CIO RUM I4an &aig &-vety-Third Year Evrmv AND MANAM Mr STUDENTS o o iTHEUNrvERsrrf o MCHmGAN UNDU. AUTvOE.rTor BoAD 1N CoNmoL OF STUDENT PUVLICATIONS "when 'Cinl*"aAn P" STUDENT wUicATIOns BKm., ANN ARDoE, Mii., PHONE No 2-3241 Trimh vMflPre"S"r Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in al; reprints. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1964 NIGHT EDITOR: STEVEN HALLER SGRU, SURGe AND THEIR POLITICS: The Utter Folly of Party Alignments WCC Survey Indicates Liberalized Rules Wanted AT FIRST GLANCE, the Women's Con- ference Committee survey seems to show that University women do not strongly want liberalization of their rules. However, upon more careful scrutiny one finds that those who would be most di- rectly concerned with such liberalizations as junior apartment permission decided- ly favor a relaxing of the rules. It is the opinions of these people-this year's freshmen and sophomores-that should be held in highest regard. What they think and want is what counts since they are the ones whom such liberalizations will affect. Nearly 75 per cent of residence hall sophomores showed preference for junior apartment permission with some of these women also wanting sophomore and freshman permission. Likewise, over 75 per cent of freshmen polled had the same opinion. Interestingly enough, sororities and up- perclass women were the ones who reg- Cubicles WHERE COULD a man and woman meet on campus to discuss school work or personal problems, Regent Irene Murphy queried recently? She poses a good question. The University lacks facilities for two students to meet to study or talk in pri- vate. Dormitory lounges are too big and im- personal. There aren't enough conference rooms in the Undergraduate Library and besides they're always crowded. The Un- ion and the League listening rooms. are closed to members of the opposite sex. Rooms in living units are also off-limits for coeducational conferences. The MUG and other coffee spots aren't really con- ducive to study. An apartment is the only opportunity for privacy. IT'S NO WONDER that academics are an individual endeavor and not part of students' extra-curricular life-the Uni- versity builds separateness into its physi- cal plant. Here's an area in which student unions could make a real contribution to the campus environment. The League and the Union should subdivide some of their large, little-used meeting rooms into small, individual conference cubicles. Perhaps this is what Regent Murphy has in mind. G. EVANS istered conservative, more non-progres- sive views. Residence hall junior and sen- ior statistics showed that about 50 per cent favored at least junior apartment permission (a few also wanted sophomore and freshman permission) while sorori- ties (composed of sophomores, juniors and seniors) polled a bare 40 per cent in favor of relaxed rules. The question is, why wasn't there a strongly united front of all University women for further rules liberalization? Do women students really like and prefer the present University restrictions? Or don't they feel ready for the responsibilities that go along with increased liberties? Obviously, freshmen and sophomores don't like the rules and do feel ready for responsibility. But on the basis of overall statistics, administrators might now be justified in withholding such liberaliza- tions until there is greater demand for it. WHY SUCH FIGURES? This year's sen- iors have apartment permission and no hours. Thus, in this area there is not much more for them to ask of the Uni- versity. Besides, they are graduating and therefore need not concern themselves with future undergraduate policies. Therefore, why should they be interest- ed in junior apartment privileges? Sororities, on the other hand, are very interested in junior apartment permis- sion. The whole idea of sorority living is threatened by it. Many sororities are hav- ing trouble now over loosing senior mem- bers to apartments-some sororities will not give permission to live outside the house to members unless they deactivate or disaffiliate. Junior apartment permis- sion would mean a greater number of girls who would want to live out of the house as well as fewer girls who would pledge as sophomores when the prospect of apartment living is dangled in front of them. The final group of figures cannot be explained away. Freshmen and sopho- mores represent one group that wants liberalization of rules. THE PURPOSE of the survey was to make women's opinions on their regu- lations known to the University. The num- bers are tabulated and compiled but do not clearly represent those opinions that are most important. When making rec- ommendations to the University, WCC should consider most strongly the choices of those women who are most directly concerned and stand to gain the most from liberalization. -MARGARET LOWE By MARY LOU BUTCHER AS Student Government Coun. cil candidates get into the thick of the campaign, the punches are rolling harder and harder. To date, the greatest clashes have occurred between candidates of two political par- ties, the Student Government Re- form Union (SGRU) and Stu- dents United for Responsible Gov-. ernment (SURGe). While SGRU took the off en- sive in suggesting that SOC should be abolished, the SURGe counterforce soon took hold. For a while, SURGe candidates were able to revel because their ac- tions were considered mature and responsible while those of SGRU candidates were considered de- structive. But SURGe's tactics in the last week certainly have not been any more laudable than SGRU's. TUESDAY night, after candi- dates finished speaking at vari- ous sororities, SURGe members prepared to leave for a supposed- ly open forum for SGC campaign- ers over WCBN radio. Learning of their destination, non-SURGe people tagged along and thus were able to participate in the discussion. They were forced to make their radiowpresentation spontaneously while SURGers could prepare in advance. Nb SGRU members were able to at- tend. It is somewhat of a mystery why only SURGe candidates knew of the forum. Apparently there was an announcement posted in the vicinity of the SGC offices. No one, however, can remember exactly how long ago. Nor can anyone recall when it came down or who took it down-but it was admitted that it had been miss- ing several days prior to the forum. Harry Dorr, former general manager of WCBN, verified that the announcement had been post- ed. He also pointed out that SGC Treasurer Douglas Brook and former Council President Thomas Brown-both SURGe members- had been contacted and asked to inform "whoever they saw" about the forum. Brook, however, commented that he did not arrange for the SURGe candidates to participate in the forum. Brown noted that he had reminded the SURGe can- didates of the forum, but didn't know anything about the notifi- cation cf other candidates. Two SURGe candidates, SGC incumbents Sherry Miller and Gary Cunningham, were vague in explaining how they had kept the date in mind when other can- didates hadn't even heard of it. Miss Miller said she had written the date down some time ago. Cunningham said all the SURGe candidates kept themselves in- formed of campaign schedules and, thus, he had been reminded The events around the radio forum being cloudy SURGe can hardly be indicted for being more "informed" than the other can- didates. ANOTHER confusing string of events and explanations deas with a SGRU candidate who was among those speakers at a soror- ity house Tuesday. During his presentation, a SURGe campaign- er was interrupted by Carl Cohen of SGRU. iSome people present contend that there was continued inter- ruption and heckling of candi- dates following Cohen's initial rudeness. One of the sorority members was so distressed by the inci- dent that she called SGC member Fred Rhines to complain. Consequently, at the SGC meeting Wednesday night second and third-hand accounts were presented by Rhines, President Russell Epker and Executive Vice-President Thomas Smithson, condemning the behavior. Smith- son even held a private lecture session with the candidates pres- c o n t I n u e d interruptions and heckling are unjustified. * * * OTHER incidents of politick- ing occurred Wednesday when an editorial ran in The Daily and SGC's credentials and rules committee met. The editorial was written by Thomas Copi, a Daily staff mem- ber and SGRU candidate. Copi took advantage of his staff posi- tion to blast elections director Charles Cooper for cutting the submitted his complaint in a Let- ter to the Editor. SURGe members were under- standably annoyed by Copi's tac- tics. A discussion at the Council table Wednesday on the fate of the SGRU platform statement, and subsequent action taken by the credentials and rules com- mittee, might easily be construed. as revenge-seeking. * * * SMITHSON announced at the meeting that he had reversed Smithson's acceptance of partial blame for the misunderstanding. * * . * EPKER Thursday denied that because five of the eight members of the committee belonged to SURGe, the decision was influ- enced. He maintained that to allow SGRU members a common 440 word statement would be giving them unfair advantage. He furth- er contended that a 440-word statement for five was the same In the SGC Campaign Circus: Smithson, Simon, Miller, Copi, Cohen, Epher ent during Council's recess, ask- ing them to refrain from such discurtesy during the rest of the campaign. Surprisingly, the extent of the disturbance appeared much great- er to the persons making these reports than it did to the can- didates who were present. Cun- ningham, in particular, dismissed Cohen's interruption as "really nothing." Diane Lebedeff, a SGRU mem- ber who is running as an inde- pendent in the election, noted that everyone was interrupting and debating in this discussion period, including at least one member of the sorority. Although Cohen's behavior de- serves criticism, accusations of SGRU platform statement from 440 to 300 words. He said SGRU Chairman Richard Keller Simon had been given the impression that a common party platform signed by all the candidates was acceptable so long as it did not exceed a total of the 300 word limit allotted each individual. (There are five SGRU candidates and thus the understanding was that it could be under 1500 words.) Copi has used The Daily edi- torial columns to support SGRU before, rationalizing that as a staff member he does not have access to the Letters to the Editor column. Nonetheless, there are three SGRU candidates under whose names Copi could have Cooper's decision to cut the SGRU platform. Smithson said he had given a "misinterpretation" of the platform rules to Simon. He stated that he did not feel that SGRU should be penalized because of an error on his part. Michigan Union President Ray Rusnak, a SURGe member, chal- lenged Smithson's ability to rule on the issue and disagreed with his conclusion. Smithson then noted that the matter would be discussed at the credentials and rules committee meeting following Council adjournment. The committee subsequently de- cided that the SGRU platform statement would be printed at the 300 word limit and without party identification, thus dismissing LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Student Defends College Plan To the Editor: F ROM several articles which have appeared in The Daily this past week, it is apparent that some students and faculty have been misinformed concern- ing student opinion and interest in the proposed residential col- lege plan. As chairman of a stu- dent committee which has dis- cussed the residential college for two years, I would like to con- test the editorial opinion of Mr. Kenny and the reported state- ments of Prof. Daniel Fader of the English department. Prof. Fader has remarked that the residential college would pro- vide students with continuation of Nigh school, "another hothouse environment where they will nev- er learn to be students on their own." It is difficult for me to make much sense of this state- ment, if by "another hothouse environment" he is referring to the overcrowded high school sit- uation with classes too large for an emphasis on individual out- side class work. By subjecting a high school graduate to four years of lecture courses, emphasizing the regurgi- tative methods of note and text learning, will these people become "students on their own"? Or are they more likely to profit from a small class situation, de-em- phasizing the in-class work, en- couraging individual outside re- search, under the close guidance of a faculty member? * * * IT IS MY personal conviction, and the conviction of the mem- bers of the Literary College Steer- ing Committee, that there are many students at the University who would have much preferred, if given the opportunity, the small school approach to their present literary college experience. There is a great need to com- bat the strains of a growing Uni- versity. Under the present system the opportunities for experimen- tation have become increasingly more difficult. The Honors Pro- gram has failed in this respect, due primarily to the sheer pres- sure of size. Prof. Fader has men- tioned that "the best part of the University is a function of its size." This does not obscure the fact that the worst parts can also be attributed to size. And the complaints cannot be limited to the students. I am con- vinced that there are many mem- bers of the faculty who are gen- uinely concerned with the in- creased difficulties in teaching in Board Must Iron Out Bugs In Athletic Building Plan HIDDEN BENEATH the glamour of yes- terday's Regental approval for a new athletic building are a few bugs which must be worked out favorably if the $3.5 million project is to be worth much. The most important features of the new building are to be its seating capacity and its adaptability for non-athletic functions. Barr's Trip SEN. BARRY GOLDWATER, with one foot in the bucket and the other in his mouth, is having an increasingly hard time running in the New Hampshire pri- mary. He ran into his latest obstacle last week when he berated his opponent in the pri- mary, Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller, for ac- cepting endorsement and support from James Hoffa's Teamsters Union. What tripped him up were two facts: First, Sen. Norris Cotton, Barry's cam- paign manager, wholeheartedly accepted Teamster financial support in his own campaign for re-election two years ago. Second, the wealthy industrialist and radio station owner who is the main mon- etary wheel in Barry's New Hampshire efforts borrowed $500,000 from the Team- sters just six months ago. All we can wish Barry are better land- ings next time. _ _UMPT.Vf Athletic Director H. O. (Fritz) Crisler ex-! plained Thursday that the new building would accommodate as many people and have as much adaptability as is possible with the limited funds that the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics has available for the project. The estimate presented to the Regents by University President Harlan Hatcher was for a 12- 15,000 seat building. Yost is 41 years old and it's safe to assume that after the new building is erected, another will not be in the offing for at least another half-century. It would be most regretable if the "sky- rocketing costs" that Crisler is so prone to mention in almost any connection prevented the new building from accom- plishing everything which the Regents and students expect it to- ANYTHING LESS than a capacity of 13,- 500 would be a gross injustice to the University and the students. This capacity opens the doors to innumerable oppor- tunities, ranging from national champion- ships in almost any sport to high school basketball tournaments (heretofore a Michigan State monopoly). The same holds true for the adaptability of the new building. President Hatcher presented the plans for the building to the Regents as "stemming from a basket- ball court, but serving as a multi-purpose building for such events as great convo- ra a .nn nil aia+rnt a ntmrta ,nnt " the literary college; the residen- tial college would be no academic Siberia to these people. THERE ARE obvious social ad- vantages to the residential col- lege which have not been men- tioned. A more pleasant residence hall situation, easier contact with faculty members outside the classroom, the elan of a small school student body, all should be considered by the faculty in its upcoming decision. Certainly the residential col- lege plan is not the only way to meet the problems of too many students; but the advantages of this particular idea far outweigh the disadvantages, and from a student point of view, I must voice my whole-hearted support. * * * I WOULD take issue with Mr. kenny's 'point that "students un- fortunately, are not concerned about plans which will not di- rectly involve them while they are attending the University." [hat is plainly false. There are many students (hopefully some are on The Daily staff to pro- vide a balancing force to Mr. Kenny) who are vitally concerned with educational problems of all types-credit hour, grading sys- tems, distribution-and who do not expect changes and improve- ment to occur overnight. The residential college plan is one of those issues deserving of student concern" it would consti- tute an important change in the literary college structure, a change in which student opinion could provide a needed influence. In a ,few days the faculty will vote on the residential college plan. Hopefully it will pass. Hope- fully there will be a good show of student support and interest in the vote. The idea is a good one and should not be put aside. -Roger Lowenstein, '64 Chairman, Literary College Steering Committee Hungry Cookies.. To the Editor: ONCE UPON a time there was a unique and peaceful residence hall named Martha Cook. In this building there were well-fed, hap- py coeds. Now there seems to be a change. There are rumors of vicious meetings, insubordination, and mutiny in the dining room. And why? One lamb-shank-night, 48 hun- gry Cookies (the other two-thirds were dining at local restaurants) called for more of the steaming trays of meat still in the kitchen. The request was refused; the meat was to be refrozen for use at some vague time in the future. This was our notification that meat rationing was now the pol- icy at Martha Cook. (Someone must have forgotten to tell us of the change before we had re- thing as allowing each of the five individuals to have a 440- word platform. While admitting that he him- self had indicated to Simon at one time that the SGRU candi- dates could "probably beat the game" by submitting separate serial statements, each up to 300 words in length, Epker asserted that it would not be equitable to allow tem the longer platform since the other political parties had no idea that they could also submit a common, serially-run platform. When further questioned, Epker reversed his assertion. He said that SURGe members had in fact questioned him about the possi- bility of a common platform and he had given them the same re- sponse he gave SGRU. But the SURGers decided against this al- ternative. THE interpretations and mis- interpretations of the facts during this harried campaign week point up the utter folly of party align- ments. The so-called causes of the two new parties have not been sub- stantiated by concrete proposals. Candidates have not taken steps to divorce themselves from petty politicking. Further, they have co- alesced to give weight to their image on campus. Neither SGRU nor SURGe as political parties have offered the campus a meaningful way out of the immaturity and irrespon- sibility that now plagues SGC. Perhaps there are individuals in both these parties who merit some measure of respect and sup- port in the election. A concerned campus can discover this for it- self. Tura-ot at the Union For- um Sunday right will reveal just how concerned the student body is. 'HONEY': Pathetic, Not Tragic At the Cinema Guild IF PATHOS is enough, "A Taste of Honey" should satisfy; but even then, there are disappoint- ments. The film never seems to rise any higher than a realistic, if some- times confusing, portrayal of a working-class girl and. her sordid search for affection in an apa- thetic world. There is suffering and sadness, but nothing tragic. Perhaps if she were better-de- fined, if the audience weren't con- tinually faced with her childish smile and soft, deep eyes in con- flict with her callous leer or her cute and brutal remarks, Jo would be capable of expressing some out- look that could be accepted. As it is, she wallows in a despair of her own making, in a kind of half- hearted acceptance that cannot justly be called endurance. Great- ness would lie in hope to rise above her despair. * * * THE FILM skirts excellence in the construction of scenes. They are often very powerful and subtly done: Jo's pathetic attempt at happiness with a near-stranger; the ship leaving port with her sailor/lover peeling spuds, oblivi- ous to the world and her; the cruelty of her mother and her young lover in a carnival atmos- phere. These are good. But they are fragments-never put togeth- er to achieve sustained emotion., * * * THE MOST competent job is that of the young homosexual Geoff. Displaced like everyone else in the film, he tries to bring a con- cerned order and security to Jo's life. Without the brilliant timing of his sympathy "A Taste of Honey" would fall flat on its sad t 4 *.i4« ' , ' wCS~c~4r"V^5 & : a ab y.. ..f iv '7 g, gru,%- -