WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4,1964 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Y WEN-DYMAC 4,94 H ICI. fAL rU .Ar, 1 n ONE-TOOTH DRAGON: Ideological Split Hurts Red Chinese Military Might By BEM PRICE Associated Press Newsfeatures Writer Without Soviet military aid, Red China is a one-tooth dragon. So long as the Sino-Soviet split continues over how best to attain world Communism, it is one of the most important political facts in today's world. The United States' view of Red China, sans Soviet military aid, was presented in a little-noticed speech last year by Assistant Sec- retary of State for Far Eastern Affairs Roger Hilsman. Less Danger "The free nations of Asia are by no means out of danger. Commun- ist China is still capable of grave and costly mischief. But it is not a formidable power in terms of modern technology," he said. Any armed force with claims tow modernity operates on pieces of t paper. The Red Chinese are no exception. Tables of equipment and organization have to be is- sued. Tactical doctrine has to beY published. A great many of theseE papers have found their way into the West. From this material, and from informed sources here, this pic-s ture of the Red Chinese "Peoples Liberation Army' emerges: . . ... ... .. . ... ... ... ... ... .... ... .. .... ... ... This intermediate-range bomber is an example of the aircraft that have been given to the Red Chinese by the Russians. The ideological split caused Russian military aid to be cut off three years ago. China's railroads cross thous- ands of rivers, streams and val- leys and are particularly vulner- able to air attack. All boiled down, the source con- tinued, it means that the Chinese would have to fight, wherever con- fronted, with what they had on hand and with little hope of re- inforcement or resupply. 'Poor' Steel As for China's industrial re- sources, Po Yi-po, chairman of the State Economic Commission, esti- mated in February that Red China's iron and steel production was 18 million tons a year, much of it of "poor quality." By way of comparison, United States steel capacity is about 104 million tons annually. One source said China did man- age to build a few medium tanks and sufficient artillery, mortars, machine guns and small arms for peacetime needs. omic chaos in enemy territory through the use of guerrillas, Mao Tze-tung believes the local re- gime's authority can be so under- mined that the populace will turn from it as ineffective. In summary, United States in- telligence forces believe the Chi- nese will not undertake a large military thrust outward in the im- mediate future, but will try to bring the areas around its south- ern borders into the Communist camp through guerrilla activity. There have been reports of un- rest in the Chinese army. These the source discounted. "The offi- cer corps is as reliable as any ele- ment of Chinese society," he as- serted. BILL IN COMMITTEE: Hopes Dim for College Aid Program Collegiate Press 'Service was defeated when backing the LOAN INSURANCE-Not pro- WASHINGTON--A massive aid same plan last year in a confer- vided by House. Senate would program aimed at the college stu- once committee. authorize initial expenditure of $1 dent has slim chances of getting Here's how the House and Sen- million for insurance on commer- through Congress this year. ate versions of the student aid cial loans made by college stu- Still pending in committee are program look: (The House version dents not exceeding $2000 a year. House and Senate versions of is in the form of an amendment to It would carry a low government mammoth student air programs to the National Defense Education interest rate, and loans would be get able but dollar-short students Act). insured up to 90 per cent. through college.L Getting strong administration LOANS-Senate would increase WORK STUDY PROGRAM support is the Senate version, in- NDEA loans to $200 million in 1955 Not provided by House. Senate troduced this month by Sen. and $250 million in next three would authorize $250 million a year Vance Hartke (D-Ind). It com- years. House would increase loans for four years to finance working- prises ideas germinating in the to $150 mililon a year. Both would study programs. Undergraduate White House, the Office of Edu- remove the present $800,000 ceil- student could earn up to $1250 cation and congressional circles of ing on loans to individual institu- during two semesters while a grad- nigher education supporters. tions. uate student could earn $2500. Increase Student Loans The federal share of the institu- Green Bill tions' payments to the students Similar to the Hartke bill-but Senate would increase per year would be 100 per cent in the'first containing enough differences for total loan to undergraduate stu-woldbe7 0per cent insthefirs a tough compromise fight-is an dents to $1500, graduate students year, 75 per cent in succeeding old program of Rep. Edith Greento $2500. House would maintain years. (D-Ore). current $1000 annual loan for un- Mrs. Green, chairman of the dergraduates, but would increase Louisiana rE ects House Education Subcommittee, do ent New orgauaesu to Senate level for graduate stu- G v ro dents.-eW Governor Both would extend forgiveness Supplement feature to college, private elemen- NEW ORLEANS LP--Denocrat tary and secondary school teachers. John J. McKeithen, a 45-year-old The Office of Financial Aid SCHOLARSHIPS-- The Senate country lawyer, was elected gover- has recently received a request- would authorize $37.5 million a nor of Louisiana yesterday-beat- ed $197,000 supplement to its year for four years in scholarships ing back the strongest Republican original National Defense Edu- to students winning them on com- challenge the state has been in cation Act appropriation of petitive and financial need basis, nearly 100 years. $250,000 for the current school They would be $1000 a year for The all-out campaign waged year. four years. House under NDEA, by oilman Charlton H. Lyons Sr~ The funds have been and are would increase current graduate tried but failed to break the Demo- currently being distributed to fellowships to 5000 in 1965, 7500 crats' 100 year hold on the gov- those fall applicants whose loan in 1966 and 10,000 by 1967. ernorship. requests could not be filled be- . . . cause of lack of funds. New ap- plications are being accepted. u .I..... tinued, the number of troops would have been reduced to some- thing like 20,000. The Chinese, he went on, would have reached the plains without armor and with little artillery, a gamble they could not take in view of the vulnerability of their supply lines to air attack. Air Force This brought up the subject of the Red Chinese air force. Otte source said "The Red Chi-' nese air force has to be pretty damn poor these days." He said it was doubtful wheth- er the Red Chinese had been able to produce any aircraft of their Large Army In terms of manpower, Red China now has the world's larg- est standing armed force-2.8 mil- lion men. The army consists of an estimated 2.5 million men: the others are in the technical serv- ices and air force. Insofar as Western intelligence' knows, China is not yet a nuclear power, but for 10 years China was sheltered beneath the nuclear um- brella raised by the Soviet Union. Now tiexe is an ideological split between Red China and the Soviet Union over whom shall wear the mantle of leadership in world Communist affairs. Whether the split means a removal of tbe So- viet nuclear shield is a .natter of debate.. China Support But there is no debate over the fact that the Soviets have with- drawn technical aid from the mainland Chin se, a withdrawal which has affected China's mili- tary might. Indeed, there are United States3 Intelligence estimates which indi- cate the fires of military adven- turism within the Red Chinese dragon have been dampened con- siderably by the Soviets' action. ' This is not interpreted by the. intelligence community to mean that all is abort to become sweet-i ness and light around the peri-7 phery of mainland China Redj China has mischief-making re- sources of its own. Lots of Trouble "The Chinese can make a lot ofE trouble around their borders, but you can make a fair case that if these people are reasonably realis- tic, they will steer clear of any- thing that would involve a straight-out confrontation with the United States. "The Chinese will follow a cau- tious, soft-shoe way in any expan- sion," a Washington intelligence' source said. Another source said, "In gener- al the Chinese do not have the lo- gistical backup to conduct large operations beyond their borders. India was about as much as they could stand from that viewpoint, especially since the S o v i e t s stopped helping." Seize Territory He estimated that the Red Chi- nese used about 50,000 men on the expedition through the Hima- layan passes to seize territory that India claims as hers. Had the Chinese attempted to enter the Indian plains, he con- i n d ORGANIZATION NOTICES Alpha Phi Omega, Chapter meeting, March 4, 7 p.m., 3-C, Michigan Union. Baptist Student Union, Stanley How- eli, state director of student work, talk- ing on the subject, "God's Will in Your Life," March 4, 7:30 p.m., SAB, Room 528D. * * * Circle Honorary Society, Important meeting, March 5, 7:15 p.m., Cave, Michigan League. * * 4 La Sociedad Hispanica: Reunion-Co- lombia: El pals, el baile y la musica. Miercoles, 4 de marzo, 8 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg. * * * Le Cercle Francais, Le Baratin, March 5, 3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg. * * « Lutheran student Center & Chapel, Vespers-Studies in the Christian Faith "God in Christ," Wed., March 4, 7:15 p.m., Hill Street at S. Forest Ave. University Lutheran Chapel, Midweek Lenten Vesper (Holy Communion at 10), "What is Truth?" Vicar John Koe- nig, March 4, 7 and 10 p.m., 1511 Wash- tenaw. * * * Voice-U. of M. Chapter of Students for a Democratic Society, Debate: Tom Hayden, National Council, SDS, vs. Barry Shepard, national secretary, Young Socialist Alliance-topic: Independent Political Action vs. Political Realign- ment, 7:30 p.m., Michigan Room, League, March 5. * * * Christian Science organization, Testi- mony meeting, March 5, 7:30 p.m., Room 528D, SAB. * * * German Club, Coffee hour, German conversation, music, singing, refresh- ments, Wed., March 4, 3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg. "Herziich Wilikommen!" own and reports indicate they have have not received any from the Soviet Union in three years. Old Planes United States intelligence now believes the Red Chinese air fo rme consists mainly of obsolescent rMIG 17s and "some few" MIG 19s, similar to the F-86s the Unit- ed States used in the Korean war. As late as 1960 western reports estimated the Red Chinese had an air force of 2500 to 3000 aircraft. Now, said one source, the Red Chinese air force is believed to be 'slightly under 2000 planes, in- cluding maybe 300 to 400 IL 28s." The IL28 is a medium bomber. 'Cannibalize' Planes The source attributed the de- cline to attrition. He said the Red Chinese are being forced to "can- nibalize" other aircraft for parts. One result has been a curtail- ment in the training of pilots and a drop in proficiency flying by seasoned aviators. The source said the only items the Soviets are still supplying the Red Chinese inquantity is avia- tion gasoline and jet fuel. Doubt Sufficiency The Red Chinese claimed in January they were now self suf- ficient in petroleum products. The source doubted this. He said the existence of oil de- posits in Sinking in China's far northwest had long been known. "What facilities the Chinese have -for refining must be small,' and quality is another question. That oil is a long way from the' users anyhow." Just Enough' He added, however, that the Chinese might be producing enough oil products for civilian consumption. The source estimated the army strength as 110 to 120 divisions of 12,000 to 15,000 men each. About 10 per cent of these divisions, he said, are believed to be motorized. While each division may have as many as 400 vehicles, he said, most material used by the infan- try has to be carried by coolies. In brief, the Red Chinese army's mobility is believed to be fairly limited. This has prompted the; Chinese to distribute the army by' regions, maintaining large con- centrations near centers of popu- lation. Another factor hampering mo- bility is a lack of food reserves, the source said, noting that the Chinese soldier in camp is ex- pected to grow his own food. With Soviet technical help, the source went on, the Chinese did m a n u f a c t u r e heavy military trucks, but the withdrawal of the Russian technicians has reduced production "to a piddling number, probably not enough to take care of normal attrition." Also, he said, the Chinese have no road network and depend upon railroads to pro- vide basic heavy transport. Rail Yards Whether China has the rail marshalling yards essential to move large numbers of troops and equipment is open to doubt. I world News Roundup By The Associated Press DALLAS-A new judge took over the Jack Ruby murder trial yesterday and by mid-afternoon a full jury of four women and eight men was completed. Judge Joe B. Brown, who has presided over the -ase, became ill with a bad cbld. Replacing him at Brown's request was Judge J. Frank Wilson, a " former United States Representa- k"the independence of Yemen and ELECT JON, Live from Texas. UNITED NATIONS-Despite a delay in proceedings UN diplo- mats expressed hope yesterday that the UN Security Council will approve quickly a compromise res- olution to send a peace force and mediator to Cyprus. The Council met for eight min- utes, then adjourned until this morning. The Soviet Union and some other delegates requested the adjournment in order to give more time for cusultations. * * * CAIRO-The United Arab Re- public and Saudi Arabia moved yesterday toward settlement of their dspute over the Red Sea kingdom of Yemen. The two countries, which have supported the rival sides in the Yemeni revolution since 1962, called in a joint communique for the freedom of the Yemeni people." NEW YORK-The stock market weathered profit-taking and ad- vanced to new peaks for the third straight session yesterday. Trad- ing was active. The final Dow- Jones averages had 425 industrials up .32, 25 railroads down .05, 50 utilities up .16, and 500 stocks up .25. DAVIS L.S.&A. PRES IDENT _ _ _ ~} . THURSDAY }p q : "i h C,°,i, '':Cyf*c e , ' ttip 0" 'TH E B A H A 'I WORLD FAITH" Friday March 6, 1964ki,.WRDFIH Dr. Firuz Kazemzadeh, Associate Professor of Dr. Firuz Kazemzadeh, Chairman History, Yale University I I Aof the National Spiritual Assembly and iJll A ui tioriumof the Baha'is of the U.S., is a Chairman of the National graduate of Stanford Univ., with Spiritual Assembly of the his Ph.D. in history from Harvard Baha'is of the U.S. 4N Univ. He has served as Research Tickets on sale at Fellow in Slavic Studies at the S Hoover Institute, Consultant to the 410p.m., Hill Auditorium Box Office U.S. Department of State, Re- search Fellow at the Russian Re- Angell Hall, Aud. ' 9 A.M.-5 P.M. search Center and the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, author of articles and studies on Russian and Ticket Prices:-Persian History, teacher in Baho'i CO-SPONSORS: $ , 7 1Schools, and a member of many in2.0t, $1.75, $1.25 ernational Baha'i committees. Baha'i World Faith Student Group and the Officerof Religious Affairs For A Dynamic Student Government VOTE VOICE for SOC Q STEVE BERKOWITZ LI BARRY BLUESTONE L STAN NADEL LI DICK SHORTY for BOARD IN CONTROL of for REALISTIC and PROGRESSIVE STUDENT GOVERNMENT VOTE for SURGe candidates today: Jp ,;}e The "Cobbler" 11 I ___________________