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February 26, 1964 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-02-26

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Wilkie's Team Play
Key to M' Success

MIAMI BEACH (P) - Cassius
Clay, a 7-1 longshot, scored one
of the major upsets in boxing
history last night when Sonny
Liston gave up the world heavy-
weight title in his corner because
of a strained left shoulder.
As Liston failed to come out for
the seventh round it went into
the record books as a controversial
seventh round technical knockout.
There was a chorus of boos
from the small crowd of 8000 in
the Miami Beach Convention Hall
at the ending. Liston had been
cut under the left eye in the third
round and looked slow and lumb-


Clay was asked what happened
in the fourth round when he ap-
parently had trouble seeing.
"He had linament on his glove,"
the surprising boxer explained.
"Almighty God was with me,"
Clay continued. "He never hurt
me. I took his best punches."
And then Clay charged:

"The man was dirty and he
couldn't even hurt me."
Asked if he would give Liston
a return bout, Clay said he would
if Liston would apologize.
"Sonny Liston was not even a
match for me, but he must apol-
Angelo Dundee, Clay's trainer,

also was asked about a return
"We'll get together if the money
is right," Dundee said.
"He'll fight anybody. This is
the best thing that's ever happened
to boxing."
Liston was asked about a re-
turn fight.
"I don't know about that,"
Sonny answered. "You'll have to
ask Jack Nilon.;
"My shoulder feels like its brok-
Is there a return clause?
Nilon: "No there's no clause."
Would you like to get Clay
Nilon: "If they'll give it to us."I
Do you think you could knockl
him out in a return bout?
Liston: "I don't know. I'll have
to think about it."
Clay took charge right from the
start, circling out of danger while1
feeding a steady left jab tol

Liston's face. The lumbering
champion was missing badly with
his left hook and caught only the
air with his ponderous right.
Near the end of the first round,
Clay cut loose with a right-left-
right flurry that made "the Big'
Ugly Bear" back and cover.
Early in the third Liston started
to bleed from a cut under the left
eye. It was an ugly looking gash
and the champ was bothered. Al-
though Liston came on at the
end of the round Clay had piled up
an edge in the early going.
Referee Felix had it 3-3 in
rounds and 57-57 in points under
the 10-point must system. Judge
Levett had it 3-2-1 in favor of
Liston and 58-56 in points. Judge
Jacobson saw it 4-1-1 for Clay and
59-56 in points.
As some balm for his aching
shoulder and bruised pride, Liston
probably will get about $1.3 mil-
lion from the gate and closed

circuit. Clay will get about $600,-
Although Liston's handlers ap-
plied an ice bag to the damaged
eye between rounds, the cut still
was ugly looking in the fourth.
Clay was jabbing and moving, pep-
pering the sluggish big fellow and
then moving out of range.
At the start of the fifth, Clay
stood up and complained he could
not see. His seconds yelled that
Liston had "something in his
glove." Liston stalked Cassius
through the round and the fans
booed as Cassius ran.
There was no hint that the end
was near. Liston was slow and off
on his timing. But he didn't appear

Purse Held Back
Miami Beach Boxing Commis-
sion ordered Sonny Liston's
purse withheld pending exami-
nation of the former heavy-
weight champion by two sur-
geons in Miami Beach Wednes-
ering against the 22-year-old for-
mer Olympic champion from
Clay, the fourth fighter with a
perfect record to win the world
heavyweight crown, leaped into
the air at the sudden ending and
opened his mouth wide as he yell-
ed to newsmen, "Eat your words!"
"I am the greatest, I am the
greatest, I am the greatest," the
new champion chanted ceaselessly
after it was over.
"I'm the king of the world. I
upset the world. I am the king. I
am the king."
Askod why Liston couldn't get
to him, Clay said, "Because Im
too fast. He was scared.
"I am the greatest that ever
"I just beat Sonny Liston and I
just turned 22, so I must be the
"I was going to end it in the
eighth as you would have seen,
but the man stopped it in seven."
The press almost unanimously
had picked Liston to beat back
the brash Louisville Lip, who had
put on a frantic scene at the
morning weigh-in.
Dr. Alexander Robbins, chiefC
physician of the Miami Beach
Boxing Commission, said, "Liston
strained his left shoulder. He
couldn't lift his arm."
Bill Faversham, one of the 11
Louisville businessmen who have
directed Clay's fortunes, said, "We
told them they gave us our chance,I
and we'll give him his chance if
he beat us. That was the word of
a gentleman and we'll stand on
When the fight ended, Referee
Barney Felix had scored the fight
even. Judge Bunny Levett had
Liston on top andJudge Gus Jac-
obson had Clay on top. The AP
card had Clay ahead 4-2 in
Long before there was any talk
of an injured shoulder, it was
obvious that Liston was far from
the ominous destroyer who knock-
ed out Floyd Patterson in the
first round of two title matches.
This was his second defense.
When the ring announcer told
the people that liston had "thrown
his shoulder out" in the sixth
round, the crowd booed. The mere
cynical observers thought immedi-
ately of the possibility of a lucra-
tive rematch.
Although the live gate was small,
the closed circuit television for this
'ight reportedly set a new record of
over 560,000 people. It was esti-
mated that the closed circuit tele-
vision take might send the total
gate close to the $4 million mark.
...... ..

Master tailors have
made an art of the nat-
ural shoulder suit. Now
they employ the tradi-
tional tone of artists'

"He's been -one of the best per-
formers for us" is the short end
of the praise given to Captain
Gordie Wilkie of Michigan's league
leading hockey sextet.
"Wilkie's been playing well every
game," continued Coach Al Ren-
frew. "He's a consistent player."
Consistent is practically an un-
derstatement, as the senior center
has been runnerup in scoring for
the Wolverines for the past three
years. As a sophomore Wilkie set
a school record with 36 assists in
one season. Last weekend against
Minnesota he broke that record in
the team's 6-3 victory.
'As Long as We Win'
"As far as I'm concerned, an
assist is as good as a goal," said
Wilkie, who is highly regarded
as a playmaker. "I don't really
care- who scores, as long as we
Wilkie is currently second in
scoring for the team with his 37
assists plus 15 goals. Last year
during the "dark age" of hockey
at Michigan, Wilkie was again{
second to Gary Btuler in team
Wilkie, Butler and Red Beren-
son played together back in Re-
gina, Saskatchewan as they made
their way through the Bantam,I
Midget, Junior a n d Juvenile
hockey leagues. Since Michigan is
recognized in Canada for its aca-
demic reputation as well as itst
hockey team, it was not hard for
Berenson and Coach Renfrew tot
persuade him to come.C
Having to sit out one year as ai

freshman bothered him somewhat.
"It's hard to get back in form
after being out for a year. It's
especially rough to sit in the
stands and watch a game after
you've played." explained Wilkie.
The changeover to American
hockey did not seem to bother
Wilkie too much. "This game is
more wide open, with longer pass-
es. It's harder on the center this
way, but it's not as rough as the
Junior hockey in Canada." Fans
watching Wilkie his sophomore
Time Change
Saturday's wrestling meet be-
tween Michigan and Minnesota
it Yost Field House will take
place at 1 p.m. and not 7:30
p.m. as reported earlier. It is
the final dual meet of the year
for the Wolverines.
year would never have noticed any
lack of form or any effects of his
freshman year as he came in sec-
ond in the conference in scoring
right behind Berenson, and was
voted "Sophomore of the Year"
by the league's coaches.
Captainship Great Honor
Being picked by his teammates
as captain of this year's team
was for Wilkie "a great honor.
The guys watch what you're do-
ing both on and off the ice, and
they look up to you, in a sense."
"The whole difference between
this team and last year's is in
depth. The defense is playing
really well too.

Russell on All-American
Second Team in Polls

-Associated Press
CASSIUS CLAY-The Heavyweight Champion of the World. Clay,
the clever, bobbing fighter, outfought the "Big Bear of a Liston"
in a backpeddling manner that experts said would never work.
The 'King' made them eat their words.

Michigan's flashy guard, Cazzie
Russell, was the only sophomore
named to the year's first two All-
American teams, those of the
National Basketball Association
coaches and The Sporting News.
Russell, Michigan's leading scorer,
nailed down a position on the
second team in both polls.
Walt Hazzard, the outstanding
playmaker for the nation's top-
ranked UCLA Bruins, led all col-
legiate stars in the balloting of



Several I.M. sports will be reach-
ing their climactic stages this
week while others 'are just getting
into full swing.
The all ,campus ice hockey
championships will be held at 8:15
tonight. In the consolation game
Lamda Chi Alpha will meet Sig-
ma Chi. The championship game
will be between the Has Beens
and ATO.
Regular season competition is
over in basketball and the play-
offs are getting underway. In fra-
ternity "A" ball SAE and Delta
Upsilon have already advanced to
the semifinals. The "B" semifinals
will be held tonight.
The fraternity swimming meet
will be held Thursday at 7:30 in
Matt Mann Pool. In fraternity
paddleball SAM has won their
semi-final match and will face the
winner of the SAE-Beta Theta
Pi match.

Sell Tickets
For Regionals
Through Mail
University of Minnesota athletic
director Marsh Ryan has an-
nounced the opening of sales for
tickets to the Mid-East Regional
NCAA Basketball Playoffs to be
held on March 13-14 at Williams
Arena in Minneapolis. Currently,
no television coverage has been
planned, but the possibility of the
tournament's broadcast still exists.
This tournament sends its win-
ner to the NCAA Championship
Finals the following week at Kan-
sas City. The four-team field will
be comprised of the Big Ten Con-
ference champion, the Ohio Val-
ley Conference champion or an
at-large opponent, the Southeast-
ern Conference champion, and the
Mid-American Conference cham-
pion or another at-large team.
Mail order sales opened Feb. 17.
One need send either $3 for a re-
served seat ticket or $1.50 for a
general admission ticket plus a
30c handling charge to the Uni-
versity of Minnesota. Seat location
preference will be given to those
who buy tickets for both nights
of play.
If Michigan should win the Big
Ten crown, ticket director Don
Weir will receive 250 extra tickets
which could be purchased at the
Athletic Administration Bldg.

Counts, Oregon State; and in a
tie with Russell were Willis Reed,
Grambling; Paul Silas, Creighton;
and Howard Komives, of Bowling
The Sporting News All-Ameri-
can team, which was based on pro-
fessional scouting reports, chose
Bill Bradley of Princeton as Play-
er of the Year. Bradley was joined
on the first team by Bradds,
Hazzard, Mullins and Jackson.
Bradley, who was among the first
five on last year's voting, was
the only junior named to this
season's starting five. Only Jerry
Lucas and Oscar Robertson have
ever been named three times.
Besides Cazzie Russell, the sec-
ond unit featured Dave Stall-
worth, Cotton Nash, Fred Hetzel
of Davidson, and Barry Kramer of
NYU. Neither poll mentioned
Michigan's All-Big Ten center Bill
Buntin who ranks right behind
Russell in Michigan scoring.
it '

... eclipsed



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Ohio U. 85, Morehead 67
Syracuse 89, Cornell 85
St. John's (NY) 81, Massachusetts 67
Clemson 63, South Carolina 5@
Duke 98, Wake Forest 83
Butler 73, Deiauw 71
Notre Dame 91, Evansville 75
Oklahoma City 105, Centenary 80
St. Louis 115, Philadelphia 107

the NBA coaches which featured
small college star, Lucius Jack-
son of Pan American (Texas), on
the first team. Other members
of the top squad were Bill Brad-
ley, Princeton; Gary Bradds, Ohio
State; Cotton Nash, Kentucky;
and Wichita's Dave Stallworth who
tied Nash for the fifth spot. Join-
ing Russell on the second team
were Jeff Mullins, Duke; Mel

















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