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March 03, 1964 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-03-03

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Security Council Gains




Senate Approves Funds
To Expand Peace Corps
WASHINGTON MP-The Senate passed by voice vote yesterday
a bill authorizing a $115 million expenditure to finance an expansion
of the Peace Corps during the fiscal year starting July 1. The House
is expected to act today or Wednesday.
The $115 million authorization, which is subject to later ap-
propriation to provide the actual money, requests an expansion of
the Peace Corps to 14,000 volun- *
fpr tiMUM in 1965i --

Pakistan Forces Squeeze Play




Cyprus Force

Plan Views
Troop Stay
Contains Changes,
But May Not Obtain
Complete Acceptance
and four other nations submit-,
ted a resolution to the United
Nations Security Council yester-
day proposing that an internation-
al peace force be sent to Cyprus
for a three-month period.
The proposal also called for ap-
pointment of a mediator to help
achieve a settlement of differences
between Greek and Turkish Cyp-
The resolution was submitted in
advance of an afternoon meeting
of the council, where Brazilian
Ambassador Carlos Alfredo Ber-
nardes was expected to introduce it
Diplomatic sources said the pro-
posal contained some modifications
sought by Cyprus and Greece, but
there was no assurance that it
would wini complete acceptance
by either country.
The chief stumbling blocks have
been Cypriot insistence on a guar-
antee for its territorial integrity,
and Turkish reference to a 1960
treaty of guarantee under which
it has a right to intervene in
Cyprus under certain conditions.
Meanwhile in Athens, United
States and Turkish warships on
Joint maneuvers steamed in the
Aeegan Sea within quick sailing
distance of Cyprus.

Leers sometime in iu.
Sen. Allen J. Ellender, (D-La),
did not oppose passage of the
measure, but complained that
Peace Corps volunteers in some
countries-including Ethiopia and
Ghana-are working under the
jurisdiction of educational author-
ities in those countries.
He said he would examine the1
program more closely when the
Peace Corps money bill comes be-
fore the Senate Appropriations
Committee, of which he is a senior
Peace Corps Director R. SargentI
Shriver Jr., testified at a recent1
Senate Foreign Relations Com-
mittee hearing that the annual
cost for keeping a Peace Corps-
man in the field has been reduced
from $9,000 to $8,560.r
As of last week, he said, there
were 7,300 volunteers, of whom
6,668 were abroad. That number
is to be boosted to 10,500 by next
September, and to 14,000 the fol-
lowing year.
The Peace Corps is planningr
extension of services in Latin'
America in the next two years,
That area may soon exceed Africa
in total number of volunteers.
Harthe Blastst
High Interest
Hatke (D-Ind) claimed yesterday{
that commercial banks charge ex-
orbitantly high interest rates tot
families who borrow to finance
their childrens'-college education.
Hartke noted that in a study of
11 banks, the federal, state andc
local ones charged 3-6 per centl
for college payment loans, whilet
various other banks charged 11-
14 per cent interest. He said that
rates as high as 26 per cent had
been found, in national finance

Urges Clamp
On Cuba Oil
HARRISBURG, Pa. 01) - Gov.
William W. Scranton proposed yes-
terday the clamping of a strict
quarantine on Cuba, including, if
necessary, the use of force to cut
off Soviet'oil shipments to Castro.
The Pennsylvania governor,
widely regarded as a strong possi-
bility for the Republican presiden-
tial nomination, said in an inter-
view that he doesn't want to be-
come a presidential candidate and
doesn't think it will be necessary.
For the first time he said with-
out qualification that he would
reject any offer of the vice-pres-
idential nomination, a goal for
which Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-
Ariz) said Scranton should be aihn-
Despite his disclaimer of any
national ambitions, Scranton was
willing to air his views on pressing
foreign and domestic policy issues.
In addition to his comments on
Cuba, Scranton commented on de-
mands for revision of the canal
"I would like to know what the
treaty says and then work out
whatever arrangements seem right
under the treaty itself," he said.
"It is my understanding that the
actual makeup of the treaty is
such that there is some basis of
concern as to what legally it
means. Precisely what this is, I
don't know."
On domestic issues, Scranton
called for a reduction in federal
spending to accompany the tax
cut to avoid inflation, and pro-
posed financing health care for
the elderly out of general tax rev-
enues instead of through the social
security system.

Associated Press Staff Writer
NEW DELHI-With the United
States caught in a diplomatic
squeeze play, Communist China is
moving to take advantage of the
bitter quarrelling between India
and Pakistan.
Red Chinese Premier Chou En-;
lai, fresh from his barnstorming
Africa trip, has recently complet-
ed a nine-day tour of Pakistan that
will take him to major cities and
President Ayub Khan's ear.
Peking has been wooing Paki-
stan for a long time and apparent-
ly feels the time is now ripe for
putting Chou into the fray.
Border Tension
Both India and Pakistan, with
an almost unbroken 17-year record
of border tension, are seeking
United States 4 support in their
quarrel over possession of the
Himalayan state of Kashmir.
Informed sources in New Delhi
say Pakistan seeks strong public
American backing in United Na-
tions debate on Kashmir and else-
where. If granted, this would ser-
iously alienate India.
India's minimum request is that
the United States stay out of the
quarrel. This has already hurt
Pakistani feelings.
Large Risks
The stakes are large for the
United States. For years Ameri-
can diplomats have been trying
to maintain influence in Pakistan
as a barrier to the southward
movement of Communism, and at
the same time do business in
heretofore strongly nonaligned
The feeling in New Delhi is that
the Americans are making some
progress in India, but that quick
- and careful - fence patching
needs to be done in Pakistan.
After the China-India border
war in 1962, New Delhi began
seeking United States military aid
and seemed more ready to listen
to Washington's position. In Pak-
istan, however, there appeared to
be increasing interest in achiev-
ing an understanding with the
Chinese and playing this off
against the United States. If
Chou is bent on stirring up trou-


ble, he has chosen his time well.
New Delhi officials feel India-
Pakistan relations are worse than
they have been in years.
In divided Kashmir, pro-Paki-
stan and nationalistic elements
battle it out-verbally and other-
wise-with the Indian-supported
state government. Large Pakistan
and Indian army forces in Kash-
mir peer suspiciously at each other
across the uneasy truce line.
Farther east, border tension has
reached explosion point. Thou-
sands of Hindus are leaving pre-
dominantly Moslem East Pakistan,
and thousands of Moslems are
leaving Hindu India.
Minorities Question.
Politicians heatedly accuse the
other side of mistreating religious
minorities, thus adding fuel to
the fires of passion that often
brought bloody Hindu - Moslem
In the absence of any strong
expression of United States sup-
port, Pakistan will likely welcome

Chinese suggestions for closer re-
LIndia finds its gaze shifting
nervously from China to Pakistan
and back Indians have already
moved some troops from Chinese
border areas to sectors facing
Washington has already made a
forceful attempt at mediation, but
failed when Prime Minister Jawa-
harlal Nehru suffered a stroke last
month, temporarily leaving India
without a forceful single voice in
foreign affairs. One informed
source says 'Nehru's subordinates
hestitated in accepting the media-
tion plan and Pakistan then took
the Kashmir question to the UN
Security Council.
Sensitivity to outside comment
is great in India and the slightest
miscalculation of mood by the
United States couuld bring trouble.
Britain drew protests for merely
reaffirming In the United States
that it favors a plebiscite in Kash-




PROF. GORDON J. BAHR, Wayne State U.
"The Early Years of the Church"

PROTEST-Greek students marched through Athens Saturday
carrying a; icture of President Lyndon B. Johnson in a Turkish
fez. They charged that the United States is siding with Turkey
in the Cyprus dispute.
Pro, Anti-Mba Forces
Riot in Streets of Gabon
BRAZZAVILLE, Congo Republic (P)-Street rioting between pro-
and anti-government forces shook the government of neighboring
Gabon today for the second time in two weeks.
A radio broadcast from Gabon heard here said. fighting in the
capital of Libreville was crushed by police and gendarmes who had
orders to "fire on sight" on pillagers. No injuries were mentioned.
President Leon Mba, who was deposed briefly in a military coup
d'etat on Feb. 18, appealed for calm. He was joined in the appeal by
the archbishop of Libreville and an opposition leader who took part
in the provisional government set up by the February coup.
The broadcast said about 1000 progovernment demonstrators were
shouting "long live Mba" around the presidential palace when bands
of agitators attacked with fists and clubs. Most were dispersed, al-
through a few bands of anti-Mba demonstrators shouted through the
streets for several hours.
The pro-Mba demonstrators had assembled in reaction to an ap-
parently small anti-government demonstration Sunday which was
broken up by police.

Lecture 6 in Series,

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*Effects of influx of Gentiles
Paul's influence
His part in mainstream of early Christian
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World News
By The Associated Press
ed Services subcommittee voted 4
to 1 yesterday to shelve the ad-
ministration's $190.6 million fall-
out shelter program. Sources indi-
cated this would kill any possi-
ble action on it this year.
* .*
- LONDON - Premier Chou En-
Lai of Red China called last night
for unity among "all the peace-
loving forces of the world" in a
struggle for peace against "im-
perialists." Chou seemed to be ask-
ing the Soviet Union to close
ranks with Communist China. He
said China and the Soviet Union
would fight together in any war
against imperialism.
At the same time, Chou criti
cized Soviet leaders claiming it
was slander to call China belliger-
ent or to say that she is willing
to lose half her population in a
NEW YORW-The stock market
staged another strong advance yes-
terday, pushing into new high
ground in heavy trading. The
final Dow Jones averages had 30
industrials up 2.61, 20 railroads up
1.29, 15 utilities up .34, and 65
stocks up 1.11.

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