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January 21, 1964 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1964-01-21

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See Editorial Pace


Sirp A


Sunny to partly
cloudy skies

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom


Tanganyikan Troops Mutiny

LONDON (P - Britain early
this morning sped 2000 troops
and warships-including a com-
mando-laden aircraft carrier-to
East Africa to keep a bloody troop
mutiny in Tangainyika from ex-
plodding into revolutionary tur-
The carrier Centaur steamed
down from Aden with 500 com-
D ean Attacks
Stor on Sex,
Sits Writer
The Daily Pennsylvanian, stu-
dent newspaper at the University
of Pennsylvania, faces possible
disciplinary action because of an
article which the school's Dean
of Men recently called "one of the
worst examples of what I would
say borders on pornography I've
ever seen."
The article's inspiration was a
proposal by the Women's Student
Government Association favoring
the abolishment of the present
2:00 a.m. curfew for senior women.
The article, a personal views
column titled 'Sex and the Single
Dean' and signed by one of the
paper's city editors, Roger Tauss,
expressed support for the WSGA
proposal " and went on to attack
the manner in which the Dean of
Women's Office exercises its au-
'Several Comments'
Tauss also included several
comments about virginity, dating,
and extramarital intercourse. The
tone . of these remarks has been
called into question and is in a
large part responsible for the pa-
per's difficulties with the admin-
What action, if any, the admin-
istrataion will take is not certain.
The matter will be considered
Wednesday at a meeting of The
Undergraduate P u blic a to ns
Board, a newly formed body re-]
sponsible to some extent for the
newspaper. The Wednesday meet-
ing was scheduled prior to the
Tauss article.
This board has the authority to
establish an Ad Hoc jDisciplinary
Committee that would investigate
the matter and take action that it
deems appropriate.
This action could include the
removal of Tauss from his position
on the paper. Marc Ross, Manag-
ing Editor of The Daily Pennsyl-
vanian, said that such a step
would infringe on the rights of a
free press.
Ross expressed hope that no
committee will be established at
the Wednesday meeting. However,
he said that if a committee is
formed, it will indicate faculty
sentiment against the paper and
that severe action against Tauss
would then become a stron pos-
He emphasized that the paper
itself could not be suspended un-
der present regulations. The Daily
Pennsylvanian was forced to cease
publication for four days in 1962
by faculty order. This suspension
was criticized at the time, and
policy has since been changed to
prevent a recurrence.
Against Article
General campus opinion has
been against the Tauss article.
Letters printed in The Daily Penn-
sylvanian have accused Tauss of
misinterpreting the motives of the
WSGA proposal, unwarrentedly
attacking the Dean of Women,
and using extreme and unneces-
sary vulgarity.
Ross said, however, that letters
received by the paper have for the
most part, opposed disciplinary
ac Commentin on the decision to
print the article, he remarked that

the Daily Pennsylvanian staff felt
that the column was an honest
criticism of administrative policy
and was in no way personally
slanderous against the Dean of
West Tax Bill
May Exempt
A bill to exempt fraternities,
sororities and co-operative housing
from personal property taxation
on a local level will be introduced
"this week or the beginning of

mandos and helicopters and oth-
er aircraft aboard.
Troops also were flown from
Aden and mustered in neighbor-
ing Kenya and on ships off the
coast of Tanganyika. Alerts were
sounded in all British bases inj
the area.
Remained Cut Off
The British acted as Tangan-
yika's capital, Dar Es Salaam,
seized by mutinous soldiers yes-
terday, remained virtually cut off
from world communications.
Fourteen persons were reported'
killed in the fighting.
The fate of President Julius
Nyerere's moderate government'
was uncertain although various
reports said he was still in con-
Follows Coup
Britons were shocked at the
T'anganyika mutiny, following
only a week after the lightning
leftist coup in nearby Zanzibar.
Fears were expressed that Com-
munists were behind both upris-
ings and that they might strike
elsewhere in African countries re-
cently given their independence
by Britain and France.
Moscow, Peking and Havana
agents were suspected involved in
what some newspaper editorials
called "the new darkness over Af-
Diplomatic reports reaching
London said the Tanganyika cap-
ital was under strict military cur-
Control Police
These reports added that the
situation was calm and that the
troops in charge-the rebellious
first battalion of the Tanganyika
rifles-appeared to have control
of the civilian police.
In Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia,
United Nations sources said that
Nyerere was believed still in con-
trol following the mutiny.
British monitoring stations pick-
ed up a Dar Es Salaam broadcast
naming an African, Lt. Elisha

Kavana, as the new revolutionary
commander in chief of the young
republic's army.
Detached Officers
The army had been trained and
congmanded by officers detached
from the British Army.
The mutiny raised questions in
Parliament of Communist subver-
sion in East Africa. Tanganyika
had long been considered an is-
land of moderation in a turbulent
sea of African nationalism.
Commonwealth Secretary Dun-
can Sandys told the House of
Commons the British destroyer
Rhyl with a company of riflemen
had been ordered to Tanganyika
to protect the 5000 British citi-
zens in the former colony. The
destroyer had been standing. off
Under Orders
Nairobi radio civil police seem-
ed to be operating under orders
from the military.
Nyerere first announced in a
broadcast from Dar Es Salaam
that a morning mutiny had been

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MU Plans
perat ions,
stern Michigan University in
mazoo will have its own hopes
g in the University's request
e Legislature for over $1 mil-
to start the moveinto a full-
trimester operation.
in P r u I s, administrative
ant to WMU President James
iller, recently announced that
Faculty Senate at Western
voted to adopt a trimester
m starting in the fall of 1965
the Legislature will provide
iate funds.
e most accurate harbinger of
ative sentiment toward the
,Pruis and Kalamazoo legis-
s agree, will be the Univer-
success this year.
No Requests
cause WMU only recently
zed its plans to bolster its
aer session into a full semes-
peration, it did not request
funds for this purpose in its
nt bdget request, Pruis ex-
wever, he noted that "since
plowing ground that's never
plowed before, we'll be re-
ng the success of the Univer-
with rapt eyes."
n. Garry Brown (R-Kalama-
cautioned that the Univer-
this year and Western next
"must demonstrate that they
naking better use of the tax
r if the Senate is to be re-
ve to the trimester program."
Support Trimester
voiced his support for the
ster plan and indicated that
ern will begin to launch a
g attack to "put across the
its of the trimester system."
would not predict what the
ss of the University this year
e. The University was denied
ient funds last year to im-
ent its $500,000 plan to be-
rimester operations.
its budget request this year,
ort notes that "the entire
3ster concept is predicted on
ground that, with such a
the University can provide
economical accommodtion
larger number of students
nit time."
Also Applicable
uis agreed that this analysis
also applicable to the Western
ster scheme in that the plan
create more student places,
er use of facilities and more
d course opportunities in less
deciding upon the trimester
fits, Western consulted- With
ersity officials but did not
op any joint plan with the
ersity to implement its third
e WMU proposal calls for
plit trimester plan" which
d provide a regular semester
nurse offerings while main-
.g the current eight-week
ner session.
e University implimented a
ar plan this year. It calls for
mester calendar with six and
-week summer sessions in ad-
e University adopted the plan
rder to make more efficient
f its facilities. Eventually it
ped that as many students
attend the summer trimester
ow attend those in the fall
chigan State University and
ne State University are on a
ter system. Their academic
der is divided into four units,
most students going three
each year.


Provides for Medical Unit


Hart To Talk
At Arnms Use
Sen. Phillip A. Hart (D-Mich),
a United Nations official and other
experts oft the problems of dis-
armament will give major ad-
dresses at the Second Internation-
al Arms Control and Disarmament
Symposium beginning tonight and
continuing through Friday in the
Rackham Lecture Hall.
Initiating the four-day sympo-
sium centered around the prob-
lems of implementing arms con-
trol and disarmament decisions
will be Archibald S. Alexander, As-
sistant director of the United
States Arms Control and Disarm-
ament Agency, (ACDA).
Alexander will deliver the key-
note speech, "Future Prospects for
Arms Control and Disarmament,"
at 7:30 p.m. tonight in the Rack-
ham Lecture Hall.
.Emphasize International
The symposium, co-sponsored
by the University and the Bendix
Corporation, will emphasize the
international aspects of arms con-
trol and disarmament
Joseph Coffey, chief of arms
control activities for the Bendix
Systems Division, will moderate
a panel discussion about "Arms
Control, Disarmament and Na-
tional Security" at 1 p.m. tomor-
Included on the panel will be
Prof. Elton McNeil of the psychol-
ogy department, George Pugh,
deputy director of the weapons
evaluation and control bureau at
ACDA and Leonard Beaton, 'direc-
tor of research at the Institute for
Strategic Studies in London.
'Realities' of Disarmament
Senator Hart will give an ad-
dress on "Political and Economic
Realities of' Disarmament" at 8
p.m. tomorrow.
Yuli M. Verontsov, counselor
and advisor on political affairs, of
the Soviet Union's mission to the
United Nations, will speak on "The
Soviet Interest in Arms Control
and Disarmament" - at 1 p.m.
"Arms Control and Disarma-
ment" will be the topic of M. A.
Vellodi, director of the department
of political and security council
affairs of the United Nations
At 1 p.m. Friday, Howard Si-
mons, science writer for the Wash-
inton Post, will moderate a panel
discussion on "Communicating
with the Public on Arms Control

(left) announced a $51 million construction program that will
include funds for the $10 million Medical Science Bldg., Unit II..
He also downgraded the use of bonding for state construction,:
a move Vice-President for Business and Finance Wilbur K. Pier-
pont (right) said should not affect University construction plans.
SACUA Asks Tenure
IFor Added Personnel
Machinery is now in motion to establish a tenure position for a
few senior research personnel at the University.
This proposed policy change, which will require Regental ap-
proval, was announced yesterday at the monthly meeting of the
Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs, chaired by Prof.
William Kerr, chairman of the nuclear engineering department.
Tenure, a privilege presently extended only to teaching faculty
of associate professor or higher rank, was first recommended by a

Pro gram

AAUP Group 'Deplores'
Romney's. Board Choices

The state conference of the American Association of University
Professors Saturday "deplored" Gov. George Romney's failure to ap- Pru
point faculty members to the governing boards of state universities, was a
Under the new state constitution, the overnor appoints the gov- trime
erning boards of seven of the 10 state universities. Last October, the willt
AAUP "urged that he appoint to each governing board at least one great
person from the ranks of the' varie
gan college or university. In
teaching faculty of another Michi- U o i t time.
"While the governor acknowl- Soviet benei
edged the request, his appoint- Univ
ments so far have not included ac- ,"devel
tive members of teaching facul- Unive
ties," the AAUP statement points semes
out. Th
It cites two reasons for the in- WASHINGTON (RP) -President a "s
clusion of faculty on governing Lyndon B. Johnson has invited would
boards: :Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrush- of c
" and universities taini
need the particular help that only chev to wk with him hard and sum
collee teachers can give," and persistently" on a variety of world Th
,--'Our universities, unless their problems instead of "confining simila
direction takes special professional ourselves to vague declarations of a tri]
problems into account, will not be principle that oppose some wars eight
able to compete with colleges of but not all." dition
other states in recruiting compe- Accordingly Johnson in three Th
tent faculties." t e r s e sentences disposed of in on
Explains Stand Khrushchev's three grievances. use c
Prof. ;Wilfred Kaplan of the The United States, the President is hc
mathematics department said the said, remains committed to the willa
AAUP's primary complaint was peaceful unification of Germany. as no
negative - that no faculty had Johnson told Khrushchev he ands
been appointed - but said the has not quarrel with the Rus- Mic
group was "somewhat disturbed sian's proposalrto outlaw theuse Way!
at the appointments themselves, of force in settling frontier dis- quart
in that we don't feel they include putes, but he suggested "broader calan
enough people with an under- and stronger" guidelines in this with
standing of universities' prob- direction. units
The group is considering a vTEAT V
to the governor to discuss thisand YOUR CUP OF TEA?.
other educational issues,
To date Romney has appointedp
peope -none of them teachers
and Northern Michigan Universi-
ties. Five boards yet to be named
are those at Central Michigan.
University, Western Michigan
University, Ferris Institute, Grand
Valley State College and Michigan
Technological University. Govern-
ors of the other three schools -
Michigan State University, Wayne -
State University and the Univer-
sity - are elected by the public.
Statewide Education
Prof. Kaplan also announced
that the AAUP has set up a new
committee on the organization of
Michigan's college system, which
is studying the possibility of es-
tablishing "a single state authority
for all public higher education."
He explained that there is "in-
creasin concern" among faculty

special committee on "prequisites"
and titles of research personnel"
set up by SACUA and the vice-
president for research.
Having b e e n approved by
SACUA's research policies com-
mittee, the proposal is "at .the
point now where a recommenda-
tion will be made to the Regents
that this policy be put into effect.
SACUA also heard a presenta-
tion of the proposed residential
college to be connected with the
literary college.
Speaking against the college,
Prof. Warner G, Rice, chairman
of the English department, said
the national trend was against
small liberal-arts colleges, which
are having trouble attracting and
holding students. He suggested
that students are more concerned
with professional training, which
they can best receive- in large

Council Hires HRC Head,
Wants Fair Housing Change
Ann Arbor's Human Relations Commission received approval
from city council last night to appoint a Detroit social worker as
Human Relations Director.
Also at last night's council meeting, a proposed amendment to
Ann Arbor's controversial fair housing ordinance was referred to
the HRC.
David Cowley, '54, assistant director of Detroit's Commission on
Community Realtions, will begin his directorship of the, HRC on
QFeb. 10. The position offers a year-

Group Plans
A 24-man bipartisan committee
in the House is busy drafting
amendments to the new Constitu-
tion, (in an attempt to get them
on an April 28 ballot.)
Co-chairman Rep. Gail Handy
(R-Eau Claire) said that, the
group's main purpose is to amend
those parts of the Constitution
which are in conflict with the
present political set-up in the
Amon the changes proposed by
the group are removal of prohibi-
tion of a graduated income tax,
and several election, procedures.
No Income Tax
One of the major changes the
unofficial committee proposes is
the elimination of the Constitu-
tion's prohibition of a raduated in-
come tax by striking all reference
to an income tax from the docu-
A two-thirds vote is necessary
in both houses for an amendment
to be presented to the people.
Handy said that bipartisan sup-
port is therefore necessary, but
that there would be "no prob-
lems involved" in getting it.
Although there is not a compar-
able committee in the Senate,
Handy said that "the Senate
knows what we're doing and is
ready to cooperate with us."
The bills containing the amend-
ments will have to be passed by
Feb. 28 in order to be placed on
an April 28 ballot.

Romney Asks
crSHIn Request
Governor To Detail
To State Legislature
LANSING-Funds to begin con..
struction of Unit II of the Medical
Science Bldg. were included in a
record $51 million state' capital
outlay budget fiscal 1964-65 rec-
ommended by Gov. George Rom-
ney Friday.
The $12 million facility is ex-
pected. to eventually receive $10
million in appropriations from the
Legislature with the remaining $2
million coming from the federal
Romney's building program also
included a planning program for
25 additional college and univer-
sity structures, as well as 10 other
buildings, with a total .value of
about $61 million.
Doesn't Know
University Vice-President for
Business and Finance Wilbur K.
Pierpont said he did not know now
what projects requested by the
University would be included in
the list. Romney will detail the
program in his budget message to
the Legislature tomorrow.
The $51 million construction
program is $15 million more than
ever spent before in a single year
for construction. If the entire
Romney program is carried out by
the Legislature, it wl total $ 9
milion ove se' ears.
The entire. program would b
financed on a pay-as-you-go basis
as opposed to a bonding program
long advocated by capital Demo-
crats and. many top state edu-
Not Bonding
Pierpont said that bonding was
never planned for library or class-
room buildings anyway, and that
dormitory facilities and other con-
struction would not be affected by
the plan.
Romney said that using the pay-
as-you-go approach saves well
over $100 million in bonding osts
for his entire construction plan.
"Michigan's program assures a
dollar's worth of building for every
dollar spent," he said.
"I know of no state doing more
for fewer taxpayer dollars in this
vital area than Michigan under
our pay-as-you-go program."
Levy, Gerard,
DeWeese Take
New Positionis
The University has lost three
members of its faculty to the staffs
of other institutions, it was an-
nounced yesterday.
A larger salary and higher po-
sition has led Stanley R. Levy of
the literary college, administrative
assistant to Associate Dean James
H. Robertson to accept a post at
Cornell University. As associate
dean of students there, Levy will
be primarily concerned with the
student government. He leaves the
University at the end of this se-
Dr. Ralph W. Gerard, professor
of neurophysiology in the Univ er-
sity's Medical School and senior
neurophysiologist and director of
laboratories in the U-M Mental
Health Research Institute, has
been appointed professor of bio-
logical science and director of
special studies at the University

of California at Irvine.
In 1962, Dr. Gerard became the
second person in the 400 year his-
tory of the University of Leyden,
The Netherlands, to receive an
honorarydegree of medicine from
that institution.
Another member of the Medical
School faculty, Dr. Marion De-
Weese, associate professor of sur-
gery and on the staff since 1948,
has been appointed professor of
surgery and chairman of the sur-
gery department at the University
of Missouri School of Medicine. ef-



kAlone;' Join Staff


The Daily has come out against
almost everything in the past, but
there is one thing in life that is
still sacred.
Dailyites live a fast life-scur-
rying around campus after ads,
pestering administrators for stor-
ies or running after athletes for
personal interviews. The photog-
raphy staff records all the excite-
ment in living color.
Today at 4:30 p.m. is your
chance to join this raucous group
(with no I.D. card necessary) and
to get an exciting tour of The
Daily by any editors that are sober
When you join The Daily, you
will find it replete with tradition.
Af~a haio nn af.. r f'h h,,ina

ly salary of $10,036 and is Ann
Arbor's first full-time paid posi-
tion of its kind on the HRC.
Also at last night's council meet-
ing, Councilwoman Eunice L.
Burns proposed a "clarifying"
amendment to the city's fair hous-
ing ordinance. The amendment,
although not in final draft form,
Mrs. Burns said, would define
"commercial space," and "make it
illegal to discriminate in leasing,
renting or selling of such space."
However, Councilman John R.
Laird moved that the amendment
be referred to the HRC for further
study. The motion was unanim-
ously approved.
In other action, the Ann Arbor
Police Department addressed it-
self to complaints from the
American Civil Liberties Union re-
garding the use of microphones
in the police interrogation rooms.
The Polic. Dnartment's renlv to




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