Conference Explores Issues Important to 'U'
Slobodkin Notes Israeli
Cultural Development
(EDITOR'S NOTE: These are the
thirteenth and fourteenth in a se-
ries of sixteen articles covering the
Conference on the University ses-
sons which took place last Friday
and Saturday.)
Student Living
The Conference on the Uni-
versity panel dealing with "In-
ternal Expansion of the Univer-
sity" centered on studentnresi-
dence as the solution to the
problems arising from an already-
large University.
Specifically, the group discussed
both the Residential College and
the Pilot Project. The latter proj-
ect is now being carried out in
Greene and Hinsdale Houses in
Officials Say
i11 8
Bl l Presents
No Threat to 'U'
(Continued from Page 1)
They wanted to give the depart-
ment of administration power
over contracting."
Ralph Danielson, a member of
the building division of the de-
partment of administration, noted
that their involvement in the
awarding of contracts for the uni-
versities was a "question of inter-
"We'd like the universities to do
their part," he said. "We would
hope they would do design work,
take bids and so forth as they
have in the past."
Newton said that he would want
to see bids let out of the building
division, the plans "evailuated" by.
the universities and the approval
of the projects done by the comp-
University officials, however,
have indicated it is necessary that
there be a "close working relation-
ship" between those who make
plans and those who set bids.
East Quadrangle and Little House
in Mary Markley.
The plan on which the group
reached !a consensus was to "de-
centralize close in," as Prof. Rob-
ert C. Angell of the sociology de-
partment put it. By this he means
a residentialncollege on either
North or Central Campus, close
enough to have access to Central
Campus facilities.
However, George Fields, '6'7,
brought up the failure of Michi-
gan State University's "hub" sys-,
tem of separated, isolated living
quarters and classroom clusters.
Because of this clustering, inter-
action between residents of the
"hubs" and the mainstream of
college life has been lacking.
Since the residential college
would include living quarters and
classrooms for about 1000 stu-
dents, the discussion group con-
cluded that if only one were to be
built, it should be built near Cen-
tral Campus. However, the group
allowed for the possibility of put-
ting the first one on North Cam-
pus if more were to follow.
Orientation Leader
By setting up its own more co-
herent and unified constituency,
the Residential College would be
intended to improve the condi-
tions for teaching and learning
within a large university by mak-
ing residence in the special facili-
tigs more academically oriented.
The Pilot Project, as explained
by George Smith, Grad, former
resident advisor of Greene douse,
attacks the problem dofeusing
greater subdivision. Students in
Greene and Little Houses have the
same advisor and take many of
the same courses together.
By having classroom experiences
in common, students bring their
discussion back to the quad-
Although the project could work
in present facilities, future resi-
dences must have many thingsI
changed over the present quad-
rangle system if students are to
be willing to stay there through
their college years, Smith said.
Future buildings should elimin-
ate long corridors and triples, in-
stitute suites and bedrooms and
provide a slightly more luxurious
setting, he explained.
The group saw no conflict be-
tween the Pilot Project and the
Residential College and felt that
both could be instituted at the
same time.
Faculty Contact
Associate Editorial Director
Concern over limited faculty-
student contact and over a pos-
sible decline in the number of
students oriented toward obtaining
a liberal education keynoted the
discussion of one Conference on
the University workshop group.
Chaired by Lawrence Phillips,
Grad, this group aimed at deter-
mining what the effect of the aca-
demic community on the individ-
ual student and the student body
as a whole is-and what it should
It was generally agreed that an
increased amount of contact be-
tween students and faculty mem-
bers should be encouraged. Prof.
Wolfgang Stechow of the history
of art department suggested that
second semester sophomores re-
ceive special counseling, possibly
through informal conversation
with a faculty member or student,
before they choose a major.
Crucial Moment
He noted that this semester is
"a crucial moment in a student's
life." Also, counselling on this in-
formal basis might cause more
students to know faculty members.
Stanley Levy, administrative as-
sistant in the literary college, not-
ed that "many faculty members
do not understand the students in
their classes." There should be a
way built into the system for fac-
ulty and students to contact each
"Presently, it is a function of
the man, not the system," he said.
Not Too Liberal
Discussing the value of a liber-
al education, the group felt that
many students were not presently
receiving one.
Prof. Philip Duey of the music
school expressed concern over the
specialized person, "a figure or a
transcript, not the whole Renais-
sance man," being produced by the
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis said that "the
total student is our concern." Out-
lining the Office of Student Af-
fairs' .approach to the student,
Lewis said "it is basically laissez-
Mature Treatment
"Students are treated as mature
individuals," although the Univer-
sity realizes there is a one-two
year period of maturation, he not-
ed. The campus judicial system
and Student Government Council
are two areas in which students
have a great deal of control, he
Kenneth Miller, '64, held that
presently the environment of the
University is "job-oriented more
than it need be."
He proposed that the literary
college institute a "college major"
in which the student would not
have a specific major. However,
the University must "make it a
prestigious field" for it to be suc-
Miller also noted the importance
of "students having concerns out-
side themselves. However, we need
a university with these concerns
first. He criticized the University
for "not being at the vanguard of
ideas, for not leading society."
Israel is an active cultural
country, Mrs. Laurence Slobodkin
said yesterday.
Speaking on "The Cultural Im-
age of Israel" she said that that
country's government does a great
deal to support the arts. The at-
mosphere fortheir growth is most
favorable, fostering orchestras,
theatre groups and participation
in general.
"Music in particular is well
founded," she stated. The Israel
Philharmonic Orchestra tours the
country constantly. Music is piped
into many public places. "It takes
about a week for a new folk song
to be learned by everyone in the
country," she noted.
Classics Are Popular
Classical music is widely popu-
lar. One of the most prized pos-
sessions of members of the Kibutz,
the Israeli communal agricultural
settlement, is records. "There are
many good collections of classical
music," she commented.
Mrs. Slobodkin pointed out that
Israeli folk music today is much
influenced by the recent influx of.
Oriental Jews. Formerly, it had a
strongly European flavor.
"There is a lively concern with
painting and sculpture today," she
said. For a long time the devel-
opment of the graphic arts was t
retarded by the infunction against
creation of graven images. Art wast
devoted primarily to making reli-
gious objects and handicrafts.'
Legitimate Art?
Mrs. Slobodkin said that in Is-"
rael today there is a problem in
preserving the handicrafts be-
causethe younger generation does
not regard them as a legitimate
form of art. To promote them, the
government has set up Maskit
shops which serve as an outlet for
hand-made goods.
To encourage the development
of graphic arts, the government
has set up artist colonies. An art-
ist is given a place to live in one
on the condition that he be in res-,
idence for six months of every,
year and make himself available;
to tourists and interested Israelis.
In many cases, the arrangement
enables artists to sell enough of
their work to make a living with-
out having to get an outside job,
she stated.
Quality of Art
Mrs. Slobodkin was impressed
with the quality of art in the
schools, particularly in the Kib-
butzim. "They show a very crea-
tive use of materials," she said.
"There is a prolific number of'
current writers," she pointed out.
They are a "gentler group than
the older school.
Mrs. Slobodkin was especially
interested in Kishon, who has been
in Israel only about twelve years.
He has masteredthe Hebrew lan-
guage completely and he writes
satire. "He gives much insight into,
the kaleidoscopic effect of Israel,"
she said.
She noted the concern with and
active participation in art and
music, as distinguished from a
simple "appreciation" of them.'
The main concern today must be
encouragement of the growing
field, rather than development of
an Israeli image," she said.
The Brandeis University Cham-
ber Chorus will be featured at
the ONCE Festival of Contempor-
ary Music at 8:30 p.m. today in
the VFW Ballroom.
Smothers Brothers..,
The Smothers Brothers, folk-
singing duo, will appear at 8:30
p.m. today in Hill Aud.
'The Firebugs' ...
The University Players will pre-
sent Max Frisch's "The Firebugs"
at 8 p.m. today in Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre.
Endorsements.. .
The Inter-Quadrangle Council
has endorsed the following candi-
dates for election to the Student
Government Council: Barry Blue-
stone, '66; David Block, '66; Dick
Shortt, '66, and Eugene Won, '66
Two fraternities have recently
announced their pledge classes for
the spring semester.
Michael Alperovitz, '67; Jeffrey Ar-
nold, '68; Janis Bomis, '66; Robert
Cowles, '67; Robert Howe, '67: Vari
Klavins, '65; James Liebert; Douglas
McClintock, '67; Donald Narensky, '67;
Alert Pontello, '66; Carl Savage, 167;
Robert Weiss, '67; James Work, '66; and
Niles Wusterbarth, '67.
John Clark, '67; Robert Gerometta,
'66; Richard Hansen, '66; Eric John-
son, '67; Thomas Kennel, '7: Charles
Kines, '66; Walter Knodle, '67; Robert
La Marre, '67; Rolf Lindahl, '66; Robert
Mielke, '67; Brian O'Shaughnessy, '66;
James Scharl, '66; Robert Schmidt, 166;
Lewis Shaefer, '67; Martin Siebodnik,
,67; Royce Spencer, '687; James Swift,
'66; Clark Van Cleave, '67, and Frederic
Whinery, '67.
Board Elections .. .
The Board of Directors of Radio
Station WCBN announced recent-
ly the election of John D. Evans,
'66, as the Chairman of the Board.
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Dial 662-8871 for
Ci nermarILn
Program Information
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent In TYPE WRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Build-
ing before 2 p.m. of the day pre-
ceding publication, and by 2 p.m.
Friday for Saturday and Sunday.
Day Calendar
Basketball-U-M vs. Illinois: Yost
Field House, 4:30 p.m.
Swimming-U-M vs. Iowa State: Matt
Mann Pool, 3 p.m.
Cinema Guild-Shelagh Delaney's "A
Taste of Honey," with Rita Tushing-
ham: Architecture Anud., 7 p.m. and 9
Wrestling-U-M vs. Minnesota: In-
tramural Bldg., 7:30 p.m.
Dept. of Speech Univ. Players Pro-
duction-Max Frisch's "The Firebugs":
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, 8 p.m.
General Notices
Applications for LSA Scholarships
for the academic year, 1964-65 are avail-
able in Rm. 1220 Angell Hall. Applica-
tions are due no later than March 15.
Applicants must have had at least one
full semester of residence in this Col-
lege and have attained an over-all
grade point average of 2.8 or better.
Alpha Omega Fellowship Weekly
meeting. All University students wel-
come to Alpha Omega Fellowship, week-
ly lecture and discussion; intellectual
examination of Biblical claims and
their relevance to the campus situation.
Sunday, 10 a.m., Grace Bible Church,
110 N. State St.
* * *
Cinema Guild-Film showing: 'Tony
Richardson's "A Taste of Honey," Feb.
29 and March 1, 7 and 9 p.m., Architec-
ture Aud.
* * *
Newman Center: "International" Cof-
fee Hour, Sun., March 1. All Interna-
tional and U.S. students and faculty
are invited to spend a relaxing social
"hour" in the upper lounge at the
Newman Center, 331 Thompson St.,
from 4 to 5:30 p.m.
Unitarian Student Group, Meeting,
"Bible Study," March 1, 7:30 p.m., Uni-
tarian Church, 1917 Washtenaw.
Residence Hall Undergrad Assistants:s
Recruiting for these positions will be1
conducted in your residence hall. PleaseT
watch your bulletin boards for the an-
nouncement of the date of the infor-
mational meeting.,
Hopwood Awards: Petitions to the
Hopwood Committee must be in theY
Hopwood Room (1006 Angell Hall) by
Mon., March 2.
NDEA Title IV: Departmental applica-
tions for NDEA Title IV grants forE
tenure starting 1965-66 will be due in
the Graduate Shcool by about May 15,
1964, according to a new schedule just
announced by the Office of Education.I
Application forms will be available in1
Room 118 Rackham shortly after AprilT
! Placement
212 SAB-
Camp Conestoga, Mich. - A coed1
camp, is looking for NRA instructor,a
athletic counselors, WSI for swimming,l
small crafts person (all male) and a
registered nurse. Come to 212 SAB for3
address and more information.
Melody Fair-Will be auditioning in
Room 3-B of the Michigan Union from
1 to 5 p.m. Mon., March 2. They are
looking for male and female singers for'
chorus work. Applicants must provide
their own accompanists.
Wagon Wheel Playhouse, Warsaw, Ind.
-Auditioning for actors, singers, and-
dancers in Room 3-C of the Michigan
Union from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Thurs.,
March 5. Singers must furnish theirl
own accompanists.
Camp Lenni-Len-A-Pe, New York -
Coed camp, will interview at the SPS
March 4 from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. They
are seeking men 21 or over and women
20 or over. They will also interview
from 9 a.m. until noon on March 5.
Camp Sequoia, New York-Coed. Mr.
Shapiro will interview on Thurs. & Fri.,
March 5 and 6.
Harris Trust and Savings Bank, Chi-
;ago-Summer training program for men
in fields directly related to business and
in top third of class. Must be com-
pleting undergraduate or graduate pro-
gram in 1965. Interviews at 3200 SAB
on March 10.
Columbus Beach Club Assoc., Burt
Lake, Mich.-Position at yacht club as
sailing instructor & director of sail-
ing activities & waterfront director.
Must have interview & should be of
grad student age or older. Complete in-
formation at Summer Placement.
Rockford Village Swim Club, Mich. -
Opening for guard-manager. Mainten-
ance of discipline & safe conduct in
& about the pool area, of filtration
system, of cleaning pool, of dock &
bathhouse. Swimming lessons will he
VIEWS--Seniors & grad students, please
sign interview schedule at 128-H W. grads. R. & D., Sales, Application En-
Engrg. for appointments with the foI- grg., Market Dev
MARCH 2-3- International Nickey Co., Inc., Hunt-
Calif. State Government, Div. of High- ington Alloy Products Div., Huntington,
ways, Dept. of Water, Bridge Dept.,' 'W. Va.-BS: Met. BS: ChE, EE, IE, ME.
Public Health, & Div. of Bay Toll R. & D., Des. & Prod. & Sales.
Crossings (Throughout Calif. )-BS-MS: MARCH 2-3-
CE. May & Aug. grads. Des., Plan-' North American, Inc., Atomic Inter-
ning, Construction, Maintenance & national-All Degrees: ChE, EE, EM,
Operation. Mat'is., ME, Met. MS-PhD: AE & As-
Detroit Edison Co., Majority of job tro, Instru. & Nuclear. Prof.: Applied
openings are located in the Detroit Mech's. May & Aug. grads. R. & D., Des.,
area w/a few oppor. 30-80 miles out- Production, Nuclear Science & Engrg.
side of Det.-BS-MS: ChE, BE, IE, ME & North American, Inc, Autonetics Div.,
Met. & Analyt. Chem. May & Aug. Anaheim, Calif.-All Degrees: EE, Phys-
grads. R. & D., Prod., Sales, Trng. ics & Math. MS-PhD: AE & Astro.,
Prog., system operation & planning & Commun. Sci., EM, Instru. PhD: ME.
project engrg. May & Aug. grads. R. & D., Des.
MARCH 2-6-t North American, Inc.,' Los Angeles
General Motors Corp, All Divs. & Staff Div.-Al Degrees: All fields ofEngrg.
activities, primarily Midwest & East. except IE, Chem.-(Analyt., Inorg. &
Counseling interviews on March 2-6-' Phys.), Physics & Math. May & Aug.
Div. interviews on March 5 & 6. grads. R. & D., Prod. & Des.
Please sign for counseling regardless North American, Inc., Rocketdyne
of dv. interest-All Degrees: ChEE s Div.-Ali Degrees: AE & Astro., ChE,
EM, IE, Instru., Mat'ls., ME, Met' CE, EE, EM, ME, Met., Chemistry-
Prof.: Applied Mech's. MS-PhD: Comi- (Inorg. & Phys.), Physics & Math.
mun. Sci BS: E Math, E Physics & Sci. Prof.-PhD: Applied Mech's. BS: E Phys-
Engrg. May & Aug. grads. R. & D., ics. MS-PhD: Nuvlear. May & Aug.
Des., Prod,' grads. R. & D., Des.
MARCH 2- North American, Inc, Space & Infor-
Hoker Cec-tmation Sys. Div., Downey, Calif. - All
Hooker Chemical Corp., Detroit, Degrees: AE & Astro., CE, EE, EM,
Mich.; Montague, Mich.; Niagara Falls, Mat'ls., ME, Met., Physics & Math.
N.Y., North Tonawanda, N.Y.-BS-MS: Prof.: Applied Mech's. BS: E Math,
ChE & ME. BS: CE. Des., Prod. & Sales. E Physics & Sci. Engrg May & Aug.
International Nickel Co., Inc., N.Y. grads. R. & D., Des.
City, Sterling Forest, N.Y.-(Res); for MARCH 2-
branch offices in principal cities in U.S. Sperry Phoenix Co, Phoenix, Ariz.-
-BS: ChE, EM, E Physics. IE, Mat'ls., All Degrees: EE. BS-MS: ME. May
ME, Met. & Sci. Engrg. May & Aug. grads. R. & D., Des.
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