Seventy-Thir'd Year EDIrED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MCHGAN UNDER AUTHORrY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in als reprints. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1964 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL SATTINGER DEVELOPING SEPARATIST TREND: Honors Program Needs Reevaluation Corporation Exec Attitude Hurts Higher Education WHATEVER ITS MERITS in the business world, the corporation-executive atti- tude spells disaster in higher education. Yet precisely this way of thinking seems to dominate the present relations between Michigan's universities. The corporation executive's concern, first and foremost, is to build up his own company. True, he has a certain interest in the general welfare of business but competition is his lifeblood. For a busi- nessman, the justification is clear: his job is to make money for his company. His stockholders hired him for precisely that purpose. BUT WHEN AN EDUCATOR behaves like a corporate executive - as many in Michigan are doing-such justifications no longer hold. First and obviously, his aim is not profit. Much more importantly, his "stockholders" are the taxpayers of the state: the same people who are "stock- holders" in all the other state universities. Thus every ounce of effort one adminis- trator expends in competing with his counterpart at a sister institution is, to the taxpayer, totally wasted. An educator's responsibility is to the state college system as a whole. Specifical- ly, his job is to see that every citizen seek- ing an education gets the best possible one. In this essential statewide perspec- tive, the purpose of a particular institu- tion and its leaders is not to be an isolated, self-concerned corporation but to make the maximum possible contribution to the entire state system. The "best interests" of a university are precisely the same as the "best interests" of the statewide sys- tem-even when these "best interests" call for that university to lose money, stu- dents, standards, faculty or facilities. BUT ADMINISTRATORS in this state still act like competing corporation executives. Current examples include: -The Delta College controversy, in which universities' scrambling for new territory has led to an impasse. As a re- sult, a college-starved area of the state still lacks a degree-granting institution. -The medical school battle, in which Michigan State University appears to be breaking an agreement not to set up a four-year medical school. -Competition for the state's top stu- dents, in which MSU is bribing potential Merit Scholars to come to that campus, .and the University may be preparing to respond. Every school is doing its best to raise its admission standards as high as possible. Meanwhile, what becomes of the qualified but unspectacular student? -The eternal battle for money from anywhere. This .Involves innumerable gimmicks: expensive and sometimes silly public-relations programs, the creation of institutional images calculated to show how "we" are more worthy than "they," and even professionalized athletics to wow the alumni into contributing. A prev- alent theory at the University holds that MSU President John Hannah is deliber- ately packing Michigan State with cheap- ly-educable freshmen so that he may claim an immense financial need in legis- lative requests. MSU officials undoubtedly have equally unkind theories about the University's intentions. And the real ca- tastrophe comes when these fights end up in the Legislature, many lawmakers have said such quarreling wins enemies, and loses funds, for higher education. AND SO IT GOES: every university # wants more students and faculty, so it can get more money, so it can get more territory and functions, so it can get more students and faculty. And the ultimate ,reason for the whole vicious circle? Only one possibility remains: the personal ca- reer ambitions of individual administra- tors. Intoxicated with' the corporate- executive idea, every administrator wants to be the leader of education's General Motors. Consequently, in the words of one Regent, "every college in the state wants to be the University of Michigan." Simply eliminating administrators' cor- poration-executive attitude, and replac- ing it with a genuine statewide perspec- tive, would do away with the most asinine 90 per cent of Michigan's inter-institu- tional conflict. The other 10 per cent, in which men unselfishly disagree on what's best for state education, could then be settled by voluntary coordination. If the corporation-executive attitude persists and continues to take its toll, the only answer is some surrender of individ- ual autonomy to some conflict-resolving authority. The best answer probably would be a "court" of out-of-state educators, chosen by agreement of Michigan's tax- supported junior and senior colleges and universities. It could act only when state schools brought a conflict to it for settle- ment, thus preserving most of the bene- fits of institutional autonomy. Its au- thority to enforce its decisions would be recognized in the state constitution. Even this court, though, is at best a nec- essary evil, especially since a simple change of administrators' attitudes could render it unnecessary. Calling for a statewide perspective is not simply wishing that everybody love everybody. It is not asking for meaning- less altruism from state university admin- istrators. It is simply asking that they do their job. -KENNETH WINTER By MICHAEL SATTINGER O THE student who honestly believes he belongs in -honors and yet is denied acceptance, the whole honors program may wrong- Ily seem to have a philosophy and method of operation which the student thinks are contrary to all correct educational values. Most of the criticisms of the honors program center around some argu- ment to the effect that honors chooses the wrong people, that the most creative people are de- prived of the most challenging faculty members and that honors wrongly discriminates against stu- dents in extra-curricular activi- ties. What seems incongruous is that many people who do not measure up to the present standards want to be in honors, even though they would not be taking very many, if any, honors courses. It is almost as if honors in some fields meant to them that some "honor" had been bestowed on them, rather than that they had agreed to fol- low a curriculum requiring them to devote more time to studies. CLOSER analysis would seem to indicate that belonging to honors is more of an indication of what a person is rather than what a person does. At the underclass level, honors is usually associated with the honors sequences, such as the unified science program, the math sequences and the great books substitute for English. These students are picked by the Honors Council from incoming freshmen, with some entering and leaving later to make up for uncertainties in the selection process. The upperclass levels of honors are completely different, though. Students majoring in most fields who are felt by their departments to be qualified are put in the de- partmental honors concentration program and their records are moved to the honors office. An im- portant adjunct to the honors program is the Unified Science Program. HARVARD University has an honors program whereby anybody can try for a departmental honors degree if they fulfill certain mini- mal requirements, which most do. And at Harvard being an honors candidate does not mean that the student has been identified and certified to be pedigreed, but that he intends to and indeed is work- ing more than he had to if he had followed the regular curricu- lum. Ideally, everybody gets an honors degree. The philosophy there is that a more difficult, rigorous and better educational curriculum should be offered to those who want to pur- sue it. Thus those who want to learn more than is offered in the basic curriculum are given the op- portunity-they are given access to the faculty resources necessary to use up their excess academic energy. Honors there means senior theses, junior and senior tutorial, directed reading, more stringent distribution requirements and sometimes special courses. Natur- ally, not everyone wants to under- go such an ordeal. But a surpris- ing number do. AT THE University, such a plan of offering faculty resources to anybody who wanted to work harder is not seen as being prac- tical. The honors program assumes that not every student at the Uni- versity has the capacity to get anything extra out of such a pro- gram. Thus, to conserve faculty resources, minimum standards are set. At the University, however, some fields, like math and physics, have no upperclass honors courses, and being in honors means merely that students are given counseling which is consistent with their backgrounds. If there are no hon- ors courses involved, how does one legitimately differentiate between those who belong and those who don't? The point is that if honors in certain fields is to mean anything beyond what departmental coun- selors call it, then there must be a definite upperclass program. Fur- ther this program must be out- lined more clearly. Some depart- ments presently do not delineate to any degree what they want out of their upperclass students. De- partments should outline specific- ally what they want from their upperclass honors students in the way of grades, time devoted to the program if departmental honors counselors are to be able legiti- mately to set up any criteria what- soever for membership. At the underclass level, honors consists mostly of special sections and courses, so that the criteria for staying in honors is merely do- ing well enough in these classes. The Honors Council then faces the problem of avoiding the grade- limits itself to capable student; who are academically oriented. Under the more liberal criteria, extracurricular activities might re- gain the status in the campus that they deserve. THE UNIFIED Science Program offers courses for a purpose differ- ent from that of the regular hon- ors program. Certainly the courses offered are intended to be more challenging. But to a greater ex- tent they are designed to match the level of the student. By the na- ture of the program, then, criteria must be as much background as capability and devotion to the field; and this seems to be the case. It is perfectly sound to base se- lection of students for honors sci- ence curricula on background along with capability and devotion to the subject. Nevertheless, although the se- lection criteria for science pro- grams are sound, the cost to stu- dents of making wrong choices should be lessened. At present the unified science curriculum begins the first semes- ter with a physics-chemistry se- quence which cannot be entered easily after the first semester. Stu- dents in the honors sequence begin with physics, whereas students in the regular curriculum start with chemistry. It is difficult to make the switch. This also applies to the math sequences, but to a much less extent, since it is easier to make correct choices about who has the proper background for the courses. * s ONE OPEN question facing the math honors people is whether the, purpose of the early honors math sequence is to ferret out and ad- vance quickly those who are go- ing for doctorates in math or to offer a solidly based program for all capable students. The difference is in the course contentdand selection of students. One complaint, expressed most often about the math honors courses, is that the grading is so much harder that many students would rather take the regular se- quence, just for the grade. Other honors courses have notoriously easy grading. Clearly, the grades in all honors courses must be con- sistent with grading in regular courses. Also, one questions the justification of an underclass math course which requires such an overwhelming majority of avail- able time on the part of students that their work in other courses suffers. * * * RISING out of the very exist- ence of a selection process is the creation of intellectual snobbery. There seems to be no consensus on campus as to whether honors students are all-right guys or grinds. However, recent events, in- cluding the introduction of honors housing, indicate that they are a pampered lot. Theoretically, they get profes- sors who are less boring, give less, busy work and are more challehg- ing. They are couched in an inner society which at times seems sep- arated from "the masses." They are counseled in uncrowded rooms in a special office where peace prevails. But all-in-all, this deference to talent does not necessarily reflect on honors students themselves. Intellectual snobbery has not been generated to the extent that hon- ors students shy away from the general stream of campus life, thinking that it is too coarse or vulgar. Hopefully, both sides will avoid the elitist or anti-elitist at- titudes which can so easily be fostered by such a selective organ- ization as the Honors Council. THE HONORS program has not been without its self-studies, but most of them are informal and will never ' reach publication. It has its problems, certainly. Criteria for belonging to honors should be capability, the will to do original and independent work outside of the classroom and the devotion of time necessary to an increased load and more challeng- ing education. Departmental hon- ors programs should be far more specific in telling students what they expect from them." Eventually, the financial sup- port of honors courses mustube changed if more upper-level hon- ors courses are to be offered. To- gether with increased course' of- ferings at the upper levels, each department must develop substan- tive programs above and .beyond existing regular curriculum offer- ings if they are to justify the se- lectivity of the honors program. Departments and the Honors Council, which oversee the honors director's work, have expressed some knowledge and concern with some of these problems. Unfortun- ately, no attempt has been made to counter a developing and un- necessary separatist trend in the honors program. Hopefully, there will be. Honors Student: A New Approach? field and outside work. Then they would avoid dropping a student from their program because he did not measure up to some unwritten standards. THE PROBLEM of developing more upperclass honors courses, for majors or as cognate courses, is one which the HonorsCouncil has been trying to solve ever since it started in 1957. Some fields, like physics, haven't bothered with any honors program, figuring that their regular courses were meaty enough. At present there are 12 college honors courses, and the office would probably like to see more. But one of the hindrances facing the honors office in getting more courses is that the financing for such courses as are given by de- partments comes through the reg- ular department budgets. And de- partments would probably not be too enthusiastic about diverting some of their best men to teach a special honors course, especially if such a course were used pri- marily as a cognate for honors students in another field. For in- stance, it is felt that the English department, although it has one of the most thorough honors pro- grams, does not necessarily put its best faculty in honors courses. Clearly, if the honors courses at the upper levels are to be advanced and if honors is to mean more than just a qualitative ensignia, then the financing of honors courses must be restructured to put the ability to create or abolish courses more in the hands of the honors office. * * * TUE PROBLEM remains, though, that honors must provide an honest-to-goodness upper class getters who are always good at filling the class requirements and yet who never are able to produce anything from their experience in honors courses. These students can get the necessary 3.00 until doomsday. The Honors Council, must first decide if they are gain- ing anything from honors and then, if the answer is no, figure out how to 'get rid of them, It isn't easy. Ideally, the sole criteria for de- ciding if a student belongs in hon- ors, besides the necessary capabil- ities, is whether the student has ever shown any initiative to do something on his own, perhaps something academic or perhaps something social, but nonetheless productive. It is on this basis that one must disagree with the criteria of the present Honors Council, which UNIVERSITY PLAYERS: Firebugs' a Fatal Attempt SOMETIMES a play will go so badly that nothing can save it. The University Players opened "The Firebugs" last night at Ly- dia Mendelssohn and it was one of the worst productions they have attempted in my three years here. The pace of the play was agon- izingly slow. Generally, the acting lacked any kind of spark, although there were bright moments. The play should have been cut for production (repetition does not always insure the captivation of an audience). And whatever con- tinuity there originally was was lost by the black-out technique of an off-key barbershop quartet (who incidentally were the funni- est part of the evening). Not even the imaginative direct- ing-Dr. Bender employed every possible device of blocking, exotic costume and properties-could save the play. MAX FRISCH'S play is a socio- political satire that grinds too many axes. The play is difficult because it attempts to damn all the evils of all societies. Frisch attacks many groups: the appeas- ers; those who shun responsibil- ity because "it's none of my busi- ness'; those who believe in ethical relativism-"I've been good, at least compared to other people"; and the upper middle-class social mentality--"I know of no classes and I regret that the lower classes still talk about class distinctions." Those brighter moments in the acting were generated by Robert McKee who pl yed Sepp Schmitz, an ex-wrestler! whonever had a chance because of his (sob, sob) coal-mining origins. He picked his nose, snorted when he laughed, wore a dirty undershirt and com- plained about the way his three minute egg was cooked. McKee stayed in character and was en- joyable throughout. However, the laurels for acting stop there. David Anderson, who played Gottlieb Biedermann of middle class mentality, delivered every single line with the same inten- sity: he screamed. Jeanne Lucas is capable of a much better performance than this one. However, she was better than three-fourths of the cast. The chorus of firemen--com- plete with axes-should have spent more time rehearsing to- gether. They really dragged. * * * PERHAPS in hopes of distract- ing the audience,_ there was a mir- ror on-stage that reflected the main spotlight right into the eyes of the middle 20 rows of the first floor. Some of the lines were funny; but this hardly saved the evening. An alarming number of people left at the intermission, thus missing the second act, which was much better than the first-it was shorter. -Malinda Berry Student Opinion on College Plan SHINDO'S IMAGES: 'Island': Private Beauty Unnecessary .. . SOME STUDENTS feel the lack of any student-faculty committee discussion of student problems posed by the residen- tial college proposal is a serious drawback to real knowledge of the academic diffi- culties and problems the college might create. This is an understandable fear; but it is unnecessary. A student-faculty discussion of the problems would be unfruitful for two rea- sons. First, students, unfortunately, are not concerned about plans which will not di- rectly involve them while they are at- tending the University. Thus the number of students who would turn out for such a discussion would be pitifully small. SECONDLY, Monday's meeting between faculty of the literary college and the Hay committee showed real concern on the part of certain faculty members for the welfare of the student under the new college. And the problems they raised- creative intellectual thought v e r s u s "spoon-feeding," practical concern for lo- cation--show the concern of certain fac- ulty members for the student's welfare. These problems are pertinent to the stu- dent. Faculty members are in a position to, -judge academic difficulties of students in the new environment of the residence col- Critical Variable .,. IF THE LITERARY COLLEGE student does not accept the concept of the pro- posed residential college, then why have it? While faculty members discussed the proposal in lively debate at a Monday meeting, to date nothing has been done to poll student opinion. The residential college is going to be a costly item to finance. Its aim is to offer the student a "new avenue of education," that of a small, 1000-man living-studying area apart from the rest of the campus. The plan is offered to the student, but will it be accepted by the student? A good many people are not in the market for a small group-living approach when they apply to a university of 27,000. OBVIOUSLY, this factor should be look- ed into before further recommendations are made. How many high school seniors would consider experimenting with four years of what could easily turn out to be a continuation of a high school environ- ment? How many would try this for two years if not for four? How would this be received by stu- dents presently on campus? Could it nec- essitate a choice between entering the honors program or the residential col- lege? The success of the residential col- lege depends on many variables but the critical one, after all, is the student. At Cinema Guild A MAN and his wife toiled the summer through on a tiny island which pokes through the surface of the sea like a bare stake. Each day is spent trudging great pails of water up'its steep slopes, irrigating the couple's sparse Corp of wheat, winding manure from the sea on bamboo poles. But the days shimmer in the heat's haze, the water has to be drawn from a mainland ditch, a long row away "Absolutely! Affairs And We Should Stay We Should Make Do As We Say" Out Of Foreign Other Counties from the island, and the crum- bled earth tumbles around the vanishing water like sand. Kaneto Shindo's "The Island" is a beatification of labor. But it betrays none of the typically 19th century romanticization of the "noble savage" that has trailed through to our century in socialist films, and Brecht. The Japanese couple is tight- lipped and hardened but not em- bittered by the privations of toil. The wife stumbles under her load, and a pail rolls down the slope. She saves the other pail, but her husband climbs down to her, and with all his force, strikes her across the cheek. This is not cruel. The wife has been careless. She knows it and expectsaher husband to punish her. Yet he is gentle, or weak, enough to help her carry the re- maining pail the rest of the way. This sequence illustrates, as well as any other, the intense and pri- vate beauty of this film, which delineates with startling honesty every intricate skein of emotion. . . ONLY TOWARD the end does the film drift from its austere gaze at this bond between labor and feeling. And the latter part of the film, is, for this reason, the weaker. A deeply moving climax is built up with the sudden illness and death of the couple's elder son, but this seems almost to be an- other story - perhaps another film. Yet it has the same integrity, ' the same private beauty. No one sneaks in this film. The AT HILL AUD: Teresa Berganza: Why Only 3 Encores? MAC' ~E$~ *1 1 ON THE TOP of the program for last night's recital at Hill Aud. was printed "Teresa Berganza, Mezzo-Coloratura." This ambigu- ous title is supposed to denote some sort of limitation in the range of Miss Berganza's voice. It doesn't. Her voice is fantastic. The woman can do anything ex- cept sing at the Met. For some strange and mystical reason known only to Rudolph Bing, the American opera scene, which is for all practical purposes the Met- ropolitan Opera Company, has been deprived of some magnificent artists, Miss Berganza leading the band. Last year she did appear in a concert performance of Rossini's "La Cenerentola" given by the concert Opera Association in New THE FIRST part of the pro- gram consisted of arias by Haydn, Handel and Rossini, and two songs by Donizetti: all of which proved perfectly beautiful, and one of which, "Nacqui all'affano," from "Cenerentola" proved Mezzo- Coloratura. Miss Berganza's lower register is loaded with ripe plum- like notes that make you turn and smile at the person sitting next to you. Particularly stunning in the first half was Handel's "Verdi prati" from "Alcina," in which she closed her eyes and seemed to be singing to herself. No mean feat of intro- spection, especially in big, bulby Hill. The second set was taken up wit gna nnxcbTntia I of 'ii'r," ""l:\"^'T c k - '"}' . :' '' -: