-
will head to Borneo as soon as
possible to check on the truce,
which Deputy Prime Minister Tun
Abdul Razak of Malaysia charged
the Indonesians "have violated
every day."
A statement by his delegation
said Malaysia "cannot negotiate at
gunpoint." It summed up the situ-
ation thus:
"In view of 'the ineffectiveness
of President Sukarno's cease-fire
order and the failure of the In-
donesian government to give an
undertaking at this meeting that
the cease-fire would be truly effec-
tive, the Malayasian government
has no alternative but to recon-
sider its position and to take such
measures as are necessary for the
defense of its territorial integrity
and for the preservation of law
and order."

That could mean a renewal of
armed action.
Philippine Foreign Secretary
Salvalor P. Lopez and Foreign
Minister Subandrio of Indonesia
said the door remains open for a
settlement. Lopez described the1
situation as a recess. Subandrio
said he would attend still an-
other conference if the atmos-
phere was right. But Razak said
it was a breakoff and he does not
know what will happen now.
King Plans
New Assault
tegration leader Dr. Martin Luther
King Jr., announced yesterday a
five-point assault on segregation
in Alabama, "the chief target of
our program for 1964."
The program, which King said
would be put into effect in com-
munities throughout the state, was
approved at a meeting of about
200 Negro leaders from over the
The program:
-To intensify voter drives "to
increase the number of Negro vot-
ers in. this election year."
-Mass mobilization to secure
"the right of a ballot for every
Negro." King said the group would
employ every non-violent tech-
nique to insure this point.
-A campaign aimed at "buying
goods only where we can work."
-A push for passage of the
pending civil rights bill.
-An appeal to Congress to limit
the number of Alabama congress-
men to "conform to the actual
voting population until the vote
is extended to every person of
This is a "statewide all-out ef-
fort of our civil rights forces
against segregation and discrimi-
nation in Alabama, with Mont-

Halt March
On Capitol
ANNAPOLIS, Md. (P) - The)
leaders of student demonstrations
in Princess Anne, Md., said after
a meeting with Gov. J. Millard,
Tawes yesterday that demonstra-
tions will be halted in that eastern
shore town.
John Wilson, 20, a student at
Maryland State College, said
Tawes had promised to use "all
the powers of his office" to get
all the state included in the Mary-
land public accommodations law.
He said Tawes and Colonel
Carey Jarman, commander of the
state police, also promised there
would be no more use of police
dogs to break up demonstrations
unless they reach the riot stage.
Demonstrators Halt Sit-In
A group of about 60 demonstra-
tors who had staged a sit-in out-
side the governor's office left after
Wilson made his statement.
Wilson said the governor had
told them there will be a special
session of the legislature, probably
March 11.
"Sen. (Harry T.) Phoebus has
promised to introduce the public
accommodations bill," he said.
Phoebus is the Republican sen-
ator from Somerset County, of
which Princess Anne is the county
Delegate Exemption
Under Maryland tradition, dele-
gations from any county usually
can have themselves exempted
from a statewide bill if they
Wilson was asked if he had got-
ten any assurance from the three-
man Democratic delegation in the
House of Delegates that they
would have the county on a bill.
"Not at this time," he answered.
Rally on Steps
The demonstrators broke off
from a larger group which had
held an integration rally on the
steps of the capitol.
" They attempted to reach the
governor's office, but were stopped
by state police and sat down in

Richard Shortt, '66, was
dropped on the fourth ballot.
Elected on the 11th ballot
were Carl Cohen, '66, and Eu-
gene Won,' 66, with votes total-
ing 473 and 423, respectively. a
Dropped on the sixth and sev-
enth ballots were David Block, '66,1
and Tony Chiu, '66. John Reece,,
'65, was dropped on the eighth
9th Ballot
Thomas Copi, '66, was then
eliminated from the race on the
ninth ballot, after which Stephen
Berkowitz, '65, was dropped on the
10th ballot.
Diane Lebedeff, '65, elected on
the 12th ballot, attained 427 votes
to bypass the necessary total of
408 votes for that ballot.
SGC Administrative Vice-Presi-
dent Sherry Miller,''65, was elect-
ed with 447 votes on the 14th bal-
lot-completing the selection of
Council members who will hold
full term seats.
Ronald Martinez, '65, was drop-
ped on the 13th ballot.
Serve Half Terms
The remaining three candidates,
elected on the 14th, 15th and 16th
ballots, will serve half terms.
SGC incumbent Gary Cunning-
ham, '66, tallied 397 votes to win
election on the 14th ballot. In-
cumbent Scott Crooks, '65, follow-
ed with a count of 414 on the 15th
The 16th and final ballot elect-
ed Don Filip, '65, with a total of
443 votes.
Chad Gray, '66L, was the last
candidate to be dropped, tallying
337 votes.
Bluestone commented that with
the low voter turnout, "I don't
think anyone, including SGC, has
a mandate in this election."
He said that he felt he "would
have to back the Student Govern-
ment Reform Union's (SGRU)
proposition of a study group to
see if there isn't a better form for
In a cut and dried campaign,
the SGRU platform centered
chiefly around the question of the
future structure and function of
Council. SGRU has proposed the
establishment of a student-faculty
committee to investigate alter-
native forms of student govern-
In particular, SGRU candidates
stressed the possibility of estab-

will work with all the, Council
members to establish a more
meaningful student government.
Cohen added. "I will work for
the establishment of a constituent
assembly to facilitate intra-cam-
pus communications."
Won also supported the estab-
lishment of a committee in line
with the SGRU proposal to study
the "whole area of student gov-
Won added that he hopes Coun-
cil will adopt "more rigid election
rules for next year so that voters
will have confidence in those
Hare Voting
SGC elections are tabulated ac-
cording to the Hare System. In
order for any candidate to have
been elected on the first ballot, he
would have had to accrue a quota
of 431 votes. The first-ballot quota
was determined by dividing the
total number of votes cast by one
more than the number of Council
For each succeeding ballot, a
new quota is established in the
same manner.
Since no candidates were elected
on the first four ballots, the quota
remained at 431 for the first three
and at 430 for the fourth and fifth.
As Grody, Nadel, Simon and Shortt
were dropped, their votes were re-
distributed according to the sec-
ond preferences, indicated by the
After a candidate's election, the
margin of votes he received over
the necessary quota was re-
distributed among the remaining
Merit Scholars
Set University
In Tenth Place
A recently published list places
the University tenth a m o n g
schools most often chosen by Na-
tional Merit Scholarship winners.
The University is the only state
school highly ranked.
With 128 winners between 1956,
when the awards were first intro-
duced, and 1963, the University
ranks behind Harvard (591), MIT
(379), Stanford (220), Yale (198),
Princeton (197), Radcliffe (193),
Rice (181), Cal Tech (154), and
Swarthmore (133),

Write-'Ins Give Some Cheer
Who is Dondi Barbour?
This was the question asked last night-Dondi Barbour received
24 first place votes for Student Government Council. Jerry Levin,
'65, Scott Towel, '02PH, and Ted Bomb, the old fraternity dog, fol-
lowed with seven votes each.
Others who received write-ins included Washboard Willie, Warner
Rice, Thunder of Chi, Sidney Beck, and Puff the magic dragon.'
But Thomas Smithson, '65, executive vice-president of SGC,p

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