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March 01, 1964 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-03-01

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Group Suggests Experiments

DITOR'S NOTE: These are the
t in a series of 16 articles on the
aference on the University, held
b. 21-22.
hie Conference on the Univer-
discussion group on "Effective
ching: Internal" Feb. 21 and
:ame up with several sugges-
s to explore/ and experiment
oremost among these were
municating more available op-
unities to students and en-
'aging departments to experi-
t present in some departments
e are directed reading courses.
these one student will read
ks, directed by one faculty
nber, and meet with him ap-
cimately once every three
ks to discuss these books.
orkshop participants agreed
t these courses are open to
ents not in honors and such
tents should be made aware
hem. Also this type of course
ild be encouraged in more de-
rother opportunity of which
-Honors students are not
re is that Honors courses often
open to non-Honors students
hey are willing to face the
lemic .competition.
ne method suggested to inform
tents of their opportunities is
mprove academic counseling.
)ok Lecturer
o Give View
n Economics
['wo Agricultures and Eco-
tic Growth" will be discussed
Prof. Theodore W. Schultz, ag-
[tural economist of the Uni-
ity of- Chicago, in the annual
k Lecture series which will be
t April 13-16. These lectures
examine: "A World Picture of
iculture"; "Where the Price
Economic Growth from Agri-
ure Is High"; "Modernizing
:litional Agriculture Efficient-
and "Mi'ng {Efficiency and
fare in Modern Agriculture."
rof. Schultz has .been on the
versity of Chicago faculty in
department of economics since
. He has served on many
bed States government and UN
mittees and has written sev
books and technical policy
ers on agricultural economics.

At present even some counselors
aren't aware of some of the aca-
demic opportunities for students.
The workshop also found that
many students considered the dif-
ference between Honors and non-
Honors courses to be the differ-
ence between active and passive
learning. The discussion group
suggested dispelling this idea' and
at the same time investigate the
possibilities of it being true.
The group also recommended
the possibility of interdisciplinary
majors-students majoring in two
or more fields at once. This was
objected to on the grounds that
in the future courses in the Uni-
versity will probably become more
and more specialized; fulfilling
enough requirements for two ma-
jors would be almost impossible.
Summer Jobs
Another possibility for advanc-
ing education discussed in the
workshop was the possibility of
non-science majors getting sum-
mer jobs with professors on cam-
pus. Science majors have a chance
to get jobs as research assistants
with science professors; the idea
was to. parallel this in other de-
As far as encouraging experi-
mentation in courses in different'
departments, this is presently dis-
couraged by the distribution re-
quirements. The group suggested
changing the distribution require-
ments so that students have to
take "X" hours of experimental
courses. This', they, said, should
encourage experimentation in the
departments which would benefit
both students and the department
at the same time.
Another suggestion was to let
the departments have more flexi-
bility in determining the credit
given for classes.
Top - level professors s h o u l d
teach undergraduates more often,
a Conference on the University
workshop last weekend declared.
Chaired by Alan Grass, '64, and
Prof. Robert Isaacson of the psy-
chology department, the discussion
of University policy-making also
agreed that television could not
take' the place of present methods
where the importance of discus-
sion between professors and stu-
dents is recognized.
"Video cuts down the exposure
of the professor to the student
without helping the professor or
the student," Grass explained.

Grass was surprised to learn
that faculty members desired a
broadening of the honors pro-
gram. Prof. Louis Orlin of the
Near Eastern Studies department
felt that independent study such
as that in the honors program was
absolutely necessary.
Honors Program
"I think the broadening of the
honors program is ideal but not
realistic," Grass said.
A number of suggestions were
made concerning distribution re-
quirements. Grass recommended
generalized courses of study in
areas outside the specific major.
The student would get a broad
understanding of the subject mat-
ter and would not be competing
with majors in another field of'
"The conference was a success,
if only because it encouraged stu-
dents ard faculty to get together,"
Grass said.
Congregational Disciples, E&RL, EUB
Student Guild, Sunday Seminar: "The
Early Church," March 1, 7 to 8 p.m.,
Guild House, 802 Monroe.
La Sociedad Hispanica, March 2, 3-5
p.m., 3050 ,Frieze Bldg.
Newman Center, "International" Cof-
fee Hour, Sun., March 1, All Interna-
national and U.S. students and faculty
are invited to spend a relaxing "so-
cial "hour" in the upper lounge at
the eNwman Center, 331 Thompson St.,
from 4 to 5:30 p.m.
Unitarian Student Group, Meeting,
'Bible Study," March 1, 7:30 p.m., Uni-
tarian Church, 1917 Washtenaw.
Young Democrats Club, Executive
Board Meeting, March 3, 7 p.m., 3511

Not So Hot
The difficulty with the pas-
sionate kissing in the lounges
of Alice Lloyd has cooled down
a bit.
Acording to girls in the dorm,
couples had been carrying on
in the lounges to an extent that
it was embarrassing to other
residents and shocking to par-
ents and visitors.
"Through corridor bulletins
and compulsory meetings the
girls were told to act in a more
mannerly way," one resident
said. Housemothers came to the
lounges and told couples to
keep their feet on the floor.
When it began to look as if
the lounge might have to be
closed down following the nu-
merous complaints, a "lounge
patrol" was formed, apparent-
ly voluntarily, by several Lloyd
These girls donned badges
for identification and strolled
about the area with an eye out
for over-emphatic shows of
affection between other resi-
dents and their dates.
The shows of affection have
not stopped, but it is now done
more discreetly. Rather than
using the main lounge, the stu-
dents are now going to the
smaller lounges, another resi-
dent noted.
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WINTER SCENE-The Law Library rises above the snowy court
yard as seen through the panes of a leaded glass window.

Petitions available in League Undergrad. Office
Interviews from
Feb. 12-March 7

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MOOT COURT-The Moot Court offers students opportunity to practice skills in oral advocacy.
Freshmen students enter into the voluntary comipetition and argue cases before senior student
judges. After several rounds of elimination,, four sophomore students compete before the school dean
and a prominent judge.



STUDY-Surroundings encourage contemplative study. Many students live in the'
Lawyer's Club and still more take their meals there, making the Law Quad-
rangle the University's only existing residential college.

IN CLASS-Prof. Roy Steinheimer lectures to
his sales law class. The law student's curricular
and extra-curricular activities are all centered
in the quadrangle.

Ever see the "Progress Corps"in action?

Its members are at work all over the free world, helping
millions of people to progress toward better lives.
In India, West Germany, Italy, and in 'the United
States, they're }building nuclear power plants, launching
the age of low-cost atomic power.
In Samoa, they're developing an educational TV net-

a marine engine room to power one of the world's largest
The members of the "Progress Corps" are the men
and women of General Electric, working to provide the
key to progress-low-cost electric power and better ways
of putting it to work. Many are engineers. Many others


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